Beispiel #1
    def __init__(self, clients=None):
        """ Constructor.

      >>> pdp  = PDP( None )
      >>> pdp1 = PDP( {} )
      >>> pdp2 = PDP( { 'Client1' : Client1Object } )

      **clients** - [ None, `dict` ]
        dictionary with Clients to be used in the Commands. If None, the Commands
        will create their own clients.


        # decision parameters used to match policies and actions
        self.decisionParams = None

        # Helpers to discover policies and RSS metadata in CS
        self.iGetter = InfoGetter()
        self.pCaller = PolicyCaller(clients)

        # RSS State Machine, used to calculate most penalizing state while merging them
        self.rssMachine = RSSMachine('Unknown')

        self.log = gLogger.getSubLogger('PDP')
Beispiel #2
    def __init__(self,
    Standard constructor

      :attr:`VOExtension`: string, VO Extension (e.g. 'LHCb')

      :attr:`rsDBIn`: optional ResourceStatusDB object
      (see :class: `DIRAC.ResourceStatusSystem.DB.ResourceStatusDB.ResourceStatusDB`)

      :attr:`commandCallerIn`: optional CommandCaller object
      (see :class: `DIRAC.ResourceStatusSystem.Command.CommandCaller.CommandCaller`)

      :attr:`infoGetterIn`: optional InfoGetter object
      (see :class: `DIRAC.ResourceStatusSystem.Utilities.InfoGetter.InfoGetter`)

      :attr:`WMSAdminIn`: optional RPCClient object for WMSAdmin
      (see :class: `DIRAC.Core.DISET.RPCClient.RPCClient`)

        self.configModule = Utils.voimport(
            "DIRAC.ResourceStatusSystem.Policy.Configurations", VOExtension)

        if rsDBIn is not None:
            self.rsDB = rsDBIn
            from DIRAC.ResourceStatusSystem.DB.ResourceStatusDB import ResourceStatusDB
            self.rsDB = ResourceStatusDB()

        from DIRAC.ResourceStatusSystem.DB.ResourceManagementDB import ResourceManagementDB
        self.rmDB = ResourceManagementDB()

        if commandCallerIn is not None:
   = commandCallerIn
            from DIRAC.ResourceStatusSystem.Command.CommandCaller import CommandCaller
   = CommandCaller()

        if infoGetterIn is not None:
            self.ig = infoGetterIn
            from DIRAC.ResourceStatusSystem.Utilities.InfoGetter import InfoGetter
            self.ig = InfoGetter(VOExtension)

        if WMSAdminIn is not None:
            self.WMSAdmin = WMSAdminIn
            from DIRAC.Core.DISET.RPCClient import RPCClient
            self.WMSAdmin = RPCClient("WorkloadManagement/WMSAdministrator")

        self.threadPool = ThreadPool(2, 5)

        self.lockObj = threading.RLock()

        self.infoForPanel_res = {}
Beispiel #3
    def __init__(self, clients):
      Constructor. Defines members that will be used later on.

        self.pCaller = PolicyCaller(clients=clients)
        self.iGetter = InfoGetter()

        self.decissionParams = {}
        self.rssMachine = RSSMachine('Unknown')
def initializeResourceManagementHandler(serviceInfo):

    global rsDB
    rsDB = ResourceStatusDB()
    global rmDB
    rmDB = ResourceManagementDB()

    cc = CommandCaller()

    global VOExtension
    VOExtension = getExt()

    ig = InfoGetter(VOExtension)

    WMSAdmin = RPCClient("WorkloadManagement/WMSAdministrator")

    global publisher
    publisher = Publisher(VOExtension,

    #  sync_O = Synchronizer(rsDB)
    #  gConfig.addListenerToNewVersionEvent( sync_O.sync )

    return S_OK()
Beispiel #5
  def __init__( self, clients = None ):
    """ Constructor.

      >>> pdp  = PDP( None )
      >>> pdp1 = PDP( {} )
      >>> pdp2 = PDP( { 'Client1' : Client1Object } )

      **clients** - [ None, `dict` ]
        dictionary with Clients to be used in the Commands. If None, the Commands
        will create their own clients.


    # decision parameters used to match policies and actions
    self.decisionParams = None

    # Helpers to discover policies and RSS metadata in CS
    self.iGetter = InfoGetter()
    self.pCaller = PolicyCaller( clients )

    # RSS State Machine, used to calculate most penalizing state while merging them
    self.rssMachine = RSSMachine( 'Unknown' )

    self.log = gLogger.getSubLogger( 'PDP' )
Beispiel #6
    def __init__(self):
    Constructor, initializes the rssClient.

        self.log = gLogger.getSubLogger(self.__class__.__name__)
        self.rssConfig = RssConfiguration()
        self.__opHelper = Operations()
        self.rssClient = None
        self.infoGetter = InfoGetter()

        # We can set CacheLifetime and CacheHistory from CS, so that we can tune them.
        cacheLifeTime = int(self.rssConfig.getConfigCache())

        # RSSCache only affects the calls directed to RSS, if using the CS it is not
        # used.
        self.seCache = RSSCache('StorageElement', cacheLifeTime,
Beispiel #7
    def __init__(self, clients):
      Constructor. Defines members that will be used later on.

        self.pCaller = PolicyCaller(clients=clients)
        self.iGetter = InfoGetter()

        self.decissionParams = {}
        self.rssMachine = RSSMachine("Unknown")
Beispiel #8
  def __init__(self, VOExtension, rsDBIn = None, commandCallerIn = None, infoGetterIn = None,
               WMSAdminIn = None):
    Standard constructor

      :attr:`VOExtension`: string, VO Extension (e.g. 'LHCb')

      :attr:`rsDBIn`: optional ResourceStatusDB object
      (see :class: `DIRAC.ResourceStatusSystem.DB.ResourceStatusDB.ResourceStatusDB`)

      :attr:`commandCallerIn`: optional CommandCaller object
      (see :class: `DIRAC.ResourceStatusSystem.Command.CommandCaller.CommandCaller`)

      :attr:`infoGetterIn`: optional InfoGetter object
      (see :class: `DIRAC.ResourceStatusSystem.Utilities.InfoGetter.InfoGetter`)

      :attr:`WMSAdminIn`: optional RPCClient object for WMSAdmin
      (see :class: `DIRAC.Core.DISET.RPCClient.RPCClient`)

    self.configModule = Utils.voimport("DIRAC.ResourceStatusSystem.Policy.Configurations", VOExtension)

    if rsDBIn is not None:
      self.rsDB = rsDBIn
      from DIRAC.ResourceStatusSystem.DB.ResourceStatusDB import ResourceStatusDB
      self.rsDB = ResourceStatusDB()

    from DIRAC.ResourceStatusSystem.DB.ResourceManagementDB import ResourceManagementDB
    self.rmDB = ResourceManagementDB()

    if commandCallerIn is not None: = commandCallerIn
      from DIRAC.ResourceStatusSystem.Command.CommandCaller import CommandCaller = CommandCaller()

    if infoGetterIn is not None:
      self.ig = infoGetterIn
      from DIRAC.ResourceStatusSystem.Utilities.InfoGetter import InfoGetter
      self.ig = InfoGetter(VOExtension)

    if WMSAdminIn is not None:
      self.WMSAdmin = WMSAdminIn
      from DIRAC.Core.DISET.RPCClient import RPCClient
      self.WMSAdmin = RPCClient("WorkloadManagement/WMSAdministrator")

    self.threadPool = ThreadPool( 2, 5 )

    self.lockObj = threading.RLock()

    self.infoForPanel_res = {}
Beispiel #9
    def __init__(self, **clients):
      Constructor. Defines members that will be used later on.

        cc = CommandCaller()
        self.clients = clients
        self.pCaller = PolicyCaller(cc, **clients)
        self.iGetter = InfoGetter()

        self.__granularity = None
        self.__name = None
        self.__statusType = None
        self.__status = None
        self.__formerStatus = None
        self.__reason = None
        self.__siteType = None
        self.__serviceType = None
        self.__resourceType = None
        self.__useNewRes = None
Beispiel #10
  def __init__( self ):
    Constructor, initializes the rssClient.

    self.log = gLogger.getSubLogger( self.__class__.__name__ )
    self.rssConfig = RssConfiguration()
    self.__opHelper = Operations()
    self.rssClient = None
    self.infoGetter = InfoGetter()

    # We can set CacheLifetime and CacheHistory from CS, so that we can tune them.
    cacheLifeTime = int( self.rssConfig.getConfigCache() )

    # RSSCache only affects the calls directed to RSS, if using the CS it is not
    # used.
    self.seCache = RSSCache( 'StorageElement', cacheLifeTime, self.__updateSECache )
Beispiel #11
    def setUp(self):
        sys.modules["DIRAC"] = DIRAC.ResourceStatusSystem.test.fake_Logger
            "DIRAC.ResourceStatusSystem.Utilities.CS"] = DIRAC.ResourceStatusSystem.test.fake_Logger
            "DIRAC.Core.Utilities.SiteCEMapping"] = DIRAC.ResourceStatusSystem.test.fake_Logger
            "DIRAC.Core.Utilities.SiteSEMapping"] = DIRAC.ResourceStatusSystem.test.fake_Logger
            "DIRAC.Core.Utilities.SitesDIRACGOCDBmapping"] = DIRAC.ResourceStatusSystem.test.fake_Logger
            "DIRAC.Interfaces.API.DiracAdmin"] = DIRAC.ResourceStatusSystem.test.fake_Admin
            "DIRAC.FrameworkSystem.Client.NotificationClient"] = DIRAC.ResourceStatusSystem.test.fake_NotificationClient

        from DIRAC.ResourceStatusSystem.Utilities.InfoGetter import InfoGetter
        from DIRAC.ResourceStatusSystem.PolicySystem.PolicyBase import PolicyBase
        from DIRAC.ResourceStatusSystem.PolicySystem.PolicyInvoker import PolicyInvoker

        from DIRAC import gConfig
        self.VO = gConfig.getValue("DIRAC/Extensions")
        if 'LHCb' in self.VO:
            self.VO = 'LHCb'

        self.mock_command = Mock()
        self.mock_policy = Mock()
        self.mock_p = Mock()
        self.mock_args = Mock()
        self.pb = PolicyBase()
        self.pi = PolicyInvoker()
        self.mock_pdp = Mock()
        self.mock_rsDB = Mock()
        self.mock_rmDB = Mock()
        self.mock_nc = Mock()
        self.mock_da = Mock()
        self.mock_da.getBannedSites.return_value = {
            'OK': True,
            'Value': ['', '', '']
        self.mock_da.addSiteInMask.return_value = {'OK': True, 'Value': ''}
        self.mock_da.banSiteFromMask.return_value = {'OK': True, 'Value': ''}
        self.mock_da.sendMail.return_value = {'OK': True, 'Value': ''}
        self.mock_csAPI = Mock()
        self.mock_csAPI.setOption.return_value = {'OK': True, 'Value': ''}
        self.mock_csAPI.commit.return_value = {'OK': True, 'Value': ''}
        self.ig = InfoGetter(self.VO)
Beispiel #12
Datei: Projekt: bmb/DIRAC
  def __init__( self, **clients ):
      Constructor. Defines members that will be used later on.
    cc                  = CommandCaller()
    self.clients        = clients
    self.pCaller        = PolicyCaller( cc, **clients )
    self.iGetter        = InfoGetter()

    self.__granularity  = None
    self.__name         = None
    self.__statusType   = None
    self.__status       = None
    self.__formerStatus = None
    self.__reason       = None
    self.__siteType     = None
    self.__serviceType  = None
    self.__resourceType = None
    self.__useNewRes    = None
Beispiel #13
  def testGetInfoToApply(self):
    ig = InfoGetter('LHCb')

    for g in ValidRes:
      for s in ValidStatus:
        for site_t in ValidSiteType:
          for service_t in ValidServiceType:

            if g in ('Site', 'Sites'):
              panel = 'Site_Panel'
            if g in ('Service', 'Services'):
              if service_t == 'Storage':
                panel = 'Service_Storage_Panel'
              if service_t == 'Computing':
                panel = 'Service_Computing_Panel'
              if service_t == 'VO-BOX':
                panel = 'Service_VO-BOX_Panel'
              if service_t == 'VOMS':
                panel = 'Service_VOMS_Panel'
            if g in ('Resource', 'Resources'):
              panel = 'Resource_Panel'
            if g in ('StorageElementRead', 'StorageElementsRead'):
              panel = 'SE_Panel'
            if g in ('StorageElementWrite', 'StorageElementsWrite'):
              panel = 'SE_Panel'

            for resource_t in ValidResourceType:

              res = ig.getInfoToApply(('policyType', ), g, s, None, site_t, service_t, resource_t)
              for p_res in res[0]['PolicyType']:
                self.assert_(p_res in ['Resource_PolType', 'Alarm_PolType', 'Alarm_PolType_SE'])

              for useNewRes in (False, True):

                res = ig.getInfoToApply(('policy', ), g, s, None, site_t, service_t, resource_t, useNewRes)
                pModuleList = [None]
                for k in self.configModule.Policies.keys():
                    if self.configModule.Policies[k]['module'] not in pModuleList:
                  except KeyError:
                for p_res in res[0]['Policies']:
                  self.assert_(p_res['Name'] in self.configModule.Policies.keys())
                  self.assert_(p_res['Module'] in pModuleList)
                  if useNewRes is False:
                    self.assertEqual(p_res['commandIn'], self.configModule.Policies[p_res['Name']]['commandIn'])
                    self.assertEqual(p_res['args'], self.configModule.Policies[p_res['Name']]['args'])
                      self.assertEqual(p_res['commandIn'], self.configModule.Policies[p_res['Name']]['commandInNewRes'])
                    except KeyError:
                      self.assertEqual(p_res['commandIn'], self.configModule.Policies[p_res['Name']]['commandIn'])
                      self.assertEqual(p_res['args'], self.configModule.Policies[p_res['Name']]['argsNewRes'])
                    except KeyError:
                      self.assertEqual(p_res['args'], self.configModule.Policies[p_res['Name']]['args'])

                res = ig.getInfoToApply(('panel_info', ), g, s, None, site_t, service_t, resource_t, useNewRes)
                for p_res in res[0]['Info']:

#                  if 'JobsEfficiencySimple' in p_res.keys():
#                    print useNewRes, p_res

                  for p_name in p_res.keys():
                    self.assert_(p_name in self.configModule.Policies.keys())
                    if isinstance(p_res[p_name], list):
                      for i in range(len(p_res[p_name])):
                        for k in p_res[p_name][i].keys():
                          if useNewRes:
                            except KeyError:
                            except TypeError:

                            except KeyError:
                            except TypeError:




                      self.assertEqual(p_res[p_name], self.configModule.Policies[p_name][panel])
Beispiel #14
    def takeDecision(self, policyIn=None, argsIn=None, knownInfo=None):

        decides policies that have to be applied, based on






        If more than one policy is evaluated, results are combined.

        Logic for combination: a conservative approach is followed
        (i.e. if a site should be banned for at least one policy, that's what is returned)


          { 'PolicyType': a policyType (in a string),
            'Action': True|False,
            'Status': 'Active'|'Probing'|'Banned',
            'Reason': a reason
            'EndDate: datetime.datetime (in a string)}

        self.args = argsIn
        self.policy = policyIn
        self.knownInfo = knownInfo

        self.ig = InfoGetter(self.VOExtension)

        EVAL = self.ig.getInfoToApply(('policy', 'policyType'),

        for policyGroup in EVAL:

            policyType = policyGroup['PolicyType']

            if self.policy is not None:
                # Only the policy provided will be evaluated
                # FIXME: Check that the policies are valid.
                singlePolicyResults = self.policy.evaluate()
                if policyGroup['Policies'] is None:
                    return {
                        'SinglePolicyResults': [],
                        'PolicyCombinedResult': {
                            'PolicyType': policyType,
                            'Action': False,
                            'Reason': 'No policy results'
                    singlePolicyResults = self._invocation(
                        self.VOExtension, self.__granularity, self.__name,
                        self.__status, self.policy, self.args,

            policyCombinedResults = self._policyCombination(
            assert (type(policyCombinedResults) == dict)

            if not policyCombinedResults:
                return {
                    'SinglePolicyResults': singlePolicyResults,
                    'PolicyCombinedResult': {}

            # policy results communication

            newstatus = policyCombinedResults['Status']

            if newstatus != self.__status:  # Policies satisfy
                reason = policyCombinedResults['Reason']
                newPolicyType = self.ig.getNewPolicyType(
                    self.__granularity, newstatus)
                for npt in newPolicyType:
                    if npt not in policyType:
                decision = {
                    'PolicyType': policyType,
                    'Action': True,
                    'Status': newstatus,
                    'Reason': reason
                if policyCombinedResults.has_key('EndDate'):
                    decision['EndDate'] = policyCombinedResults['EndDate']

            else:  # Policies does not satisfy
                reason = policyCombinedResults['Reason']
                decision = {
                    'PolicyType': policyType,
                    'Action': False,
                    'Reason': reason
                if policyCombinedResults.has_key('EndDate'):
                    decision['EndDate'] = policyCombinedResults['EndDate']

        res = {
            'SinglePolicyResults': singlePolicyResults,
            'PolicyCombinedResult': decision

        assert (type(res) == dict)
        return res
Beispiel #15
class PDP:
  PDP = Policy Decision Point.

