Beispiel #1
 def sweeper(cls):
     """ move cached request to the central request manager
 :param self: self reference
     cacheDir = cls.cacheDir()
     ## cache dir empty?
     if not os.listdir(cacheDir):
         gLogger.always("sweeper: CacheDir %s is empty, nothing to do" %
         return S_OK()
         ## read 10 cache dir files, the oldest first
         cachedRequests = [
             for requestFile in sorted(filter(os.path.isfile, [
                 os.path.join(cacheDir, requestName)
                 for requestName in os.listdir(cacheDir)
         ## set cached requests to the central RequestManager
         for cachedFile in cachedRequests:
                 requestString = "".join(open(cachedFile, "r").readlines())
                 cachedRequest = RequestContainer(requestString)
                 requestName = cachedRequest.getAttribute(
                 ## cibak: hack for DISET requests
                 if requestName == "Unknown":
                     cachedRequest.setAttribute("RequestName", makeGuid())
                     requestName = cachedRequest.getAttribute(
                 setRequest = cls.requestManager().setRequest(
                     requestName, requestString)
                 if not setRequest["OK"]:
                         "sweeper: unable to set request '%s' @ RequestManager: %s"
                         % (requestName, setRequest["Message"]))
                     "sweeper: successfully set request '%s' @ RequestManager"
                     % requestName)
             except Exception, error:
                 gLogger.exception("sweeper: hit by exception %s" %
                 return S_ERROR("sweeper: hit by exception: %s" %
         return S_OK()
 def sweeper( cls ):
   """ move cached request to the central request manager
   :param cls: class reference
   cacheDir = cls.cacheDir()    
   ## cache dir empty? 
   if not os.listdir( cacheDir ):
     gLogger.always("sweeper: CacheDir %s is empty, nothing to do" % cacheDir )
     return S_OK()
     ## read 10 cache dir files, the oldest first 
     cachedRequests = [ os.path.abspath( requestFile ) for requestFile in
                        sorted( filter( os.path.isfile,
                                        [ os.path.join( cacheDir, requestName ) 
                                          for requestName in os.listdir( cacheDir ) ] ),
                                key = os.path.getctime ) ][:30]
     ## set cached requests to the central RequestManager
     for cachedFile in cachedRequests:
         requestString = "".join( open( cachedFile, "r" ).readlines() )
         cachedRequest = RequestContainer( requestString )
         requestName = cachedRequest.getAttribute("RequestName")["Value"]
         ## cibak: hack for DISET requests
         if requestName == "Unknown":
           cachedRequest.setAttribute( "RequestName", makeGuid() )
           requestName = cachedRequest.getAttribute("RequestName")["Value"]
         setRequest = cls.requestManager().setRequest( requestName, requestString )
         if not setRequest["OK"]:
           gLogger.error("sweeper: unable to set request '%s' @ RequestManager: %s" % ( requestName, 
                                                                                        setRequest["Message"] ) )
           continue"sweeper: successfully set request '%s' @ RequestManager" % requestName  )
         os.unlink( cachedFile )
       except Exception, error:
         gLogger.exception( "sweeper: hit by exception %s" % str(error) )
         return S_ERROR( "sweeper: hit by exception: %s" % str(error) )
     return S_OK()
Beispiel #3
class RequestTask( object ):
  .. class:: RequestTask

  Base class for DMS 'transfer', 'removal' and 'register' Requests processing.  
  This class is meant to be executed as a ProcessTask inside ProcessPool.

  The most important and common global DIRAC objects are created in RequestTask constructor. 
  This includes gLogger, gConfig, gProxyManager, S_OK and S_ERROR. The constructor also 
  imports a set of common modules: os, sys, re, time and everything from types module.
  All other DIRAC tools and clients (i.e. RequestManager) are private in RequestTask class and will 
  be imported and instantiated on demand during first usage. They are accessible using proxied public methods, i.e.
  if you are going to use ReplicaManager just call::


  All currently proxied tools are::
  DataLoggingClient -- self.dataLoggingClient()
  ReplicaManager    -- self.replicaManager()
  RequestClient     -- self.requestClient()
  StorageFactory    -- self.storageFactory()

  SubLogger message handles for all levels are also proxied, so you can directly use them in your code, i.e.::"An info message")
    self.debug("This will be shown only in debug")
  For handling sub-request one has to register their actions handlers using :self.addOperationAction:
  method. This method checks if handler is defined as a method of inherited class and then puts its 
  definition into internal operation dispatcher dictionary with a key of sub-request's operation name. 

  Each operation handler should have the signature::
    def operationName( self, index, requestObj, subRequestAttrs, subRequestFiles )
  where index is a sub-request counter, requestObj is a RequestContainer instance, 
  subRequestAttrs is a dict with sub-request attributes and subRequestFiles is a dict with
  files attached to the sub-request.

  Handlers shoudl always return S_OK with value of (modified or not) requestObj, S_ERROR with some 
  error message otherwise.
  Processing of request is done automatically in self.__call__, one doesn't have to worry about changing 
  credentials, looping over subrequests or request finalizing -- only sub-request processing matters in 
  the all inherited classes.

  Concerning :MonitringClient: (or better known its global instance :gMonitor:), if someone wants to send 
  some metric over there, she has to put in agent's code registration of activity and then in a particular 
  task use :RequestTask.addMark: to save monitoring data. All monitored activities are held in 
  :RequestTask.__monitor: dict which at the end of processing is returned from :RequestTask.__call__:. 
  The values are then processed and pushed to the gMonitor instance in the default callback function.
  ## reference to ReplicaManager
  __replicaManager = None
  ## reference to DataLoggingClient
  __dataLoggingClient = None
  ## reference to RequestClient
  __requestClient = None
  ## reference to StotageFactory
  __storageFactory = None
  ## subLogger 
  __log = None
  ## request type 
  __requestType = None
  ## placeholder for request owner DB
  requestOwnerDN = None
  ## placeholder for Request owner group
  requestOwnerGroup = None
  ## operation dispatcher for SubRequests, 
  ## a dictonary 
  ## "operation" => methodToRun
  __operationDispatcher = {} 
  ## holder for DataManager proxy file
  __dataManagerProxy = None
  ## monitoring dict
  __monitor = {} 

  def __init__( self, requestString, requestName, executionOrder, jobID, configPath ):
    """ c'tor

    :param self: self reference
    :param str requestString: XML serialised RequestContainer
    :param str requestName: request name
    :param list executionOrder: request execution order
    :param int jobID: jobID
    :param str sourceServer: request's source server
    :param str configPath: path in CS for parent agent
    ## fixtures

    ## python fixtures
    import os, os.path, sys, time, re, types
    self.makeGlobal( "os", os )
    self.makeGlobal( "os.path", os.path )
    self.makeGlobal( "sys", sys )
    self.makeGlobal( "time", time )
    self.makeGlobal( "re", re )
    ## export all Types from types
    [ self.makeGlobal( item, getattr( types, item ) ) for item in dir(types) if "Type" in item ]

