Beispiel #1
class ProductionJob(Job): #pylint: disable=too-many-public-methods, too-many-instance-attributes
  """ Production job class. Suitable for CLIC studies. Need to sub class and overload for other clients.
  def __init__(self, script = None):
    super(ProductionJob, self).__init__( script )
    self.prodVersion = __RCSID__
    self.dryrun = False
    self.created = False
    self.checked = False
    self.call_finalization = False
    self.finalsdict = {}
    self.transfid = 0
    self.type = 'Production'
    self.csSection = '/Production/Defaults'
    self.ops = Operations()
    self.fc = FileCatalogClient()
    self.trc = TransformationClient()
    self.defaultProdID = '12345'
    self.defaultProdJobID = '12345'
    self.jobFileGroupSize = 1
    self.nbtasks = 1
    self.slicesize =0
    self.basename = ''
    self.basepath = self.ops.getValue('/Production/CLIC/BasePath','/ilc/prod/clic/')
    self.evttype = ''
    self.datatype = ''
    self.energycat = ''
    self.detector = ''
    self.currtrans = None
    self.description = ''

    self.finalpaths = []
    self.finalMetaDict = defaultdict( dict )
    self.prodMetaDict = {}
    self.finalMetaDictNonSearch = {}
    self.metadict_external = {}
    self.outputStorage = ''

    self.proxyinfo = getProxyInfo()

    self.inputdataquery = False
    self.inputBKSelection = {}
    self.plugin = 'Standard'
    self.prodGroup = ''

    self.prodTypes = ['MCGeneration', 'MCSimulation', 'Test', 'MCReconstruction',
                      'MCReconstruction_Overlay', 'Merge', 'Split',
    self.prodparameters = {}
    self.prodparameters['NbInputFiles'] = 1
    self.prodparameters['nbevts']  = 0 
    #self.prodparameters["SWPackages"] = ''
    self._addParameter(self.workflow, "IS_PROD", 'JDL', True, "This job is a production job")
    if not script:

    self._recBasePaths = {}
    self.maxFCFoldersToCheck = 100000

  def __setDefaults(self):
    """Sets some default parameters.
    self.setPlatform(self.ops.getValue('%s/Platform' % (self.csSection), 'x86_64-slc5-gcc43-opt'))

    #version control
    self._setParameter('productionVersion', 'string', self.prodVersion, 'ProdAPIVersion')

    #General workflow parameters
    self._setParameter('PRODUCTION_ID',     'string', self.defaultProdID.zfill(8), 'ProductionID')
    self._setParameter('JOB_ID',            'string', self.defaultProdJobID.zfill(8), 'ProductionJobID')
    self._setParameter('Priority',             'JDL',                     '1', 'Priority')
    self._setParameter('emailAddress',      'string', '*****@*****.**', 'CrashEmailAddress')

  def _setParameter(self, name, parameterType, parameterValue, description):
    """Set parameters checking in CS in case some defaults need to be changed.
    if self.ops.getValue('%s/%s' % (self.csSection, name), ''):
      LOG.debug('Setting %s from CS defaults = %s' % (name, self.ops.getValue('%s/%s' % (self.csSection, name))))
      self._addParameter(self.workflow, name, parameterType, self.ops.getValue('%s/%s' % (self.csSection, name), 
                                                                               'default'), description)
      LOG.debug('Setting parameter %s = %s' % (name, parameterValue))
      self._addParameter(self.workflow, name, parameterType, parameterValue, description)
  def setConfig(self,version):
    """ Define the Configuration package to obtain
    appName = 'ILDConfig'
    self._addSoftware(appName.lower(), version)
    self.prodparameters['ILDConfigVersion'] = version
    self._addParameter( self.workflow, 'ILDConfigPackage', 'JDL', appName+version, 'ILDConfig package' )
    return S_OK()  

  def setClicConfig(self, version):
    """Define the ClicConfig package to obtain."""
    return self.setConfigPackage('ClicConfig', version)

  def setConfigPackage(self, appName, version):
    """Define the config package to obtain."""
    self._addSoftware(appName.lower(), version)
    self._addParameter(self.workflow, appName + 'Package', 'JDL', appName + version, appName + 'package')
    self.prodparameters[appName + 'Version'] = version
    return S_OK()

  def setDryRun(self, run):
    """ In case one wants to get all the info as if the prod was being submitted
    self.dryrun = run
  def setProdGroup(self, group):
    """ Sets a user defined tag for the production as appears on the monitoring page
    self.prodGroup = group
  def setProdPlugin(self, plugin):
    """ Sets the plugin to be used to creating the production jobs
    self.plugin = plugin
  def setJobFileGroupSize(self, files):
    """ Sets the number of files to be input to each job created.
    if self.checked:
      return self._reportError("This input is needed at the beginning of the production definition: it is \
      needed for total number of evts.")
    self.jobFileGroupSize = files
    self.prodparameters['NbInputFiles'] = files
  def setNbEvtsPerSlice(self,nbevts):
    """ Define the number of events in a slice.
    self.slicesize = nbevts
  def setProdType(self, prodType):
    """Set prod type.
    if prodType not in self.prodTypes:
      raise TypeError('Prod must be one of %s' % (', '.join(self.prodTypes)))
  def setWorkflowName(self, name):
    """Set workflow name.
    self.workflow.setName(name) = name

  def setWorkflowDescription(self, desc):
    """Set workflow name.
  def createWorkflow(self):
    """ Create XML for local testing.
    name = '%s.xml' %
    if os.path.exists(name):
      shutil.move(name,'%s.backup' % name)
  def setOutputSE(self, outputse):
    """ Define where the output file(s) will go. 
    self.outputStorage = outputse
    return S_OK()
  def setInputDataQuery(self, metadata):
    """ Define the input data query needed

    retMetaKey = self._checkMetaKeys( metadata.keys() )
    if not retMetaKey['OK']:
      return retMetaKey

    if "ProdID" not in metadata:
      return self._reportError("Input metadata dictionary must contain at least a key 'ProdID' as reference")
    retDirs = self._checkFindDirectories( metadata )
    if not retDirs['OK']:
      return retDirs
    dirs = retDirs['Value'].values()
    for mdir in dirs[:self.maxFCFoldersToCheck]:
      LOG.notice("Directory: %s" % mdir)
      res = self.fc.getDirectoryUserMetadata(mdir)
      if not res['OK']:
        return self._reportError("Error looking up the catalog for directory metadata")
      compatmeta = res['Value']

    if 'EvtType' in compatmeta:
      self.evttype = JobHelpers.getValue( compatmeta['EvtType'], str, basestring )
      return self._reportError("EvtType is not in the metadata, it has to be!")