  Used to invoke policies and to take decision based on the polict results combination.


    def __init__(self,
    PDP (Policy Decision Point) initialization

      :attr:`VOExtension`: string - VO extension (e.g. 'LHCb')

      :attr:`granularity`: string - a ValidRes

      :attr:`name`: string - name (e.g. of a site)

      :attr:`status`: string - status

      :attr:`formerStatus`: string - former status

      :attr:`reason`: string - optional reason for last status change

      :attr:`siteType`: string - optional site type

      :attr:`serviceType`: string - optional service type

      :attr:`resourceType`: string - optional resource type

        self.VOExtension = VOExtension

        self.__granularity = assignOrRaise(granularity, ValidRes, InvalidRes,
                                           self, self.__init__)
        self.__name = name
        self.__status = assignOrRaise(status, ValidStatus, InvalidStatus, self,
        self.__formerStatus = assignOrRaise(formerStatus, ValidStatus,
                                            InvalidStatus, self, self.__init__)
        self.__reason = reason
        self.__siteType = assignOrRaise(siteType, ValidSiteType,
                                        InvalidSiteType, self, self.__init__)
        self.__serviceType = assignOrRaise(serviceType, ValidServiceType,
                                           InvalidServiceType, self,
        self.__resourceType = assignOrRaise(resourceType, ValidResourceType,
                                            InvalidResourceType, self,

        cc = CommandCaller()
        self.pc = PolicyCaller(cc)

        self.useNewRes = useNewRes

        self.args = None
        self.policy = None
        self.knownInfo = None
        self.ig = None


    def takeDecision(self, policyIn=None, argsIn=None, knownInfo=None):

        decides policies that have to be applied, based on






        If more than one policy is evaluated, results are combined.

        Logic for combination: a conservative approach is followed
        (i.e. if a site should be banned for at least one policy, that's what is returned)


          { 'PolicyType': a policyType (in a string),
            'Action': True|False,
            'Status': 'Active'|'Probing'|'Banned',
            'Reason': a reason
            'EndDate: datetime.datetime (in a string)}

        self.args = argsIn
        self.policy = policyIn
        self.knownInfo = knownInfo

        self.ig = InfoGetter(self.VOExtension)

        EVAL = self.ig.getInfoToApply(('policy', 'policyType'),

        for policyGroup in EVAL:

            policyType = policyGroup['PolicyType']

            if self.policy is not None:
                # Only the policy provided will be evaluated
                # FIXME: Check that the policies are valid.
                singlePolicyResults = self.policy.evaluate()
                if policyGroup['Policies'] is None:
                    return {
                        'SinglePolicyResults': [],
                        'PolicyCombinedResult': {
                            'PolicyType': policyType,
                            'Action': False,
                            'Reason': 'No policy results'
                    singlePolicyResults = self._invocation(
                        self.VOExtension, self.__granularity, self.__name,
                        self.__status, self.policy, self.args,

            policyCombinedResults = self._policyCombination(
            assert (type(policyCombinedResults) == dict)

            if not policyCombinedResults:
                return {
                    'SinglePolicyResults': singlePolicyResults,
                    'PolicyCombinedResult': {}

            # policy results communication

            newstatus = policyCombinedResults['Status']

            if newstatus != self.__status:  # Policies satisfy
                reason = policyCombinedResults['Reason']
                newPolicyType = self.ig.getNewPolicyType(
                    self.__granularity, newstatus)
                for npt in newPolicyType:
                    if npt not in policyType:
                decision = {
                    'PolicyType': policyType,
                    'Action': True,
                    'Status': newstatus,
                    'Reason': reason
                if policyCombinedResults.has_key('EndDate'):
                    decision['EndDate'] = policyCombinedResults['EndDate']

            else:  # Policies does not satisfy
                reason = policyCombinedResults['Reason']
                decision = {
                    'PolicyType': policyType,
                    'Action': False,
                    'Reason': reason
                if policyCombinedResults.has_key('EndDate'):
                    decision['EndDate'] = policyCombinedResults['EndDate']

        res = {
            'SinglePolicyResults': singlePolicyResults,
            'PolicyCombinedResult': decision

        assert (type(res) == dict)
        return res


    def _invocation(self, VOExtension, granularity, name, status, policy, args,
        """ One by one, use the PolicyCaller to invoke the policies, and putting
        their results in `policyResults`. When the status is `Unknown`, invokes

        policyResults = []

        for p in policies:
            pName = p['Name']
            pModule = p['Module']
            extraArgs = p['args']
            commandIn = p['commandIn']
            res = self.pc.policyInvocation(VOExtension,

            # If res is empty, return immediately
            if not res: return policyResults

            if not res.has_key('Status'):
                print("\n\n Policy result " + str(res) +
                      " does not return 'Status'\n\n")
                raise TypeError

            # Else
            if res['Status'] == 'Unknown':
                res = self.__useOldPolicyRes(name=name, policyName=pName)

            if res['Status'] == 'NeedConfirmation':
                pName = p['ConfirmationPolicy']
                triggeredPolicy = self.ig.C_Policies[pName]
                pModule = triggeredPolicy['module']
                extraArgs = triggeredPolicy['args']
                commandIn = triggeredPolicy['commandIn']
                res = self.pc.policyInvocation(VOExtension,

            if res['Status'] not in ('Error', 'Unknown', 'NeedConfirmation'):

        return policyResults


    def _policyCombination(self, pol_results):
    INPUT: list type
    OUTPUT: dict type
    * Compute a new status, and store it in variable newStatus, of type integer.
    * Make a list of policies that have the worst result.
    * Concatenate the Reason fields
    * Take the first EndDate field that exists (FIXME: Do something more clever)
    * Finally, return the result
        if pol_results == []: return {}

        newStatus = -1  # First, set an always invalid status

            # We are in a special status, maybe forbidden transitions
            _prio, access_list, gofun = Status.statesInfo[self.__status]
            if access_list != set():
                # Restrictions on transitions, checking if one is suitable:
                for p in pol_results:
                    if Status.value_of_policy(p) in access_list:
                        newStatus = Status.value_of_policy(p)

                # No status from policies suitable, applying stategy and
                # returning result.
                if newStatus == -1:
                    newStatus = gofun(access_list)
                    return {
                        'Status': Status.status_of_value(newStatus),
                        'Reason': 'Status forced by PDP'

                # Special Status, but no restriction on transitions
                newStatus = Status.value_of_policy(pol_results[0])

        except KeyError:
            # We are in a "normal" status: All transitions are possible.
            newStatus = Status.value_of_policy(pol_results[0])

        # At this point, a new status has been chosen. newStatus is an
        # integer.

        worstResults = [
            p for p in pol_results if Status.value_of_policy(p) == newStatus

        # Concatenate reasons
        def getReason(p):
                res = p['Reason']
            except KeyError:
                res = ''
            return res

        worstResultsReasons = [getReason(p) for p in worstResults]

        def catRes(x, y):
            if x and y: return x + ' |###| ' + y
            elif x or y:
                if x: return x
                else: return y
            else: return ''

        concatenatedRes = reduce(catRes, worstResultsReasons, '')

        # Handle EndDate
        endDatePolicies = [p for p in worstResults if p.has_key('EndDate')]

        # Building and returning result
        res = {}
        res['Status'] = Status.status_of_value(newStatus)
        if concatenatedRes != '': res['Reason'] = concatenatedRes
        if endDatePolicies != []:
            res['EndDate'] = endDatePolicies[0]['EndDate']
        return res


    def __useOldPolicyRes(self, name, policyName):
        """ Use the RSS Service to get an old policy result.
        If such result is older than 2 hours, it returns {'Status':'Unknown'}

        from DIRAC.Core.DISET.RPCClient import RPCClient
        rsS = RPCClient("ResourceStatus/ResourceManagement")

        res = rsS.getPolicyRes(name, policyName, True)
        if not res['OK']:
            raise RSSException, where(
                self.__useOldPolicyRes) + ' Could not get a policy result'

        res = res['Value']

        if res == []:
            return {'Status': 'Unknown'}

        oldStatus = res[0]
        oldReason = res[1]
        lastCheckTime = res[2]

        if (lastCheckTime +
                datetime.timedelta(hours=2)) < datetime.datetime.utcnow():
            return {'Status': 'Unknown'}

        result = {}

        result['Status'] = oldStatus
        result['Reason'] = oldReason
        result['OLD'] = True
        result['PolicyName'] = policyName

        return result
Beispiel #16
class PDP:
    """ PDP ( Policy Decision Point )
    def __init__(self, clients=None):
        """ Constructor. 
      >>> pdp  = PDP( None )
      >>> pdp1 = PDP( {} )
      >>> pdp2 = PDP( { 'Client1' : Client1Object } )
      **clients** - [ None, `dict` ]
        dictionary with Clients to be used in the Commands. If None, the Commands
        will create their own clients.

        # decission parameters used to match policies and actions
        self.decisionParams = {}

        # Helpers to discover policies and RSS metadata in CS
        self.iGetter = InfoGetter()
        self.pCaller = PolicyCaller(clients)

        # RSS State Machine, used to calculate most penalizing state while merging them
        self.rssMachine = RSSMachine('Unknown')

    def setup(self, decisionParams=None):
        """ method that sanitizes the decisionParams and ensures that at least it has
    the keys in `standardParamsDict`. This will be relevant while doing the matching
    with the RSS Policies configuration in the CS. 
    There is one key-value pair, `active` which is added on this method. This allows 
    policies to be de-activated from the CS, changing their active matchParam to 
    something else than `Active`.
      >>> pdp.setup( None )
      >>> self.decisionParams
          { 'element' : None, 'name' : None, ... }
      >>> pdp.setup( { 'element' : 'AnElement' } )
      >>> self.decisionParams
          { 'element' : 'AnElement', 'name' : None, ... }    
      >>> pdp.setup( { 'NonStandardKey' : 'Something' } )
      >>> self.decisionParams
          { 'NonStandardKey' : 'Something', 'element' : None,... }    
      **decisionParams** - [ None, `dict` ]
        dictionary with the parameters to be matched with the RSS Policies configuration
        in the CS.

        standardParamsDict = {
            'element': None,
            'name': None,
            'elementType': None,
            'statusType': None,
            'status': None,
            'reason': None,
            'tokenOwner': None,
            # Last parameter allows policies to be de-activated
            'active': 'Active'

        if decisionParams is not None:
            for key in standardParamsDict:
                    standardParamsDict[key] = decisionParams[key]
                except KeyError:
        self.decisionParams = standardParamsDict

    def takeDecision(self):
        """ main PDP method which does all the work. If firstly finds all the policies
    defined in the CS that match <self.decisionParams> and runs them. Once it has
    all the singlePolicyResults, it combines them. Next step is action discovery:
    using a similar approach to the one used to discover the policies, but also
    taking into account the single policy results and their combined result, finds
    the actions to be triggered and returns.
      >>> pdp.takeDecision()[ 'Value' ].keys()
          [ 'singlePolicyResults', 'policyCombinedResult', 'decissionParams' ]
      >>> pdp.takeDecision()[ 'Value' ][ 'singlePolicyResults' ]
          [ { 'Status' : 'Active', 
              'Reason' : 'blah',
              'Policy' : { 'name'        : 'AlwaysActiveForResource',
                           'type'        : 'AlwaysActive',
                           'module'      : 'AlwaysActivePolicy',
                           'description' : 'This is the AlwaysActive policy'
                           'command'     : None,
                           'args'        : {}
            }, ... ]    
      >>> pdp.takeDecision()[ 'Value' ][ 'policyCombinedResult' ]
          { 'Status'       : 'Active',
            'Reason'       : 'blah ###',
            'PolicyAction' : [ ( 'policyActionName1', 'policyActionType1' ), ... ]
    :return: S_OK( { 'singlePolicyResults'  : `list`, 
                     'policyCombinedResult' : `dict`, 
                     'decissionParams'      : `dict` } ) / S_ERROR

        # Policies..................................................................

        # Get policies that match self.decisionParams
        policiesThatApply = self.iGetter.getPoliciesThatApply(
        if not policiesThatApply['OK']:
            return policiesThatApply
        policiesThatApply = policiesThatApply['Value']

        # Evaluate policies
        singlePolicyResults = self._runPolicies(policiesThatApply)
        if not singlePolicyResults['OK']:
            return singlePolicyResults
        singlePolicyResults = singlePolicyResults['Value']

        # Combine policies and get most penalizing status ( see RSSMachine )
        policyCombinedResults = self._combineSinglePolicyResults(
        if not policyCombinedResults['OK']:
            return policyCombinedResults
        policyCombinedResults = policyCombinedResults['Value']

        # Actions...................................................................

        policyActionsThatApply = self.iGetter.getPolicyActionsThatApply(
            self.decisionParams, singlePolicyResults, policyCombinedResults)
        if not policyActionsThatApply['OK']:
            return policyActionsThatApply
        policyActionsThatApply = policyActionsThatApply['Value']

        policyCombinedResults['PolicyAction'] = policyActionsThatApply

        return S_OK({
            'singlePolicyResults': singlePolicyResults,
            'policyCombinedResult': policyCombinedResults,
            'decissionParams': self.decisionParams

    def _runPolicies(self, policies):
        """ Given a list of policy dictionaries, loads them making use of the PolicyCaller
    and evaluates them. This method requires to have run setup previously.
      >>> pdp._runPolicies([])[ 'Value' ]
      >>> policyDict = { 'name'        : 'AlwaysActiveResource',
                         'type'        : 'AlwaysActive',
                         'args'        : None,
                         'description' : 'This is the AlwaysActive policy',
                         'module'      : 'AlwaysActivePolicy',
                         'command'     : None }    
      >>> pdp._runPolicies([ policyDict, ... ] )[ 'Value' ]
          [ { 'Status' : 'Active', 'Reason' : 'blah', 'Policy' : policyDict }, ... ]    
      **policies** - `list( dict )`
        list of dictionaries containing the policies selected to be run. Check the
        examples to get an idea of how the policy dictionaries look like.
    :return: S_OK() / S_ERROR

        policyInvocationResults = []

        # Gets all valid status for RSS to avoid misconfigured policies returning statuses
        # that RSS does not understand.
        validStatus = self.rssMachine.getStates()

        for policyDict in policies:

            # Load and evaluate policy described in <policyDict> for element described
            # in <self.decisionParams>
            policyInvocationResult = self.pCaller.policyInvocation(
                self.decisionParams, policyDict)
            if not policyInvocationResult['OK']:
                # We should never enter this line ! Just in case there are policies
                # missconfigured !
                _msg = 'runPolicies no OK: %s' % policyInvocationResult
                return S_ERROR(_msg)

            policyInvocationResult = policyInvocationResult['Value']

            # Sanity Checks ( they should never happen ! )
            if not 'Status' in policyInvocationResult:
                _msg = 'runPolicies (no Status): %s' % policyInvocationResult
                return S_ERROR(_msg)

            if not policyInvocationResult['Status'] in validStatus:
                _msg = 'runPolicies ( not valid status ) %s' % policyInvocationResult[
                return S_ERROR(_msg)

            if not 'Reason' in policyInvocationResult:
                _msg = 'runPolicies (no Reason): %s' % policyInvocationResult
                return S_ERROR(_msg)


        return S_OK(policyInvocationResults)

    def _combineSinglePolicyResults(self, singlePolicyRes):
        """ method that merges all the policies results into a combined one, which
    will be the most penalizing status and the reasons of the single policy
    results that returned the same penalizing status. All the rest, are ignored.
    If there are no single policy results, it is returned `Unknown` state. While
    combining policies, the ones containing the option `doNotCombine` are ignored.
      >>> pdp._combineSingePolicyResults( [] )[ 'Value' ]
          { 'Status' : 'Unknown', 'Reason' : 'No policy ..' }
      >>> pdp._combineSingePolicyResults( [ { 'Status' : 'Active', 'Reason' : 'blah', 'Policy' : policyDict } ] )
          { 'Status' : 'Active', 'Reason' : 'blah' }
      >>> pdp._combineSingePolicyResults( [ { 'Status' : 'Active', 'Reason' : 'blah', 'Policy' : policyDict },
                                            { 'Status' : 'Banned', 'Reason' : 'blah 2', 'Policy' : policyDict2 } ] )
          { 'Status' : 'Banned', 'Reason' : 'blah 2' }
      >>> pdp._combineSingePolicyResults( [ { 'Status' : 'Active', 'Reason' : 'blah', 'Policy' : policyDict },
                                            { 'Status' : 'Active', 'Reason' : 'blah 2', 'Policy' : policyDict2 } ] )
          { 'Status' : 'Banned', 'Reason' : 'blah ### blah 2' }
      **singlePolicyRes** - `list( dict )`
        list with every single policy result to be combined ( see _runPolicy for more details )
    :return: S_OK( dict( Status, Reason ) | S_ERROR

        # Dictionary to be returned
        policyCombined = {'Status': 'Unknown', 'Reason': ''}

        # If there are no policyResults, we return Unknown
        if not singlePolicyRes:
            policyCombined['Status'] = 'Unknown'
                'Reason'] = 'No policy applies to %(element)s, %(name)s, %(elementType)s' % self.decisionParams

            return S_OK(policyCombined)

        # We set the rssMachine on the current state ( ensures it is a valid one )
        # FIXME: probably this check can be done at takeDecission
        machineStatus = self.rssMachine.setState(self.decisionParams['status'])
        if not machineStatus['OK']:
            return machineStatus

        # Discard all single policy results which belogs to policies that have set
        # the option `doNotCombine` in the CS
        policiesToCombine = self._findPoliciesToCombine(singlePolicyRes)