    ## DIRAC fixtures
    from DIRAC.FrameworkSystem.Client.Logger import gLogger
    self.__log = gLogger.getSubLogger( "%s/%s" % ( self.__class__.__name__, str(requestName) ) )

    self.always = self.__log.always
    self.notice = self.__log.notice =
    self.debug = self.__log.debug
    self.warn = self.__log.warn
    self.error = self.__log.error
    self.exception = self.__log.exception
    self.fatal = self.__log.fatal
    from DIRAC import S_OK, S_ERROR
    from DIRAC.ConfigurationSystem.Client.Config import gConfig
    from DIRAC.FrameworkSystem.Client.ProxyManagerClient import gProxyManager 
    from DIRAC.ConfigurationSystem.Client.Helpers.Registry import getGroupsWithVOMSAttribute
    from DIRAC.ConfigurationSystem.Client.ConfigurationData import gConfigurationData

    ## export DIRAC global tools and functions
    self.makeGlobal( "S_OK", S_OK )
    self.makeGlobal( "S_ERROR", S_ERROR )
    self.makeGlobal( "gLogger", gLogger )
    self.makeGlobal( "gConfig", gConfig )
    self.makeGlobal( "gProxyManager", gProxyManager ) 
    self.makeGlobal( "getGroupsWithVOMSAttribute", getGroupsWithVOMSAttribute )
    self.makeGlobal( "gConfigurationData", gConfigurationData )

    ## save request string
    self.requestString = requestString
    ## build request object
    from DIRAC.RequestManagementSystem.Client.RequestContainer import RequestContainer
    self.requestObj = RequestContainer( init = False )
    self.requestObj.parseRequest( request = self.requestString )
    ## save request name
    self.requestName = requestName
    ## .. and jobID
    self.jobID = jobID
    ## .. and execution order
    self.executionOrder = executionOrder

    ## save config path 
    self.__configPath = configPath
    ## set requestType
    self.setRequestType( gConfig.getValue( os.path.join( configPath, "RequestType" ), "" ) )
    ## get log level
    self.__log.setLevel( gConfig.getValue( os.path.join( configPath, self.__class__.__name__,  "LogLevel" ), "INFO" ) )
    ## clear monitoring
    self.__monitor = {}
    ## save DataManager proxy
    if "X509_USER_PROXY" in os.environ:"saving path to current proxy file")
      self.__dataManagerProxy = os.environ["X509_USER_PROXY"]
      self.error("'X509_USER_PROXY' environment variable not set")

  def dataManagerProxy( self ):
    """ get dataManagerProxy file 

    :param self: self reference
    return self.__dataManagerProxy

  def addMark( self, name, value = 1 ):
    """ add mark to __monitor dict
    :param self: self reference
    :param name: mark name
    :param value: value to be 
    if name not in self.__monitor:
      self.__monitor.setdefault( name, 0 )
    self.__monitor[name] += value

  def monitor( self ):
    """ get monitoring dict

    :param cls: class reference
    return self.__monitor

  def makeGlobal( self, objName, objDef ):
    """ export :objDef: to global name space using :objName: name 

    :param self: self reference
    :param str objName: symbol name
    :param mixed objDef: symbol definition
    :throws: NameError if symbol of that name is already in
    if objName not in __builtins__:
      if type( __builtins__) == type( {} ):
        __builtins__[objName] = objDef 
        setattr( __builtins__, objName, objDef )
      return True
  def requestType( self ):
    """ get request type

    :params self: self reference
    return self.__requestType

  def setRequestType( self, requestType ):
    """ set request type

    :param self: self reference
    self.debug( "Setting requestType to %s" % str(requestType) )
    self.__requestType = requestType

  def replicaManager( cls ):
    """ ReplicaManager getter 
    :param cls: class reference
    if not cls.__replicaManager:
      from DIRAC.DataManagementSystem.Client.ReplicaManager import ReplicaManager
      cls.__replicaManager = ReplicaManager()
    return cls.__replicaManager

  def dataLoggingClient( cls ):
    """ DataLoggingClient getter
    :param cls: class reference
    if not cls.__dataLoggingClient:
      from DIRAC.DataManagementSystem.Client.DataLoggingClient import DataLoggingClient
      cls.__dataLoggingClient = DataLoggingClient()
    return cls.__dataLoggingClient
  def requestClient( cls ):
    """ RequestClient getter
    :param cls: class reference
    if not cls.__requestClient:
      from DIRAC.RequestManagementSystem.Client.RequestClient import RequestClient
      cls.__requestClient = RequestClient()
    return cls.__requestClient

  def storageFactory( cls ):
    """ StorageFactory getter

    :param cls: class reference
    if not cls.__storageFactory:
      from DIRAC.Resources.Storage.StorageFactory import StorageFactory
      cls.__storageFactory = StorageFactory()
    return cls.__storageFactory

  def changeProxy( self, ownerDN, ownerGroup ):
    """ get proxy from gProxyManager, save it to file

    :param self: self reference
    :param str ownerDN: request owner DN
    :param str ownerGroup: request owner group
    :return: S_OK with name of newly created owner proxy file
    ownerProxy = gProxyManager.downloadVOMSProxy( str(ownerDN), str(ownerGroup) )
    if not ownerProxy["OK"] or not ownerProxy["Value"]:
      reason = ownerProxy["Message"] if "Message" in ownerProxy else "No valid proxy found in ProxyManager." 
      return S_ERROR( "Change proxy error for '%s'@'%s': %s" % ( ownerDN, ownerGroup, reason  ) )
    ownerProxyFile = ownerProxy["Value"].dumpAllToFile()
    if not ownerProxyFile["OK"]:
      return S_ERROR( ownerProxyFile["Message"] )
    ownerProxyFile = ownerProxyFile["Value"]
    os.environ["X509_USER_PROXY"] = ownerProxyFile
    return S_OK( ownerProxyFile )
  # operationDispatcher 
  def operationDispatcher( cls ):
    """ operation dispatcher getter

    :param cls: class reference
    return cls.__operationDispatcher

  def addOperationAction( cls, operation, methodToRun, overwrite = True ):
    """ register handler :methodToRun: for SubRequest operation :operation:
    :warn: all handlers should have the same signature 
    :param self: self reference
    :param str operation: SubRequest operation name
    :param MethodType methodToRun: handler to be executed for SubRequest 
    :param bool overwrite: flag to overwrite handler, if already present
    :return: S_OK/S_ERROR

    Every action handler should return S_OK with of a structure::

      { "OK" : True,
        "Value" : requestObj # that has been sent to operation handler 
    otherwise S_ERROR.

    if operation in cls.__operationDispatcher and not overwrite:
      return S_ERROR("addOperationAction: operation for '%s' is already registered" % operation )
    if type(methodToRun) is not MethodType:
      return S_ERROR("addOperationAction: wrong type (%s = types.MethodType) for '%s' operation" % \
                       ( str(type(methodToRun)), operation ) )
    cls.__operationDispatcher[operation] = methodToRun 
    return S_OK()

  def __call__( self ):
    """ generic function to process one Request of a type requestType

    This method could be run in a thread.