    if 'NumberOfEvents' in compatmeta:
      self.nbevts = JobHelpers.getValue( compatmeta['NumberOfEvents'], int, None )

    self.basename = self.evttype
    LOG.notice("MetaData: %s" % compatmeta)
    LOG.notice("MetaData: %s" % metadata)
    if "Energy" in compatmeta:
      self.energycat = JobHelpers.getValue( compatmeta["Energy"], str, (int, long, basestring) )
    if self.energycat.count("tev"): = Decimal("1000.") * Decimal(self.energycat.split("tev")[0])
    elif self.energycat.count("gev"): = Decimal("1.") * Decimal(self.energycat.split("gev")[0])
    else: = Decimal("1.") * Decimal(self.energycat)
    gendata = False
    if 'Datatype' in compatmeta:
      self.datatype = JobHelpers.getValue( compatmeta['Datatype'], str, basestring )
      if self.datatype == 'gen':
        gendata = True
    if "DetectorType" in compatmeta and not gendata:
      self.detector = JobHelpers.getValue( compatmeta["DetectorType"], str, basestring )
    self.inputBKSelection = metadata
    self.inputdataquery = True
    self.prodparameters['nbevts'] = self.nbevts 
    self.prodparameters["FCInputQuery"] = self.inputBKSelection

    return S_OK()

  def setDescription(self, desc):
    """ Set the production's description
    :param str desc: Description
    self.description = desc
    return S_OK()

  def getBasePath(self):
    """ Return the base path. Updated by :any:`setInputDataQuery`.
    return self.basepath
  def addFinalization(self, uploadData = False, registerData = False, uploadLog = False, sendFailover=False):
    """ Add finalization step

    :param bool uploadData: Upload or not the data to the storage
    :param bool uploadLog: Upload log file to storage (currently only available for admins, thus add them to OutputSandbox)
    :param bool sendFailover: Send Failover requests, and declare files as processed or unused in transfDB
    :param bool registerData: Register data in the file catalog
    #TODO: Do the registration only once, instead of once for each job
    self.call_finalization = True
    self.finalsdict['uploadData'] = uploadData
    self.finalsdict['registerData'] = registerData
    self.finalsdict['uploadLog'] = uploadLog
    self.finalsdict['sendFailover'] = sendFailover

  def _addRealFinalization(self):  
    """ This is called at creation: now that the workflow is created at the last minute,
    we need to add this also at the last minute
    importLine = 'from ILCDIRAC.Workflow.Modules.<MODULE> import <MODULE>'
    dataUpload = ModuleDefinition('UploadOutputData')
    dataUpload.setDescription('Uploads the output data')
    self._addParameter(dataUpload, 'enable', 'bool', False, 'EnableFlag')
    body = importLine.replace('<MODULE>', 'UploadOutputData')

    failoverRequest = ModuleDefinition('FailoverRequest')
    failoverRequest.setDescription('Sends any failover requests')
    self._addParameter(failoverRequest, 'enable', 'bool', False, 'EnableFlag')
    body = importLine.replace('<MODULE>', 'FailoverRequest')

    registerdata = ModuleDefinition('RegisterOutputData')
    registerdata.setDescription('Module to add in the metadata catalog the relevant info about the files')
    self._addParameter(registerdata, 'enable', 'bool', False, 'EnableFlag')
    body = importLine.replace('<MODULE>', 'RegisterOutputData')

    logUpload = ModuleDefinition('UploadLogFile')
    logUpload.setDescription('Uploads the output log files')
    self._addParameter(logUpload, 'enable', 'bool', False, 'EnableFlag')
    body = importLine.replace('<MODULE>', 'UploadLogFile')

    errorReport = ModuleDefinition('ReportErrors')
    errorReport.setDescription('Reports errors at the end')
    body = importLine.replace('<MODULE>', 'ReportErrors')

    finalization = StepDefinition('Job_Finalization')
    up = finalization.createModuleInstance('UploadOutputData', 'dataUpload')
    up.setValue("enable", self.finalsdict['uploadData'])

    ro = finalization.createModuleInstance('RegisterOutputData', 'RegisterOutputData')
    ro.setValue("enable", self.finalsdict['registerData'])

    ul  = finalization.createModuleInstance('UploadLogFile', 'logUpload')
    ul.setValue("enable", self.finalsdict['uploadLog'])

    fr = finalization.createModuleInstance('FailoverRequest', 'failoverRequest')
    fr.setValue("enable", self.finalsdict['sendFailover'])

    fr = finalization.createModuleInstance('ReportErrors', 'reportErrors')

    self.workflow.createStepInstance('Job_Finalization', 'finalization')

    return S_OK()
  def createProduction(self, name = None):
    """ Create production.

    if not self.proxyinfo['OK']:
      return S_ERROR("Not allowed to create production, you need a production proxy.")
    if 'groupProperties' not in self.proxyinfo['Value']:
      return S_ERROR("Could not determine groupProperties, you do not have the right proxy.")
    groupProperties = self.proxyinfo['Value']['groupProperties']
    if 'ProductionManagement' not in groupProperties:
      return S_ERROR("Not allowed to create production, you need a production proxy.")

    if self.created:
      return S_ERROR("Production already created.")

