Beispiel #1
    def export_getTree(self, elementType, elementName):
    Given an element type and name,
    finds its parent site and returns all descendants of that site.

        site = self.getSite(elementType, elementName)
        if not site:
            return S_ERROR('No site')

        siteStatus = rsClient.selectStatusElement(
            meta={'columns': ['StatusType', 'Status']})
        if not siteStatus['OK']:
            return siteStatus

        tree = {site: {'statusTypes': dict(siteStatus['Value'])}}

        ces = CSHelpers.getSiteComputingElements(site)
        cesStatus = rsClient.selectStatusElement(
            meta={'columns': ['Name', 'StatusType', 'Status']})
        if not cesStatus['OK']:
            return cesStatus

        res = DMSHelpers().getSiteSEMapping()
        if not res['OK']:
            return res
        ses = res['Value'][1].get(site, [])

        sesStatus = rsClient.selectStatusElement(
            meta={'columns': ['Name', 'StatusType', 'Status']})
        if not sesStatus['OK']:
            return sesStatus

        def feedTree(elementsList):

            elements = {}
            for elementTuple in elementsList['Value']:
                name, statusType, status = elementTuple

                if name not in elements:
                    elements[name] = {}
                elements[name][statusType] = status

            return elements

        tree[site]['ces'] = feedTree(cesStatus)
        tree[site]['ses'] = feedTree(sesStatus)

        return S_OK(tree)
 def export_getTestHistory(self, elementType, element, fromDate, toDate):'getTestHistory')
   if fromDate > toDate:
     return S_ERROR('from date can not be after the to date.')
   selectElements = []
   if elementType == 'Site':  
     if element.split('.')[ 0 ] == 'CLOUD':
       selectElements.append( element )
       selectElements += CSHelpers.getSiteComputingElements(element)
     selectElements += CSHelpers.getSiteStorageElements(element)
     selectElements = [ element ]
   queryRes = rmClient.selectSAMResultLog(
                                          elementName = selectElements,
                                          meta = { 'newer' : ['LastCheckTime', fromDate ],
                                                  'older' : [ 'LastCheckTime', toDate ],
                                                  'columns' : [ 'ElementName', 'TestType', 'Status', 'LastCheckTime' ] }
   if not queryRes[ 'OK' ]:
     return queryRes
   records = queryRes[ 'Value' ]
   testHistory = {}
   for record in records:
     key = record[ 0 ] + '-' + record[ 1 ]
     if key not in testHistory:
       testHistory[ key ] = []
     testHistory[ key ].append(( record[ 3 ], record[ 2 ] ))
   return S_OK(testHistory)
  def export_getSAMSummary(self, siteName, vo):
    Returns SAM tests status for the elements of the given site.
    :return: S_OK( { element : { 'ElementType' :
                                                            'WMSTest' : 
                                                            'CVMFSTest' : 
                                                            'BOSSTest' :
                                                            'SETest' : } } ) / S_ERROR

    siteType = siteName.split('.')[ 0 ]
    if 'CLOUD' == siteType:
      ces = [ siteName ]
      ces = CSHelpers.getSiteComputingElements(siteName)
    ses = CSHelpers.getSiteStorageElements(siteName)

    samSummary = {}
    for ce in ces:
      samSummary[ ce ] = { 'ElementType' : 'ComputingElement' }
    for se in ses:
      samSummary[ se ] = { 'ElementType' : 'StorageElement' }

    lastCheckTime = datetime.utcnow().replace(microsecond = 0) - timedelta(hours = 24)

    queryRes = rmClient.selectResourceSAMStatus(elementName = ces, vO = vo,
                                                meta = { 'newer' : [ 'LastCheckTime', lastCheckTime ] })
    if not queryRes[ 'OK' ]:
      return queryRes
    records = queryRes[ 'Value' ]
    columns = queryRes[ 'Columns' ]

