Beispiel #1
def uploadProxy(params):"Loading user proxy")
    proxyLoc = params.proxyLoc
    if not proxyLoc:
        proxyLoc = Locations.getDefaultProxyLocation()
    if not proxyLoc:
        return S_ERROR("Can't find any proxy")

    if params.onTheFly:"Uploading proxy on-the-fly")
        certLoc = params.certLoc
        keyLoc = params.keyLoc
        if not certLoc or not keyLoc:
            cakLoc = Locations.getCertificateAndKeyLocation()
            if not cakLoc:
                return S_ERROR("Can't find user certificate and key")
            if not certLoc:
                certLoc = cakLoc[0]
            if not keyLoc:
                keyLoc = cakLoc[1]"Cert file %s" % certLoc)"Key file  %s" % keyLoc)

        testChain = X509Chain()
        retVal = testChain.loadKeyFromFile(keyLoc, password=params.userPasswd)
        if not retVal['OK']:
            passwdPrompt = "Enter Certificate password:"******"\n")
                userPasswd = getpass.getpass(passwdPrompt)
            params.userPasswd = userPasswd"Loading cert and key")
        chain = X509Chain()
        # Load user cert and key
        retVal = chain.loadChainFromFile(certLoc)
        if not retVal['OK']:
            return S_ERROR("Can't load %s" % certLoc)
        retVal = chain.loadKeyFromFile(keyLoc, password=params.userPasswd)
        if not retVal['OK']:
            return S_ERROR("Can't load %s" % keyLoc)"User credentials loaded")
        restrictLifeTime = params.proxyLifeTime

        proxyChain = X509Chain()
        retVal = proxyChain.loadProxyFromFile(proxyLoc)
        if not retVal['OK']:
            return S_ERROR("Can't load proxy file %s: %s" %
                           (params.proxyLoc, retVal['Message']))

        chain = proxyChain
        restrictLifeTime = 0" Uploading...")
    return gProxyManager.uploadProxy(proxy=chain,
Beispiel #2
def main():
  main program entry point
    options = Params()


    if options.delete_all and options.vos:
            "-a and -v options are mutually exclusive. Please pick one or the other."
        return 1

    proxyLoc = Locations.getDefaultProxyLocation()

    if not os.path.exists(proxyLoc):
        gLogger.error("No local proxy found in %s, exiting." % proxyLoc)
        return 1

    result = ProxyInfo.getProxyInfo(proxyLoc, True)
    if not result['OK']:
        raise RuntimeError('Failed to get local proxy info.')

    if result['Value']['secondsLeft'] < 60 and options.needsValidProxy():
        raise RuntimeError(
            'Lifetime of local proxy too short, please renew proxy.')

    userDN = result['Value']['identity']

    if options.delete_all:
        # delete remote proxies
        remote_groups = getProxyGroups()
        if not remote_groups:
            gLogger.notice('No remote proxies found.')
        for vo_group in remote_groups:
            deleteRemoteProxy(userDN, vo_group)
        # delete local proxy
    elif options.vos:
        vo_groups = set()
        for voname in options.vos:
        # filter set of all groups to only contain groups for which there is a user proxy
        user_groups = getProxyGroups()
        if not vo_groups:
                'You have no proxies registered for any of the specified VOs.')
        for group in vo_groups:
            deleteRemoteProxy(userDN, group)

    return 0
Beispiel #3
def main():
  main program entry point
  options = Params()

  Script.parseCommandLine( ignoreErrors = True )

  if options.delete_all and options.vos:
    gLogger.error( "-a and -v options are mutually exclusive. Please pick one or the other." )
    return 1

  proxyLoc = Locations.getDefaultProxyLocation()

  if not os.path.exists( proxyLoc ):
    gLogger.error( "No local proxy found in %s, exiting." % proxyLoc )
    return 1

  result = ProxyInfo.getProxyInfo( proxyLoc, True )
  if not result[ 'OK' ]:
    raise RuntimeError( 'Failed to get local proxy info.' )

  if result[ 'Value' ][ 'secondsLeft' ] < 60 and options.needsValidProxy():
    raise RuntimeError( 'Lifetime of local proxy too short, please renew proxy.' )