    ###We need to add the applications to the workflow
    res = self._addToWorkflow()
    if not res['OK']:
      return res
    if self.call_finalization:
    workflowName = self.workflow.getName()
    fileName = '%s.xml' % workflowName
    LOG.verbose('Workflow XML file name is:', '%s' % fileName)
    except Exception as x:
      LOG.error("Exception creating workflow", repr(x))
      return S_ERROR('Could not create workflow')
    with open(fileName, 'r') as oFile:
      workflowXML =
    if not name:
      name = workflowName

    res = self.trc.getTransformationStats(name)
    if res['OK']:
      return self._reportError("Transformation with name %s already exists! Cannot proceed." % name)
    ###Create Tranformation
    Trans = Transformation()
    self.prodparameters['JobType'] = self.type
    if self.inputdataquery:
    if not self.slicesize:
      Trans.setEventsPerTask(self.jobFileGroupSize * self.nbevts)
    self.currtrans = Trans
    if self.dryrun:
      LOG.notice('Would create prod called', name)
      self.transfid = 12345
      res = Trans.addTransformation()
      if not res['OK']:
        return res
      self.transfid = Trans.getTransformationID()['Value']

    if self.inputBKSelection:
      res = self.applyInputDataQuery()
    if not self.dryrun:
    finals = []
    for finalpaths in self.finalpaths:
      finalpaths = finalpaths.rstrip("/")
      finalpaths += "/"+str(self.transfid).zfill(8)
      self.finalMetaDict[finalpaths].update( { "ProdID": self.transfid } )
      self.finalMetaDict[finalpaths].update( self.prodMetaDict )
      # if 'ILDConfigVersion' in self.prodparameters:
      #   self.finalMetaDict[finalpaths].update({"ILDConfig":self.prodparameters['ILDConfigVersion']})
      if self.nbevts:
        self.finalMetaDict[finalpaths].update({'NumberOfEvents' : self.jobFileGroupSize * self.nbevts})
    self.finalpaths = finals
    self.created = True
    return S_OK()

  def setNbOfTasks(self, nbtasks):
    """ Define the number of tasks you want. Useful for generation jobs.
    if not self.currtrans:
      LOG.error("Not transformation defined earlier")
      return S_ERROR("No transformation defined")
    if self.inputBKSelection and self.plugin not in  ['Limited', 'SlicedLimited']:
      LOG.error('Metadata selection activated, should not specify the number of jobs')
      return S_ERROR()
    self.nbtasks = nbtasks
    self.currtrans.setMaxNumberOfTasks(self.nbtasks) #pylint: disable=E1101
    return S_OK()

  def applyInputDataQuery(self, metadata = None, prodid = None):
    """ Tell the production to update itself using the metadata query specified, i.e. submit new jobs if new files 
    are added corresponding to same query.
    if not self.transfid and self.currtrans:
      self.transfid = self.currtrans.getTransformationID()['Value'] #pylint: disable=E1101
    elif prodid:
      self.transfid = prodid
    if not self.transfid:
      LOG.error("Not transformation defined earlier")
      return S_ERROR("No transformation defined")
    if metadata:
      self.inputBKSelection = metadata

    if not self.dryrun:
      res = self.trc.createTransformationInputDataQuery(self.transfid, self.inputBKSelection)
      if not res['OK']:
        return res
      LOG.notice("Would use %s as metadata query for production" % str(self.inputBKSelection))
    return S_OK()
  def addMetadataToFinalFiles(self, metadict):
    """ Add additionnal non-query metadata 
    self.metadict_external = metadict
    return S_OK()
  def finalizeProd(self, prodid = None, prodinfo = None):
    """ Finalize definition: submit to Transformation service and register metadata
    currtrans = 0
    if self.currtrans:
      if not self.dryrun:
        currtrans = self.currtrans.getTransformationID()['Value'] #pylint: disable=E1101
        currtrans = 12345
    if prodid:
      currtrans = prodid
    if not currtrans:
      LOG.error("Not transformation defined earlier")
      return S_ERROR("No transformation defined")
    if prodinfo:
      self.prodparameters = prodinfo
    info = []
    info.append('%s Production %s has following parameters:\n' % (self.prodparameters['JobType'], currtrans))
    if "Process" in self.prodparameters:
      info.append('- Process %s' % self.prodparameters['Process'])
    if "Energy" in self.prodparameters:
      info.append('- Energy %s GeV' % self.prodparameters["Energy"])

    if not self.slicesize:
      self.prodparameters['nbevts'] = self.jobFileGroupSize * self.nbevts
      self.prodparameters['nbevts'] = self.slicesize
    if self.prodparameters['nbevts']:
      info.append("- %s events per job" % (self.prodparameters['nbevts']))
    if self.prodparameters.get('lumi', False):
      info.append('    corresponding to a luminosity %s fb' % (self.prodparameters['lumi'] * \
    if 'FCInputQuery' in self.prodparameters:
      info.append('Using InputDataQuery :')
      for key, val in self.prodparameters['FCInputQuery'].iteritems():
        info.append('    %s = %s' % (key, val))
    if "SWPackages" in self.prodparameters:
      info.append('- SW packages %s' % self.prodparameters["SWPackages"])
    if "SoftwareTag" in self.prodparameters:
      info.append('- SW tags %s' % self.prodparameters["SoftwareTag"])
    if "ILDConfigVersion" in self.prodparameters:
      info.append('- ILDConfig %s' % self.prodparameters['ILDConfigVersion'])  

    if 'ClicConfigVersion' in self.prodparameters:
      info.append('- ClicConfig %s' % self.prodparameters['ClicConfigVersion'] )

    if 'extraCLIArguments' in self.prodparameters:
      info.append('- ExtraCLIArguments %s' % self.prodparameters['extraCLIArguments'] )

    # as this is the very last call all applications are registered, so all software packages are known
    #add them the the metadata registration
    for finalpath in self.finalpaths:
      if finalpath not in self.finalMetaDictNonSearch:
        self.finalMetaDictNonSearch[finalpath] = {}
      if "SWPackages" in self.prodparameters:
        self.finalMetaDictNonSearch[finalpath]["SWPackages"] = self.prodparameters["SWPackages"]
      if self.metadict_external:
    info.append('- Registered metadata: ')
    for path, metadata in sorted( self.finalMetaDict.iteritems() ):
      info.append('    %s = %s' % (path, metadata))
    info.append('- Registered non searchable metadata: ')
    for path, metadata in sorted( self.finalMetaDictNonSearch.iteritems() ):
      info.append('    %s = %s' % (path, metadata))

    infoString = '\n'.join(info)
    self.prodparameters['DetailedInfo'] = infoString
    for name, val in self.prodparameters.iteritems():
      result = self._setProdParameter(currtrans, name, val)
      if not result['OK']:

    res = self._registerMetadata()
    if not res['OK']:
      LOG.error('Could not register the following directories:', res['Message'])
      return res
    return S_OK()

  def _createDirectory(self, path, failed, mode=0o775):
    """Create the directory at path if it does not exist.

