Beispiel #1
  def enforce(self, pdpIn = None, rsDBIn = None, rmDBIn = None, ncIn = None, setupIn = None,
              daIn = None, csAPIIn = None, knownInfo = None):
    enforce policies, using a PDP  (Policy Decision Point), based on

     self.__granularity (optional)

     self.__name (optional)

     self.__status (optional)

     self.__formerStatus (optional)

     self.__reason (optional)

     self.__siteType (optional)

     self.__serviceType (optional)

     self.__realBan (optional)

     self.__user (optional)

     self.__futurePolicyType (optional)

     self.__futureGranularity (optional)

       :attr:`pdpIn`: a custom PDP object (optional)

       :attr:`rsDBIn`: a custom (statuses) database object (optional)

       :attr:`rmDBIn`: a custom (management) database object (optional)

       :attr:`setupIn`: a string with the present setup (optional)

       :attr:`ncIn`: a custom notification client object (optional)

       :attr:`daIn`: a custom DiracAdmin object (optional)

       :attr:`csAPIIn`: a custom CSAPI object (optional)

       :attr:`knownInfo`: a string of known provided information (optional)

    if pdpIn is not None:
      pdp = pdpIn
      # Use standard DIRAC PDP
      from DIRAC.ResourceStatusSystem.PolicySystem.PDP import PDP
      pdp = PDP(self.VOExtension, granularity = self.__granularity, name = self.__name,
                status = self.__status, formerStatus = self.__formerStatus, reason = self.__reason,
                siteType = self.__siteType, serviceType = self.__serviceType,
                resourceType = self.__resourceType, useNewRes = self.useNewRes)

    if rsDBIn is not None:
      rsDB = rsDBIn
      # Use standard DIRAC DB
      from DIRAC.ResourceStatusSystem.DB.ResourceStatusDB import ResourceStatusDB
      rsDB = ResourceStatusDB()

    if rmDBIn is not None:
      rmDB = rmDBIn
      # Use standard DIRAC DB
      from DIRAC.ResourceStatusSystem.DB.ResourceManagementDB import ResourceManagementDB
      rmDB = ResourceManagementDB()

    if setupIn is not None:
      setup = setupIn
      # get present setup
      setup = getSetup()['Value']

    #notification client
    if ncIn is not None:
      nc = ncIn
      from DIRAC.FrameworkSystem.Client.NotificationClient import NotificationClient
      nc = NotificationClient()

    if daIn is not None:
      da = daIn
      from DIRAC.Interfaces.API.DiracAdmin import DiracAdmin
      da = DiracAdmin()

    if csAPIIn is not None:
      csAPI = csAPIIn
      from DIRAC.ConfigurationSystem.Client.CSAPI import CSAPI
      csAPI = CSAPI()

    # policy decision
    resDecisions = pdp.takeDecision(knownInfo=knownInfo)

#    if self.__name == 'CERN-RAW':
#      print resDecisions

    for res in resDecisions['PolicyCombinedResult']:

      self.__policyType = res['PolicyType']

      #if self.__realBan == False:
      #  continue

      if 'Resource_PolType' in self.__policyType:
        # If token != RS_SVC, we do not update the token, just the LastCheckedTime

        if self.__realBan == False:
          rsDB.setLastMonitoredCheckTime(self.__granularity, self.__name)
          self._ResourcePolTypeActions(resDecisions, res, rsDB, rmDB)

      if 'Alarm_PolType' in self.__policyType:
        self._AlarmPolTypeActions(res, nc, setup, rsDB)

      if 'RealBan_PolType' in self.__policyType and self.__realBan == True:
        self._RealBanPolTypeActions(res, da, csAPI, setup)

      if 'Collective_PolType' in self.__policyType:
        # do something