  userDN=result[ 'Value' ][ 'identity' ]

  if options.delete_all:
    # delete remote proxies
    remote_groups = getProxyGroups()
    if not remote_groups:
      gLogger.notice( 'No remote proxies found.' )
    for vo_group in remote_groups:
      deleteRemoteProxy( userDN, vo_group )
    # delete local proxy
    deleteLocalProxy( proxyLoc )
  elif options.vos:
    vo_groups = set()
    for voname in options.vos:
      vo_groups.update(mapVoToGroups( voname ) )
    # filter set of all groups to only contain groups for which there is a user proxy
    user_groups = getProxyGroups()
    vo_groups.intersection_update( user_groups )
    if not vo_groups:
      gLogger.notice( 'You have no proxies registered for any of the specified VOs.' )
    for group in vo_groups:
      deleteRemoteProxy( userDN, group )
    deleteLocalProxy( proxyLoc )

  return 0
def generateProxy( params ):

  if params.checkClock:
    result = getClockDeviation()
    if result[ 'OK' ]:
      deviation = result[ 'Value' ]
      if deviation > 600:
        gLogger.error( "Your host clock seems to be off by more than TEN MINUTES! Thats really bad." )
        gLogger.error( "We're cowardly refusing to generate a proxy. Please fix your system time" )
        sys.exit( 1 )
      elif deviation > 180:
        gLogger.error( "Your host clock seems to be off by more than THREE minutes! Thats bad." )
        gLogger.notice( "We'll generate the proxy but please fix your system time" )
      elif deviation > 60:
        gLogger.error( "Your host clock seems to be off by more than a minute! Thats not good." )
        gLogger.notice( "We'll generate the proxy but please fix your system time" )

  certLoc = params.certLoc
  keyLoc = params.keyLoc
  if not certLoc or not keyLoc:
    cakLoc = Locations.getCertificateAndKeyLocation()
    if not cakLoc:
      return S_ERROR( "Can't find user certificate and key" )
    if not certLoc:
      certLoc = cakLoc[0]
    if not keyLoc:
      keyLoc = cakLoc[1]
  params.certLoc = certLoc
  params.keyLoc = keyLoc

  #Load password
  testChain = X509Chain()
  retVal = testChain.loadChainFromFile( params.certLoc )
  if not retVal[ 'OK' ]:
    return S_ERROR( "Cannot load certificate %s: %s" % ( params.certLoc, retVal[ 'Message' ] ) )
  timeLeft = testChain.getRemainingSecs()[ 'Value' ] / 86400
  if timeLeft < 30:
    gLogger.notice( "\nYour certificate will expire in %d days. Please renew it!\n" % timeLeft )
  retVal = testChain.loadKeyFromFile( params.keyLoc, password = params.userPasswd )
  if not retVal[ 'OK' ]:
    passwdPrompt = "Enter Certificate password:"******"\n" )
      userPasswd = getpass.getpass( passwdPrompt )
    params.userPasswd = userPasswd

  #Find location
  proxyLoc = params.proxyLoc
  if not proxyLoc:
    proxyLoc = Locations.getDefaultProxyLocation()

  chain = X509Chain()
  #Load user cert and key
  retVal = chain.loadChainFromFile( certLoc )
  if not retVal[ 'OK' ]:
    gLogger.warn( retVal[ 'Message' ] )
    return S_ERROR( "Can't load %s" % certLoc )
  retVal = chain.loadKeyFromFile( keyLoc, password = params.userPasswd )
  if not retVal[ 'OK' ]:
    gLogger.warn( retVal[ 'Message' ] )
    if 'bad decrypt' in retVal[ 'Message' ]:
      return S_ERROR( "Bad passphrase" )
    return S_ERROR( "Can't load %s" % keyLoc )