    :param str path: path to check
    :param list failed: list of failed paths
    :param int mode: mode to set for directory
    exists = returnSingleResult(self.fc.isDirectory(path))
    if exists['OK'] and exists['Value']:
      LOG.verbose('Directory already exists:', path)
      return S_OK()
    result = returnSingleResult(self.fc.createDirectory(path))
    if not result['OK']:
      LOG.error('Failed to create directory:', '%s: %s' % (path, result['Message']))
      return S_ERROR()
    LOG.verbose('Successfully created directory:', path)
    res = self.fc.changePathMode({path: mode}, False)
    if not res['OK']:
      return S_ERROR()
    LOG.verbose('Successfully changed mode:', path)
    return S_OK()

  def _checkMetadata(self, path, metaCopy):
    """Get existing metadata, if it is the same do not set it again, otherwise return error."""
    existingMetadata = self.fc.getDirectoryUserMetadata(path.rstrip('/'))
    if not existingMetadata['OK']:
      return S_OK()
    failure = False
    for key, value in existingMetadata['Value'].iteritems():
      if key in metaCopy and metaCopy[key] != value:
        LOG.error('Metadata values for folder %s disagree for key %s: Existing(%r), new(%r)' %
                  (path, key, value, metaCopy[key]))
        failure = True
      elif key in metaCopy and metaCopy[key] == value:
        LOG.verbose('Meta entry is unchanged', '%s = %s' % (key, value))
        metaCopy.pop(key, None)
    if failure:
      return S_ERROR('Error when setting new metadata, already existing metadata disagrees!')
    return S_OK()

  def _registerMetadata(self):
    """Set metadata for given folders.

    Register path and metadata before the production actually runs. This allows for the definition
    of the full chain in 1 go.
    prevent_registration = self.ops.getValue('Production/PreventMetadataRegistration', False)

    if self.dryrun or prevent_registration:
      LOG.notice('Would have created and registered the following\n',
                 '\n '.join([' * %s: %s' % (fPath, val) for fPath, val in self.finalMetaDict.iteritems()]))
      LOG.notice('Would have set this as non searchable metadata', str(self.finalMetaDictNonSearch))
      return S_OK()

    failed = defaultdict(list)
    for path, meta in sorted(self.finalMetaDict.items()):
      res = self._createDirectory(path, failed)
      if not res['OK']:
      LOG.verbose('Checking to set metadata:', meta)
      metaCopy = dict(meta)
      res = self._checkMetadata(path, metaCopy)
      if not res['OK']:
        return res
      if not metaCopy:
        LOG.verbose('No new metadata to set')

      LOG.verbose('Setting metadata information: ', '%s: %s' % (path, metaCopy))
      result = self.fc.setMetadata(path.rstrip('/'), metaCopy)
      if not result['OK']:
        LOG.error('Could not preset metadata', str(metaCopy))
        LOG.error('Could not preset metadata', result['Message'])

    for path, meta in sorted(self.finalMetaDictNonSearch.items()):
      res = self._createDirectory(path, failed)
      if not res['OK']:
      LOG.verbose('Setting non searchable metadata information: ', '%s: %s' % (path, meta))
      result = self.fc.setMetadata(path.rstrip('/'), meta)
      if not result['OK']:
        LOG.error('Could not preset non searchable metadata', str(meta))
        LOG.error('Could not preset non searchable metadata', result['Message'])

    if failed:
      return S_ERROR('Failed to register some metadata: %s' % dict(failed))
    return S_OK()

  def getMetadata(self):
    """ Return the corresponding metadata of the last step
    metadict = {}
    for meta in self.finalMetaDict.values():
    if 'NumberOfEvents' in metadict:
      del metadict['NumberOfEvents'] #As this is not supposed to be a searchable thing
    return metadict
  def _setProdParameter(self, prodID, pname, pvalue):
    """ Set a production parameter.
    if isinstance( pvalue, list ):
      pvalue = '\n'.join(pvalue)

    if isinstance( pvalue, (int, long) ):
      pvalue = str(pvalue)
    if not self.dryrun:  
      result = self.trc.setTransformationParameter(int(prodID), str(pname), str(pvalue))
      if not result['OK']:
        LOG.error('Problem setting parameter %s for production %s and value:\n%s' % (prodID, pname, pvalue))
      LOG.notice("Adding %s=%s to transformation" % (str(pname), str(pvalue)))
      result = S_OK()
    return result
  def _jobSpecificParams(self, application):
    """ For production additional checks are needed: ask the user

    if self.created:
      return S_ERROR("The production was created, you cannot add new applications to the job.")

    if not application.logFile:
      logf = application.appname + "_" + application.version + "_@{STEP_ID}.log"
      res = application.setLogFile(logf)
      if not res['OK']:
        return res
      #in fact a bit more tricky as the log files have the prodID and jobID in them
    ### Retrieve from the application the essential info to build the prod info.
    if not self.nbevts and not self.slicesize:
      self.nbevts = application.numberOfEvents
      if not self.nbevts:
        return S_ERROR("Number of events to process is not defined.")
    elif not application.numberOfEvents:
      if not self.slicesize:
        res = application.setNumberOfEvents(self.jobFileGroupSize * self.nbevts)
        res = application.setNumberOfEvents(self.slicesize)
      if not res['OK']:
        return res
    if application.numberOfEvents > 0 and (self.jobFileGroupSize * self.nbevts > application.numberOfEvents or self.slicesize > application.numberOfEvents):
      self.nbevts = application.numberOfEvents

    if not
      if = Decimal((("%1.2f" % float('0').rstrip('.')))
        return S_ERROR("Could not find the energy defined, it is needed for the production definition.")
    elif not
      res = application.setEnergy(float(
      if not res['OK']:
        return res
      self._setParameter( "Energy", "float", float(, "Energy used")      
      self.prodparameters["Energy"] = float(
    if not self.evttype:
      if hasattr(application, 'eventType'):
        self.evttype = application.eventType
        return S_ERROR("Event type not found nor specified, it's mandatory for the production paths.")  
      self.prodparameters['Process'] = self.evttype
    if not self.outputStorage:
      return S_ERROR("You need to specify the Output storage element")
    curpackage = "%s.%s" % (application.appname, application.version)
    if "SWPackages" in self.prodparameters:      
      if not self.prodparameters["SWPackages"].count(curpackage):
        self.prodparameters["SWPackages"] += ";%s" % ( curpackage )    
    else :
      self.prodparameters["SWPackages"] = "%s" % (curpackage)
    if not application.accountInProduction:
      res = self._updateProdParameters(application)
      if not res['OK']:
        return res  
      self.checked = True