    if ses != []:
      queryRes = rmClient.selectResourceSAMStatus(elementName = ses,
                                                  meta = { 'newer' : [ 'LastCheckTime', lastCheckTime ] })
      if not queryRes[ 'OK' ]:
        return queryRes
      records += queryRes[ 'Value' ]

    for record in records:
      samDict = dict(zip(columns, record))
      elementName = samDict[ 'ElementName' ]
      samSummary[ elementName ][ 'Status' ] = samDict[ 'Status' ]
      tests = [ test.strip() for test in samDict[ 'Tests' ].split(',') ]
      queryRes = rmClient.selectSAMResult(elementName = elementName, testType = tests,
                                          meta = { 'newer' : [ 'LastCheckTime', lastCheckTime ] })
      if not queryRes[ 'OK' ]:
        return queryRes
      testRecords = queryRes[ 'Value' ]
      testColumns = queryRes[ 'Columns' ]
      for testRecord in testRecords:
        testDict = dict(zip(testColumns, testRecord))
        samSummary[ elementName ][ testDict[ 'TestType' ] ] = testDict[ 'Status' ]
    return S_OK(samSummary)
Beispiel #4
  def export_getTree(self, elementType, elementName):
    Given an element type and name,
    finds its parent site and returns all descendants of that site.

    site = self.getSite(elementType, elementName)
    if not site:
      return S_ERROR('No site')

    siteStatus = rsClient.selectStatusElement('Site', 'Status', name=site,
                                              meta={'columns': ['StatusType', 'Status']})
    if not siteStatus['OK']:
      return siteStatus

    tree = {site: {'statusTypes': dict(siteStatus['Value'])}}

    ces = CSHelpers.getSiteComputingElements(site)
    cesStatus = rsClient.selectStatusElement('Resource', 'Status', name=ces,
                                             meta={'columns': ['Name', 'StatusType', 'Status']})
    if not cesStatus['OK']:
      return cesStatus

    res = DMSHelpers().getSiteSEMapping()
    if not res['OK']:
      return res
    ses = res['Value'][1].get(site, [])

    sesStatus = rsClient.selectStatusElement('Resource', 'Status', name=ses,
                                             meta={'columns': ['Name', 'StatusType', 'Status']})
    if not sesStatus['OK']:
      return sesStatus

    def feedTree(elementsList):

      elements = {}
      for elementTuple in elementsList['Value']:
        name, statusType, status = elementTuple

        if name not in elements:
          elements[name] = {}
        elements[name][statusType] = status

      return elements

    tree[site]['ces'] = feedTree(cesStatus)
    tree[site]['ses'] = feedTree(sesStatus)

    return S_OK(tree)
 def export_getSiteResource(self, siteName):
   Returns the dictionary with CEs and SEs for the given site.
   :return: S_OK( { 'ComputingElement' : celist, 'StorageElement' : selist } ) | S_ERROR
   siteType = siteName.split('.')[ 0 ]
   if siteType == 'CLOUD':
     ces = []
     ces = CSHelpers.getSiteComputingElements(siteName)
   ses = CSHelpers.getSiteStorageElements(siteName)
   return S_OK({ 'ComputingElement' : ces, 'StorageElement' : ses })
Beispiel #6
    def export_getSitesResources(self, siteNames):
    Returns dictionary with SEs and CEs for the given site(s). If siteNames is
    None, all sites are taken into account.

    :return: S_OK( { site1 : { ces : [ ces ], 'ses' : [ ses  ] },... } ) | S_ERROR

        if siteNames is None:
            siteNames = getSites()
            if not siteNames['OK']:
                return siteNames
            siteNames = siteNames['Value']

        if isinstance(siteNames, basestring):
            siteNames = [siteNames]

        sitesRes = {}

        for siteName in siteNames:

            res = {}
            res['ces'] = CSHelpers.getSiteComputingElements(siteName)
            # Convert StorageElements to host names
            res = DMSHelpers().getSiteSEMapping()
            if not res['OK']:
                return res
            ses = res['Value'][1].get(siteName, [])
            sesHosts = getStorageElementsHosts(ses)
            if not sesHosts['OK']:
                return sesHosts
            # Remove duplicates
            res['ses'] = list(set(sesHosts['Value']))

            sitesRes[siteName] = res

        return S_OK(sitesRes)
Beispiel #7
  def export_getSitesResources(self, siteNames):
    Returns dictionary with SEs and CEs for the given site(s). If siteNames is
    None, all sites are taken into account.