  if params.checkWithCS:
    retVal = chain.generateProxyToFile( proxyLoc,
                                        strength = params.proxyStrength,
                                        limited = params.limitedProxy,
                                        rfc = params.rfc ) "Contacting CS..." )
    retVal = Script.enableCS()
    if not retVal[ 'OK' ]:
      gLogger.warn( retVal[ 'Message' ] )
      if 'Unauthorized query' in retVal[ 'Message' ]:
        # add hint for users
        return S_ERROR( "Can't contact DIRAC CS: %s (User possibly not registered with dirac server) "
                        % retVal[ 'Message' ] )
      return S_ERROR( "Can't contact DIRAC CS: %s" % retVal[ 'Message' ] )
    userDN = chain.getCertInChain( -1 )['Value'].getSubjectDN()['Value']
    if not params.diracGroup:
      result = Registry.findDefaultGroupForDN( userDN )
      if not result[ 'OK' ]:
        gLogger.warn( "Could not get a default group for DN %s: %s" % ( userDN, result[ 'Message' ] ) )
        params.diracGroup = result[ 'Value' ] "Default discovered group is %s" % params.diracGroup ) "Checking DN %s" % userDN )
    retVal = Registry.getUsernameForDN( userDN )
    if not retVal[ 'OK' ]:
      gLogger.warn( retVal[ 'Message' ] )
      return S_ERROR( "DN %s is not registered" % userDN )
    username = retVal[ 'Value' ] "Username is %s" % username )
    retVal = Registry.getGroupsForUser( username )
    if not retVal[ 'OK' ]:
      gLogger.warn( retVal[ 'Message' ] )
      return S_ERROR( "User %s has no groups defined" % username )
    groups = retVal[ 'Value' ]
    if params.diracGroup not in groups:
      return S_ERROR( "Requested group %s is not valid for DN %s" % ( params.diracGroup, userDN ) ) "Creating proxy for %s@%s (%s)" % ( username, params.diracGroup, userDN ) )

  if params.summary:
    h = int( params.proxyLifeTime / 3600 )
    m = int( params.proxyLifeTime / 60 ) - h * 60
    gLogger.notice( "Proxy lifetime will be %02d:%02d" % ( h, m ) )
    gLogger.notice( "User cert is %s" % certLoc )
    gLogger.notice( "User key  is %s" % keyLoc )
    gLogger.notice( "Proxy will be written to %s" % proxyLoc )
    if params.diracGroup:
      gLogger.notice( "DIRAC Group will be set to %s" % params.diracGroup )
      gLogger.notice( "No DIRAC Group will be set" )
    gLogger.notice( "Proxy strength will be %s" % params.proxyStrength )
    if params.limitedProxy:
      gLogger.notice( "Proxy will be limited" )

  retVal = chain.generateProxyToFile( proxyLoc,
                                      strength = params.proxyStrength,
                                      limited = params.limitedProxy,
                                      rfc = params.rfc )

  if not retVal[ 'OK' ]:
    gLogger.warn( retVal[ 'Message' ] )
    return S_ERROR( "Couldn't generate proxy: %s" % retVal[ 'Message' ] )
  return S_OK( proxyLoc )
Beispiel #5
def uploadProxy( params ): "Loading user proxy" )
  proxyLoc = params.proxyLoc
  if not proxyLoc:
    proxyLoc = Locations.getDefaultProxyLocation()
  if not proxyLoc:
    return S_ERROR( "Can't find any proxy" )

  if params.onTheFly: "Uploading proxy on-the-fly" )
    certLoc = params.certLoc
    keyLoc = params.keyLoc
    if not certLoc or not keyLoc:
      cakLoc = Locations.getCertificateAndKeyLocation()
      if not cakLoc:
        return S_ERROR( "Can't find user certificate and key" )
      if not certLoc:
        certLoc = cakLoc[0]
      if not keyLoc:
        keyLoc = cakLoc[1] "Cert file %s" % certLoc ) "Key file  %s" % keyLoc )