      return S_OK()
    res = application.setOutputSE(self.outputStorage)
    if not res['OK']:
      return res
    energypath = self.getEnergyPath()

    if not self.basename:
      self.basename = self.evttype

    evttypepath = ''
    if not self.evttype[-1] == '/':
      evttypepath = self.evttype + '/'
    path = self.basepath  
    ###Need to resolve file names and paths
      self.finalMetaDict[self.basepath + energypath] = {"Energy":str(}

    if hasattr(application, "setOutputRecFile") and not application.willBeCut:
      evtPath = self.basepath + energypath + evttypepath
      self.finalMetaDict[evtPath] = {'EvtType': self.evttype}
      detPath = evtPath + application.detectortype
      self.finalMetaDict[detPath] = {'DetectorType': application.detectortype}
      if application.keepRecFile:
        path = self.basepath + energypath + evttypepath + application.detectortype + '/REC'
        self.finalMetaDict[path] = {'Datatype': 'REC'}
        fname = self.basename + '_rec.slcio'
        application.setOutputRecFile(fname, path)'Will store the files under', path)
      path = self.basepath + energypath + evttypepath + application.detectortype + '/DST'
      self.finalMetaDict[path] = {'Datatype': 'DST'}
      fname = self.basename + '_dst.slcio'
      application.setOutputDstFile(fname, path)'Will store the files under', path)

    elif hasattr(application, "outputFile") and hasattr(application, 'datatype') and not application.outputFile and not application.willBeCut:
      path = self.basepath + energypath + evttypepath
      self.finalMetaDict[path] = {"EvtType" : self.evttype}
      if hasattr(application, "detectortype"):
        if application.detectortype:
          path += application.detectortype
          self.finalMetaDict[path] = {"DetectorType" : application.detectortype}
          path += '/'
        elif self.detector:
          path += self.detector
          self.finalMetaDict[path] = {"DetectorType" : self.detector}
          path += '/'
      if not application.datatype and self.datatype:
        application.datatype = self.datatype
      path += application.datatype
      self.finalMetaDict[path] = {'Datatype' : application.datatype}"Will store the files under", "%s" % path)
      extension = 'stdhep'
      if application.datatype in ['SIM', 'REC']:
        extension = 'slcio'
      fname = self.basename + "_%s" % (application.datatype.lower()) + "." + extension
      application.setOutputFile(fname, path)  
    self.basepath = path

    res = self._updateProdParameters(application)
    if not res['OK']:
      return res
    self.checked = True
    return S_OK()

  def _updateProdParameters(self, application):
    """ Update the prod parameters stored in the production parameters visible from the web
    except Exception as x:
      return S_ERROR("Exception: %r" % x )

    if hasattr( application, 'extraCLIArguments' ) and application.extraCLIArguments:
      self.prodparameters['extraCLIArguments'] = repr(application.extraCLIArguments)

    return S_OK()

  def _jobSpecificModules(self, application, step):
    return application._prodjobmodules(step)

  def getEnergyPath(self):
    """returns the energy path 250gev or 3tev or 1.4tev etc."""
    energy = Decimal(str(
    tD = Decimal('1000.0')
    unit = 'gev' if energy < tD else 'tev'
    energy = energy if energy < tD else energy/tD
    energyPath = ("%1.2f" % energy).rstrip('0').rstrip('.')
    energyPath = energyPath+unit+'/'"Energy path is: ", energyPath)
    return energyPath

  def _checkMetaKeys( self, metakeys, extendFileMeta=False ):
    """ check if metadata keys are allowed to be metadata

    :param list metakeys: metadata keys for production metadata
    :param bool extendFileMeta: also use FileMetaFields for checking meta keys
    :returns: S_OK, S_ERROR

    res = self.fc.getMetadataFields()
    if not res['OK']:
      LOG.error("Could not contact File Catalog")
      return S_ERROR("Could not contact File Catalog")
    metaFCkeys = res['Value']['DirectoryMetaFields'].keys()
    if extendFileMeta:
      metaFCkeys.extend( res['Value']['FileMetaFields'].keys() )

    for key in metakeys:
      for meta in metaFCkeys:
        if meta != key and meta.lower() == key.lower():
          return self._reportError("Key syntax error %r, should be %r" % (key, meta), name = self.__class__.__name__)
      if key not in metaFCkeys:
        return self._reportError("Key %r not found in metadata keys, allowed are %r" % (key, metaFCkeys))

    return S_OK()

  def _checkFindDirectories( self, metadata ):
    """ find directories by metadata and check that there are directories found

    :param dict metadata: metadata dictionary
    :returns: S_OK, S_ERROR

    res = self.fc.findDirectoriesByMetadata(metadata)
    if not res['OK']:
      return self._reportError("Error looking up the catalog for available directories")
    elif len(res['Value']) < 1:
      return self._reportError('Could not find any directories corresponding to the query issued')
    return res

  def setReconstructionBasePaths( self, recPath, dstPath ):
    """ set the output Base paths for the reconstruction REC and DST files """
    self._recBasePaths['REC'] = recPath
    self._recBasePaths['DST'] = dstPath
Beispiel #2
class ProductionJob(Job):  #pylint: disable=too-many-public-methods, too-many-instance-attributes
    """ Production job class. Suitable for CLIC studies. Need to sub class and overload for other clients.
    def __init__(self, script=None):
        super(ProductionJob, self).__init__(script)
        self.prodVersion = __RCSID__
        self.dryrun = False
        self.created = False
        self.checked = False
        self.call_finalization = False
        self.finalsdict = {}
        self.transfid = 0
        self.type = 'Production'
        self.csSection = '/Production/Defaults'
        self.ops = Operations()
        self.fc = FileCatalogClient()
        self.trc = TransformationClient()
        self.defaultProdID = '12345'
        self.defaultProdJobID = '12345'
        self.jobFileGroupSize = 1
        self.nbtasks = 1
        self.slicesize = 0
        self.basename = ''
        self.basepath = self.ops.getValue('/Production/CLIC/BasePath',
        self.evttype = ''
        self.datatype = ''
        self.energycat = ''
        self.detector = ''
        self.currtrans = None
        self.description = ''