        # Sort policy results using ther statuses by most restrictive ( lower level first )

        # As they have been sorted by most restrictive status, the first one is going
        # to be our candidate new state. Let's ask the RSSMachine if it allows us to
        # make such transition.
        candidateState = policiesToCombine[0]['Status']
        nextState = self.rssMachine.getNextState(candidateState)

        if not nextState['OK']:
            return nextState
        nextState = nextState['Value']

        # If the RssMachine does not accept the candidate, return forcing message
        if candidateState != nextState:

            policyCombined['Status'] = nextState
            policyCombined['Reason'] = 'RssMachine forced status %s to %s' % (
                candidateState, nextState)
            return S_OK(policyCombined)

        # If the RssMachine accepts the candidate, just concatenate the reasons
        for policyRes in policiesToCombine:

            if policyRes['Status'] == nextState:
                policyCombined['Reason'] += '%s ###' % policyRes['Reason']

        policyCombined['Status'] = nextState

        return S_OK(policyCombined)

    def _findPoliciesToCombine(self, singlePolicyRes):
        """ method that iterates over the single policy results and checks the CS 
    configuration of the policies looking for the option 'doNotCombine'. If it is
    present, that single policy result is discarded. 
      **singlePolicyRes** - `list( dict )`
        list with every single policy result to be combined ( see _runPolicy for more details )    
    :return: `list( dict )`

        # Get policies configuration from the CS. We want to exclude the policies that
        # have set the option `doNotCombine` from this process.
        policiesConfiguration = RssConfiguration.getPolicies()
        if not policiesConfiguration['OK']:
            return policiesConfiguration
        policiesConfiguration = policiesConfiguration['Value']

        # Function that let's us know if we should combine the result of a single policy
        # or not.
        def combinePolicy(policyResult):
            # Extract policy name from the dictionary returned by PolicyCaller
            policyName = policyResult['Policy']['name']
                # If doNotCombineResult is defined, the policy is not taken into account
                # to create the combined result. However, the single policy result remains
                _ = policiesConfiguration[policyName]['doNotCombineResult']
                return False
            except KeyError:
                return True

        # Make a list of policies of which we want to merge their results
        return [
            policyResult for policyResult in singlePolicyRes
            if combinePolicy(policyResult)

Beispiel #17
class PDP:
    The PDP (Policy Decision Point) module is used to:
    1. Decides which policies have to be applied.
    2. Invokes an evaluation of the policies, and returns the result (to a PEP)

  def __init__( self, clients ):
      Constructor. Defines members that will be used later on.
    self.pCaller         = PolicyCaller( clients = clients )
    self.iGetter         = InfoGetter()

    self.decissionParams = {}  
    self.rssMachine      = RSSMachine( 'Unknown' )

  def setup( self, decissionParams = None ):

    standardParamsDict = {
                          'element'     : None,
                          'name'        : None,
                          'elementType' : None,
                          'statusType'  : None,
                          'status'      : None,
                          'reason'      : None,
                          'tokenOwner'  : None,
                          # Last parameter allows policies to be deactivated
                          'active'      : 'Active'

    if decissionParams is not None:
      standardParamsDict.update( decissionParams )
    self.decissionParams = standardParamsDict  

  def takeDecision( self ):#, policyIn = None, argsIn = None, knownInfo = None ):

        decides policies that have to be applied, based on






        If more than one policy is evaluated, results are combined.

        Logic for combination: a conservative approach is followed
        (i.e. if a site should be banned for at least one policy, that's what is returned)


          { 'PolicyType': a policyType (in a string),
            'Action': True|False,
            'Status': 'Active'|'Probing'|'Banned',
            'Reason': a reason
            #'EndDate: datetime.datetime (in a string)}

    policiesThatApply = self.iGetter.getPoliciesThatApply( self.decissionParams )
    if not policiesThatApply[ 'OK' ]:
      return policiesThatApply
    policiesThatApply = policiesThatApply[ 'Value' ]
    singlePolicyResults   = self._runPolicies( policiesThatApply )
    if not singlePolicyResults[ 'OK' ]:
      return singlePolicyResults
    singlePolicyResults = singlePolicyResults[ 'Value' ]    
    policyCombinedResults = self._combineSinglePolicyResults( singlePolicyResults )
    if not policyCombinedResults[ 'OK' ]:
      return policyCombinedResults
    policyCombinedResults = policyCombinedResults[ 'Value' ]

    #FIXME: should also pass the result of the combination to the InfoGetter ?

    policyActionsThatApply = self.iGetter.getPolicyActionsThatApply( self.decissionParams )
    if not policyActionsThatApply[ 'OK' ]:
      return policyActionsThatApply
    policyActionsThatApply = policyActionsThatApply[ 'Value' ]
    policyCombinedResults[ 'PolicyAction' ] = policyActionsThatApply

    return S_OK( 
                 'singlePolicyResults'  : singlePolicyResults,
                 'policyCombinedResult' : policyCombinedResults,
                 'decissionParams'      : self.decissionParams 


  def _runPolicies( self, policies, decissionParams = None ):
    if decissionParams is None:
      decissionParams = self.decissionParams
    validStatus             = RssConfiguration.getValidStatus()
    if not validStatus[ 'OK' ]:
      return validStatus
    validStatus = validStatus[ 'Value' ]
    policyInvocationResults = []
    for policyDict in policies:
      policyInvocationResult = self.pCaller.policyInvocation( decissionParams,
                                                              policyDict ) 
      if not policyInvocationResult[ 'OK' ]:
        # We should never enter this line ! Just in case there are policies
        # missconfigured !
        _msg = 'runPolicies no OK: %s' % policyInvocationResult
        gLogger.error( _msg )
        return S_ERROR( _msg )
      policyInvocationResult = policyInvocationResult[ 'Value' ]
      if not 'Status' in policyInvocationResult:
        _msg = 'runPolicies (no Status): %s' % policyInvocationResult
        gLogger.error( _msg )
        return S_ERROR( _msg )
      if not policyInvocationResult[ 'Status' ] in validStatus:
        _msg = 'runPolicies ( not valid status ) %s' % policyInvocationResult[ 'Status' ]
        gLogger.error( _msg )
        return S_ERROR( _msg )

      if not 'Reason' in policyInvocationResult:
        _msg = 'runPolicies (no Reason): %s' % policyInvocationResult
        gLogger.error( _msg )
        return S_ERROR( _msg )
      policyInvocationResults.append( policyInvocationResult )
    return S_OK( policyInvocationResults )   

  def _combineSinglePolicyResults( self, singlePolicyRes ):
      singlePolicyRes = [ { 'State' : X, 'Reason' : Y, ... }, ... ]
      If there are no policyResults, returns Unknown as there are no policies to
      Order elements in list by state, being the lowest the most restrictive
      one in the hierarchy.

    # Dictionary to be returned
    policyCombined = { 
                       'Status'       : None,
                       'Reason'       : ''

    # If there are no policyResults, we return Unknown    
    if not singlePolicyRes:
      _msgTuple = ( self.decissionParams[ 'element' ], self.decissionParams[ 'name' ],
                    self.decissionParams[ 'elementType' ] )
      policyCombined[ 'Status' ] = 'Unknown'
      policyCombined[ 'Reason' ] = 'No policy applies to %s, %s, %s' % _msgTuple 
      return S_OK( policyCombined )

    # We set the rssMachine on the current state
    machineStatus = self.rssMachine.setState( self.decissionParams[ 'status' ] )
    if not machineStatus[ 'OK' ]:
      return machineStatus
    # Order statuses by most restrictive ( lower level first )
    self.rssMachine.orderPolicyResults( singlePolicyRes )
    #policyResults = self.rssMachine.orderPolicyResults( singlePolicyRes )
    # Get according to the RssMachine the next state, given a candidate    
    candidateState = singlePolicyRes[ 0 ][ 'Status' ]
    nextState      = self.rssMachine.getNextState( candidateState )
    if not nextState[ 'OK' ]:
      return nextState
    nextState = nextState[ 'Value' ]
    # If the RssMachine does not accept the candidate, return forcing message
    if candidateState != nextState:
      policyCombined[ 'Status' ] = nextState
      policyCombined[ 'Reason' ] = 'RssMachine forced status %s to %s' % ( candidateState, nextState )
      return S_OK( policyCombined )
    # If the RssMachine accepts the candidate, just concatenate the reasons
    for policyRes in singlePolicyRes:
      if policyRes[ 'Status' ] == nextState:
        policyCombined[ 'Reason' ] += '%s ###' % policyRes[ 'Reason' ]  
    policyCombined[ 'Status' ] = nextState
    return S_OK( policyCombined )                             


#  def __useOldPolicyRes( self, name, policyName ):
#    '''
#     Use the RSS Service to get an old policy result.
#     If such result is older than 2 hours, it returns {'Status':'Unknown'}
#    '''
#    res = self.clients[ 'ResourceManagementClient' ].getPolicyResult( name = name, policyName = policyName )
#    if not res[ 'OK' ]:
#      return { 'Status' : 'Unknown' }
#    res = res[ 'Value' ]
#    if res == []:
#      return { 'Status' : 'Unknown' }
#    res = res[ 0 ]
#    oldStatus     = res[ 5 ]
#    oldReason     = res[ 6 ]
#    lastCheckTime = res[ 8 ]
#    if ( lastCheckTime + datetime.timedelta(hours = 2) ) < datetime.datetime.utcnow():
#      return { 'Status' : 'Unknown' }
#    result = {}
#    result[ 'Status' ]     = oldStatus
#    result[ 'Reason' ]     = oldReason
#    result[ 'OLD' ]        = True
#    result[ 'PolicyName' ] = policyName
#    return result

Beispiel #18
class PDP:
    The PDP (Policy Decision Point) module is used to:
    1. Decides which policies have to be applied.
    2. Invokes an evaluation of the policies, and returns the result (to a PEP)

    def __init__(self, clients):
      Constructor. Defines members that will be used later on.

        self.pCaller = PolicyCaller(clients=clients)
        self.iGetter = InfoGetter()

        self.decissionParams = {}
        self.rssMachine = RSSMachine("Unknown")

    def setup(self, decissionParams=None):

        standardParamsDict = {
            "element": None,
            "name": None,
            "elementType": None,
            "statusType": None,
            "status": None,
            "reason": None,
            "tokenOwner": None,
            # Last parameter allows policies to be deactivated
            "active": "Active",

        if decissionParams is not None:

        self.decissionParams = standardParamsDict


    def takeDecision(self):  # , policyIn = None, argsIn = None, knownInfo = None ):

        decides policies that have to be applied, based on






        If more than one policy is evaluated, results are combined.

        Logic for combination: a conservative approach is followed
        (i.e. if a site should be banned for at least one policy, that's what is returned)


          { 'PolicyType': a policyType (in a string),
            'Action': True|False,
            'Status': 'Active'|'Probing'|'Banned',
            'Reason': a reason
            #'EndDate: datetime.datetime (in a string)}

        policiesThatApply = self.iGetter.getPoliciesThatApply(self.decissionParams)
        if not policiesThatApply["OK"]:
            return policiesThatApply
        policiesThatApply = policiesThatApply["Value"]

        singlePolicyResults = self._runPolicies(policiesThatApply)
        if not singlePolicyResults["OK"]:
            return singlePolicyResults
        singlePolicyResults = singlePolicyResults["Value"]

        policyCombinedResults = self._combineSinglePolicyResults(singlePolicyResults)
        if not policyCombinedResults["OK"]:
            return policyCombinedResults
        policyCombinedResults = policyCombinedResults["Value"]

        policyActionsThatApply = self.iGetter.getPolicyActionsThatApply(
            self.decissionParams, singlePolicyResults, policyCombinedResults
        if not policyActionsThatApply["OK"]:
            return policyActionsThatApply
        policyActionsThatApply = policyActionsThatApply["Value"]

        policyCombinedResults["PolicyAction"] = policyActionsThatApply

        return S_OK(
                "singlePolicyResults": singlePolicyResults,
                "policyCombinedResult": policyCombinedResults,
                "decissionParams": self.decissionParams,


    def _runPolicies(self, policies, decissionParams=None):

        if decissionParams is None:
            decissionParams = self.decissionParams

        validStatus = RssConfiguration.getValidStatus()
        if not validStatus["OK"]:
            return validStatus
        validStatus = validStatus["Value"]

        policyInvocationResults = []

        for policyDict in policies:

            policyInvocationResult = self.pCaller.policyInvocation(decissionParams, policyDict)
            if not policyInvocationResult["OK"]:
                # We should never enter this line ! Just in case there are policies
                # missconfigured !
                _msg = "runPolicies no OK: %s" % policyInvocationResult
                return S_ERROR(_msg)

            policyInvocationResult = policyInvocationResult["Value"]

            if not "Status" in policyInvocationResult:
                _msg = "runPolicies (no Status): %s" % policyInvocationResult
                return S_ERROR(_msg)

            if not policyInvocationResult["Status"] in validStatus:
                _msg = "runPolicies ( not valid status ) %s" % policyInvocationResult["Status"]
                return S_ERROR(_msg)

            if not "Reason" in policyInvocationResult:
                _msg = "runPolicies (no Reason): %s" % policyInvocationResult
                return S_ERROR(_msg)


        return S_OK(policyInvocationResults)


    def _combineSinglePolicyResults(self, singlePolicyRes):
      singlePolicyRes = [ { 'State' : X, 'Reason' : Y, ... }, ... ]
      If there are no policyResults, returns Unknown as there are no policies to
      Order elements in list by state, being the lowest the most restrictive
      one in the hierarchy.

        # Dictionary to be returned
        policyCombined = {"Status": None, "Reason": ""}

        # If there are no policyResults, we return Unknown
        if not singlePolicyRes:

            _msgTuple = (

            policyCombined["Status"] = "Unknown"
            policyCombined["Reason"] = "No policy applies to %s, %s, %s" % _msgTuple

            return S_OK(policyCombined)

        # We set the rssMachine on the current state
        machineStatus = self.rssMachine.setState(self.decissionParams["status"])
        if not machineStatus["OK"]:
            return machineStatus

        # Order statuses by most restrictive ( lower level first )
        # policyResults = self.rssMachine.orderPolicyResults( singlePolicyRes )

        # Get according to the RssMachine the next state, given a candidate
        candidateState = singlePolicyRes[0]["Status"]
        nextState = self.rssMachine.getNextState(candidateState)

        if not nextState["OK"]:
            return nextState
        nextState = nextState["Value"]

        # If the RssMachine does not accept the candidate, return forcing message
        if candidateState != nextState:

            policyCombined["Status"] = nextState
            policyCombined["Reason"] = "RssMachine forced status %s to %s" % (candidateState, nextState)
            return S_OK(policyCombined)

        # If the RssMachine accepts the candidate, just concatenate the reasons
        for policyRes in singlePolicyRes:

            if policyRes["Status"] == nextState:
                policyCombined["Reason"] += "%s ###" % policyRes["Reason"]

        policyCombined["Status"] = nextState

        return S_OK(policyCombined)
Beispiel #19
class PDP:
    The PDP (Policy Decision Point) module is used to:
    1. Decides which policies have to be applied.
    2. Invokes an evaluation of the policies, and returns the result (to a PEP)
    def __init__(self, **clients):
      Constructor. Defines members that will be used later on.

        cc = CommandCaller()
        self.clients = clients
        self.pCaller = PolicyCaller(cc, **clients)
        self.iGetter = InfoGetter()

        self.__granularity = None
        self.__name = None
        self.__statusType = None
        self.__status = None
        self.__formerStatus = None
        self.__reason = None
        self.__siteType = None
        self.__serviceType = None
        self.__resourceType = None
        self.__useNewRes = None

    def setup(self,
    PDP (Policy Decision Point) initialization

      :attr:`granularity`: string - a ValidElement
      :attr:`name`: string - name (e.g. of a site)
      :attr:`status`: string - status
      :attr:`formerStatus`: string - former status
      :attr:`reason`: string - optional reason for last status change
      :attr:`siteType`: string - optional site type
      :attr:`serviceType`: string - optional service type
      :attr:`resourceType`: string - optional resource type

        self.__granularity = granularity
        self.__name = name
        self.__statusType = statusType
        self.__status = status
        self.__formerStatus = formerStatus
        self.__reason = reason
        self.__siteType = siteType
        self.__serviceType = serviceType
        self.__resourceType = resourceType
        self.__useNewRes = useNewRes


    def takeDecision(self, policyIn=None, argsIn=None, knownInfo=None):

        decides policies that have to be applied, based on






        If more than one policy is evaluated, results are combined.