    :param self: self reference
    :param str requestType: request type 
    :return: S_OK/S_ERROR
    self.always("executing request %s" % self.requestName )

    ## get ownerDN and ownerGroup
    ownerDN = self.requestObj.getAttribute( "OwnerDN" )
    if not ownerDN["OK"]:
      return ownerDN
    ownerDN = ownerDN["Value"]
    ownerGroup = self.requestObj.getAttribute( "OwnerGroup" )
    if not ownerGroup["OK"]:
      return ownerGroup
    ownerGroup = ownerGroup["Value"]
    ## save request owner
    self.requestOwnerDN = ownerDN if ownerDN else ""
    self.requestOwnerGroup = ownerGroup if ownerGroup else ""

    ## change proxy
    ownerProxyFile = None
    if ownerDN and ownerGroup:
      ownerProxyFile = self.changeProxy( ownerDN, ownerGroup )
      if not ownerProxyFile["OK"]:
        self.error( "handleReuqest: unable to get proxy for '%s'@'%s': %s" % ( ownerDN, 
                                                                               ownerProxyFile["Message"] ) )
        update = self.putBackRequest( self.requestName, self.requestString )
        if not update["OK"]:
          self.error( "handleRequest: error when updating request: %s" % update["Message"] )
          return update
        return ownerProxyFile
      ownerProxyFile = ownerProxyFile["Value"]
      #self.ownerProxyFile = ownerProxyFile "Will execute request for '%s'@'%s' using proxy file %s" % ( ownerDN, ownerGroup, ownerProxyFile ) )
    else: "Will execute request for DataManager using her/his proxy")

    ## execute handlers
    ret = { "OK" : False, "Message" : "" }
    useServerCert = gConfig.useServerCertificate()
      # Execute task with the owner proxy even for contacting DIRAC services
      if useServerCert:
      ret = self.handleRequest()
      if useServerCert:
      ## delete owner proxy
      if self.__dataManagerProxy:
        os.environ["X509_USER_PROXY"] = self.__dataManagerProxy
        if ownerProxyFile and os.path.exists( ownerProxyFile ):
          os.unlink( ownerProxyFile )
    if not ret["OK"]:
      self.error( "handleRequest: error during request processing: %s" % ret["Message"] )
      self.error( "handleRequest: will put original request back" )
      update = self.putBackRequest( self.requestName, self.requestString )
      if not update["OK"]:
        self.error( "handleRequest: error when putting back request: %s" % update["Message"] )
    ## return at least
    return ret

  def handleRequest( self ):
    """ read SubRequests and ExecutionOrder, fire registered handlers upon SubRequests operations 

    :param self: self reference
    :param dict requestDict: request dictionary as read from self.readRequest

    # here comes the processing
    res = self.requestObj.getNumSubRequests( self.__requestType )
    if not res["OK"]:
      errMsg = "handleRequest: failed to obtain number of '%s' subrequests." % self.__requestType
      self.error( errMsg, res["Message"] )
      return S_ERROR( res["Message"] )

    ## for gMonitor
    self.addMark( "Execute", 1 )
    ## process sub requests
    for index in range( res["Value"] ): "handleRequest: processing subrequest %s." % str(index) )
      subRequestAttrs = self.requestObj.getSubRequestAttributes( index, self.__requestType )["Value"]
      if subRequestAttrs["ExecutionOrder"]:
        subExecutionOrder = int( subRequestAttrs["ExecutionOrder"] )
        subExecutionOrder = 0
      subRequestStatus = subRequestAttrs["Status"]
      if subRequestStatus != "Waiting": "handleRequest: subrequest %s has status '%s' and is not to be executed." % ( str(index), 
                                                                                                 subRequestStatus ) )
      if subExecutionOrder <= self.executionOrder:
        operation = subRequestAttrs["Operation"]
        if operation not in self.operationDispatcher():
          self.error( "handleRequest: '%s' operation not supported" % operation )
 "handleRequest: will execute %s '%s' subrequest" % ( str(index), operation ) )

          ## get files
          subRequestFiles = self.requestObj.getSubRequestFiles( index, self.__requestType )["Value"]          
          ## execute operation action
          ret = self.operationDispatcher()[operation].__call__( index,
                                                                subRequestFiles )
          ## error in operation action?
          if not ret["OK"]:
            self.error( "handleRequest: error when handling subrequest %s: %s" % ( str(index),  ret["Message"] ) )
            self.requestObj.setSubRequestAttributeValue( index, self.__requestType, "Error", ret["Message"] )
            ## update ref to requestObj
            self.requestObj = ret["Value"]
            ## check if subrequest status == Done, disable finalisation if not
            subRequestDone = self.requestObj.isSubRequestDone( index, self.__requestType )
            if not subRequestDone["OK"]:
              self.error( "handleRequest: unable to determine subrequest status: %s" % subRequestDone["Message"] )
              if not subRequestDone["Value"]:
                self.warn("handleRequest: subrequest %s is not done yet" % str(index) )

    #  Generate the new request string after operation
    newRequestString = self.requestObj.toXML()['Value']
    update = self.putBackRequest( self.requestName, newRequestString )
    if not update["OK"]:
      self.error( "handleRequest: error when updating request: %s" % update["Message"] )
      return update

    ## get request status                
    if self.jobID:
      requestStatus = self.requestClient().getRequestStatus( self.requestName )
      if not requestStatus["OK"]:
        return requestStatus
      requestStatus = requestStatus["Value"]
      ## finalize request if jobID is present and request status = 'Done'"handleRequest: request status is %s" % requestStatus )
      if ( requestStatus["RequestStatus"] == "Done" ) and ( requestStatus["SubRequestStatus"] not in ( "Waiting", "Assigned" ) ):
        self.debug("handleRequest: request is going to be finalised")
        finalize = self.requestClient().finalizeRequest( self.requestName, self.jobID )
        if not finalize["OK"]:
          self.error("handleRequest: error in request finalization: %s" % finalize["Message"] )
          return finalize"handleRequest: request is finalised")
      ## for gMonitor
      self.addMark( "Done", 1 )

    ## should return S_OK with monitor dict
    return S_OK( { "monitor" : self.monitor() } )
  def putBackRequest( self, requestName, requestString ):
    """ put request back

    :param self: self reference
    :param str requestName: request name
    :param str requestString: XML-serilised request
    :param str sourceServer: request server URL
    update = self.requestClient().updateRequest( requestName, requestString )
    if not update["OK"]:
      self.error( "putBackRequest: error when updating request: %s" % update["Message"] )
      return update
    return S_OK()
Beispiel #4
class RequestTask( object ):
  .. class:: RequestTask

  Base class for DMS 'transfer', 'removal' and 'register' Requests processing.  
  This class is meant to be executed as a ProcessTask inside ProcessPool.

  The most important and common global DIRAC objects are created in RequestTask constructor. 
  This includes gLogger, gConfig, gProxyManager, S_OK and S_ERROR. The constructor also 
  imports a set of common modules: os, sys, re, time and everything from types module.
  All other DIRAC tools and clients (i.e. RequestManager) are private in RequestTask class and will 
  be imported and instantiated on demand during first usage. They are accessible using proxied public methods, i.e.
  if you are going to use ReplicaManager just call::


  All currently proxied tools are::
  DataLoggingClient -- self.dataLoggingClient()
  ReplicaManager    -- self.replicaManager()
  RequestClient     -- self.requestClient()
  StorageFactory    -- self.storageFactory()

  SubLogger message handles for all levels are also proxied, so you can directly use them in your code, i.e.::"An info message")
    self.debug("This will be shown only in debug")
  For handling sub-request one has to register their actions handlers using :self.addOperationAction:
  method. This method checks if handler is defined as a method of inherited class and then puts its 
  definition into internal operation dispatcher dictionary with a key of sub-request's operation name. 