    :return: S_OK( { site1 : { ces : [ ces ], 'ses' : [ ses  ] },... } ) | S_ERROR

    if siteNames is None:
      siteNames = getSites()
      if not siteNames['OK']:
        return siteNames
      siteNames = siteNames['Value']

    if isinstance(siteNames, basestring):
      siteNames = [siteNames]

    sitesRes = {}

    for siteName in siteNames:

      res = {}
      res['ces'] = CSHelpers.getSiteComputingElements(siteName)
      # Convert StorageElements to host names
      res = DMSHelpers().getSiteSEMapping()
      if not res['OK']:
        return res
      ses = res['Value'][1].get(siteName, [])
      sesHosts = CSHelpers.getStorageElementsHosts(ses)
      if not sesHosts['OK']:
        return sesHosts
      # Remove duplicates
      res['ses'] = list(set(sesHosts['Value']))

      sitesRes[siteName] = res

    return S_OK(sitesRes)
Beispiel #8
  def execute(self):
      The main method of the agent. It get elements which need to be tested and
      evaluated from CS. Then it instantiates TestExecutor and StatusEvaluate and
      calls their main method to finish all the work.

    from BESDIRAC.ResourceStatusSystem.SAM.SAMTest import TestConfiguration
    self.tests = TestConfiguration.TESTS

    self.testExecutor = TestExecutor( self.tests, self.apis )
    self.statusEvaluator = StatusEvaluator( self.apis )

    elements = []
    sitesCEs = {}

    # CE tests
    noTestSites = [ site.strip() for site in self.am_getOption( 'noTestSite', '' ).split( ',' ) if site != '' ]
    diracAdmin = DiracAdmin()
    activeSites = diracAdmin.getSiteMask()
#    wmsAdmin = RPCClient('WorkloadManagement/WMSAdministrator')
#    activeSites = wmsAdmin.getSiteMask()
    if not activeSites[ 'OK' ]:
      return activeSites
    activeSites = [ site for site in activeSites[ 'Value' ] if site not in noTestSites ]'Active sites: %s', activeSites)

    for siteName in activeSites:
      domain = siteName.split('.')[ 0 ]
      vos = BESUtils.getSiteVO( siteName )
      if 'CLOUD' != domain:
        siteCEs = CSHelpers.getSiteComputingElements( siteName )
        sitesCEs[ siteName ] = siteCEs
        for ce in siteCEs:
          elements.append( { 'ElementName' : ce,
                                                  'ElementType' : 'ComputingElement',
                                                  'VO' : vos } )
          gLogger.debug("List of elements: %s" % ce)

        sitesCEs[ siteName ] = [ siteName ]
        elements.append( { 'ElementName' : siteName,
                                                'ElementType' : 'CLOUD',
                                                'VO' : vos } )

    # SE tests
    ses = gConfig.getValue( 'Resources/StorageElementGroups/SE-USER' )
    for se in ses.split( ', ' ):
      seSites = BESUtils.getSitesForSE( se )
      for seSite in seSites:
        gLogger.debug( 'Site for SE %s: %s' % (se, seSite) )
        if seSite not in activeSites:
        vos = BESUtils.getSiteVO( seSite )
        gLogger.debug( 'vos for SE %s under site %s: %s' % (se, seSite, vos) )
        if len(vos) == 0:
        vo = vos[0]
        elements.append( { 'ElementName' : se,
                                              'ElementType' : 'StorageElement',
                                              'VO' : vo } ) 'VO for SE %s: %s' % ( se, vo ) )