    testChain = X509Chain()
    retVal = testChain.loadKeyFromFile( keyLoc, password = params.userPasswd )
    if not retVal[ 'OK' ]:
      passwdPrompt = "Enter Certificate password:"******"\n" )
        userPasswd = getpass.getpass( passwdPrompt )
      params.userPasswd = userPasswd "Loading cert and key" )
    chain = X509Chain()
    #Load user cert and key
    retVal = chain.loadChainFromFile( certLoc )
    if not retVal[ 'OK' ]:
      return S_ERROR( "Can't load %s" % certLoc )
    retVal = chain.loadKeyFromFile( keyLoc, password = params.userPasswd )
    if not retVal[ 'OK' ]:
      return S_ERROR( "Can't load %s" % keyLoc ) "User credentials loaded" )

    diracGroup = params.diracGroup
    if not diracGroup:
      result = chain.getCredentials()
      if not result['OK']:
        return result
      if 'group' not in result['Value']:
        return S_ERROR( 'Can not get Group from existing credentials' )
      diracGroup = result['Value']['group']
    restrictLifeTime = params.proxyLifeTime

    proxyChain = X509Chain()
    retVal = proxyChain.loadProxyFromFile( proxyLoc )
    if not retVal[ 'OK' ]:
      return S_ERROR( "Can't load proxy file %s: %s" % ( params.proxyLoc, retVal[ 'Message' ] ) )

    chain = proxyChain
    diracGroup = params.diracGroup
    if params.diracGroup:
      # Check that there is no conflict with the already present DIRAC group
      result = chain.getDIRACGroup( ignoreDefault = True )
      if result['OK'] and result['Value'] and result['Value'] == params.diracGroup:
        # No need to embed a new DIRAC group
        diracGroup = False

    restrictLifeTime = 0 " Uploading..." )
  return gProxyManager.uploadProxy( chain, diracGroup, restrictLifeTime = restrictLifeTime, rfcIfPossible = params.rfcIfPossible )
Beispiel #6
def uploadProxy( params ): "Loading user proxy" )
  proxyLoc = params.proxyLoc
  if not proxyLoc:
    proxyLoc = Locations.getDefaultProxyLocation()
  if not proxyLoc:
    return S_ERROR( "Can't find any proxy" )

  proxyChain = X509Chain()
  retVal = proxyChain.loadProxyFromFile( proxyLoc )
  if not retVal[ 'OK' ]:
    return S_ERROR( "Can't load proxy file %s: %s" % ( params.proxyLoc, retVal[ 'Message' ] ) )

  if params.onTheFly: "Uploading proxy on-the-fly" )
    certLoc = params.certLoc
    keyLoc = params.keyLoc
    if not certLoc or not keyLoc:
      cakLoc = Locations.getCertificateAndKeyLocation()
      if not cakLoc:
        return S_ERROR( "Can't find user certificate and key" )
      if not certLoc:
        certLoc = cakLoc[0]
      if not keyLoc:
        keyLoc = cakLoc[1] "Cert file %s" % certLoc ) "Key file  %s" % keyLoc )

    testChain = X509Chain()
    retVal = testChain.loadKeyFromFile( keyLoc, password = params.userPasswd )
    if not retVal[ 'OK' ]:
      passwdPrompt = "Enter Certificate password:"******"\n" )
        userPasswd = getpass.getpass( passwdPrompt )
      params.userPasswd = userPasswd "Loading cert and key" )
    chain = X509Chain()
    #Load user cert and key
    retVal = chain.loadChainFromFile( certLoc )
    if not retVal[ 'OK' ]:
      return S_ERROR( "Can't load %s" % certLoc )
    retVal = chain.loadKeyFromFile( keyLoc, password = params.userPasswd )
    if not retVal[ 'OK' ]:
      return S_ERROR( "Can't load %s" % keyLoc ) "User credentials loaded" )

    diracGroup = params.diracGroup
    if not diracGroup:
      diracGroup = CS.getDefaultUserGroup()
    restrictLifeTime = params.proxyLifeTime

    chain = proxyChain
    diracGroup = False
    restrictLifeTime = 0 " Uploading..." )
  return gProxyManager.uploadProxy( chain, diracGroup, restrictLifeTime = restrictLifeTime )
Beispiel #7
def uploadProxy(params):"Loading user proxy")
  proxyLoc = params.proxyLoc
  if not proxyLoc:
    proxyLoc = Locations.getDefaultProxyLocation()
  if not proxyLoc:
    return S_ERROR("Can't find any proxy")