        self.finalpaths = []
        self.finalMetaDict = defaultdict(dict)
        self.prodMetaDict = {}
        self.finalMetaDictNonSearch = {}
        self.metadict_external = {}
        self.outputStorage = ''

        self.proxyinfo = getProxyInfo()

        self.inputdataquery = False
        self.inputBKSelection = {}
        self.plugin = 'Standard'
        self.prodGroup = ''

        self.prodTypes = [
            'MCGeneration', 'MCSimulation', 'Test', 'MCReconstruction',
            'MCReconstruction_Overlay', 'Merge', 'Split', 'MCGeneration_ILD',
            'MCSimulation_ILD', 'MCReconstruction_ILD',
            'MCReconstruction_Overlay_ILD', 'Split_ILD'
        self.prodparameters = {}
        self.prodparameters['NbInputFiles'] = 1
        self.prodparameters['nbevts'] = 0
        #self.prodparameters["SWPackages"] = ''
        self._addParameter(self.workflow, "IS_PROD", 'JDL', True,
                           "This job is a production job")
        if not script:

        self._recBasePaths = {}

    def __setDefaults(self):
        """Sets some default parameters.
            self.ops.getValue('%s/Platform' % (self.csSection),

        #version control
        self._setParameter('productionVersion', 'string', self.prodVersion,

        #General workflow parameters
        self._setParameter('PRODUCTION_ID', 'string',
                           self.defaultProdID.zfill(8), 'ProductionID')
        self._setParameter('JOB_ID', 'string', self.defaultProdJobID.zfill(8),
        self._setParameter('Priority', 'JDL', '1', 'Priority')
        self._setParameter('emailAddress', 'string',
                           '*****@*****.**', 'CrashEmailAddress')

    def _setParameter(self, name, parameterType, parameterValue, description):
        """Set parameters checking in CS in case some defaults need to be changed.
        if self.ops.getValue('%s/%s' % (self.csSection, name), ''):
                'Setting %s from CS defaults = %s' %
                (name, self.ops.getValue('%s/%s' % (self.csSection, name))))
                self.workflow, name, parameterType,
                self.ops.getValue('%s/%s' % (self.csSection, name), 'default'),
            self.log.debug('Setting parameter %s = %s' %
                           (name, parameterValue))
            self._addParameter(self.workflow, name, parameterType,
                               parameterValue, description)

    def setConfig(self, version):
        """ Define the Configuration package to obtain
        appName = 'ILDConfig'
        self._addSoftware(appName.lower(), version)
        self.prodparameters['ILDConfigVersion'] = version
        self._addParameter(self.workflow, 'ILDConfigPackage', 'JDL',
                           appName + version, 'ILDConfig package')
        return S_OK()

    def setClicConfig(self, version):
        """ Define the ClicConfig package to obtain
        appName = 'ClicConfig'
        self._addSoftware(appName.lower(), version)
        self._addParameter(self.workflow, 'ClicConfigPackage', 'JDL',
                           appName + version, 'ClicConfig package')
        self.prodparameters['ClicConfigVersion'] = version
        return S_OK()

    def setDryRun(self, run):
        """ In case one wants to get all the info as if the prod was being submitted
        self.dryrun = run

    def setProdGroup(self, group):
        """ Sets a user defined tag for the production as appears on the monitoring page
        self.prodGroup = group

    def setProdPlugin(self, plugin):
        """ Sets the plugin to be used to creating the production jobs
        self.plugin = plugin

    def setJobFileGroupSize(self, files):
        """ Sets the number of files to be input to each job created.
        if self.checked:
            return self._reportError(
                "This input is needed at the beginning of the production definition: it is \
      needed for total number of evts.")
        self.jobFileGroupSize = files
        self.prodparameters['NbInputFiles'] = files

    def setNbEvtsPerSlice(self, nbevts):
        """ Define the number of events in a slice.
        self.slicesize = nbevts

    def setProdType(self, prodType):
        """Set prod type.
        if prodType not in self.prodTypes:
            raise TypeError('Prod must be one of %s' %
                            (', '.join(self.prodTypes)))

    def setWorkflowName(self, name):
        """Set workflow name.
        self.workflow.setName(name) = name

    def setWorkflowDescription(self, desc):
        """Set workflow name.

    def createWorkflow(self):
        """ Create XML for local testing.
        name = '%s.xml' %
        if os.path.exists(name):
            shutil.move(name, '%s.backup' % name)

    def setOutputSE(self, outputse):
        """ Define where the output file(s) will go. 
        self.outputStorage = outputse
        return S_OK()

    def setInputDataQuery(self, metadata):
        """ Define the input data query needed

        retMetaKey = self._checkMetaKeys(metadata.keys())
        if not retMetaKey['OK']:
            return retMetaKey

        if "ProdID" not in metadata:
            return self._reportError(
                "Input metadata dictionary must contain at least a key 'ProdID' as reference"

        retDirs = self._checkFindDirectories(metadata)
        if not retDirs['OK']:
            return retDirs
        dirs = retDirs['Value'].values()
        for mdir in dirs:
            gLogger.notice("Directory: %s" % mdir)
            res = self.fc.getDirectoryUserMetadata(mdir)
            if not res['OK']:
                return self._reportError(
                    "Error looking up the catalog for directory metadata")
            compatmeta = res['Value']

        if 'EvtType' in compatmeta:
            self.evttype = JobHelpers.getValue(compatmeta['EvtType'], str,
            return self._reportError(
                "EvtType is not in the metadata, it has to be!")