    lastCheckTime = datetime.utcnow().replace(microsecond = 0)
    self.elementsStatus = {}

    threads = []
    for elementDict in elements:
      t = threading.Thread( target = self._execute, args = ( elementDict, ) )
      threads.append( t )

    for thread in threads:

    for siteName in activeSites:
      seList = CSHelpers.getSiteStorageElements( siteName )
      se = ''
      if [] != seList:
        se = seList[ 0 ]
        seStatus = self.elementsStatus[ se ][ 'all' ]
      except KeyError:
        seStatus = None

      voStatus = { 'all' : [] }
      for ce in sitesCEs[ siteName ]:
        if not self.elementsStatus.has_key( ce ):
        for vo, status in self.elementsStatus[ ce ].items():
          if vo not in voStatus:
            voStatus[ vo ] = []
          voStatus[ vo ].append( status )

      for vo, ceStatusList in voStatus.items():
        if ceStatusList == [] and seStatus == None:
        res = self.statusEvaluator.evaluateSiteStatus( siteName, ceStatusList, seStatus, vo = vo, lastCheckTime = lastCheckTime)
        if not res[ 'OK' ]:
          gLogger.error( 'StatusEvaluator.evaluateSiteStatus: %s' % res[ 'Message' ] )

    return S_OK()
Beispiel #9
  def execute(self):
      The main method of the agent. It get elements which need to be tested and 
      evaluated from CS. Then it instantiates TestExecutor and StatusEvaluate and 
      calls their main method to finish all the work.
    elements = []
    sitesCEs = {}

    ses = gConfig.getValue( 'Resources/StorageElementGroups/SE-USER' )
    for se in ses.split( ', ' ):
      elements.append( { 'ElementName' : se, 
                                              'ElementType' : 'StorageElement' } )    
    wmsAdmin = RPCClient('WorkloadManagement/WMSAdministrator')
    activeSites = wmsAdmin.getSiteMask()
    if not activeSites[ 'OK' ]:
      return activeSites
    activeSites = activeSites[ 'Value' ]

    for siteName in activeSites:
      domain = siteName.split('.')[ 0 ]
      vos = BESUtils.getSiteVO( siteName )
      if 'CLOUD' != domain:
        siteCEs = CSHelpers.getSiteComputingElements( siteName )
        sitesCEs[ siteName ] = siteCEs
        for ce in siteCEs:
          elements.append( { 'ElementName' : ce, 
                                                  'ElementType' : 'ComputingElement',
                                                  'VO' : vos } )
        sitesCEs[ siteName ] = [ siteName ] 
        elements.append( { 'ElementName' : siteName,
                                                'ElementType' : 'CLOUD',
                                                'VO' : vos } )
    lastCheckTime = datetime.utcnow().replace(microsecond = 0)
    self.elementsStatus = {}

    threads = []
    for elementDict in elements:
      t = threading.Thread( target = self._execute, args = ( elementDict, ) )
      threads.append( t )
    for thread in threads:

    for siteName in activeSites:
      seList = CSHelpers.getSiteStorageElements( siteName )
      se = ''
      if [] != seList:
        se = seList[ 0 ]
        seStatus = self.elementsStatus[ se ][ 'all' ]
      except KeyError:
        seStatus = None

      voStatus = { 'all' : [] }
      for ce in sitesCEs[ siteName ]:
        if not self.elementsStatus.has_key( ce ):
        for vo, status in self.elementsStatus[ ce ].items():
          if vo not in voStatus:
            voStatus[ vo ] = []
          voStatus[ vo ].append( status )
      for vo, ceStatusList in voStatus.items():
        if ceStatusList == [] and seStatus == None:
        res = self.statusEvaluator.evaluateSiteStatus( siteName, ceStatusList, seStatus, vo = vo, lastCheckTime = lastCheckTime)
        if not res[ 'OK' ]:
          gLogger.error( 'StatusEvaluator.evaluateSiteStatus: %s' % res[ 'Message' ] )
    return S_OK()