  if params.onTheFly:"Uploading proxy on-the-fly")
    certLoc = params.certLoc
    keyLoc = params.keyLoc
    if not certLoc or not keyLoc:
      cakLoc = Locations.getCertificateAndKeyLocation()
      if not cakLoc:
        return S_ERROR("Can't find user certificate and key")
      if not certLoc:
        certLoc = cakLoc[0]
      if not keyLoc:
        keyLoc = cakLoc[1]"Cert file %s" % certLoc)"Key file  %s" % keyLoc)

    testChain = X509Chain()
    retVal = testChain.loadKeyFromFile(keyLoc, password=params.userPasswd)
    if not retVal['OK']:
      passwdPrompt = "Enter Certificate password:"******"\n")
        userPasswd = getpass.getpass(passwdPrompt)
      params.userPasswd = userPasswd"Loading cert and key")
    chain = X509Chain()
    # Load user cert and key
    retVal = chain.loadChainFromFile(certLoc)
    if not retVal['OK']:
      return S_ERROR("Can't load %s" % certLoc)
    retVal = chain.loadKeyFromFile(keyLoc, password=params.userPasswd)
    if not retVal['OK']:
      return S_ERROR("Can't load %s" % keyLoc)"User credentials loaded")

    diracGroup = params.diracGroup
    if not diracGroup:
      result = chain.getCredentials()
      if not result['OK']:
        return result
      if 'group' not in result['Value']:
        return S_ERROR('Can not get Group from existing credentials')
      diracGroup = result['Value']['group']
    restrictLifeTime = params.proxyLifeTime

    proxyChain = X509Chain()
    retVal = proxyChain.loadProxyFromFile(proxyLoc)
    if not retVal['OK']:
      return S_ERROR("Can't load proxy file %s: %s" % (params.proxyLoc, retVal['Message']))

    chain = proxyChain
    diracGroup = params.diracGroup
    if params.diracGroup:
      # Check that there is no conflict with the already present DIRAC group
      result = chain.getDIRACGroup(ignoreDefault=True)
      if result['OK'] and result['Value'] and result['Value'] == params.diracGroup:
        # No need to embed a new DIRAC group
        diracGroup = False

    restrictLifeTime = 0" Uploading...")
  return gProxyManager.uploadProxy(
Beispiel #8
def generateProxy(params):

    if params.checkClock:
        result = getClockDeviation()
        if result['OK']:
            deviation = result['Value']
            if deviation > 600:
                    "Your host clock seems to be off by more than TEN MINUTES! Thats really bad."
                    "We're cowardly refusing to generate a proxy. Please fix your system time"
            elif deviation > 180:
                    "Your host clock seems to be off by more than THREE minutes! Thats bad."
                    "We'll generate the proxy but please fix your system time")
            elif deviation > 60:
                    "Your host clock seems to be off by more than a minute! Thats not good."
                    "We'll generate the proxy but please fix your system time")

    certLoc = params.certLoc
    keyLoc = params.keyLoc
    if not certLoc or not keyLoc:
        cakLoc = Locations.getCertificateAndKeyLocation()
        if not cakLoc:
            return S_ERROR("Can't find user certificate and key")
        if not certLoc:
            certLoc = cakLoc[0]
        if not keyLoc:
            keyLoc = cakLoc[1]
    params.certLoc = certLoc
    params.keyLoc = keyLoc

    #Load password
    testChain = X509Chain()
    retVal = testChain.loadChainFromFile(params.certLoc)
    if not retVal['OK']:
        return S_ERROR("Cannot load certificate %s: %s" %
                       (params.certLoc, retVal['Message']))
    timeLeft = testChain.getRemainingSecs()['Value'] / 86400
    if timeLeft < 30:
            "\nYour certificate will expire in %d days. Please renew it!\n" %
    retVal = testChain.loadKeyFromFile(params.keyLoc,
    if not retVal['OK']:
        passwdPrompt = "Enter Certificate password:"******"\n")
            userPasswd = getpass.getpass(passwdPrompt)
        params.userPasswd = userPasswd