        Logic for combination: a conservative approach is followed
        (i.e. if a site should be banned for at least one policy, that's what is returned)


          { 'PolicyType': a policyType (in a string),
            'Action': True|False,
            'Status': 'Active'|'Probing'|'Banned',
            'Reason': a reason
            'EndDate: datetime.datetime (in a string)}

        polToEval = self.iGetter.getInfoToApply(
            ('policy', 'policyType'),

        policyType = polToEval['PolicyType']  # type: generator

        if policyIn:
            # Only the policy provided will be evaluated
            # FIXME: Check that the policies are valid.
            singlePolicyResults = policyIn.evaluate()

            singlePolicyResults = self._invocation(self.__granularity,
                                                   self.__name, self.__status,
                                                   policyIn, argsIn,

        policyCombinedResults = self._policyCombination(singlePolicyResults)

        if policyCombinedResults == {}:
            policyCombinedResults['Action'] = False
            policyCombinedResults['Reason'] = 'No policy results'
            policyCombinedResults['PolicyType'] = policyType

        if policyCombinedResults.has_key('Status'):
            newstatus = policyCombinedResults['Status']

            if newstatus != self.__status:  # Policies satisfy
                newPolicyType = self.iGetter.getNewPolicyType(
                    self.__granularity, newstatus)
                policyType = set(policyType) & set(newPolicyType)

                policyCombinedResults['Action'] = True

            else:  # Policies does not satisfy
                policyCombinedResults['Action'] = False

            policyCombinedResults['PolicyType'] = policyType

        return {
            'SinglePolicyResults': singlePolicyResults,
            'PolicyCombinedResult': policyCombinedResults


    def _invocation(self, granularity, name, status, policy, args, policies):
      One by one, use the PolicyCaller to invoke the policies, and putting
      their results in `policyResults`. When the status is `Unknown`, invokes
      `self.__useOldPolicyRes`. Always returns a list, possibly empty.

        policyResults = []

        for pol in policies:

            pName = pol['Name']
            pModule = pol['Module']
            extraArgs = pol['args']
            commandIn = pol['commandIn']

            res = self.pCaller.policyInvocation(granularity=granularity,

            # If res is empty, return immediately
            if not res:
                return policyResults

            if not res.has_key('Status'):
                print('\n\n Policy result ' + str(res) +
                      ' does not return "Status"\n\n')
                raise TypeError

            # Else
            if res['Status'] == 'Unknown':
                res = self.__useOldPolicyRes(name=name, policyName=pName)

            if res['Status'] not in ('Error', 'Unknown'):

        return policyResults


    def _policyCombination(self, pol_results):
    INPUT: list type
    OUTPUT: dict type
    * Compute a new status, and store it in variable newStatus, of type integer.
    * Make a list of policies that have the worst result.
    * Concatenate the Reason fields
    * Take the first EndDate field that exists (FIXME: Do something more clever)
    * Finally, return the result
        if pol_results == []:
            return {}

        newStatus = -1  # First, set an always invalid status

            # We are in a special status, maybe forbidden transitions
            _prio, access_list, gofun = Status.statesInfo[self.__status]
            if access_list != set():
                # Restrictions on transitions, checking if one is suitable:
                for polRes in pol_results:
                    if Status.value_of_policy(polRes) in access_list:
                        newStatus = Status.value_of_policy(polRes)

                # No status from policies suitable, applying stategy and
                # returning result.
                if newStatus == -1:
                    newStatus = gofun(access_list)
                    return {
                        'Status': Status.status_of_value(newStatus),
                        'Reason': 'Status forced by PDP'

                # Special Status, but no restriction on transitions
                newStatus = Status.value_of_policy(pol_results[0])

        except KeyError:
            # We are in a "normal" status: All transitions are possible.
            newStatus = Status.value_of_policy(pol_results[0])

        # At this point, a new status has been chosen. newStatus is an
        # integer.

        worstResults = [
            p for p in pol_results if Status.value_of_policy(p) == newStatus

        # Concatenate reasons
        def getReason(pol):
                res = pol['Reason']
            except KeyError:
                res = ''
            return res

        worstResultsReasons = [getReason(p) for p in worstResults]

        def catRes(xVal, yVal):
        Concatenate xVal and yVal.
            if xVal and yVal:
                return xVal + ' |###| ' + yVal
            elif xVal or yVal:
                if xVal:
                    return xVal
                    return yVal
                return ''

        concatenatedRes = reduce(catRes, worstResultsReasons, '')

        # Handle EndDate
        endDatePolicies = [p for p in worstResults if p.has_key('EndDate')]

        # Building and returning result
        res = {}
        res['Status'] = Status.status_of_value(newStatus)
        if concatenatedRes != '':
            res['Reason'] = concatenatedRes
        if endDatePolicies != []:
            res['EndDate'] = endDatePolicies[0]['EndDate']
        return res


    def __useOldPolicyRes(self, name, policyName):
     Use the RSS Service to get an old policy result.
     If such result is older than 2 hours, it returns {'Status':'Unknown'}
        res = self.clients['ResourceManagementClient'].getPolicyResult(
            name=name, policyName=policyName)

        if not res['OK']:
            return {'Status': 'Unknown'}

        res = res['Value']

        if res == []:
            return {'Status': 'Unknown'}

        res = res[0]

        oldStatus = res[5]
        oldReason = res[6]
        lastCheckTime = res[8]

        if (lastCheckTime +
                datetime.timedelta(hours=2)) < datetime.datetime.utcnow():
            return {'Status': 'Unknown'}

        result = {}

        result['Status'] = oldStatus
        result['Reason'] = oldReason
        result['OLD'] = True
        result['PolicyName'] = policyName

        return result

Beispiel #20
class PDP( object ):
  """ PDP ( Policy Decision Point )

  def __init__( self, clients = None ):
    """ Constructor.

      >>> pdp  = PDP( None )
      >>> pdp1 = PDP( {} )
      >>> pdp2 = PDP( { 'Client1' : Client1Object } )

      **clients** - [ None, `dict` ]
        dictionary with Clients to be used in the Commands. If None, the Commands
        will create their own clients.


    # decision parameters used to match policies and actions
    self.decisionParams = None

    # Helpers to discover policies and RSS metadata in CS
    self.iGetter = InfoGetter()
    self.pCaller = PolicyCaller( clients )

    # RSS State Machine, used to calculate most penalizing state while merging them
    self.rssMachine = RSSMachine( 'Unknown' )

    self.log = gLogger.getSubLogger( 'PDP' )

  def setup( self, decisionParams = None ):
    """ method that sanitizes the decisionParams and ensures that at least it has
    the keys in `standardParamsDict`. This will be relevant while doing the matching
    with the RSS Policies configuration in the CS.
    There is one key-value pair, `active` which is added on this method. This allows
    policies to be de-activated from the CS, changing their active matchParam to
    something else than `Active`.

      >>> pdp.setup( None )
      >>> self.decisionParams
          { 'element' : None, 'name' : None, ... }
      >>> pdp.setup( { 'element' : 'AnElement' } )
      >>> self.decisionParams
          { 'element' : 'AnElement', 'name' : None, ... }
      >>> pdp.setup( { 'NonStandardKey' : 'Something' } )
      >>> self.decisionParams
          { 'NonStandardKey' : 'Something', 'element' : None,... }

      **decisionParams** - [ None, `dict` ]
        dictionary with the parameters to be matched with the RSS Policies configuration
        in the CS.


    standardParamsDict = {'element'     : None,
                          'name'        : None,
                          'elementType' : None,
                          'statusType'  : None,
                          'status'      : None,
                          'reason'      : None,
                          'tokenOwner'  : None,
                          # Last parameter allows policies to be de-activated
                          'active'      : 'Active'}

    if decisionParams is not None:
      standardParamsDict.update( decisionParams )
      if standardParamsDict['element'] is not None:
        self.log = gLogger.getSubLogger( 'PDP/%s' % standardParamsDict['element'] )
        if standardParamsDict['name'] is not None:
          self.log = gLogger.getSubLogger( 'PDP/%s/%s' % ( standardParamsDict['element'], standardParamsDict['name'] ) )
          self.log.verbose( "Setup - statusType: %s, status: %s" % ( standardParamsDict['statusType'],
                                                                     standardParamsDict['status'] ) )
      self.decisionParams = standardParamsDict

  def takeDecision( self ):
    """ main PDP method which does all the work. If firstly finds all the policies
    defined in the CS that match <self.decisionParams> and runs them. Once it has
    all the singlePolicyResults, it combines them. Next step is action discovery:
    using a similar approach to the one used to discover the policies, but also
    taking into account the single policy results and their combined result, finds
    the actions to be triggered and returns.

      >>> pdp.takeDecision()[ 'Value' ].keys()
          [ 'singlePolicyResults', 'policyCombinedResult', 'decisionParams' ]
      >>> pdp.takeDecision()[ 'Value' ][ 'singlePolicyResults' ]
          [ { 'Status' : 'Active',
              'Reason' : 'blah',
              'Policy' : { 'name'        : 'AlwaysActiveForResource',
                           'type'        : 'AlwaysActive',
                           'module'      : 'AlwaysActivePolicy',
                           'description' : 'This is the AlwaysActive policy'
                           'command'     : None,
                           'args'        : {}
            }, ... ]
      >>> pdp.takeDecision()[ 'Value' ][ 'policyCombinedResult' ]
          { 'Status'       : 'Active',
            'Reason'       : 'blah ###',
            'PolicyAction' : [ ( 'policyActionName1', 'policyActionType1' ), ... ]

    :return: S_OK( { 'singlePolicyResults'  : `list`,
                     'policyCombinedResult' : `dict`,
                     'decisionParams'      : `dict` } ) / S_ERROR

    if self.decisionParams is None:
      return S_OK( {'singlePolicyResults'  : [],
                    'policyCombinedResult' : {},
                    'decisionParams'      : self.decisionParams} )

    self.log.verbose( "Taking decision" )

    # Policies..................................................................

    # Get policies that match self.decisionParams
    policiesThatApply = self.iGetter.getPoliciesThatApply( self.decisionParams )
    if not policiesThatApply[ 'OK' ]:
      return policiesThatApply
    policiesThatApply = policiesThatApply[ 'Value' ]
    self.log.verbose( "Policies that apply: %s" % ', '.join( [po['name'] for po in policiesThatApply] ) )

    # Evaluate policies
    singlePolicyResults = self._runPolicies( policiesThatApply )
    if not singlePolicyResults[ 'OK' ]:
      return singlePolicyResults
    singlePolicyResults = singlePolicyResults[ 'Value' ]
    self.log.verbose( "Single policy results: %s" % singlePolicyResults )

    # Combine policies and get most penalizing status ( see RSSMachine )
    policyCombinedResults = self._combineSinglePolicyResults( singlePolicyResults )
    if not policyCombinedResults[ 'OK' ]:
      return policyCombinedResults
    policyCombinedResults = policyCombinedResults[ 'Value' ]
    self.log.verbose( "Combined policy result: %s" % policyCombinedResults )

    # Actions...................................................................

    policyActionsThatApply = self.iGetter.getPolicyActionsThatApply( self.decisionParams,
                                                                     policyCombinedResults )
    if not policyActionsThatApply[ 'OK' ]:
      return policyActionsThatApply
    policyActionsThatApply = policyActionsThatApply[ 'Value' ]
    self.log.verbose( "Policy actions that apply: %s" % ','.join( pata[0] for pata in policyActionsThatApply ) )

    policyCombinedResults[ 'PolicyAction' ] = policyActionsThatApply

    return S_OK( {'singlePolicyResults'  : singlePolicyResults,
                  'policyCombinedResult' : policyCombinedResults,
                  'decisionParams'       : self.decisionParams} )

  def _runPolicies( self, policies ):
    """ Given a list of policy dictionaries, loads them making use of the PolicyCaller
    and evaluates them. This method requires to have run setup previously.

      >>> pdp._runPolicies([])[ 'Value' ]
      >>> policyDict = { 'name'        : 'AlwaysActiveResource',
                         'type'        : 'AlwaysActive',
                         'args'        : None,
                         'description' : 'This is the AlwaysActive policy',
                         'module'      : 'AlwaysActivePolicy',
                         'command'     : None }
      >>> pdp._runPolicies([ policyDict, ... ] )[ 'Value' ]
          [ { 'Status' : 'Active', 'Reason' : 'blah', 'Policy' : policyDict }, ... ]

      **policies** - `list( dict )`
        list of dictionaries containing the policies selected to be run. Check the
        examples to get an idea of how the policy dictionaries look like.

    :return: S_OK() / S_ERROR


    policyInvocationResults = []

    # Gets all valid status for RSS to avoid misconfigured policies returning statuses
    # that RSS does not understand.
    validStatus = self.rssMachine.getStates()

    for policyDict in policies:

      # Load and evaluate policy described in <policyDict> for element described
      # in <self.decisionParams>
      policyInvocationResult = self.pCaller.policyInvocation( self.decisionParams,
                                                              policyDict )
      if not policyInvocationResult[ 'OK' ]:
        # We should never enter this line ! Just in case there are policies
        # missconfigured !
        _msg = 'runPolicies no OK: %s' % policyInvocationResult
        self.log.error( _msg )
        return S_ERROR( _msg )

      policyInvocationResult = policyInvocationResult[ 'Value' ]

      # Sanity Checks ( they should never happen ! )
      if not 'Status' in policyInvocationResult:
        _msg = 'runPolicies (no Status): %s' % policyInvocationResult
        self.log.error( _msg )
        return S_ERROR( _msg )

      if not policyInvocationResult[ 'Status' ] in validStatus:
        _msg = 'runPolicies ( not valid status ) %s' % policyInvocationResult[ 'Status' ]
        self.log.error( _msg )
        return S_ERROR( _msg )

      if not 'Reason' in policyInvocationResult:
        _msg = 'runPolicies (no Reason): %s' % policyInvocationResult
        self.log.error( _msg )
        return S_ERROR( _msg )

      policyInvocationResults.append( policyInvocationResult )

    return S_OK( policyInvocationResults )

  def _combineSinglePolicyResults( self, singlePolicyRes ):
    """ method that merges all the policies results into a combined one, which
    will be the most penalizing status and the reasons of the single policy
    results that returned the same penalizing status. All the rest, are ignored.
    If there are no single policy results, it is returned `Unknown` state. While
    combining policies, the ones containing the option `doNotCombine` are ignored.

      >>> pdp._combineSingePolicyResults( [] )[ 'Value' ]
          { 'Status' : 'Unknown', 'Reason' : 'No policy ..' }
      >>> pdp._combineSingePolicyResults( [ { 'Status' : 'Active', 'Reason' : 'blah', 'Policy' : policyDict } ] )
          { 'Status' : 'Active', 'Reason' : 'blah' }
      >>> pdp._combineSingePolicyResults( [ { 'Status' : 'Active', 'Reason' : 'blah', 'Policy' : policyDict },
                                            { 'Status' : 'Banned', 'Reason' : 'blah 2', 'Policy' : policyDict2 } ] )
          { 'Status' : 'Banned', 'Reason' : 'blah 2' }
      >>> pdp._combineSingePolicyResults( [ { 'Status' : 'Active', 'Reason' : 'blah', 'Policy' : policyDict },
                                            { 'Status' : 'Active', 'Reason' : 'blah 2', 'Policy' : policyDict2 } ] )
          { 'Status' : 'Banned', 'Reason' : 'blah ### blah 2' }

      **singlePolicyRes** - `list( dict )`
        list with every single policy result to be combined ( see _runPolicy for more details )

    :return: S_OK( dict( Status, Reason ) | S_ERROR


    # Dictionary to be returned
    policyCombined = { 'Status' : 'Unknown',
                       'Reason' : '' }

    # If there are no policyResults, we return Unknown
    if not singlePolicyRes:
      policyCombined[ 'Status' ] = 'Unknown'
      policyCombined[ 'Reason' ] = 'No policy applies to %(element)s, %(name)s, %(elementType)s' % self.decisionParams

      return S_OK( policyCombined )

    # We set the rssMachine on the current state ( ensures it is a valid one )
    # FIXME: probably this check can be done at takeDecission
    machineStatus = self.rssMachine.setState( self.decisionParams[ 'status' ] )
    if not machineStatus[ 'OK' ]:
      return machineStatus

    # Discard all single policy results which belogs to policies that have set
    # the option `doNotCombine` in the CS
    policiesToCombine = self._findPoliciesToCombine( singlePolicyRes )

    # Sort policy results using ther statuses by most restrictive ( lower level first )
    self.rssMachine.orderPolicyResults( policiesToCombine )

    # As they have been sorted by most restrictive status, the first one is going
    # to be our candidate new state. Let's ask the RSSMachine if it allows us to
    # make such transition.
    candidateState = policiesToCombine[ 0 ][ 'Status' ]
    nextState = self.rssMachine.getNextState( candidateState )

    if not nextState[ 'OK' ]:
      return nextState
    nextState = nextState[ 'Value' ]

    # If the RssMachine does not accept the candidate, return forcing message
    if candidateState != nextState:

      policyCombined[ 'Status' ] = nextState
      policyCombined[ 'Reason' ] = 'RssMachine forced status %s to %s' % ( candidateState, nextState )
      return S_OK( policyCombined )

    # If the RssMachine accepts the candidate, just concatenate the reasons
    for policyRes in policiesToCombine:

      if policyRes[ 'Status' ] == nextState:
        policyCombined[ 'Reason' ] += '%s ###' % policyRes[ 'Reason' ]

    policyCombined[ 'Status' ] = nextState

    return S_OK( policyCombined )

  def _findPoliciesToCombine( self, singlePolicyRes ):
    """ method that iterates over the single policy results and checks the CS
    configuration of the policies looking for the option 'doNotCombine'. If it is
    present, that single policy result is discarded.