  Each operation handler should have the signature::
    def operationName( self, index, requestObj, subRequestAttrs, subRequestFiles )
  where index is a sub-request counter, requestObj is a RequestContainer instance, 
  subRequestAttrs is a dict with sub-request attributes and subRequestFiles is a dict with
  files attached to the sub-request.

  Handlers shoudl always return S_OK with value of (modified or not) requestObj, S_ERROR with some 
  error message otherwise.
  Processing of request is done automatically in self.__call__, one doesn't have to worry about changing 
  credentials, looping over subrequests or request finalizing -- only sub-request processing matters in 
  the all inherited classes.

  Concerning :MonitringClient: (or better known its global instance :gMonitor:), if someone wants to send 
  some metric over there, she has to put in agent's code registration of activity and then in a particular 
  task use :RequestTask.addMark: to save monitoring data. All monitored activities are held in 
  :RequestTask.__monitor: dict which at the end of processing is returned from :RequestTask.__call__:. 
  The values are then processed and pushed to the gMonitor instance in the default callback function.
  ## reference to ReplicaManager
  __replicaManager = None
  ## reference to DataLoggingClient
  __dataLoggingClient = None
  ## reference to RequestClient
  __requestClient = None
  ## reference to StotageFactory
  __storageFactory = None
  ## subLogger 
  __log = None
  ## request type 
  __requestType = None
  ## placeholder for request owner DB
  requestOwnerDN = None
  ## placeholder for Request owner group
  requestOwnerGroup = None
  ## operation dispatcher for SubRequests, 
  ## a dictonary 
  ## "operation" => methodToRun
  __operationDispatcher = {} 
  ## holder for DataManager proxy file
  __dataManagerProxy = None
  ## monitoring dict
  __monitor = {} 

  def __init__( self, requestString, requestName, executionOrder, jobID, configPath ):
    """ c'tor

    :param self: self reference
    :param str requestString: XML serialised RequestContainer
    :param str requestName: request name
    :param list executionOrder: request execution order
    :param int jobID: jobID
    :param str sourceServer: request's source server
    :param str configPath: path in CS for parent agent
    ## fixtures

    ## python fixtures
    import os, os.path, sys, time, re, types
    self.makeGlobal( "os", os )
    self.makeGlobal( "os.path", os.path )
    self.makeGlobal( "sys", sys )
    self.makeGlobal( "time", time )
    self.makeGlobal( "re", re )
    ## export all Types from types
    [ self.makeGlobal( item, getattr( types, item ) ) for item in dir(types) if "Type" in item ]

    ## DIRAC fixtures
    from DIRAC.FrameworkSystem.Client.Logger import gLogger
    self.__log = gLogger.getSubLogger( "%s/%s" % ( self.__class__.__name__, str(requestName) ) )

    self.always = self.__log.always
    self.notice = self.__log.notice =
    self.debug = self.__log.debug
    self.warn = self.__log.warn
    self.error = self.__log.error
    self.exception = self.__log.exception
    self.fatal = self.__log.fatal
    from DIRAC import S_OK, S_ERROR
    from DIRAC.ConfigurationSystem.Client.Config import gConfig
    from DIRAC.FrameworkSystem.Client.ProxyManagerClient import gProxyManager 
    from DIRAC.ConfigurationSystem.Client.Helpers.Registry import getGroupsWithVOMSAttribute
    from DIRAC.ConfigurationSystem.Client.ConfigurationData import gConfigurationData

    ## export DIRAC global tools and functions
    self.makeGlobal( "S_OK", S_OK )
    self.makeGlobal( "S_ERROR", S_ERROR )
    self.makeGlobal( "gLogger", gLogger )
    self.makeGlobal( "gConfig", gConfig )
    self.makeGlobal( "gProxyManager", gProxyManager ) 
    self.makeGlobal( "getGroupsWithVOMSAttribute", getGroupsWithVOMSAttribute )
    self.makeGlobal( "gConfigurationData", gConfigurationData )

    ## save request string
    self.requestString = requestString
    ## build request object
    from DIRAC.RequestManagementSystem.Client.RequestContainer import RequestContainer
    self.requestObj = RequestContainer( init = False )
    self.requestObj.parseRequest( request = self.requestString )
    ## save request name
    self.requestName = requestName
    ## .. and jobID
    self.jobID = jobID
    ## .. and execution order
    self.executionOrder = executionOrder

    ## save config path 
    self.__configPath = configPath
    ## set requestType
    self.setRequestType( gConfig.getValue( os.path.join( configPath, "RequestType" ), "" ) )
    ## get log level
    self.__log.setLevel( gConfig.getValue( os.path.join( configPath, self.__class__.__name__,  "LogLevel" ), "INFO" ) )
    ## clear monitoring
    self.__monitor = {}
    ## save DataManager proxy
    if "X509_USER_PROXY" in os.environ:"saving path to current proxy file")
      self.__dataManagerProxy = os.environ["X509_USER_PROXY"]
      self.error("'X509_USER_PROXY' environment variable not set")

  def dataManagerProxy( self ):
    """ get dataManagerProxy file 

    :param self: self reference
    return self.__dataManagerProxy

  def addMark( self, name, value = 1 ):
    """ add mark to __monitor dict
    :param self: self reference
    :param name: mark name
    :param value: value to be 
    if name not in self.__monitor:
      self.__monitor.setdefault( name, 0 )
    self.__monitor[name] += value

  def monitor( self ):
    """ get monitoring dict

    :param cls: class reference
    return self.__monitor

  def makeGlobal( self, objName, objDef ):
    """ export :objDef: to global name space using :objName: name 

    :param self: self reference
    :param str objName: symbol name
    :param mixed objDef: symbol definition
    :throws: NameError if symbol of that name is already in
    if objName not in __builtins__:
      if type( __builtins__) == type( {} ):
        __builtins__[objName] = objDef 
        setattr( __builtins__, objName, objDef )
      return True
  def requestType( self ):
    """ get request type

    :params self: self reference
    return self.__requestType

  def setRequestType( self, requestType ):
    """ set request type

    :param self: self reference
    self.debug( "Setting requestType to %s" % str(requestType) )
    self.__requestType = requestType

  def replicaManager( cls ):
    """ ReplicaManager getter 
    :param cls: class reference
    if not cls.__replicaManager:
      from DIRAC.DataManagementSystem.Client.ReplicaManager import ReplicaManager
      cls.__replicaManager = ReplicaManager()
    return cls.__replicaManager

  def dataLoggingClient( cls ):
    """ DataLoggingClient getter
    :param cls: class reference
    if not cls.__dataLoggingClient:
      from DIRAC.DataManagementSystem.Client.DataLoggingClient import DataLoggingClient
      cls.__dataLoggingClient = DataLoggingClient()
    return cls.__dataLoggingClient
  def requestClient( cls ):
    """ RequestClient getter
    :param cls: class reference
    if not cls.__requestClient:
      from DIRAC.Core.DISET.RPCClient import RPCClient
      from DIRAC.RequestManagementSystem.Client.RequestClient import RequestClient
      cls.__requestClient = RequestClient()
    return cls.__requestClient

  def storageFactory( cls ):
    """ StorageFactory getter

    :param cls: class reference
    if not cls.__storageFactory:
      from DIRAC.Resources.Storage.StorageFactory import StorageFactory
      cls.__storageFactory = StorageFactory()
    return cls.__storageFactory

  def changeProxy( self, ownerDN, ownerGroup ):
    """ get proxy from gProxyManager, save it to file