    #Find location
    proxyLoc = params.proxyLoc
    if not proxyLoc:
        proxyLoc = Locations.getDefaultProxyLocation()

    chain = X509Chain()
    #Load user cert and key
    retVal = chain.loadChainFromFile(certLoc)
    if not retVal['OK']:
        return S_ERROR("Can't load %s" % certLoc)
    retVal = chain.loadKeyFromFile(keyLoc, password=params.userPasswd)
    if not retVal['OK']:
        if 'bad decrypt' in retVal['Message']:
            return S_ERROR("Bad passphrase")
        return S_ERROR("Can't load %s" % keyLoc)

    if params.checkWithCS:
        retVal = chain.generateProxyToFile(proxyLoc,
                                           limited=params.limitedProxy)"Contacting CS...")
        retVal = Script.enableCS()
        if not retVal['OK']:
            if 'Unauthorized query' in retVal['Message']:
                # add hint for users
                return S_ERROR(
                    "Can't contact DIRAC CS: %s (User possibly not registered with dirac server) "
                    % retVal['Message'])
            return S_ERROR("Can't contact DIRAC CS: %s" % retVal['Message'])
        userDN = chain.getCertInChain(-1)['Value'].getSubjectDN()['Value']
        if not params.diracGroup:
            result = Registry.findDefaultGroupForDN(userDN)
            if not result['OK']:
                gLogger.warn("Could not get a default group for DN %s: %s" %
                             (userDN, result['Message']))
                params.diracGroup = result['Value']
      "Default discovered group is %s" %
                             params.diracGroup)"Checking DN %s" % userDN)
        retVal = Registry.getUsernameForDN(userDN)
        if not retVal['OK']:
            return S_ERROR("DN %s is not registered" % userDN)
        username = retVal['Value']"Username is %s" % username)
        retVal = Registry.getGroupsForUser(username)
        if not retVal['OK']:
            return S_ERROR("User %s has no groups defined" % username)
        groups = retVal['Value']
        if params.diracGroup not in groups:
            return S_ERROR("Requested group %s is not valid for DN %s" %
                           (params.diracGroup, userDN))"Creating proxy for %s@%s (%s)" %
                     (username, params.diracGroup, userDN))

    if params.summary:
        h = int(params.proxyLifeTime / 3600)
        m = int(params.proxyLifeTime / 60) - h * 60
        gLogger.notice("Proxy lifetime will be %02d:%02d" % (h, m))
        gLogger.notice("User cert is %s" % certLoc)
        gLogger.notice("User key  is %s" % keyLoc)
        gLogger.notice("Proxy will be written to %s" % proxyLoc)
        if params.diracGroup:
            gLogger.notice("DIRAC Group will be set to %s" % params.diracGroup)
            gLogger.notice("No DIRAC Group will be set")
        gLogger.notice("Proxy strength will be %s" % params.proxyStrength)
        if params.limitedProxy:
            gLogger.notice("Proxy will be limited")

    retVal = chain.generateProxyToFile(proxyLoc,

    if not retVal['OK']:
        return S_ERROR("Couldn't generate proxy: %s" % retVal['Message'])
    return S_OK(proxyLoc)
Beispiel #9
def generateProxy(params):

    if params.checkClock:
        result = getClockDeviation()
        if result['OK']:
            deviation = result['Value']
            if deviation > 600:
                print "Error: Your host clock seems to be off by more than TEN MINUTES! Thats really bad."
                print "We're cowardly refusing to generate a proxy. Please fix your system time"
            elif deviation > 180:
                print "Error: Your host clock seems to be off by more than THREE minutes! Thats bad."
                print "Warn : We'll generate the proxy but please fix your system time"
            elif deviation > 60:
                print "Error: Your host clock seems to be off by more than a minute! Thats not good."
                print "Warn : We'll generate the proxy but please fix your system time"

    certLoc = params.certLoc
    keyLoc = params.keyLoc
    if not certLoc or not keyLoc:
        cakLoc = Locations.getCertificateAndKeyLocation()
        if not cakLoc:
            return S_ERROR("Can't find user certificate and key")
        if not certLoc:
            certLoc = cakLoc[0]
        if not keyLoc:
            keyLoc = cakLoc[1]