      **singlePolicyRes** - `list( dict )`
        list with every single policy result to be combined ( see _runPolicy for more details )

    :return: `list( dict )`


    # Get policies configuration from the CS. We want to exclude the policies that
    # have set the option `doNotCombine` from this process.
    policiesConfiguration = RssConfiguration.getPolicies()
    if not policiesConfiguration[ 'OK' ]:
      return policiesConfiguration
    policiesConfiguration = policiesConfiguration[ 'Value' ]

    # Function that let's us know if we should combine the result of a single policy
    # or not.
    def combinePolicy( policyResult ):
      # Extract policy name from the dictionary returned by PolicyCaller
      policyName = policyResult[ 'Policy' ][ 'name' ]
        # If doNotCombineResult is defined, the policy is not taken into account
        # to create the combined result. However, the single policy result remains
        _ = policiesConfiguration[ policyName ][ 'doNotCombineResult' ]
        return False
      except KeyError:
        return True

    # Make a list of policies of which we want to merge their results
    return [ policyResult for policyResult in singlePolicyRes if combinePolicy( policyResult ) ]
Beispiel #21
class ResourceStatus(object):
  ResourceStatus helper that connects to CS if RSS flag is not Active. It keeps
  the connection to the db / server as an object member, to avoid creating a new
  one massively.

    __metaclass__ = DIRACSingleton

    def __init__(self):
    Constructor, initializes the rssClient.

        self.log = gLogger.getSubLogger(self.__class__.__name__)
        self.rssConfig = RssConfiguration()
        self.__opHelper = Operations()
        self.rssClient = None
        self.infoGetter = InfoGetter()

        # We can set CacheLifetime and CacheHistory from CS, so that we can tune them.
        cacheLifeTime = int(self.rssConfig.getConfigCache())

        # RSSCache only affects the calls directed to RSS, if using the CS it is not
        # used.
        self.seCache = RSSCache('StorageElement', cacheLifeTime,

    def getStorageElementStatus(self,
    Helper with dual access, tries to get information from the RSS for the given
    StorageElement, otherwise, it gets it from the CS.

      >>> getStorageElementStatus( 'CERN-USER', 'ReadAccess' )
          S_OK( { 'CERN-USER' : { 'ReadAccess': 'Active' } } )
      >>> getStorageElementStatus( 'CERN-USER', 'Write' )
          S_OK( { 'CERN-USER' : {'ReadAccess': 'Active', 'WriteAccess': 'Active',
                                 'CheckAccess': 'Banned', 'RemoveAccess': 'Banned'}} )
      >>> getStorageElementStatus( 'CERN-USER', 'ThisIsAWrongStatusType' )
          S_ERROR( xyz.. )
      >>> getStorageElementStatus( 'CERN-USER', 'ThisIsAWrongStatusType', 'Unknown' )
          S_OK( 'Unknown' )


        if self.__getMode():
            # We do not apply defaults. If is not on the cache, S_ERROR is returned.
            return self.__getRSSStorageElementStatus(elementName, statusType)
            return self.__getCSStorageElementStatus(elementName, statusType,

    def setStorageElementStatus(self,
    Helper with dual access, tries set information in RSS and in CS.

      >>> getStorageElementStatus( 'CERN-USER', 'ReadAccess' )
          S_OK( { 'ReadAccess': 'Active' } )
      >>> getStorageElementStatus( 'CERN-USER', 'Write' )
          S_OK( {'ReadAccess': 'Active', 'WriteAccess': 'Active', 'CheckAccess': 'Banned', 'RemoveAccess': 'Banned'} )
      >>> getStorageElementStatus( 'CERN-USER', 'ThisIsAWrongStatusType' )
          S_ERROR( xyz.. )
      >>> getStorageElementStatus( 'CERN-USER', 'ThisIsAWrongStatusType', 'Unknown' )
          S_OK( 'Unknown' )

        if self.__getMode():
            return self.__setRSSStorageElementStatus(elementName, statusType,
                                                     status, reason,
            return self.__setCSStorageElementStatus(elementName, statusType,


    def __updateSECache(self):
      Method used to update the StorageElementCache.

        meta = {'columns': ['Name', 'StatusType', 'Status']}
        rawCache = self.rssClient.selectStatusElement(
            'Resource', 'Status', elementType='StorageElement', meta=meta)

        if not rawCache['OK']:
            return rawCache
        return S_OK(getCacheDictFromRawData(rawCache['Value']))


    def __getRSSStorageElementStatus(self, elementName, statusType):
    Gets from the cache or the RSS the StorageElements status. The cache is a
    copy of the DB table. If it is not on the cache, most likely is not going
    to be on the DB.

    There is one exception: item just added to the CS, e.g. new StorageElement.
    The period between it is added to the DB and the changes are propagated
    to the cache will be inconsisten, but not dangerous. Just wait <cacheLifeTime>

        cacheMatch = self.seCache.match(elementName, statusType)


        return cacheMatch

    def __getCSStorageElementStatus(self, elementName, statusType, default):
    Gets from the CS the StorageElements status

        cs_path = "/Resources/StorageElements"

        if not isinstance(elementName, list):
            elementName = [elementName]

        statuses = self.rssConfig.getConfigStatusType('StorageElement')

        result = {}
        for element in elementName:

            if statusType is not None:
                # Added Active by default
                res = gConfig.getOption(
                    "%s/%s/%s" % (cs_path, element, statusType), 'Active')
                if res['OK'] and res['Value']:
                    result[element] = {statusType: res['Value']}

                res = gConfig.getOptionsDict("%s/%s" % (cs_path, element))
                if res['OK'] and res['Value']:
                    elementStatuses = {}
                    for elementStatusType, value in res['Value'].items():
                        if elementStatusType in statuses:
                            elementStatuses[elementStatusType] = value

                    # If there is no status defined in the CS, we add by default Read and
                    # Write as Active.
                    if elementStatuses == {}:
                        elementStatuses = {
                            'ReadAccess': 'Active',
                            'WriteAccess': 'Active'

                    result[element] = elementStatuses

        if result:
            return S_OK(result)

        if default is not None:

            # sec check
            if statusType is None:
                statusType = 'none'

            defList = [[el, statusType, default] for el in elementName]
            return S_OK(getDictFromList(defList))

        _msg = "StorageElement '%s', with statusType '%s' is unknown for CS."
        return S_ERROR(_msg % (elementName, statusType))

    def __setRSSStorageElementStatus(self, elementName, statusType, status,
                                     reason, tokenOwner):
    Sets on the RSS the StorageElements status

        expiration = datetime.datetime.utcnow() + datetime.timedelta(days=1)

            res = self.rssClient.modifyStatusElement(
            if res['OK']:

            if not res['OK']:
                _msg = 'Error updating StorageElement (%s,%s,%s)' % (
                    elementName, statusType, status)
                gLogger.warn('RSS: %s' % _msg)

            return res

            # Release lock, no matter what.

    def __setCSStorageElementStatus(self, elementName, statusType, status):
    Sets on the CS the StorageElements status

        statuses = self.rssConfig.getConfigStatusType('StorageElement')
        if not statusType in statuses:
            gLogger.error("%s is not a valid statusType" % statusType)
            return S_ERROR("%s is not a valid statusType: %s" %
                           (statusType, statuses))

        csAPI = CSAPI()

        cs_path = "/Resources/StorageElements"

        csAPI.setOption("%s/%s/%s" % (cs_path, elementName, statusType),

        res = csAPI.commitChanges()
        if not res['OK']:
            gLogger.warn('CS: %s' % res['Message'])

        return res

    def __getMode(self):
      Get's flag defined ( or not ) on the RSSConfiguration. If defined as 1,
      we use RSS, if not, we use CS.

        res = self.rssConfig.getConfigState()

        if res == 'Active':

            if self.rssClient is None:
                self.rssClient = ResourceStatusClient()
            return True

        self.rssClient = None
        return False

    def isStorageElementAlwaysBanned(self, seName):
        """ Checks if the AlwaysBanned policy is applied to the SE
        given as parameter

        :param seName : string, name of the SE

        :returns S_OK(True/False)

        res = self.infoGetter.getPoliciesThatApply({'name': seName})
        if not res['OK']:
                "isStorageElementAlwaysBanned: unable to get the information",
            return res

        isAlwaysBanned = 'AlwaysBanned' in [
            policy['type'] for policy in res['Value']

        return S_OK(isAlwaysBanned)
Beispiel #22
class PDP:
  PDP = Policy Decision Point.

  Used to invoke policies and to take decision based on the polict results combination.


  def __init__(self, VOExtension, granularity = None, name = None, status = None, formerStatus = None,
               reason = None, siteType = None, serviceType = None, resourceType = None,
               useNewRes = False):
    PDP (Policy Decision Point) initialization

      :attr:`VOExtension`: string - VO extension (e.g. 'LHCb')

      :attr:`granularity`: string - a ValidRes

      :attr:`name`: string - name (e.g. of a site)

      :attr:`status`: string - status

      :attr:`formerStatus`: string - former status

      :attr:`reason`: string - optional reason for last status change

      :attr:`siteType`: string - optional site type

      :attr:`serviceType`: string - optional service type

      :attr:`resourceType`: string - optional resource type

    self.VOExtension = VOExtension

    self.__granularity  = assignOrRaise(granularity, ValidRes, InvalidRes, self, self.__init__)
    self.__name         = name
    self.__status       = assignOrRaise(status, ValidStatus, InvalidStatus, self, self.__init__)
    self.__formerStatus = assignOrRaise(formerStatus, ValidStatus, InvalidStatus, self, self.__init__)
    self.__reason       = reason
    self.__siteType     = assignOrRaise(siteType, ValidSiteType, InvalidSiteType, self, self.__init__)
    self.__serviceType  = assignOrRaise(serviceType, ValidServiceType, InvalidServiceType, self, self.__init__)
    self.__resourceType = assignOrRaise(resourceType, ValidResourceType, InvalidResourceType, self, self.__init__)

    cc      = CommandCaller()
    self.pc = PolicyCaller(cc)

    self.useNewRes = useNewRes

    self.args      = None
    self.policy    = None
    self.knownInfo = None
    self.ig        = None


  def takeDecision(self, policyIn=None, argsIn=None, knownInfo=None):

        decides policies that have to be applied, based on






        If more than one policy is evaluated, results are combined.

        Logic for combination: a conservative approach is followed
        (i.e. if a site should be banned for at least one policy, that's what is returned)


          { 'PolicyType': a policyType (in a string),
            'Action': True|False,
            'Status': 'Active'|'Probing'|'Banned',
            'Reason': a reason
            'EndDate: datetime.datetime (in a string)}

    self.args = argsIn
    self.policy = policyIn
    self.knownInfo = knownInfo

    self.ig = InfoGetter(self.VOExtension)

    EVAL = self.ig.getInfoToApply(('policy', 'policyType'),
                                  granularity = self.__granularity,
                                  status = self.__status,
                                  formerStatus = self.__formerStatus,
                                  siteType = self.__siteType,
                                  serviceType = self.__serviceType,
                                  resourceType = self.__resourceType,
                                  useNewRes = self.useNewRes)

    policyCombinedResultsList = []

    for policyGroup in EVAL:

      policyType = policyGroup['PolicyType']

      if self.policy is not None:
        # Only the policy provided will be evaluated
        # FIXME: Check that the policies are valid.
        singlePolicyResults = self.policy.evaluate()
        if policyGroup['Policies'] is None:
          return {'SinglePolicyResults' : [],
                  'PolicyCombinedResult' : [{'PolicyType': policyType,
                                             'Action': False,
                                             'Reason':'No policy results'}]}
          singlePolicyResults = self._invocation(self.VOExtension, self.__granularity,
                                                 self.__name, self.__status, self.policy,
                                                 self.args, policyGroup['Policies'])

      policyCombinedResults = self._policyCombination(singlePolicyResults)

      if not policyCombinedResults:
        return { 'SinglePolicyResults': singlePolicyResults,
                 'PolicyCombinedResult': [] }

      # policy results communication

      newstatus = policyCombinedResults['Status']

      if newstatus != self.__status: # Policies satisfy
        reason = policyCombinedResults['Reason']
        newPolicyType = self.ig.getNewPolicyType(self.__granularity, newstatus)
        for npt in newPolicyType:
          if npt not in policyType:
        decision = { 'PolicyType': policyType, 'Action': True, 'Status': newstatus, 'Reason': reason }
        if policyCombinedResults.has_key('EndDate'):
          decision['EndDate'] = policyCombinedResults['EndDate']

      else: # Policies does not satisfy
        reason = policyCombinedResults['Reason']
        decision = { 'PolicyType': policyType, 'Action': False, 'Reason': reason }
        if policyCombinedResults.has_key('EndDate'):
          decision['EndDate'] = policyCombinedResults['EndDate']

    res = { 'SinglePolicyResults' : singlePolicyResults,
           'PolicyCombinedResult' : policyCombinedResultsList }

    return res


  def _invocation(self, VOExtension, granularity, name, status, policy, args, policies):
    """ One by one, use the PolicyCaller to invoke the policies, and putting
        their results in `policyResults`. When the status is `Unknown`, invokes

    policyResults = []

    for p in policies:
      pName = p['Name']
      pModule = p['Module']
      extraArgs = p['args']
      commandIn = p['commandIn']
      res = self.pc.policyInvocation(VOExtension, granularity = granularity, name = name,
                                     status = status, policy = policy, args = args, pName = pName,
                                     pModule = pModule, extraArgs = extraArgs, commandIn = commandIn)

      # If res is empty, return immediately
      if not res: return policyResults

      if not res.has_key('Status'):
        print("\n\n Policy result " + str(res) + " does not return 'Status'\n\n")
        raise TypeError

      # Else
      if res['Status'] == 'Unknown':
        res = self.__useOldPolicyRes(name = name, policyName = pName)

      if res['Status'] == 'NeedConfirmation':
        pName = p['ConfirmationPolicy']
        triggeredPolicy = self.ig.C_Policies[pName]
        pModule = triggeredPolicy['module']
        extraArgs = triggeredPolicy['args']
        commandIn = triggeredPolicy['commandIn']
        res = self.pc.policyInvocation(VOExtension, granularity = granularity, name = name,
                                       status = status, policy = policy, args = args, pName = pName,
                                       pModule = pModule, extraArgs = extraArgs, commandIn = commandIn)

      if res['Status'] not in ('Error', 'Unknown', 'NeedConfirmation'):

    return policyResults


  def _policyCombination(self, policies):
    * Compute a new status, and store it in variable newStatus, of type integer.
    * Make a list of policies that have the worst result.
    * Concatenate the Reason fields
    * Take the first EndDate field that exists (FIXME: Do something more clever)
    * Finally, return the result
    if policies == []: return {}

    newStatus = -1 # First, set an always invalid status

      # We are in a special status, maybe forbidden transitions
      prio, access_list, gofun = statesInfo[self.__status]
      if access_list != set():
        # Restrictions on transitions, checking if one is suitable:
        for p in policies:
          if value_of_policy(p) in access_list:
            newStatus = value_of_policy(p)

        # No status from policies suitable, applying stategy and
        # returning result.
        if newStatus == -1:
          newStatus = gofun(access_list)
          return { 'Status': status_of_value(newStatus), 'Reason': 'Status forced by PDP' }

        # Special Status, but no restriction on transitions
        newStatus = value_of_policy(policies[0])

    except KeyError:
      # We are in a "normal" status: All transitions are possible.
      newStatus = value_of_policy(policies[0])

    # At this point, a new status has been chosen. newStatus is an
    # integer.

    worstPolicies = [p for p in policies if value_of_policy(p) == newStatus]

    # Concatenate reasons
    def getReason(p):
        res = p['Reason']
      except KeyError:
        res = ''
      return res

    worstPoliciesReasons = [getReason(p) for p in worstPolicies]

    def catRes(x, y):
      if x and y : return x + ' |###| ' + y
      elif x or y:
        if x: return x
        else: return y
      else       : return ''

    concatenatedRes = reduce(catRes, worstPoliciesReasons, '')

    # Handle EndDate
    endDatePolicies = [p for p in worstPolicies if p.has_key('EndDate')]

    # Building and returning result
    res = {}
    res['Status'] = status_of_value(newStatus)
    if concatenatedRes != '': res['Reason']  = concatenatedRes
    if endDatePolicies != []: res['EndDate'] = endDatePolicies[0]['EndDate']
    return res


  def __useOldPolicyRes(self, name, policyName):
    """ Use the RSS Service to get an old policy result.
        If such result is older than 2 hours, it returns {'Status':'Unknown'}

    from DIRAC.Core.DISET.RPCClient import RPCClient
    rsS = RPCClient("ResourceStatus/ResourceManagement")

    res = rsS.getPolicyRes(name, policyName, True)
    if not res['OK']:
      raise RSSException, where(self, self.__useOldPolicyRes) + ' Could not get a policy result'

    res = res['Value']

    if res == []:
      return {'Status':'Unknown'}

    oldStatus = res[0]
    oldReason = res[1]
    lastCheckTime = res[2]

    if ( lastCheckTime + datetime.timedelta(hours = 2) ) < datetime.datetime.utcnow():
      return {'Status':'Unknown'}

    result = {}

    result['Status'] = oldStatus
    result['Reason'] = oldReason
    result['OLD'] = True
    result['PolicyName'] = policyName

    return result
Beispiel #23
    def testGetInfoToApply(self):
        ig = InfoGetter("LHCb")

        for g in ValidRes:
            for s in ValidStatus:
                for site_t in ValidSiteType:
                    for service_t in ValidServiceType:

                        if g in ("Site", "Sites"):
                            panel = "Site_Panel"
                        if g in ("Service", "Services"):
                            if service_t == "Storage":
                                panel = "Service_Storage_Panel"
                            if service_t == "Computing":
                                panel = "Service_Computing_Panel"
                            if service_t == "VO-BOX":
                                panel = "Service_VO-BOX_Panel"
                            if service_t == "VOMS":
                                panel = "Service_VOMS_Panel"
                        if g in ("Resource", "Resources"):
                            panel = "Resource_Panel"
                        if g in ("StorageElementRead", "StorageElementsRead"):
                            panel = "SE_Panel"
                        if g in ("StorageElementWrite", "StorageElementsWrite"):
                            panel = "SE_Panel"

                        for resource_t in ValidResourceType:

                            ## Testing the policyType (__getPolTypes) part
                            res = ig.getInfoToApply(("policyType",), g, None, s, None, site_t, service_t, resource_t)
                            for p_res in res["PolicyType"]:
                                self.assert_(p_res in CS.getTypedDictRootedAt("PolicyTypes").keys())

                            for useNewRes in (False, True):

                                ## Testing the policy (__getPolToEval) part
                                res = ig.getInfoToApply(
                                    ("policy",), g, None, s, None, site_t, service_t, resource_t, useNewRes
                                pModuleList = []

                                for k in self.configModule.Policies.keys():
                                        if self.configModule.Policies[k]["module"] not in pModuleList:
                                    except KeyError:

                                for p_res in res["Policies"]:  # All __getPolToEval results...
                                    self.assertTrue(p_res["Name"] in CS.getTypedDictRootedAt("Policies"))
                                    #                  self.assertTrue(p_res['Module'] in pModuleList)
                                    if useNewRes is False:
                                            p_res["commandIn"], self.configModule.Policies[p_res["Name"]]["commandIn"]
                                            p_res["args"], self.configModule.Policies[p_res["Name"]]["args"]
                                        except KeyError:
                                                p_res["args"], self.configModule.Policies[p_res["Name"]]["argsNewRes"]
                                        except KeyError:
                                                p_res["args"], self.configModule.Policies[p_res["Name"]]["args"]

                                res = ig.getInfoToApply(
                                    ("panel_info",), g, None, s, None, site_t, service_t, resource_t, useNewRes
                                for p_res in res["Info"]:

                                    #                  if 'JobsEfficiencySimple' in p_res.keys():
                                    #                    print useNewRes, p_res

                                    for p_name in p_res.keys():
                                        self.assert_(p_name in self.configModule.Policies.keys())
                                        if isinstance(p_res[p_name], list):
                                            for i in range(len(p_res[p_name])):
                                                for k in p_res[p_name][i].keys():
                                                    if useNewRes:
                                                        except KeyError:
                                                        except TypeError:

                                                        except KeyError:
                                                        except TypeError:




                                            self.assertEqual(p_res[p_name], self.configModule.Policies[p_name][panel])
Beispiel #24
class ResourceStatus( object ):
  ResourceStatus helper that connects to CS if RSS flag is not Active. It keeps
  the connection to the db / server as an object member, to avoid creating a new
  one massively.