    :param self: self reference
    :param str ownerDN: request owner DN
    :param str ownerGroup: request owner group
    :return: S_OK with name of newly created owner proxy file
    ownerProxy = gProxyManager.downloadVOMSProxy( str(ownerDN), str(ownerGroup) )
    if not ownerProxy["OK"] or not ownerProxy["Value"]:
      reason = ownerProxy["Message"] if "Message" in ownerProxy else "No valid proxy found in ProxyManager." 
      return S_ERROR( "Change proxy error for '%s'@'%s': %s" % ( ownerDN, ownerGroup, reason  ) )
    ownerProxyFile = ownerProxy["Value"].dumpAllToFile()
    if not ownerProxyFile["OK"]:
      return S_ERROR( ownerProxyFile["Message"] )
    ownerProxyFile = ownerProxyFile["Value"]
    os.environ["X509_USER_PROXY"] = ownerProxyFile
    return S_OK( ownerProxyFile )
  # operationDispatcher 
  def operationDispatcher( cls ):
    """ operation dispatcher getter

    :param cls: class reference
    return cls.__operationDispatcher

  def addOperationAction( cls, operation, methodToRun, overwrite = True ):
    """ register handler :methodToRun: for SubRequest operation :operation:
    :warn: all handlers should have the same signature 
    :param self: self reference
    :param str operation: SubRequest operation name
    :param MethodType methodToRun: handler to be executed for SubRequest 
    :param bool overwrite: flag to overwrite handler, if already present
    :return: S_OK/S_ERROR

    Every action handler should return S_OK with of a structure::

      { "OK" : True,
        "Value" : requestObj # that has been sent to operation handler 
    otherwise S_ERROR.

    if operation in cls.__operationDispatcher and not overwrite:
      return S_ERROR("addOperationAction: operation for '%s' is already registered" % operation )
    if type(methodToRun) is not MethodType:
      return S_ERROR("addOperationAction: wrong type (%s = types.MethodType) for '%s' operation" % \
                       ( str(type(methodToRun)), operation ) )
    cls.__operationDispatcher[operation] = methodToRun 
    return S_OK()

  def __call__( self ):
    """ generic function to process one Request of a type requestType

    This method could be run in a thread.

    :param self: self reference
    :param str requestType: request type 
    :return: S_OK/S_ERROR
    self.always("executing request %s" % self.requestName )

    ## get ownerDN and ownerGroup
    ownerDN = self.requestObj.getAttribute( "OwnerDN" )
    if not ownerDN["OK"]:
      return ownerDN
    ownerDN = ownerDN["Value"]
    ownerGroup = self.requestObj.getAttribute( "OwnerGroup" )
    if not ownerGroup["OK"]:
      return ownerGroup
    ownerGroup = ownerGroup["Value"]
    ## save request owner
    self.requestOwnerDN = ownerDN if ownerDN else ""
    self.requestOwnerGroup = ownerGroup if ownerGroup else ""

    ## change proxy
    ownerProxyFile = None
    if ownerDN and ownerGroup:
      ownerProxyFile = self.changeProxy( ownerDN, ownerGroup )
      if not ownerProxyFile["OK"]:
        self.error( "handleReuqest: unable to get proxy for '%s'@'%s': %s" % ( ownerDN, 
                                                                               ownerProxyFile["Message"] ) )
        update = self.putBackRequest( self.requestName, self.requestString )
        if not update["OK"]:
          self.error( "handleRequest: error when updating request: %s" % update["Message"] )
          return update
        return ownerProxyFile
      ownerProxyFile = ownerProxyFile["Value"]
      #self.ownerProxyFile = ownerProxyFile "Will execute request for '%s'@'%s' using proxy file %s" % ( ownerDN, ownerGroup, ownerProxyFile ) )
    else: "Will execute request for DataManager using her/his proxy")

    ## execute handlers
    ret = { "OK" : False, "Message" : "" }
    useServerCert = gConfig.useServerCertificate()
      # Execute task with the owner proxy even for contacting DIRAC services
      if useServerCert:
      ret = self.handleRequest()
      if useServerCert:
      ## delete owner proxy
      if self.__dataManagerProxy:
        os.environ["X509_USER_PROXY"] = self.__dataManagerProxy
        if ownerProxyFile and os.path.exists( ownerProxyFile ):
          os.unlink( ownerProxyFile )
    if not ret["OK"]:
      self.error( "handleRequest: error during request processing: %s" % ret["Message"] )
      self.error( "handleRequest: will put original request back" )
      update = self.putBackRequest( self.requestName, self.requestString )
      if not update["OK"]:
        self.error( "handleRequest: error when putting back request: %s" % update["Message"] )
    ## return at least
    return ret

  def handleRequest( self ):
    """ read SubRequests and ExecutionOrder, fire registered handlers upon SubRequests operations 

    :param self: self reference
    :param dict requestDict: request dictionary as read from self.readRequest

    # here comes the processing
    res = self.requestObj.getNumSubRequests( self.__requestType )
    if not res["OK"]:
      errMsg = "handleRequest: failed to obtain number of '%s' subrequests." % self.__requestType
      self.error( errMsg, res["Message"] )
      return S_ERROR( res["Message"] )

    ## for gMonitor
    self.addMark( "Execute", 1 )
    ## process sub requests
    for index in range( res["Value"] ): "handleRequest: processing subrequest %s." % str(index) )
      subRequestAttrs = self.requestObj.getSubRequestAttributes( index, self.__requestType )["Value"]
      if subRequestAttrs["ExecutionOrder"]:
        subExecutionOrder = int( subRequestAttrs["ExecutionOrder"] )
        subExecutionOrder = 0
      subRequestStatus = subRequestAttrs["Status"]
      if subRequestStatus != "Waiting": "handleRequest: subrequest %s has status '%s' and is not to be executed." % ( str(index), 
                                                                                                 subRequestStatus ) )
      if subExecutionOrder <= self.executionOrder:
        operation = subRequestAttrs["Operation"]
        if operation not in self.operationDispatcher():
          self.error( "handleRequest: '%s' operation not supported" % operation )
 "handleRequest: will execute %s '%s' subrequest" % ( str(index), operation ) )

          ## get files
          subRequestFiles = self.requestObj.getSubRequestFiles( index, self.__requestType )["Value"]          
          ## execute operation action
          ret = self.operationDispatcher()[operation].__call__( index,
                                                                subRequestFiles )
          ## error in operation action?
          if not ret["OK"]:
            self.error( "handleRequest: error when handling subrequest %s: %s" % ( str(index),  ret["Message"] ) )
            self.requestObj.setSubRequestAttributeValue( index, self.__requestType, "Error", ret["Message"] )
            ## update ref to requestObj
            self.requestObj = ret["Value"]
            ## check if subrequest status == Done, disable finalisation if not
            subRequestDone = self.requestObj.isSubRequestDone( index, self.__requestType )
            if not subRequestDone["OK"]:
              self.error( "handleRequest: unable to determine subrequest status: %s" % subRequestDone["Message"] )
              if not subRequestDone["Value"]:
                self.warn("handleRequest: subrequest %s is not done yet" % str(index) )