        if 'NumberOfEvents' in compatmeta:
            self.nbevts = JobHelpers.getValue(compatmeta['NumberOfEvents'],
                                              int, None)

        self.basename = self.evttype
        gLogger.notice("MetaData: %s" % compatmeta)
        gLogger.notice("MetaData: %s" % metadata)
        if "Energy" in compatmeta:
            self.energycat = JobHelpers.getValue(compatmeta["Energy"], str,
                                                 (int, long, basestring))

        if self.energycat.count("tev"):
   = Decimal("1000.") * Decimal(
        elif self.energycat.count("gev"):
   = Decimal("1.") * Decimal(
   = Decimal("1.") * Decimal(self.energycat)
        gendata = False
        if 'Datatype' in compatmeta:
            self.datatype = JobHelpers.getValue(compatmeta['Datatype'], str,
            if self.datatype == 'gen':
                gendata = True
        if "DetectorType" in compatmeta and not gendata:
            self.detector = JobHelpers.getValue(compatmeta["DetectorType"],
                                                str, basestring)
        self.inputBKSelection = metadata
        self.inputdataquery = True

        self.prodparameters['nbevts'] = self.nbevts
        self.prodparameters["FCInputQuery"] = self.inputBKSelection

        return S_OK()

    def setDescription(self, desc):
        """ Set the production's description
    :param string desc: Description
        self.description = desc
        return S_OK()

    def getBasePath(self):
        """ Return the base path. Updated by :any:`setInputDataQuery`.
        return self.basepath

    def addFinalization(self,
        """ Add finalization step

    :param bool uploadData: Upload or not the data to the storage
    :param bool uploadLog: Upload log file to storage (currently only available for admins, thus add them to OutputSandbox)
    :param bool sendFailover: Send Failover requests, and declare files as processed or unused in transfDB
    :param bool registerData: Register data in the file catalog
        #TODO: Do the registration only once, instead of once for each job

        self.call_finalization = True
        self.finalsdict['uploadData'] = uploadData
        self.finalsdict['registerData'] = registerData
        self.finalsdict['uploadLog'] = uploadLog
        self.finalsdict['sendFailover'] = sendFailover

    def _addRealFinalization(self):
        """ This is called at creation: now that the workflow is created at the last minute,
    we need to add this also at the last minute
        importLine = 'from ILCDIRAC.Workflow.Modules.<MODULE> import <MODULE>'

        dataUpload = ModuleDefinition('UploadOutputData')
        dataUpload.setDescription('Uploads the output data')
        self._addParameter(dataUpload, 'enable', 'bool', False, 'EnableFlag')
        body = importLine.replace('<MODULE>', 'UploadOutputData')

        failoverRequest = ModuleDefinition('FailoverRequest')
        failoverRequest.setDescription('Sends any failover requests')
        self._addParameter(failoverRequest, 'enable', 'bool', False,
        body = importLine.replace('<MODULE>', 'FailoverRequest')

        registerdata = ModuleDefinition('RegisterOutputData')
            'Module to add in the metadata catalog the relevant info about the files'
        self._addParameter(registerdata, 'enable', 'bool', False, 'EnableFlag')
        body = importLine.replace('<MODULE>', 'RegisterOutputData')

        logUpload = ModuleDefinition('UploadLogFile')
        logUpload.setDescription('Uploads the output log files')
        self._addParameter(logUpload, 'enable', 'bool', False, 'EnableFlag')
        body = importLine.replace('<MODULE>', 'UploadLogFile')

        finalization = StepDefinition('Job_Finalization')
        up = finalization.createModuleInstance('UploadOutputData',
        up.setValue("enable", self.finalsdict['uploadData'])

        ro = finalization.createModuleInstance('RegisterOutputData',
        ro.setValue("enable", self.finalsdict['registerData'])

        ul = finalization.createModuleInstance('UploadLogFile', 'logUpload')
        ul.setValue("enable", self.finalsdict['uploadLog'])

        fr = finalization.createModuleInstance('FailoverRequest',
        fr.setValue("enable", self.finalsdict['sendFailover'])

        self.workflow.createStepInstance('Job_Finalization', 'finalization')

        return S_OK()

    def createProduction(self, name=None):
        """ Create production.

        if not self.proxyinfo['OK']:
            return S_ERROR(
                "Not allowed to create production, you need a ilc_prod proxy.")
        if 'group' in self.proxyinfo['Value']:
            group = self.proxyinfo['Value']['group']
            if not group == "ilc_prod":
                return S_ERROR(
                    "Not allowed to create production, you need a ilc_prod proxy."
            return S_ERROR(
                "Could not determine group, you do not have the right proxy.")

        if self.created:
            return S_ERROR("Production already created.")

        ###We need to add the applications to the workflow
        res = self._addToWorkflow()
        if not res['OK']:
            return res
        if self.call_finalization:

        workflowName = self.workflow.getName()
        fileName = '%s.xml' % workflowName
        self.log.verbose('Workflow XML file name is:', '%s' % fileName)
        except Exception as x:
            self.log.error("Exception creating workflow", repr(x))
            return S_ERROR('Could not create workflow')
        with open(fileName, 'r') as oFile:
            workflowXML =
        if not name:
            name = workflowName

        res = self.trc.getTransformationStats(name)
        if res['OK']:
            return self._reportError(
                "Transformation with name %s already exists! Cannot proceed." %

        ###Create Tranformation
        Trans = Transformation()
        self.prodparameters['JobType'] = self.type
        if self.inputdataquery:
        if not self.slicesize:
            Trans.setEventsPerTask(self.jobFileGroupSize * self.nbevts)
        self.currtrans = Trans
        if self.dryrun:
            self.log.notice('Would create prod called', name)
            self.transfid = 12345
            res = Trans.addTransformation()
            if not res['OK']:
                print res['Message']
                return res
            self.transfid = Trans.getTransformationID()['Value']

        if self.inputBKSelection:
            res = self.applyInputDataQuery()
        if not self.dryrun:

        finals = []
        for finalpaths in self.finalpaths:
            finalpaths = finalpaths.rstrip("/")
            finalpaths += "/" + str(self.transfid).zfill(8)
            self.finalMetaDict[finalpaths].update({"ProdID": self.transfid})
            # if 'ILDConfigVersion' in self.prodparameters:
            #   self.finalMetaDict[finalpaths].update({"ILDConfig":self.prodparameters['ILDConfigVersion']})

            if self.nbevts:
                    {'NumberOfEvents': self.jobFileGroupSize * self.nbevts})
        self.finalpaths = finals
        self.created = True