  __metaclass__ = DIRACSingleton

  def __init__( self ):
    Constructor, initializes the rssClient.

    self.log = gLogger.getSubLogger( self.__class__.__name__ )
    self.rssConfig = RssConfiguration()
    self.__opHelper = Operations()
    self.rssClient = None
    self.infoGetter = InfoGetter()

    # We can set CacheLifetime and CacheHistory from CS, so that we can tune them.
    cacheLifeTime = int( self.rssConfig.getConfigCache() )

    # RSSCache only affects the calls directed to RSS, if using the CS it is not
    # used.
    self.seCache = RSSCache( 'StorageElement', cacheLifeTime, self.__updateSECache )

  def getStorageElementStatus( self, elementName, statusType = None, default = None ):
    Helper with dual access, tries to get information from the RSS for the given
    StorageElement, otherwise, it gets it from the CS.

      >>> getStorageElementStatus( 'CERN-USER', 'ReadAccess' )
          S_OK( { 'CERN-USER' : { 'ReadAccess': 'Active' } } )
      >>> getStorageElementStatus( 'CERN-USER', 'Write' )
          S_OK( { 'CERN-USER' : {'ReadAccess': 'Active', 'WriteAccess': 'Active',
                                 'CheckAccess': 'Banned', 'RemoveAccess': 'Banned'}} )
      >>> getStorageElementStatus( 'CERN-USER', 'ThisIsAWrongStatusType' )
          S_ERROR( xyz.. )
      >>> getStorageElementStatus( 'CERN-USER', 'ThisIsAWrongStatusType', 'Unknown' )
          S_OK( 'Unknown' )


    if self.__getMode():
      # We do not apply defaults. If is not on the cache, S_ERROR is returned.
      return self.__getRSSStorageElementStatus( elementName, statusType )
      return self.__getCSStorageElementStatus( elementName, statusType, default )

  def setStorageElementStatus( self, elementName, statusType, status, reason = None,
                               tokenOwner = None ):

    Helper with dual access, tries set information in RSS and in CS.

      >>> getStorageElementStatus( 'CERN-USER', 'ReadAccess' )
          S_OK( { 'ReadAccess': 'Active' } )
      >>> getStorageElementStatus( 'CERN-USER', 'Write' )
          S_OK( {'ReadAccess': 'Active', 'WriteAccess': 'Active', 'CheckAccess': 'Banned', 'RemoveAccess': 'Banned'} )
      >>> getStorageElementStatus( 'CERN-USER', 'ThisIsAWrongStatusType' )
          S_ERROR( xyz.. )
      >>> getStorageElementStatus( 'CERN-USER', 'ThisIsAWrongStatusType', 'Unknown' )
          S_OK( 'Unknown' )

    if self.__getMode():
      return self.__setRSSStorageElementStatus( elementName, statusType, status, reason, tokenOwner )
      return self.__setCSStorageElementStatus( elementName, statusType, status )


  def __updateSECache( self ):
    """ Method used to update the StorageElementCache.

        It will try 5 times to contact the RSS before giving up

    meta = { 'columns' : [ 'Name', 'StatusType', 'Status' ] }

    for ti in range( 5 ):
      rawCache = self.rssClient.selectStatusElement( 'Resource', 'Status',
                                                     elementType = 'StorageElement',
                                                     meta = meta )
      if rawCache['OK']:
      self.log.warn( "Can't get SE status", rawCache['Message'] + "; trial %d" % ti )
      sleep( math.pow( ti, 2 ) )
      self.rssClient = ResourceStatusClient()

    if not rawCache[ 'OK' ]:
      return rawCache
    return S_OK( getCacheDictFromRawData( rawCache[ 'Value' ] ) )


  def __getRSSStorageElementStatus( self, elementName, statusType ):
    Gets from the cache or the RSS the StorageElements status. The cache is a
    copy of the DB table. If it is not on the cache, most likely is not going
    to be on the DB.

    There is one exception: item just added to the CS, e.g. new StorageElement.
    The period between it is added to the DB and the changes are propagated
    to the cache will be inconsisten, but not dangerous. Just wait <cacheLifeTime>

    cacheMatch = self.seCache.match( elementName, statusType )

    self.log.debug( '__getRSSStorageElementStatus' )
    self.log.debug( cacheMatch )

    return cacheMatch

  def __getCSStorageElementStatus( self, elementName, statusType, default ):
    Gets from the CS the StorageElements status

    cs_path = "/Resources/StorageElements"

    if not isinstance( elementName, list ):
      elementName = [ elementName ]

    statuses = self.rssConfig.getConfigStatusType( 'StorageElement' )

    result = {}
    for element in elementName:

      if statusType is not None:
        # Added Active by default
        res = gConfig.getValue( "%s/%s/%s" % ( cs_path, element, statusType ), 'Active' )
        result[element] = {statusType: res}

        res = gConfig.getOptionsDict( "%s/%s" % ( cs_path, element ) )
        if res[ 'OK' ] and res[ 'Value' ]:
          elementStatuses = {}
          for elementStatusType, value in res[ 'Value' ].items():
            if elementStatusType in statuses:
              elementStatuses[ elementStatusType ] = value

          # If there is no status defined in the CS, we add by default Read and
          # Write as Active.
          if elementStatuses == {}:
            elementStatuses = { 'ReadAccess' : 'Active', 'WriteAccess' : 'Active' }

          result[ element ] = elementStatuses

    if result:
      return S_OK( result )

    if default is not None:

      # sec check
      if statusType is None:
        statusType = 'none'

      defList = [ [ el, statusType, default ] for el in elementName ]
      return S_OK( getDictFromList( defList ) )

    _msg = "StorageElement '%s', with statusType '%s' is unknown for CS."
    return S_ERROR( _msg % ( elementName, statusType ) )

  def __setRSSStorageElementStatus( self, elementName, statusType, status, reason, tokenOwner ):
    Sets on the RSS the StorageElements status

    expiration = datetime.datetime.utcnow() + datetime.timedelta( days = 1 )

      res = self.rssClient.modifyStatusElement( 'Resource', 'Status', name = elementName,
                                                statusType = statusType, status = status,
                                                reason = reason, tokenOwner = tokenOwner,
                                                tokenExpiration = expiration )
      if res[ 'OK' ]:

      if not res[ 'OK' ]:
        _msg = 'Error updating StorageElement (%s,%s,%s)' % ( elementName, statusType, status )
        gLogger.warn( 'RSS: %s' % _msg )

      return res

      # Release lock, no matter what.

  def __setCSStorageElementStatus( self, elementName, statusType, status ):
    Sets on the CS the StorageElements status

    statuses = self.rssConfig.getConfigStatusType( 'StorageElement' )
    if not statusType in statuses:
      gLogger.error( "%s is not a valid statusType" % statusType )
      return S_ERROR( "%s is not a valid statusType: %s" % ( statusType, statuses ) )

    csAPI = CSAPI()

    cs_path = "/Resources/StorageElements"

    csAPI.setOption( "%s/%s/%s" % ( cs_path, elementName, statusType ), status )

    res = csAPI.commitChanges()
    if not res[ 'OK' ]:
      gLogger.warn( 'CS: %s' % res[ 'Message' ] )

    return res

  def __getMode( self ):
      Get's flag defined ( or not ) on the RSSConfiguration. If defined as 1,
      we use RSS, if not, we use CS.

    res = self.rssConfig.getConfigState()

    if res == 'Active':

      if self.rssClient is None:
        self.rssClient = ResourceStatusClient()
      return True

    self.rssClient = None
    return False
  def isStorageElementAlwaysBanned( self, seName, statusType ):
    """ Checks if the AlwaysBanned policy is applied to the SE
        given as parameter

        :param seName : string, name of the SE
        :param statusType : ReadAcces, WriteAccess, RemoveAccess, CheckAccess

        :returns S_OK(True/False)

    res = self.infoGetter.getPoliciesThatApply( {'name' : seName, 'statusType' : statusType} )
    if not res['OK']:
      self.log.error( "isStorageElementAlwaysBanned: unable to get the information", res['Message'] )
      return res

    isAlwaysBanned = 'AlwaysBanned' in [policy['type'] for policy in res['Value']]

    return S_OK( isAlwaysBanned )
Beispiel #25
class Publisher:
  Class Publisher is in charge of getting dispersed information, to be published on the web.


  def __init__(self, VOExtension, rsDBIn = None, commandCallerIn = None, infoGetterIn = None,
               WMSAdminIn = None):
    Standard constructor

      :attr:`VOExtension`: string, VO Extension (e.g. 'LHCb')

      :attr:`rsDBIn`: optional ResourceStatusDB object
      (see :class: `DIRAC.ResourceStatusSystem.DB.ResourceStatusDB.ResourceStatusDB`)

      :attr:`commandCallerIn`: optional CommandCaller object
      (see :class: `DIRAC.ResourceStatusSystem.Command.CommandCaller.CommandCaller`)

      :attr:`infoGetterIn`: optional InfoGetter object
      (see :class: `DIRAC.ResourceStatusSystem.Utilities.InfoGetter.InfoGetter`)

      :attr:`WMSAdminIn`: optional RPCClient object for WMSAdmin
      (see :class: `DIRAC.Core.DISET.RPCClient.RPCClient`)

    self.configModule = Utils.voimport("DIRAC.ResourceStatusSystem.Policy.Configurations", VOExtension)

    if rsDBIn is not None:
      self.rsDB = rsDBIn
      from DIRAC.ResourceStatusSystem.DB.ResourceStatusDB import ResourceStatusDB
      self.rsDB = ResourceStatusDB()

    from DIRAC.ResourceStatusSystem.DB.ResourceManagementDB import ResourceManagementDB
    self.rmDB = ResourceManagementDB()

    if commandCallerIn is not None: = commandCallerIn
      from DIRAC.ResourceStatusSystem.Command.CommandCaller import CommandCaller = CommandCaller()

    if infoGetterIn is not None:
      self.ig = infoGetterIn
      from DIRAC.ResourceStatusSystem.Utilities.InfoGetter import InfoGetter
      self.ig = InfoGetter(VOExtension)

    if WMSAdminIn is not None:
      self.WMSAdmin = WMSAdminIn
      from DIRAC.Core.DISET.RPCClient import RPCClient
      self.WMSAdmin = RPCClient("WorkloadManagement/WMSAdministrator")

    self.threadPool = ThreadPool( 2, 5 )

    self.lockObj = threading.RLock()

    self.infoForPanel_res = {}


  def getInfo(self, granularity, name, useNewRes = False):
    Standard method to get all the info to be published

    This method uses a ThreadPool (:class:`DIRAC.Core.Utilities.ThreadPool.ThreadPool`)
    with 2-5 threads. The threaded method is

      :attr:`granularity`: string - a ValidRes

      :attr:`name`: string - name of the Validres

      :attr:`useNewRes`: boolean. When set to true, will get new results,
      otherwise it will get cached results (where available).

    if granularity not in ValidRes:
      raise InvalidRes, Utils.where(self, self.getInfo)

    self.infoForPanel_res = {}

    status = None
    formerStatus = None
    siteType = None
    serviceType = None
    resourceType = None

    if granularity in ('Resource', 'Resources'):
        resourceType = self.rsDB.getMonitoredsList('Resource', ['ResourceType'],
                                              resourceName = name)[0][0]
      except IndexError:
        return "%s does not exist!" %name

    if granularity in ('StorageElement', 'StorageElements'):
        siteType = self.rsDB.getMonitoredsList('StorageElement', ['SiteType'],
                                              storageElementName = name)[0][0]
      except IndexError:
        return "%s does not exist!" %name

    paramNames = ['Type', 'Group', 'Name', 'Policy', 'DIRAC Status',
                  'RSS Status', 'Reason', 'Description']

    infoToGet = self.ig.getInfoToApply(('view_info', ), granularity, status = status,
                                       formerStatus = formerStatus, siteType = siteType,
                                       serviceType = serviceType, resourceType = resourceType,
                                       useNewRes = useNewRes)[0]['Panels']
    infoToGet_res = {}

    recordsList = []

    infosForPolicy = {}

    for panel in infoToGet.keys():

      (granularityForPanel, nameForPanel) = self.__getNameForPanel(granularity, name, panel)

      if not self._resExist(granularityForPanel, nameForPanel):
#        completeInfoForPanel_res = None

      #take composite RSS result for name
      nameStatus_res = self._getStatus(nameForPanel, panel)

      recordBase = [None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None]

      recordBase[1] = panel.replace('_Panel', '')
      recordBase[2] = nameForPanel #nameForPanel
        recordBase[4] = nameStatus_res[nameForPanel]['DIRACStatus'] #DIRAC Status
      recordBase[5] = nameStatus_res[nameForPanel]['RSSStatus'] #RSS Status

      record = copy.deepcopy(recordBase)
      record[0] = 'ResultsForResource'


      #take info that goes into the panel
      infoForPanel = infoToGet[panel]

      for info in infoForPanel:

                                              args = (info, granularityForPanel, nameForPanel) )


      for policy in [x.keys()[0] for x in infoForPanel]:
        record = copy.deepcopy(recordBase)
        record[0] = 'SpecificInformation'
        record[3] = policy #policyName
        record[4] = None #DIRAC Status
        record[5] = self.infoForPanel_res[policy]['Status'] #RSS status for the policy
        record[6] = self.infoForPanel_res[policy]['Reason'] #Reason
        record[7] = self.infoForPanel_res[policy]['desc'] #Description

        infosForPolicy[policy] = self.infoForPanel_res[policy]['infos']

    infoToGet_res['TotalRecords'] = len(recordsList)
    infoToGet_res['ParameterNames'] = paramNames
    infoToGet_res['Records'] = recordsList

    infoToGet_res['Extras'] = infosForPolicy

    return infoToGet_res


  def getInfoForPanel(self, info, granularityForPanel, nameForPanel):

    #get single RSS policy results
    policyResToGet = info.keys()[0]
    pol_res = self.rmDB.getPolicyRes(nameForPanel, policyResToGet)
    if pol_res != []:
      pol_res_dict = {'Status' : pol_res[0], 'Reason' : pol_res[1]}
      pol_res_dict = {'Status' : 'Unknown', 'Reason' : 'Unknown'}
      self.infoForPanel_res[policyResToGet] = pol_res_dict

    #get policy description
    desc = self._getPolicyDesc(policyResToGet)

    #get other info
    othersInfo = info.values()[0]
    if not isinstance(othersInfo, list):
      othersInfo = [othersInfo]

    info_res = {}

    for oi in othersInfo:
      format_ = oi.keys()[0]
      what = oi.values()[0]

      info_bit_got = self._getInfo(granularityForPanel, nameForPanel, format_, what)

      info_res[format_] = info_bit_got

      self.infoForPanel_res[policyResToGet]['infos'] = info_res
      self.infoForPanel_res[policyResToGet]['desc'] = desc


  def _getStatus(self, name, panel):

    #get RSS status
    RSSStatus = self._getInfoFromRSSDB(name, panel)[0][1]

