Beispiel #1
  def showLog( self ):

    DN = getUserDN()
    group = getSelectedGroup()
    if not "host" in request.params:
      return "Name of the host is missing or not defined"
    host = str( request.params[ "host" ] )

    if not "system" in request.params:
      return "Name of the system is missing or not defined"
    system = str( request.params[ "system" ] )

    if not "component" in request.params:
      return "Name of component is missing or not defined"
    name = str( request.params[ "component" ] )

    client = SystemAdministratorClient( host , None , delegatedDN=DN , delegatedGroup=group )

    result = client.getLogTail( system , name )
    gLogger.debug( result )
    if not result[ "OK" ]:
      return result[ "Message" ]
    result = result[ "Value" ]

    key = system + "_" + name
    if not key in result:
      return "%s key is absent in service response" % key
    log = result[ key ]

    return log.replace( "\n" , "<br>" )
  def getLog( self, argss ):
    """ Get the tail of the log file of the given component
    if len( argss ) < 2:
      print self.do_show.__doc__

    system = argss[0]
    component = argss[1]
    nLines = 40
    if len( argss ) > 2:
      nLines = int( argss[2] )
    client = SystemAdministratorClient(, self.port )
    result = client.getLogTail( system, component, nLines )
    if not result['OK']:
      self.__errMsg( result['Message'] )
    elif result['Value']:
      for line in result['Value']['_'.join( [system, component] )].split( '\n' ):
        print '   ', line

      print "No logs found"
Beispiel #3
  def getLog( self, argss ):
    """ Get the tail of the log file of the given component
    if len( argss ) < 2:
      print self.do_show.__doc__

    system = argss[0]
    component = argss[1]
    nLines = 40
    if len( argss ) > 2:
      nLines = int( argss[2] )
    client = SystemAdministratorClient(, self.port )
    result = client.getLogTail( system, component, nLines )
    if not result['OK']:
      self.__errMsg( result['Message'] )
    elif result['Value']:
      for line in result['Value']['_'.join( [system, component] )].split( '\n' ):
        print '   ', line

      print "No logs found"