    #  Generate the new request string after operation
    newRequestString = self.requestObj.toXML()['Value']
    update = self.putBackRequest( self.requestName, newRequestString )
    if not update["OK"]:
      self.error( "handleRequest: error when updating request: %s" % update["Message"] )
      return update

    ## get request status                
    if self.jobID:
      requestStatus = self.requestClient().getRequestStatus( self.requestName )
      if not requestStatus["OK"]:
        return requestStatus
      requestStatus = requestStatus["Value"]
      ## finalize request if jobID is present and request status = 'Done'"handleRequest: request status is %s" % requestStatus )
      if ( requestStatus["RequestStatus"] == "Done" ) and ( requestStatus["SubRequestStatus"] not in ( "Waiting", "Assigned" ) ):
        self.debug("handleRequest: request is going to be finalised")
        finalize = self.requestClient().finalizeRequest( self.requestName, self.jobID )
        if not finalize["OK"]:
          self.error("handleRequest: error in request finalization: %s" % finalize["Message"] )
          return finalize"handleRequest: request is finalised")
      ## for gMonitor
      self.addMark( "Done", 1 )

    ## should return S_OK with monitor dict
    return S_OK( { "monitor" : self.monitor() } )
  def putBackRequest( self, requestName, requestString ):
    """ put request back

    :param self: self reference
    :param str requestName: request name
    :param str requestString: XML-serilised request
    :param str sourceServer: request server URL
    update = self.requestClient().updateRequest( requestName, requestString )
    if not update["OK"]:
      self.error( "putBackRequest: error when updating request: %s" % update["Message"] )
      return update
    return S_OK()
    def execute(self):
        """ The main agent execution method """

        # This allows dynamic changing of the throughput timescale
        self.throughputTimescale = self.am_getOption('ThroughputTimescale',
        self.throughputTimescale = 60 * 60 * 1
        #print 'ThroughputTimescale:',self.throughputTimescale
        #  Obtain information on the current state of the channel queues

        res = self.TransferDB.getChannelQueues()
        if not res['OK']:
            errStr = "ReplicationScheduler._execute: Failed to get channel queues from TransferDB."
            gLogger.error(errStr, res['Message'])
            return S_OK()
        if not res['Value']:
                "ReplicationScheduler._execute: No active channels found for replication."
            return S_OK()
        channels = res['Value']

        res = self.TransferDB.getChannelObservedThroughput(
        if not res['OK']:
            errStr = "ReplicationScheduler._execute: Failed to get observed throughput from TransferDB."
            gLogger.error(errStr, res['Message'])
            return S_OK()
        if not res['Value']:
                "ReplicationScheduler._execute: No active channels found for replication."
            return S_OK()
        bandwidths = res['Value']

        self.strategyHandler = StrategyHandler(bandwidths, channels,

        processedRequests = []
        requestsPresent = True
        while requestsPresent:

            #  The first step is to obtain a transfer request from the RequestDB which should be scheduled.

                "ReplicationScheduler._execute: Contacting RequestDB for suitable requests."
            res = self.RequestDB.getRequest('transfer')
            if not res['OK']:
                    "ReplicationScheduler._execute: Failed to get a request list from RequestDB.",
            if not res['Value']:
                    "ReplicationScheduler._execute: No requests found in RequestDB."
                requestsPresent = False
                return S_OK()
            requestString = res['Value']['RequestString']
            requestName = res['Value']['RequestName']
                "ReplicationScheduler._execute: Obtained Request %s from RequestDB."
                % (requestName))

            #  The request must then be parsed to obtain the sub-requests, their attributes and files.

            logStr = 'ReplicationScheduler._execute: Parsing Request %s.' % (
            oRequest = RequestContainer(requestString)
            res = oRequest.getAttribute('RequestID')
            if not res['OK']:
                    'ReplicationScheduler._execute: Failed to get requestID.',
                return S_ERROR(
                    'ReplicationScheduler._execute: Failed to get number of sub-requests.'
            requestID = res['Value']
            if requestID in processedRequests:
                # Break the loop once we have iterated once over all requests
                res = self.RequestDB.updateRequest(requestName, requestString)
                if not res['OK']:
                    gLogger.error("Failed to update request",
                                  "%s %s" % (requestName, res['Message']))
                return S_OK()


            res = oRequest.getNumSubRequests('transfer')
            if not res['OK']:
                    'ReplicationScheduler._execute: Failed to get number of sub-requests.',
                return S_ERROR(
                    'ReplicationScheduler._execute: Failed to get number of sub-requests.'
            numberRequests = res['Value']
                "ReplicationScheduler._execute: '%s' found with %s sub-requests."
                % (requestName, numberRequests))

            #  The important request attributes are the source and target SEs.

            for ind in range(numberRequests):
                    "ReplicationScheduler._execute: Treating sub-request %s from '%s'."
                    % (ind, requestName))
                attributes = oRequest.getSubRequestAttributes(
                    ind, 'transfer')['Value']
                if attributes['Status'] != 'Waiting':
                    #  If the sub-request is already in terminal state
                        "ReplicationScheduler._execute: Sub-request %s is status '%s' and  not to be executed."
                        % (ind, attributes['Status']))

                sourceSE = attributes['SourceSE']
                targetSE = attributes['TargetSE']
                """ This section should go in the transfer request class """
                if type(targetSE) in types.StringTypes:
                    if',', targetSE):
                        targetSEs = targetSE.split(',')
                        targetSEs = [targetSE]
                """----------------------------------------------------- """
                operation = attributes['Operation']
                reqRepStrategy = None
                if operation in self.strategyHandler.getSupportedStrategies():
                    reqRepStrategy = operation

                # Then obtain the file attribute of interest are the  LFN and FileID

                res = oRequest.getSubRequestFiles(ind, 'transfer')
                if not res['OK']:
                        'ReplicationScheduler._execute: Failed to obtain sub-request files.',
                files = res['Value']
                    "ReplicationScheduler._execute: Sub-request %s found with %s files."
                    % (ind, len(files)))
                filesDict = {}
                for file in files:
                    lfn = file['LFN']
                    if file['Status'] != 'Waiting':
                            "ReplicationScheduler._execute: %s will not be scheduled because it is %s."
                            % (lfn, file['Status']))
                        fileID = file['FileID']
                        filesDict[lfn] = fileID
                if not filesDict:
                        "ReplicationScheduler._execute: No Waiting files found for request"
                notSched = len(files) - len(filesDict)
                if notSched:
                        "ReplicationScheduler._execute: %d files found not Waiting"
                        % notSched)

                #  Now obtain replica information for the files associated to the sub-request.

                lfns = filesDict.keys()
                    "ReplicationScheduler._execute: Obtaining replica information for %d sub-request files."
                    % len(lfns))
                res = self.rm.getCatalogReplicas(lfns)
                if not res['OK']:
                        "ReplicationScheduler._execute: Failed to get replica information.",
                for lfn, failure in res['Value']['Failed'].items():
                        "ReplicationScheduler._execute: Failed to get replicas.",
                        '%s: %s' % (lfn, failure))
                replicas = res['Value']['Successful']
                if not replicas.keys():
                        "ReplicationScheduler._execute: Failed to get replica information for all files."