    testChain = X509Chain()
    retVal = testChain.loadKeyFromFile(keyLoc, password=params.userPasswd)
    if not retVal['OK']:
        passwdPrompt = "Enter Certificate password:"******"\n")
            userPasswd = getpass.getpass(passwdPrompt)
        params.userPasswd = userPasswd

    proxyLoc = params.proxyLoc
    if not proxyLoc:
        proxyLoc = Locations.getDefaultProxyLocation()

    if params.debug:
        h = int(params.proxyLifeTime / 3600)
        m = int(params.proxyLifeTime / 60) - h * 60
        print "Proxy lifetime will be %02d:%02d" % (h, m)
        print "User cert is %s" % certLoc
        print "User key  is %s" % keyLoc
        print "Proxy will be written to %s" % proxyLoc
        if params.diracGroup:
            print "DIRAC Group will be set to %s" % params.diracGroup
            print "No DIRAC Group will be set"
        print "Proxy strength will be %s" % params.proxyStrength
        if params.limitedProxy:
            print "Proxy will be limited"

    chain = X509Chain()
    #Load user cert and key
    retVal = chain.loadChainFromFile(certLoc)
    if not retVal['OK']:
        params.debugMsg("ERROR: %s" % retVal['Message'])
        return S_ERROR("Can't load %s" % certLoc)
    retVal = chain.loadKeyFromFile(keyLoc, password=params.userPasswd)
    if not retVal['OK']:
        params.debugMsg("ERROR: %s" % retVal['Message'])
        return S_ERROR("Can't load %s" % keyLoc)

    if params.checkWithCS and params.diracGroup:
        retVal = chain.generateProxyToFile(proxyLoc,

        params.debugMsg("Contacting CS...")

        retVal = Script.enableCS()
        if not retVal['OK']:
            params.debugMsg("ERROR: %s" % retVal['Message'])
            return S_ERROR("Can't contact DIRAC CS: %s" % retVal['Message'])
        if not params.diracGroup:
            params.diracGroup = CS.getDefaultUserGroup()
        userDN = chain.getCertInChain(-1)['Value'].getSubjectDN()['Value']
        params.debugMsg("Checking DN %s" % userDN)
        retVal = CS.getUsernameForDN(userDN)
        if not retVal['OK']:
            params.debugMsg("ERROR: %s" % retVal['Message'])
            return S_ERROR("DN %s is not registered" % userDN)
        username = retVal['Value']
        params.debugMsg("Username is %s" % username)
        retVal = CS.getGroupsForUser(username)
        if not retVal['OK']:
            params.debugMsg("ERROR: %s" % retVal['Message'])
            return S_ERROR("User %s has no groups defined" % username)
        groups = retVal['Value']
        if params.diracGroup not in groups:
            return S_ERROR("Requested group %s is not valid for user %s" %
                           (params.diracGroup, username))
        params.debugMsg("Creating proxy for %s@%s (%s)" %
                        (username, params.diracGroup, userDN))

    retVal = chain.generateProxyToFile(proxyLoc,

    if not retVal['OK']:
        params.debugMsg("ERROR: %s" % retVal['Message'])
        return S_ERROR("Couldn't generate proxy: %s" % retVal['Message'])
    return S_OK(proxyLoc)
Beispiel #10
def generateProxy( params ):

  if params.checkClock:
    result = getClockDeviation()
    if result[ 'OK' ]:
      deviation = result[ 'Value' ]
      if deviation > 600:
        print "Error: Your host clock seems to be off by more than TEN MINUTES! Thats really bad."
        print "We're cowardly refusing to generate a proxy. Please fix your system time"
        DIRAC.exit( 1 )
      elif deviation > 180:
        print "Error: Your host clock seems to be off by more than THREE minutes! Thats bad."
        print "Warn : We'll generate the proxy but please fix your system time"
      elif deviation > 60:
        print "Error: Your host clock seems to be off by more than a minute! Thats not good."
        print "Warn : We'll generate the proxy but please fix your system time"