    #get DIRAC status
    if panel in ('Site_Panel', 'SE_Panel'):

      if panel == 'Site_Panel':
        DIRACStatus = self.WMSAdmin.getSiteMaskLogging(name)
        if DIRACStatus['OK']:
          DIRACStatus = DIRACStatus['Value'][name].pop()[0]
          raise RSSException, Utils.where(self, self._getStatus)

      elif panel == 'SE_Panel':
        ra = getStorageElementStatus(name, 'ReadAccess')['Value']
        wa = getStorageElementStatus(name, 'WriteAccess')['Value']
        DIRACStatus = {'ReadAccess': ra, 'WriteAccess': wa}

      status = { name : { 'RSSStatus': RSSStatus, 'DIRACStatus': DIRACStatus } }

      status = { name : { 'RSSStatus': RSSStatus} }

    return status


  def _getInfo(self, granularity, name, format_, what):

    if format_ == 'RSS':
      info_bit_got = self._getInfoFromRSSDB(name, what)
      if isinstance(what, dict):
        command = what['CommandIn']
        extraArgs = what['args']
        command = what
        extraArgs = None

      info_bit_got =, name, None,
                                               None, command, extraArgs)

        info_bit_got = info_bit_got['Result']

    return info_bit_got


  def _getInfoFromRSSDB(self, name, what):

    paramsL = ['Status']

    siteName = None
    serviceName = None
    resourceName = None
    storageElementName = None
    serviceType = None
    gridSiteName = None

    if what == 'ServiceOfSite':
      gran = 'Service'
      paramsL.insert(0, 'ServiceName')
      siteName = name
    elif what == 'ResOfCompService':
      gran = 'Resources'
      paramsL.insert(0, 'ResourceName')
      serviceType = name.split('@')[0]
      gridSiteName = getGOCSiteName(name.split('@')[1])
      if not gridSiteName['OK']:
        raise RSSException, gridSiteName['Message']
      gridSiteName = gridSiteName['Value']
    elif what == 'ResOfStorService':
      gran = 'Resources'
      paramsL.insert(0, 'ResourceName')
      serviceType = name.split('@')[0]
      gridSiteName = getGOCSiteName(name.split('@')[1])
      if not gridSiteName['OK']:
        raise RSSException, gridSiteName['Message']
      gridSiteName = gridSiteName['Value']
    elif what == 'ResOfStorEl':
      gran = 'StorageElements'
      paramsL.insert(0, 'ResourceName')
      storageElementName = name
    elif what == 'StorageElementsOfSite':
      gran = 'StorageElements'
      paramsL.insert(0, 'StorageElementName')
      if '@' in name:
        DIRACsiteName = name.split('@').pop()
        DIRACsiteName = name
      gridSiteName = getGOCSiteName(DIRACsiteName)
      if not gridSiteName['OK']:
        raise RSSException, gridSiteName['Message']
      gridSiteName = gridSiteName['Value']
    elif what == 'Site_Panel':
      gran = 'Site'
      paramsL.insert(0, 'SiteName')
      siteName = name
    elif what == 'Service_Computing_Panel':
      gran = 'Service'
      paramsL.insert(0, 'ServiceName')
      serviceName = name
    elif what == 'Service_Storage_Panel':
      gran = 'Service'
      paramsL.insert(0, 'ServiceName')
      serviceName = name
    elif what == 'Service_VO-BOX_Panel':
      gran = 'Services'
      paramsL.insert(0, 'ServiceName')
      serviceName = name
    elif what == 'Service_VOMS_Panel':
      gran = 'Services'
      paramsL.insert(0, 'ServiceName')
      serviceName = name
    elif what == 'Resource_Panel':
      gran = 'Resource'
      paramsL.insert(0, 'ResourceName')
      resourceName = name
    elif what == 'SE_Panel':
      gran = 'StorageElement'
      paramsL.insert(0, 'StorageElementName')
      storageElementName = name

    info_bit_got = self.rsDB.getMonitoredsList(gran, paramsList = paramsL, siteName = siteName,
                                               serviceName = serviceName, serviceType = serviceType,
                                               resourceName = resourceName,
                                               storageElementName = storageElementName,
                                               gridSiteName = gridSiteName)

    return info_bit_got


  def _getPolicyDesc(self, policyName):

    return self.configModule.Policies[policyName]['Description']


  def __getNameForPanel(self, granularity, name, panel):

    if granularity in ('Site', 'Sites'):
      if panel == 'Service_Computing_Panel':
        granularity = 'Service'
        name = 'Computing@' + name
      elif panel == 'Service_Storage_Panel':
        granularity = 'Service'
        name = 'Storage@' + name
      elif panel == 'OtherServices_Panel':
        granularity = 'Service'
        name = 'OtherS@' + name
      elif panel == 'Service_VOMS_Panel':
        granularity = 'Service'
        name = 'VOMS@' + name
      elif panel == 'Service_VO-BOX_Panel':
        granularity = 'Service'
        name = 'VO-BOX@' + name
#      else:
#        granularity = granularity
#        name = name
#    else:
#      granularity = granularity
#      name = name

    return (granularity, name)


  def _resExist(self, granularity, name):

    siteName = None
    serviceName = None
    resourceName = None
    storageElementName = None

    if granularity in ('Site', 'Sites'):
      siteName = name
    elif granularity in ('Service', 'Services'):
      serviceName = name
    elif granularity in ('Resource', 'Resources'):
      resourceName = name
    elif granularity in ('StorageElement', 'StorageElements'):
      storageElementName = name

    res = self.rsDB.getMonitoredsList(granularity, siteName = siteName,
                                      serviceName = serviceName, resourceName = resourceName,
                                      storageElementName = storageElementName)

    if res == []:
      return False
      return True
Beispiel #26
class Publisher:
  Class Publisher is in charge of getting dispersed information, to be published on the web.


    def __init__(self,
    Standard constructor

      :attr:`VOExtension`: string, VO Extension (e.g. 'LHCb')

      :attr:`rsDBIn`: optional ResourceStatusDB object
      (see :class: `DIRAC.ResourceStatusSystem.DB.ResourceStatusDB.ResourceStatusDB`)

      :attr:`commandCallerIn`: optional CommandCaller object
      (see :class: `DIRAC.ResourceStatusSystem.Command.CommandCaller.CommandCaller`)

      :attr:`infoGetterIn`: optional InfoGetter object
      (see :class: `DIRAC.ResourceStatusSystem.Utilities.InfoGetter.InfoGetter`)

      :attr:`WMSAdminIn`: optional RPCClient object for WMSAdmin
      (see :class: `DIRAC.Core.DISET.RPCClient.RPCClient`)

        self.configModule = __import__(
            VOExtension + "DIRAC.ResourceStatusSystem.Policy.Configurations",
            globals(), locals(), ['*'])

        if rsDBIn is not None:
            self.rsDB = rsDBIn
            from DIRAC.ResourceStatusSystem.DB.ResourceStatusDB import ResourceStatusDB
            self.rsDB = ResourceStatusDB()

        if commandCallerIn is not None:
   = commandCallerIn
            from DIRAC.ResourceStatusSystem.Command.CommandCaller import CommandCaller
   = CommandCaller()

        if infoGetterIn is not None:
            self.ig = infoGetterIn
            from DIRAC.ResourceStatusSystem.Utilities.InfoGetter import InfoGetter
            self.ig = InfoGetter(VOExtension)

        if WMSAdminIn is not None:
            self.WMSAdmin = WMSAdminIn
            from DIRAC.Core.DISET.RPCClient import RPCClient
            self.WMSAdmin = RPCClient("WorkloadManagement/WMSAdministrator")

        self.threadPool = ThreadPool(2, 5)

        self.lockObj = threading.RLock()

        self.infoForPanel_res = {}


    def getInfo(self, granularity, name, useNewRes=False):
    Standard method to get all the info to be published

    This method uses a ThreadPool (:class:`DIRAC.Core.Utilities.ThreadPool.ThreadPool`)
    with 2-5 threads. The threaded method is

      :attr:`granularity`: string - a ValidRes

      :attr:`name`: string - name of the Validres

      :attr:`useNewRes`: boolean. When set to true, will get new results,
      otherwise it will get cached results (where available).

        if granularity not in ValidRes:
            raise InvalidRes, where(self, self.getInfo)

        self.infoForPanel_res = {}

        status = None
        formerStatus = None
        siteType = None
        serviceType = None
        resourceType = None

        if granularity in ('Resource', 'Resources'):
                resourceType = self.rsDB.getMonitoredsList(
                    'Resource', ['ResourceType'], resourceName=name)[0][0]
            except IndexError:
                return "%s does not exist!" % name

        if granularity in ('StorageElement', 'StorageElements'):
                siteType = self.rsDB.getMonitoredsList(
                    'StorageElement', ['SiteType'],
            except IndexError:
                return "%s does not exist!" % name

        paramNames = [
            'Type', 'Group', 'Name', 'Policy', 'DIRAC Status', 'RSS Status',
            'Reason', 'Description'

        infoToGet = self.ig.getInfoToApply(('view_info', ),
        infoToGet_res = {}

        recordsList = []

        infosForPolicy = {}

        for panel in infoToGet.keys():

             nameForPanel) = self.__getNameForPanel(granularity, name, panel)

            if not self._resExist(granularityForPanel, nameForPanel):
                #        completeInfoForPanel_res = None

            #take composite RSS result for name
            nameStatus_res = self._getStatus(nameForPanel, panel)

            recordBase = [None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None]

            recordBase[1] = panel.replace('_Panel', '')
            recordBase[2] = nameForPanel  #nameForPanel
                recordBase[4] = nameStatus_res[nameForPanel][
                    'DIRACStatus']  #DIRAC Status
            recordBase[5] = nameStatus_res[nameForPanel][
                'RSSStatus']  #RSS Status

            record = copy.deepcopy(recordBase)
            record[0] = 'ResultsForResource'


            #take info that goes into the panel
            infoForPanel = infoToGet[panel]

            for info in infoForPanel:

                    args=(info, granularityForPanel, nameForPanel))


            for policy in [x.keys()[0] for x in infoForPanel]:
                record = copy.deepcopy(recordBase)
                record[0] = 'SpecificInformation'
                record[3] = policy  #policyName
                record[4] = None  #DIRAC Status
                record[5] = self.infoForPanel_res[policy][
                    'Status']  #RSS status for the policy
                record[6] = self.infoForPanel_res[policy]['Reason']  #Reason
                record[7] = self.infoForPanel_res[policy]['desc']  #Description

                infosForPolicy[policy] = self.infoForPanel_res[policy]['infos']

        infoToGet_res['TotalRecords'] = len(recordsList)
        infoToGet_res['ParameterNames'] = paramNames
        infoToGet_res['Records'] = recordsList

        infoToGet_res['Extras'] = infosForPolicy

        return infoToGet_res


    def getInfoForPanel(self, info, granularityForPanel, nameForPanel):

        #get single RSS policy results
        policyResToGet = info.keys()[0]
        pol_res = self.rsDB.getPolicyRes(nameForPanel, policyResToGet)
        if pol_res != []:
            pol_res_dict = {'Status': pol_res[0], 'Reason': pol_res[1]}
            pol_res_dict = {'Status': 'Unknown', 'Reason': 'Unknown'}
            self.infoForPanel_res[policyResToGet] = pol_res_dict

        #get policy description
        desc = self._getPolicyDesc(policyResToGet)

        #get other info
        othersInfo = info.values()[0]
        if not isinstance(othersInfo, list):
            othersInfo = [othersInfo]

        info_res = {}

        for oi in othersInfo:
            format = oi.keys()[0]
            what = oi.values()[0]

            info_bit_got = self._getInfo(granularityForPanel, nameForPanel,
                                         format, what)

            info_res[format] = info_bit_got

            self.infoForPanel_res[policyResToGet]['infos'] = info_res
            self.infoForPanel_res[policyResToGet]['desc'] = desc


    def _getStatus(self, name, panel):

        #get RSS status
        RSSStatus = self._getInfoFromRSSDB(name, panel)[0][1]

        #get DIRAC status
        if panel in ('Site_Panel', 'SE_Panel'):

            if panel == 'Site_Panel':
                DIRACStatus = self.WMSAdmin.getSiteMaskLogging(name)
                if DIRACStatus['OK']:
                    DIRACStatus = DIRACStatus['Value'][name].pop()[0]
                    raise RSSException, where(self, self._getStatus)

            elif panel == 'SE_Panel':
                ra = getStorageElementStatus(name, 'ReadAccess')['Value']
                wa = getStorageElementStatus(name, 'WriteAccess')['Value']
                DIRACStatus = {'ReadAccess': ra, 'WriteAccess': wa}

            status = {
                name: {
                    'RSSStatus': RSSStatus,
                    'DIRACStatus': DIRACStatus

            status = {name: {'RSSStatus': RSSStatus}}

        return status


    def _getInfo(self, granularity, name, format, what):

        if format == 'RSS':
            info_bit_got = self._getInfoFromRSSDB(name, what)
            if isinstance(what, dict):
                command = what['CommandIn']
                extraArgs = what['args']
                command = what
                extraArgs = None

            info_bit_got =, name, None,
                                                     None, command, extraArgs)

                info_bit_got = info_bit_got['Result']

        return info_bit_got


    def _getInfoFromRSSDB(self, name, what):

        paramsL = ['Status']

        siteName = None
        serviceName = None
        resourceName = None
        storageElementName = None
        serviceType = None
        gridSiteName = None

        if what == 'ServiceOfSite':
            gran = 'Service'
            paramsL.insert(0, 'ServiceName')
            siteName = name
        elif what == 'ResOfCompService':
            gran = 'Resources'
            paramsL.insert(0, 'ResourceName')
            serviceType = name.split('@')[0]
            gridSiteName = getGOCSiteName(name.split('@')[1])
            if not gridSiteName['OK']:
                raise RSSException, gridSiteName['Message']
            gridSiteName = gridSiteName['Value']
        elif what == 'ResOfStorService':
            gran = 'Resources'
            paramsL.insert(0, 'ResourceName')
            serviceType = name.split('@')[0]
            gridSiteName = getGOCSiteName(name.split('@')[1])
            if not gridSiteName['OK']:
                raise RSSException, gridSiteName['Message']
            gridSiteName = gridSiteName['Value']
        elif what == 'ResOfStorEl':
            gran = 'StorageElements'
            paramsL.insert(0, 'ResourceName')
            storageElementName = name
        elif what == 'StorageElementsOfSite':
            gran = 'StorageElements'
            paramsL.insert(0, 'StorageElementName')
            if '@' in name:
                DIRACsiteName = name.split('@').pop()
                DIRACsiteName = name
            gridSiteName = getGOCSiteName(DIRACsiteName)
            if not gridSiteName['OK']:
                raise RSSException, gridSiteName['Message']
            gridSiteName = gridSiteName['Value']
        elif what == 'Site_Panel':
            gran = 'Site'
            paramsL.insert(0, 'SiteName')
            siteName = name
        elif what == 'Service_Computing_Panel':
            gran = 'Service'
            paramsL.insert(0, 'ServiceName')
            serviceName = name
        elif what == 'Service_Storage_Panel':
            gran = 'Service'
            paramsL.insert(0, 'ServiceName')
            serviceName = name
        elif what == 'Service_VO-BOX_Panel':
            gran = 'Services'
            paramsL.insert(0, 'ServiceName')
            serviceName = name
        elif what == 'Service_VOMS_Panel':
            gran = 'Services'
            paramsL.insert(0, 'ServiceName')
            serviceName = name
        elif what == 'Resource_Panel':
            gran = 'Resource'
            paramsL.insert(0, 'ResourceName')
            resourceName = name
        elif what == 'SE_Panel':
            gran = 'StorageElement'
            paramsL.insert(0, 'StorageElementName')
            storageElementName = name

        info_bit_got = self.rsDB.getMonitoredsList(

        return info_bit_got


    def _getPolicyDesc(self, policyName):

        return self.configModule.Policies[policyName]['Description']


    def __getNameForPanel(self, granularity, name, panel):

        if granularity in ('Site', 'Sites'):
            if panel == 'Service_Computing_Panel':
                granularity = 'Service'
                name = 'Computing@' + name
            elif panel == 'Service_Storage_Panel':
                granularity = 'Service'
                name = 'Storage@' + name
            elif panel == 'OtherServices_Panel':
                granularity = 'Service'
                name = 'OtherS@' + name
            elif panel == 'Service_VOMS_Panel':
                granularity = 'Service'
                name = 'VOMS@' + name
            elif panel == 'Service_VO-BOX_Panel':
                granularity = 'Service'
                name = 'VO-BOX@' + name
#      else:
#        granularity = granularity
#        name = name
#    else:
#      granularity = granularity
#      name = name

        return (granularity, name)


    def _resExist(self, granularity, name):

        siteName = None
        serviceName = None
        resourceName = None
        storageElementName = None

        if granularity in ('Site', 'Sites'):
            siteName = name
        elif granularity in ('Service', 'Services'):
            serviceName = name
        elif granularity in ('Resource', 'Resources'):
            resourceName = name
        elif granularity in ('StorageElement', 'StorageElements'):
            storageElementName = name

        res = self.rsDB.getMonitoredsList(

        if res == []:
            return False
            return True
Beispiel #27
class PDP:
    The PDP (Policy Decision Point) module is used to:
    1. Decides which policies have to be applied.
    2. Invokes an evaluation of the policies, and returns the result (to a PEP)
    def __init__(self, clients):
      Constructor. Defines members that will be used later on.

        self.pCaller = PolicyCaller(clients=clients)
        self.iGetter = InfoGetter()

        self.decissionParams = {}
        self.rssMachine = RSSMachine('Unknown')

    def setup(self, decissionParams=None):

        standardParamsDict = {
            'element': None,
            'name': None,
            'elementType': None,
            'statusType': None,
            'status': None,
            'reason': None,
            'tokenOwner': None,
            # Last parameter allows policies to be deactivated
            'active': 'Active'

        if decissionParams is not None:

        self.decissionParams = standardParamsDict


    def takeDecision(
            self):  #, policyIn = None, argsIn = None, knownInfo = None ):

        decides policies that have to be applied, based on






        If more than one policy is evaluated, results are combined.