                #  Now obtain the file sizes for the files associated to the sub-request.

                lfns = replicas.keys()
                    "ReplicationScheduler._execute: Obtaining file sizes for %d sub-request files."
                    % len(lfns))
                res = self.rm.getCatalogFileMetadata(lfns)
                if not res['OK']:
                        "ReplicationScheduler._execute: Failed to get file size information.",
                for lfn, failure in res['Value']['Failed'].items():
                        'ReplicationScheduler._execute: Failed to get file size.',
                        '%s: %s' % (lfn, failure))
                metadata = res['Value']['Successful']
                if not metadata.keys():
                        "ReplicationScheduler._execute: Failed to get metadata for all files."

                # For each LFN determine the replication tree

                for lfn in sortList(metadata.keys()):
                    fileSize = metadata[lfn]['Size']
                    lfnReps = replicas[lfn]
                    fileID = filesDict[lfn]

                    targets = []
                    for targetSE in targetSEs:
                        if targetSE in lfnReps.keys():
                                "ReplicationScheduler.execute: %s already present at %s."
                                % (lfn, targetSE))
                    if not targets:
                            "ReplicationScheduler.execute: %s present at all targets."
                            % lfn)
                            ind, 'transfer', lfn, 'Status', 'Done')
                    if not lfnReps:
                            "ReplicationScheduler.execute: The file has no replicas.",
                    res = self.strategyHandler.determineReplicationTree(
                    if not res['OK']:
                            "ReplicationScheduler.execute: Failed to determine replication tree.",
                    tree = res['Value']

                    # For each item in the replication tree obtain the source and target SURLS

                    for channelID, dict in tree.items():
                            "ReplicationScheduler.execute: processing for channel %d %s"
                            % (channelID, str(dict)))
                        hopSourceSE = dict['SourceSE']
                        hopDestSE = dict['DestSE']
                        hopAncestor = dict['Ancestor']

                        # Get the sourceSURL
                        if hopAncestor:
                            status = 'Waiting%s' % (hopAncestor)
                            res = self.obtainLFNSURL(hopSourceSE, lfn)
                            if not res['OK']:
                                errStr = res['Message']
                                return S_ERROR(errStr)
                            sourceSURL = res['Value']
                            status = 'Waiting'
                            res = self.resolvePFNSURL(hopSourceSE,
                            if not res['OK']:
                                sourceSURL = lfnReps[hopSourceSE]
                                sourceSURL = res['Value']

                        # Get the targetSURL
                        res = self.obtainLFNSURL(hopDestSE, lfn)
                        if not res['OK']:
                            errStr = res['Message']
                            return S_ERROR(errStr)
                        targetSURL = res['Value']

                        # For each item in the replication tree add the file to the channel
                        res = self.TransferDB.addFileToChannel(
                        if not res['OK']:
                            errStr = res['Message']
                                "ReplicationScheduler._execute: Failed to add File to Channel.",
                                "%s %s" % (fileID, channelID))
                            return S_ERROR(errStr)
                        res = self.TransferDB.addFileRegistration(
                            channelID, fileID, lfn, targetSURL, hopDestSE)
                        if not res['OK']:
                            errStr = res['Message']
                                "ReplicationScheduler._execute: Failed to add File registration.",
                                "%s %s" % (fileID, channelID))
                            result = self.TransferDB.removeFileFromChannel(
                                channelID, fileID)
                            if not result['OK']:
                                errStr += result['Message']
                                    "ReplicationScheduler._execute: Failed to remove File.",
                                    "%s %s" % (fileID, channelID))
                            return S_ERROR(errStr)
                            ind, 'transfer', lfn, 'Status', 'Scheduled')
                    res = self.TransferDB.addReplicationTree(fileID, tree)

                if oRequest.isSubRequestEmpty(ind, 'transfer')['Value']:
                    oRequest.setSubRequestStatus(ind, 'transfer', 'Scheduled')

            #  Generate the new request string after operation
            requestString = oRequest.toXML()['Value']
            res = self.RequestDB.updateRequest(requestName, requestString)
            if not res['OK']:
                    "ReplicationScheduler._execute: Failed to update request",
                    "%s %s" % (requestName, res['Message']))
  def execute( self ):
    """ The main agent execution method """

    # This allows dynamic changing of the throughput timescale
    self.throughputTimescale = self.am_getOption( 'ThroughputTimescale', 3600 )
    self.throughputTimescale = 60 * 60 * 1
    #print 'ThroughputTimescale:',self.throughputTimescale
    #  Obtain information on the current state of the channel queues

    res = self.TransferDB.getChannelQueues()
    if not res['OK']:
      errStr = "ReplicationScheduler._execute: Failed to get channel queues from TransferDB."
      gLogger.error( errStr, res['Message'] )
      return S_OK()
    if not res['Value']: "ReplicationScheduler._execute: No active channels found for replication." )
      return S_OK()
    channels = res['Value']

    res = self.TransferDB.getChannelObservedThroughput( self.throughputTimescale )
    if not res['OK']:
      errStr = "ReplicationScheduler._execute: Failed to get observed throughput from TransferDB."
      gLogger.error( errStr, res['Message'] )
      return S_OK()
    if not res['Value']: "ReplicationScheduler._execute: No active channels found for replication." )
      return S_OK()
    bandwidths = res['Value']

    self.strategyHandler = StrategyHandler( bandwidths, channels, self.section )

    processedRequests = []
    requestsPresent = True
    while requestsPresent:

      #  The first step is to obtain a transfer request from the RequestDB which should be scheduled.
      # "ReplicationScheduler._execute: Contacting RequestDB for suitable requests." )
      res = self.RequestDB.getRequest( 'transfer' )
      if not res['OK']:
        gLogger.error( "ReplicationScheduler._execute: Failed to get a request list from RequestDB.", res['Message'] )
      if not res['Value']: "ReplicationScheduler._execute: No requests found in RequestDB." )
        requestsPresent = False
        return S_OK()
      requestString = res['Value']['RequestString']
      requestName = res['Value']['RequestName'] "ReplicationScheduler._execute: Obtained Request %s from RequestDB." % ( requestName ) )

      #  The request must then be parsed to obtain the sub-requests, their attributes and files.

      logStr = 'ReplicationScheduler._execute: Parsing Request %s.' % ( requestName ) logStr )
      oRequest = RequestContainer( requestString )
      res = oRequest.getAttribute( 'RequestID' )
      if not res['OK']:
        gLogger.error( 'ReplicationScheduler._execute: Failed to get requestID.', res['Message'] )
        return S_ERROR( 'ReplicationScheduler._execute: Failed to get number of sub-requests.' )
      requestID = res['Value']
      if requestID in processedRequests:
        # Break the loop once we have iterated once over all requests
        res = self.RequestDB.updateRequest( requestName, requestString )
        if not res['OK']:
          gLogger.error( "Failed to update request", "%s %s" % ( requestName, res['Message'] ) )
        return S_OK()

      processedRequests.append( requestID )

      res = oRequest.getNumSubRequests( 'transfer' )
      if not res['OK']:
        gLogger.error( 'ReplicationScheduler._execute: Failed to get number of sub-requests.', res['Message'] )
        return S_ERROR( 'ReplicationScheduler._execute: Failed to get number of sub-requests.' )
      numberRequests = res['Value'] "ReplicationScheduler._execute: '%s' found with %s sub-requests." % ( requestName, numberRequests ) )