  certLoc = params.certLoc
  keyLoc = params.keyLoc
  if not certLoc or not keyLoc:
    cakLoc = Locations.getCertificateAndKeyLocation()
    if not cakLoc:
      return S_ERROR( "Can't find user certificate and key" )
    if not certLoc:
      certLoc = cakLoc[0]
    if not keyLoc:
      keyLoc = cakLoc[1]

  testChain = X509Chain()
  retVal = testChain.loadKeyFromFile( keyLoc, password = params.userPasswd )
  if not retVal[ 'OK' ]:
    passwdPrompt = "Enter Certificate password:"******"\n" )
      userPasswd = getpass.getpass( passwdPrompt )
    params.userPasswd = userPasswd

  proxyLoc = params.proxyLoc
  if not proxyLoc:
    proxyLoc = Locations.getDefaultProxyLocation()

  if params.debug:
    h = int( params.proxyLifeTime / 3600 )
    m = int( params.proxyLifeTime / 60 ) - h * 60
    print "Proxy lifetime will be %02d:%02d" % ( h, m )
    print "User cert is %s" % certLoc
    print "User key  is %s" % keyLoc
    print "Proxy will be written to %s" % proxyLoc
    if params.diracGroup:
      print "DIRAC Group will be set to %s" % params.diracGroup
      print "No DIRAC Group will be set"
    print "Proxy strength will be %s" % params.proxyStrength
    if params.limitedProxy:
      print "Proxy will be limited"

  chain = X509Chain()
  #Load user cert and key
  retVal = chain.loadChainFromFile( certLoc )
  if not retVal[ 'OK' ]:
    params.debugMsg( "ERROR: %s" % retVal[ 'Message' ] )
    return S_ERROR( "Can't load %s" % certLoc )
  retVal = chain.loadKeyFromFile( keyLoc, password = params.userPasswd )
  if not retVal[ 'OK' ]:
    params.debugMsg( "ERROR: %s" % retVal[ 'Message' ] )
    return S_ERROR( "Can't load %s" % keyLoc )

  if params.checkWithCS and params.diracGroup:
    retVal = chain.generateProxyToFile( proxyLoc,
                                        strength = params.proxyStrength,
                                        limited = params.limitedProxy )

    params.debugMsg( "Contacting CS..." )

    retVal = Script.enableCS()
    if not retVal[ 'OK' ]:
      params.debugMsg( "ERROR: %s" % retVal[ 'Message' ] )
      return S_ERROR( "Can't contact DIRAC CS: %s" % retVal[ 'Message' ] )
    if not params.diracGroup:
      params.diracGroup = CS.getDefaultUserGroup()
    userDN = chain.getCertInChain( -1 )['Value'].getSubjectDN()['Value']
    params.debugMsg( "Checking DN %s" % userDN )
    retVal = CS.getUsernameForDN( userDN )
    if not retVal[ 'OK' ]:
      params.debugMsg( "ERROR: %s" % retVal[ 'Message' ] )
      return S_ERROR( "DN %s is not registered" % userDN )
    username = retVal[ 'Value' ]
    params.debugMsg( "Username is %s" % username )
    retVal = CS.getGroupsForUser( username )
    if not retVal[ 'OK' ]:
      params.debugMsg( "ERROR: %s" % retVal[ 'Message' ] )
      return S_ERROR( "User %s has no groups defined" % username )
    groups = retVal[ 'Value' ]
    if params.diracGroup not in groups:
      return S_ERROR( "Requested group %s is not valid for user %s" % ( params.diracGroup, username ) )
    params.debugMsg( "Creating proxy for %s@%s (%s)" % ( username, params.diracGroup, userDN ) )

  retVal = chain.generateProxyToFile( proxyLoc,
                                      strength = params.proxyStrength,
                                      limited = params.limitedProxy )

  if not retVal[ 'OK' ]:
    params.debugMsg( "ERROR: %s" % retVal[ 'Message' ] )
    return S_ERROR( "Couldn't generate proxy: %s" % retVal[ 'Message' ] )
  return S_OK( proxyLoc )