Beispiel #1
class ResourceStats_Command(Command):
  The ResourceStats_Command class is a command class to know about
  present resources stats

    def doCommand(self):
    Uses :meth:`DIRAC.ResourceStatusSystem.Client.ResourceStatusClient.getResourceStats`

      :attr:`args`: a tuple
        - `args[0]` string, a ValidRes. Should be in ('Site', 'Service')

        - `args[1]` should be the name of the Site or Service


        super(ResourceStats_Command, self).doCommand()

        if self.client is None:
            from DIRAC.ResourceStatusSystem.Client.ResourceStatusClient import ResourceStatusClient

            self.client = ResourceStatusClient(timeout=self.timeout)

            res = self.client.getResourceStats(self.args[0], self.args[1])
            gLogger.exception("Exception when calling ResourceStatusClient for %s %s" % (self.args[0], self.args[1]))
            return {"Result": "Unknown"}

        return {"Result": res}

    doCommand.__doc__ = Command.doCommand.__doc__ + doCommand.__doc__
Beispiel #2
class ResourceStats_Command( Command ):
  The ResourceStats_Command class is a command class to know about
  present resources stats

  def doCommand( self ):
    Uses :meth:`DIRAC.ResourceStatusSystem.Client.ResourceStatusClient.getResourceStats`

      :attr:`args`: a tuple
        - `args[0]` string, a ValidRes. Should be in ('Site', 'Service')

        - `args[1]` should be the name of the Site or Service


    super( ResourceStats_Command, self ).doCommand()

    if self.client is None:
      from DIRAC.ResourceStatusSystem.Client.ResourceStatusClient import ResourceStatusClient
      self.client = ResourceStatusClient( timeout = self.timeout )

      res = self.client.getResourceStats( self.args[0], self.args[1] )['Value']
      gLogger.exception( "Exception when calling ResourceStatusClient for %s %s" % ( self.args[0], self.args[1] ) )
      return {'Result':'Unknown'}

    return {'Result':res}

  doCommand.__doc__ = Command.doCommand.__doc__ + doCommand.__doc__
Beispiel #3
class ResourceStatsCommand(Command):
  The ResourceStats_Command class is a command class to know about
  present resources stats
    def __init__(self, args=None, clients=None):

        super(ResourceStatsCommand, self).__init__(args, clients)

        if 'ResourceStatusClient' in self.apis:
            self.rsClient = self.apis['ResourceStatusClient']
            self.rsClient = ResourceStatusClient()

    def doCommand(self):
    Uses :meth:`DIRAC.ResourceStatusSystem.Client.ResourceStatusClient.getResourceStats`

      :attr:`args`: a tuple
        - `args[0]` string, a ValidElement. Should be in ('Site', 'Service')

        - `args[1]` should be the name of the Site or Service



        #    try:

        res = self.rsClient.getResourceStats(self.args[0],
        if not res['OK']:
            return self.returnERROR(res)
#    except Exception, e:
#      _msg = '%s (%s): %s' % ( self.__class__.__name__, self.args, e )
#      gLogger.exception( _msg )
#      return S_ERROR( _msg )

        return res
Beispiel #4
class ResourceStatsCommand( Command ):
  The ResourceStats_Command class is a command class to know about
  present resources stats

  def __init__( self, args = None, clients = None ):
    super( ResourceStatsCommand, self ).__init__( args, clients )
    if 'ResourceStatusClient' in self.apis:
      self.rsClient = self.apis[ 'ResourceStatusClient' ]
      self.rsClient = ResourceStatusClient()  

  def doCommand( self ):
    Uses :meth:`DIRAC.ResourceStatusSystem.Client.ResourceStatusClient.getResourceStats`

      :attr:`args`: a tuple
        - `args[0]` string, a ValidElement. Should be in ('Site', 'Service')

        - `args[1]` should be the name of the Site or Service



#    try:
    res = self.rsClient.getResourceStats( self.args[0], self.args[1], statusType = None )
    if not res[ 'OK' ]:
      return self.returnERROR( res )
#    except Exception, e:
#      _msg = '%s (%s): %s' % ( self.__class__.__name__, self.args, e )
#      gLogger.exception( _msg )
#      return S_ERROR( _msg )

    return res