      #  The important request attributes are the source and target SEs.

      for ind in range( numberRequests ): "ReplicationScheduler._execute: Treating sub-request %s from '%s'." % ( ind, requestName ) )
        attributes = oRequest.getSubRequestAttributes( ind, 'transfer' )['Value']
        if attributes['Status'] != 'Waiting':
          #  If the sub-request is already in terminal state
 "ReplicationScheduler._execute: Sub-request %s is status '%s' and  not to be executed." % ( ind, attributes['Status'] ) )

        sourceSE = attributes['SourceSE']
        targetSE = attributes['TargetSE']
        """ This section should go in the transfer request class """
        if type( targetSE ) in types.StringTypes:
          if ',', targetSE ):
            targetSEs = targetSE.split( ',' )
            targetSEs = [targetSE]
        """----------------------------------------------------- """
        operation = attributes['Operation']
        reqRepStrategy = None
        if operation in self.strategyHandler.getSupportedStrategies():
          reqRepStrategy = operation

        # Then obtain the file attribute of interest are the  LFN and FileID

        res = oRequest.getSubRequestFiles( ind, 'transfer' )
        if not res['OK']:
          gLogger.error( 'ReplicationScheduler._execute: Failed to obtain sub-request files.' , res['Message'] )
        files = res['Value'] "ReplicationScheduler._execute: Sub-request %s found with %s files." % ( ind, len( files ) ) )
        filesDict = {}
        for file in files:
          lfn = file['LFN']
          if file['Status'] != 'Waiting':
            gLogger.debug( "ReplicationScheduler._execute: %s will not be scheduled because it is %s." % ( lfn, file['Status'] ) )
            fileID = file['FileID']
            filesDict[lfn] = fileID
        if not filesDict:
 "ReplicationScheduler._execute: No Waiting files found for request" )
        notSched = len( files ) - len( filesDict )
        if notSched:
 "ReplicationScheduler._execute: %d files found not Waiting" % notSched )

        #  Now obtain replica information for the files associated to the sub-request.

        lfns = filesDict.keys() "ReplicationScheduler._execute: Obtaining replica information for %d sub-request files." % len( lfns ) )
        res = self.rm.getCatalogReplicas( lfns )
        if not res['OK']:
          gLogger.error( "ReplicationScheduler._execute: Failed to get replica information.", res['Message'] )
        for lfn, failure in res['Value']['Failed'].items():
          gLogger.error( "ReplicationScheduler._execute: Failed to get replicas.", '%s: %s' % ( lfn, failure ) )
        replicas = res['Value']['Successful']
        if not replicas.keys():
          gLogger.error( "ReplicationScheduler._execute: Failed to get replica information for all files." )

        #  Now obtain the file sizes for the files associated to the sub-request.

        lfns = replicas.keys() "ReplicationScheduler._execute: Obtaining file sizes for %d sub-request files." % len( lfns ) )
        res = self.rm.getCatalogFileMetadata( lfns )
        if not res['OK']:
          gLogger.error( "ReplicationScheduler._execute: Failed to get file size information.", res['Message'] )
        for lfn, failure in res['Value']['Failed'].items():
          gLogger.error( 'ReplicationScheduler._execute: Failed to get file size.', '%s: %s' % ( lfn, failure ) )
        metadata = res['Value']['Successful']
        if not metadata.keys():
          gLogger.error( "ReplicationScheduler._execute: Failed to get metadata for all files." )

        # For each LFN determine the replication tree

        for lfn in sortList( metadata.keys() ):
          fileSize = metadata[lfn]['Size']
          lfnReps = replicas[lfn]
          fileID = filesDict[lfn]

          targets = []
          for targetSE in targetSEs:
            if targetSE in lfnReps.keys():
              gLogger.debug( "ReplicationScheduler.execute: %s already present at %s." % ( lfn, targetSE ) )
              targets.append( targetSE )
          if not targets:
   "ReplicationScheduler.execute: %s present at all targets." % lfn )
            oRequest.setSubRequestFileAttributeValue( ind, 'transfer', lfn, 'Status', 'Done' )
          if not lfnReps:
            gLogger.error( "ReplicationScheduler.execute: The file has no replicas.", lfn )
          res = self.strategyHandler.determineReplicationTree( sourceSE, targets, lfnReps, fileSize, strategy = reqRepStrategy )
          if not res['OK']:
            gLogger.error( "ReplicationScheduler.execute: Failed to determine replication tree.", res['Message'] )
          tree = res['Value']

          # For each item in the replication tree obtain the source and target SURLS

          for channelID, dict in tree.items():
   "ReplicationScheduler.execute: processing for channel %d %s" % ( channelID, str( dict ) ) )
            hopSourceSE = dict['SourceSE']
            hopDestSE = dict['DestSE']
            hopAncestor = dict['Ancestor']

            # Get the sourceSURL
            if hopAncestor:
              status = 'Waiting%s' % ( hopAncestor )
              res = self.obtainLFNSURL( hopSourceSE, lfn )
              if not res['OK']:
                errStr = res['Message']
                gLogger.error( errStr )
                return S_ERROR( errStr )
              sourceSURL = res['Value']
              status = 'Waiting'
              res = self.resolvePFNSURL( hopSourceSE, lfnReps[hopSourceSE] )
              if not res['OK']:
                sourceSURL = lfnReps[hopSourceSE]
                sourceSURL = res['Value']

            # Get the targetSURL
            res = self.obtainLFNSURL( hopDestSE, lfn )
            if not res['OK']:
              errStr = res['Message']
              gLogger.error( errStr )
              return S_ERROR( errStr )
            targetSURL = res['Value']

            # For each item in the replication tree add the file to the channel
            res = self.TransferDB.addFileToChannel( channelID, fileID, hopSourceSE, sourceSURL, hopDestSE, targetSURL, fileSize, fileStatus = status )
            if not res['OK']:
              errStr = res['Message']
              gLogger.error( "ReplicationScheduler._execute: Failed to add File to Channel." , "%s %s" % ( fileID, channelID ) )
              return S_ERROR( errStr )
            res = self.TransferDB.addFileRegistration( channelID, fileID, lfn, targetSURL, hopDestSE )
            if not res['OK']:
              errStr = res['Message']
              gLogger.error( "ReplicationScheduler._execute: Failed to add File registration." , "%s %s" % ( fileID, channelID ) )
              result = self.TransferDB.removeFileFromChannel( channelID, fileID )
              if not result['OK']:
                errStr += result['Message']
                gLogger.error( "ReplicationScheduler._execute: Failed to remove File." , "%s %s" % ( fileID, channelID ) )
              return S_ERROR( errStr )
            oRequest.setSubRequestFileAttributeValue( ind, 'transfer', lfn, 'Status', 'Scheduled' )
          res = self.TransferDB.addReplicationTree( fileID, tree )

        if oRequest.isSubRequestEmpty( ind, 'transfer' )['Value']:
          oRequest.setSubRequestStatus( ind, 'transfer', 'Scheduled' )

      #  Generate the new request string after operation
      requestString = oRequest.toXML()['Value']
      res = self.RequestDB.updateRequest( requestName, requestString )
      if not res['OK']:
        gLogger.error( "ReplicationScheduler._execute: Failed to update request", "%s %s" % ( requestName, res['Message'] ) )