        Logic for combination: a conservative approach is followed
        (i.e. if a site should be banned for at least one policy, that's what is returned)


          { 'PolicyType': a policyType (in a string),
            'Action': True|False,
            'Status': 'Active'|'Probing'|'Banned',
            'Reason': a reason
            #'EndDate: datetime.datetime (in a string)}

        policiesThatApply = self.iGetter.getPoliciesThatApply(
        if not policiesThatApply['OK']:
            return policiesThatApply
        policiesThatApply = policiesThatApply['Value']

        singlePolicyResults = self._runPolicies(policiesThatApply)
        if not singlePolicyResults['OK']:
            return singlePolicyResults
        singlePolicyResults = singlePolicyResults['Value']

        policyCombinedResults = self._combineSinglePolicyResults(
        if not policyCombinedResults['OK']:
            return policyCombinedResults
        policyCombinedResults = policyCombinedResults['Value']

        policyActionsThatApply = self.iGetter.getPolicyActionsThatApply(
            self.decissionParams, singlePolicyResults, policyCombinedResults)
        if not policyActionsThatApply['OK']:
            return policyActionsThatApply
        policyActionsThatApply = policyActionsThatApply['Value']

        policyCombinedResults['PolicyAction'] = policyActionsThatApply

        return S_OK({
            'singlePolicyResults': singlePolicyResults,
            'policyCombinedResult': policyCombinedResults,
            'decissionParams': self.decissionParams


    def _runPolicies(self, policies, decissionParams=None):

        if decissionParams is None:
            decissionParams = self.decissionParams

        validStatus = RssConfiguration.getValidStatus()
        if not validStatus['OK']:
            return validStatus
        validStatus = validStatus['Value']

        policyInvocationResults = []

        for policyDict in policies:

            policyInvocationResult = self.pCaller.policyInvocation(
                decissionParams, policyDict)
            if not policyInvocationResult['OK']:
                # We should never enter this line ! Just in case there are policies
                # missconfigured !
                _msg = 'runPolicies no OK: %s' % policyInvocationResult
                return S_ERROR(_msg)

            policyInvocationResult = policyInvocationResult['Value']

            if not 'Status' in policyInvocationResult:
                _msg = 'runPolicies (no Status): %s' % policyInvocationResult
                return S_ERROR(_msg)

            if not policyInvocationResult['Status'] in validStatus:
                _msg = 'runPolicies ( not valid status ) %s' % policyInvocationResult[
                return S_ERROR(_msg)

            if not 'Reason' in policyInvocationResult:
                _msg = 'runPolicies (no Reason): %s' % policyInvocationResult
                return S_ERROR(_msg)


        return S_OK(policyInvocationResults)


    def _combineSinglePolicyResults(self, singlePolicyRes):
      singlePolicyRes = [ { 'State' : X, 'Reason' : Y, ... }, ... ]
      If there are no policyResults, returns Unknown as there are no policies to
      Order elements in list by state, being the lowest the most restrictive
      one in the hierarchy.

        # Dictionary to be returned
        policyCombined = {'Status': None, 'Reason': ''}

        # If there are no policyResults, we return Unknown
        if not singlePolicyRes:

            _msgTuple = (self.decissionParams['element'],

            policyCombined['Status'] = 'Unknown'
                'Reason'] = 'No policy applies to %s, %s, %s' % _msgTuple

            return S_OK(policyCombined)

        # We set the rssMachine on the current state
        machineStatus = self.rssMachine.setState(
        if not machineStatus['OK']:
            return machineStatus

        # Order statuses by most restrictive ( lower level first )
        #policyResults = self.rssMachine.orderPolicyResults( singlePolicyRes )

        # Get according to the RssMachine the next state, given a candidate
        candidateState = singlePolicyRes[0]['Status']
        nextState = self.rssMachine.getNextState(candidateState)

        if not nextState['OK']:
            return nextState
        nextState = nextState['Value']

        # If the RssMachine does not accept the candidate, return forcing message
        if candidateState != nextState:

            policyCombined['Status'] = nextState
            policyCombined['Reason'] = 'RssMachine forced status %s to %s' % (
                candidateState, nextState)
            return S_OK(policyCombined)

        # If the RssMachine accepts the candidate, just concatenate the reasons
        for policyRes in singlePolicyRes:

            if policyRes['Status'] == nextState:
                policyCombined['Reason'] += '%s ###' % policyRes['Reason']

        policyCombined['Status'] = nextState

        return S_OK(policyCombined)


#  def __useOldPolicyRes( self, name, policyName ):
#    '''
#     Use the RSS Service to get an old policy result.
#     If such result is older than 2 hours, it returns {'Status':'Unknown'}
#    '''
#    res = self.clients[ 'ResourceManagementClient' ].getPolicyResult( name = name, policyName = policyName )
#    if not res[ 'OK' ]:
#      return { 'Status' : 'Unknown' }
#    res = res[ 'Value' ]
#    if res == []:
#      return { 'Status' : 'Unknown' }
#    res = res[ 0 ]
#    oldStatus     = res[ 5 ]
#    oldReason     = res[ 6 ]
#    lastCheckTime = res[ 8 ]
#    if ( lastCheckTime + datetime.timedelta(hours = 2) ) < datetime.datetime.utcnow():
#      return { 'Status' : 'Unknown' }
#    result = {}
#    result[ 'Status' ]     = oldStatus
#    result[ 'Reason' ]     = oldReason
#    result[ 'OLD' ]        = True
#    result[ 'PolicyName' ] = policyName
#    return result

Beispiel #28
  def takeDecision(self, policyIn=None, argsIn=None, knownInfo=None):

        decides policies that have to be applied, based on






        If more than one policy is evaluated, results are combined.

        Logic for combination: a conservative approach is followed
        (i.e. if a site should be banned for at least one policy, that's what is returned)


          { 'PolicyType': a policyType (in a string),
            'Action': True|False,
            'Status': 'Active'|'Probing'|'Banned',
            'Reason': a reason
            'EndDate: datetime.datetime (in a string)}

    self.args = argsIn
    self.policy = policyIn
    self.knownInfo = knownInfo

    self.ig = InfoGetter(self.VOExtension)

    EVAL = self.ig.getInfoToApply(('policy', 'policyType'),
                                  granularity = self.__granularity,
                                  status = self.__status,
                                  formerStatus = self.__formerStatus,
                                  siteType = self.__siteType,
                                  serviceType = self.__serviceType,
                                  resourceType = self.__resourceType,
                                  useNewRes = self.useNewRes)

    policyCombinedResultsList = []

    for policyGroup in EVAL:

      policyType = policyGroup['PolicyType']

      if self.policy is not None:
        # Only the policy provided will be evaluated
        # FIXME: Check that the policies are valid.
        singlePolicyResults = self.policy.evaluate()
        if policyGroup['Policies'] is None:
          return {'SinglePolicyResults' : [],
                  'PolicyCombinedResult' : [{'PolicyType': policyType,
                                             'Action': False,
                                             'Reason':'No policy results'}]}
          singlePolicyResults = self._invocation(self.VOExtension, self.__granularity,
                                                 self.__name, self.__status, self.policy,
                                                 self.args, policyGroup['Policies'])

      policyCombinedResults = self._policyCombination(singlePolicyResults)

      if not policyCombinedResults:
        return { 'SinglePolicyResults': singlePolicyResults,
                 'PolicyCombinedResult': [] }

      # policy results communication

      newstatus = policyCombinedResults['Status']

      if newstatus != self.__status: # Policies satisfy
        reason = policyCombinedResults['Reason']
        newPolicyType = self.ig.getNewPolicyType(self.__granularity, newstatus)
        for npt in newPolicyType:
          if npt not in policyType:
        decision = { 'PolicyType': policyType, 'Action': True, 'Status': newstatus, 'Reason': reason }
        if policyCombinedResults.has_key('EndDate'):
          decision['EndDate'] = policyCombinedResults['EndDate']

      else: # Policies does not satisfy
        reason = policyCombinedResults['Reason']
        decision = { 'PolicyType': policyType, 'Action': False, 'Reason': reason }
        if policyCombinedResults.has_key('EndDate'):
          decision['EndDate'] = policyCombinedResults['EndDate']

    res = { 'SinglePolicyResults' : singlePolicyResults,
           'PolicyCombinedResult' : policyCombinedResultsList }

    return res
Beispiel #29
Datei: Projekt: bmb/DIRAC
class PDP:
    The PDP (Policy Decision Point) module is used to:
    1. Decides which policies have to be applied.
    2. Invokes an evaluation of the policies, and returns the result (to a PEP)

  def __init__( self, **clients ):
      Constructor. Defines members that will be used later on.
    cc                  = CommandCaller()
    self.clients        = clients
    self.pCaller        = PolicyCaller( cc, **clients )
    self.iGetter        = InfoGetter()

    self.__granularity  = None
    self.__name         = None
    self.__statusType   = None
    self.__status       = None
    self.__formerStatus = None
    self.__reason       = None
    self.__siteType     = None
    self.__serviceType  = None
    self.__resourceType = None
    self.__useNewRes    = None

  def setup( self, granularity = None, name = None, statusType = None,
             status = None, formerStatus = None, reason = None, siteType = None,
             serviceType = None, resourceType = None, useNewRes = False ):
    PDP (Policy Decision Point) initialization

      :attr:`granularity`: string - a ValidElement
      :attr:`name`: string - name (e.g. of a site)
      :attr:`status`: string - status
      :attr:`formerStatus`: string - former status
      :attr:`reason`: string - optional reason for last status change
      :attr:`siteType`: string - optional site type
      :attr:`serviceType`: string - optional service type
      :attr:`resourceType`: string - optional resource type

    self.__granularity  = granularity
    self.__name         = name
    self.__statusType   = statusType
    self.__status       = status
    self.__formerStatus = formerStatus
    self.__reason       = reason
    self.__siteType     = siteType
    self.__serviceType  = serviceType
    self.__resourceType = resourceType
    self.__useNewRes    = useNewRes


  def takeDecision( self, policyIn = None, argsIn = None, knownInfo = None ):

        decides policies that have to be applied, based on






        If more than one policy is evaluated, results are combined.

        Logic for combination: a conservative approach is followed
        (i.e. if a site should be banned for at least one policy, that's what is returned)


          { 'PolicyType': a policyType (in a string),
            'Action': True|False,
            'Status': 'Active'|'Probing'|'Banned',
            'Reason': a reason
            'EndDate: datetime.datetime (in a string)}

    polToEval = self.iGetter.getInfoToApply( ( 'policy', 'policyType' ),
                                        granularity  = self.__granularity,
                                        statusType   = self.__statusType,
                                        status       = self.__status,
                                        formerStatus = self.__formerStatus,
                                        siteType     = self.__siteType,
                                        serviceType  = self.__serviceType,
                                        resourceType = self.__resourceType,
                                        useNewRes    = self.__useNewRes )

    policyType = polToEval[ 'PolicyType' ] # type: generator

    if policyIn:
      # Only the policy provided will be evaluated
      # FIXME: Check that the policies are valid.
      singlePolicyResults = policyIn.evaluate()

      singlePolicyResults = self._invocation( self.__granularity,
                                              self.__name, self.__status, policyIn,
                                              argsIn, polToEval['Policies'] )

    policyCombinedResults = self._policyCombination( singlePolicyResults )

    if policyCombinedResults == {}:
      policyCombinedResults[ 'Action' ]     = False
      policyCombinedResults[ 'Reason' ]     = 'No policy results'
      policyCombinedResults[ 'PolicyType' ] = policyType

    if policyCombinedResults.has_key( 'Status' ):
      newstatus = policyCombinedResults[ 'Status' ]

      if newstatus != self.__status: # Policies satisfy
        newPolicyType = self.iGetter.getNewPolicyType( self.__granularity, newstatus )
        policyType    = set( policyType ) & set( newPolicyType )
        policyCombinedResults[ 'Action' ] = True

      else:                          # Policies does not satisfy
        policyCombinedResults[ 'Action' ] = False

      policyCombinedResults[ 'PolicyType' ] = policyType

    return { 'SinglePolicyResults'  : singlePolicyResults,
             'PolicyCombinedResult' : policyCombinedResults }


  def _invocation( self, granularity, name, status, policy, args, policies ):
      One by one, use the PolicyCaller to invoke the policies, and putting
      their results in `policyResults`. When the status is `Unknown`, invokes
      `self.__useOldPolicyRes`. Always returns a list, possibly empty.

    policyResults = []

    for pol in policies:
      pName     = pol[ 'Name' ]
      pModule   = pol[ 'Module' ]
      extraArgs = pol[ 'args' ]
      commandIn = pol[ 'commandIn' ]
      res = self.pCaller.policyInvocation( granularity = granularity, name = name,
                                           status = status, policy = policy, 
                                           args = args, pName = pName,
                                           pModule = pModule, extraArgs = extraArgs, 
                                           commandIn = commandIn )

      # If res is empty, return immediately
      if not res: 
        return policyResults

      if not res.has_key( 'Status' ):
        print('\n\n Policy result ' + str(res) + ' does not return "Status"\n\n')
        raise TypeError

      # Else
      if res[ 'Status' ] == 'Unknown':
        res = self.__useOldPolicyRes( name = name, policyName = pName )

      if res[ 'Status' ] not in ( 'Error', 'Unknown' ):
        policyResults.append( res )
        gLogger.warn( res )      
    return policyResults


  def _policyCombination( self, pol_results ):
    INPUT: list type
    OUTPUT: dict type
    * Compute a new status, and store it in variable newStatus, of type integer.
    * Make a list of policies that have the worst result.
    * Concatenate the Reason fields
    * Take the first EndDate field that exists (FIXME: Do something more clever)
    * Finally, return the result
    if pol_results == []: 
      return {}

    pol_results.sort( key=Status.value_of_policy )
    newStatus = -1 # First, set an always invalid status

      # We are in a special status, maybe forbidden transitions
      _prio, access_list, gofun = Status.statesInfo[ self.__status ]
      if access_list != set():
        # Restrictions on transitions, checking if one is suitable:
        for polRes in pol_results:
          if Status.value_of_policy( polRes ) in access_list:
            newStatus = Status.value_of_policy( polRes )

        # No status from policies suitable, applying stategy and
        # returning result.
        if newStatus == -1:
          newStatus = gofun( access_list )
          return { 'Status': Status.status_of_value( newStatus ),
                   'Reason': 'Status forced by PDP' }

        # Special Status, but no restriction on transitions
        newStatus = Status.value_of_policy( pol_results[ 0 ] )

    except KeyError:
      # We are in a "normal" status: All transitions are possible.
      newStatus = Status.value_of_policy( pol_results[ 0 ] )

    # At this point, a new status has been chosen. newStatus is an
    # integer.

    worstResults = [ p for p in pol_results
                     if Status.value_of_policy( p ) == newStatus ]

    # Concatenate reasons
    def getReason( pol ):
        res = pol[ 'Reason' ]
      except KeyError:
        res = ''
      return res

    worstResultsReasons = [ getReason( p ) for p in worstResults ]

    def catRes( xVal, yVal ):
        Concatenate xVal and yVal.
      if xVal and yVal : 
        return xVal + ' |###| ' + yVal
      elif xVal or yVal:
        if xVal: 
          return xVal
          return yVal
        return ''

    concatenatedRes = reduce( catRes, worstResultsReasons, '' )

    # Handle EndDate
    endDatePolicies = [ p for p in worstResults if p.has_key( 'EndDate' ) ]

    # Building and returning result
    res = {}
    res[ 'Status' ] = Status.status_of_value( newStatus )
    if concatenatedRes != '': 
      res[ 'Reason' ]  = concatenatedRes
    if endDatePolicies != []: 
      res[ 'EndDate' ] = endDatePolicies[ 0 ][ 'EndDate' ]
    return res


  def __useOldPolicyRes( self, name, policyName ):
     Use the RSS Service to get an old policy result.
     If such result is older than 2 hours, it returns {'Status':'Unknown'}
    res = self.clients[ 'ResourceManagementClient' ].getPolicyResult( name = name, policyName = policyName )
    if not res[ 'OK' ]:
      return { 'Status' : 'Unknown' }
    res = res[ 'Value' ]

    if res == []:
      return { 'Status' : 'Unknown' }

    res = res[ 0 ]

    oldStatus     = res[ 5 ]
    oldReason     = res[ 6 ]
    lastCheckTime = res[ 8 ]

    if ( lastCheckTime + datetime.timedelta(hours = 2) ) < datetime.datetime.utcnow():
      return { 'Status' : 'Unknown' }

    result = {}

    result[ 'Status' ]     = oldStatus
    result[ 'Reason' ]     = oldReason
    result[ 'OLD' ]        = True
    result[ 'PolicyName' ] = policyName

    return result