        return S_OK()

    def setNbOfTasks(self, nbtasks):
        """ Define the number of tasks you want. Useful for generation jobs.
        if not self.currtrans:
            self.log.error("Not transformation defined earlier")
            return S_ERROR("No transformation defined")
        if self.inputBKSelection and self.plugin not in [
                'Limited', 'SlicedLimited'
                "Meta data selection activated, should not specify the number of jobs"
            return S_ERROR()
        self.nbtasks = nbtasks
        self.currtrans.setMaxNumberOfTasks(self.nbtasks)  #pylint: disable=E1101
        return S_OK()

    def applyInputDataQuery(self, metadata=None, prodid=None):
        """ Tell the production to update itself using the metadata query specified, i.e. submit new jobs if new files 
    are added corresponding to same query.
        if not self.transfid and self.currtrans:
            self.transfid = self.currtrans.getTransformationID()['Value']  #pylint: disable=E1101
        elif prodid:
            self.transfid = prodid
        if not self.transfid:
            print "Not transformation defined earlier"
            return S_ERROR("No transformation defined")
        if metadata:
            self.inputBKSelection = metadata

        client = TransformationClient()
        if not self.dryrun:
            res = client.createTransformationInputDataQuery(
                self.transfid, self.inputBKSelection)
            if not res['OK']:
                return res
            self.log.notice("Would use %s as metadata query for production" %
        return S_OK()

    def addMetadataToFinalFiles(self, metadict):
        """ Add additionnal non-query metadata 
        self.metadict_external = metadict

        return S_OK()

    def finalizeProd(self, prodid=None, prodinfo=None):
        """ Finalize definition: submit to Transformation service and register metadata
        currtrans = 0
        if self.currtrans:
            if not self.dryrun:
                currtrans = self.currtrans.getTransformationID()['Value']  #pylint: disable=E1101
                currtrans = 12345
        if prodid:
            currtrans = prodid
        if not currtrans:
            print "Not transformation defined earlier"
            return S_ERROR("No transformation defined")
        if prodinfo:
            self.prodparameters = prodinfo

        info = []
        info.append('%s Production %s has following parameters:\n' %
                    (self.prodparameters['JobType'], currtrans))
        if "Process" in self.prodparameters:
            info.append('- Process %s' % self.prodparameters['Process'])
        if "Energy" in self.prodparameters:
            info.append('- Energy %s GeV' % self.prodparameters["Energy"])

        if not self.slicesize:
            self.prodparameters['nbevts'] = self.jobFileGroupSize * self.nbevts
            self.prodparameters['nbevts'] = self.slicesize
        if self.prodparameters['nbevts']:
            info.append("- %s events per job" %
        if self.prodparameters.get('lumi', False):
            info.append('    corresponding to a luminosity %s fb' % (self.prodparameters['lumi'] * \
        if 'FCInputQuery' in self.prodparameters:
            info.append('Using InputDataQuery :')
            for key, val in self.prodparameters['FCInputQuery'].iteritems():
                info.append('    %s = %s' % (key, val))
        if "SWPackages" in self.prodparameters:
            info.append('- SW packages %s' % self.prodparameters["SWPackages"])
        if "SoftwareTag" in self.prodparameters:
            info.append('- SW tags %s' % self.prodparameters["SoftwareTag"])
        if "ILDConfigVersion" in self.prodparameters:
            info.append('- ILDConfig %s' %

        if 'ClicConfigVersion' in self.prodparameters:
            info.append('- ClicConfig %s' %

        if 'extraCLIArguments' in self.prodparameters:
            info.append('- ExtraCLIArguments %s' %

        # as this is the very last call all applications are registered, so all software packages are known
        #add them the the metadata registration
        for finalpath in self.finalpaths:
            if finalpath not in self.finalMetaDictNonSearch:
                self.finalMetaDictNonSearch[finalpath] = {}
            if "SWPackages" in self.prodparameters:
                    "SWPackages"] = self.prodparameters["SWPackages"]

            if self.metadict_external:

        info.append('- Registered metadata: ')
        for path, metadata in sorted(self.finalMetaDict.iteritems()):
            info.append('    %s = %s' % (path, metadata))
        info.append('- Registered non searchable metadata: ')
        for path, metadata in sorted(self.finalMetaDictNonSearch.iteritems()):
            info.append('    %s = %s' % (path, metadata))


        infoString = '\n'.join(info)
        self.prodparameters['DetailedInfo'] = infoString

        for name, val in self.prodparameters.iteritems():
            result = self._setProdParameter(currtrans, name, val)
            if not result['OK']:

        res = self._registerMetadata()
        if not res['OK']:
            self.log.error("Could not register the following directories :",
                           "%s" % str(res))
        return S_OK()


    def _registerMetadata(self):
        """ Private method
      Register path and metadata before the production actually runs. This allows for the definition of the full 
      chain in 1 go. 

        prevent_registration = self.ops.getValue(
            "Production/PreventMetadataRegistration", False)

        if self.dryrun or prevent_registration:
                "Would have created and registered the following\n",
                "\n ".join([
                    " * %s: %s" % (par, val)
                    for par, val in self.finalMetaDict.iteritems()
            self.log.notice("Would have set this as non searchable metadata",
            return S_OK()

        failed = []
        for path, meta in self.finalMetaDict.items():
            result = self.fc.createDirectory(path)
            if result['OK']:
                if result['Value']['Successful']:
                    if path in result['Value']['Successful']:
                        self.log.verbose("Successfully created directory:",
                                         "%s" % path)
                        res = self.fc.changePathMode({path: 0o775}, False)
                        if not res['OK']:
                elif result['Value']['Failed']:
                    if path in result['Value']['Failed']:
                            'Failed to create directory:',
                            "%s" % str(result['Value']['Failed'][path]))
                self.log.error('Failed to create directory:',

            ## Get existing metadata, if it is the same don't set it again, otherwise throw error
            existingMetadata = self.fc.getDirectoryUserMetadata(
            metaCopy = dict(meta)
            if existingMetadata['OK']:
                failure = False
                for key, value in existingMetadata['Value'].iteritems():
                    if key in meta and meta[key] != value:
                            "Metadata values for folder %s disagree for key %s: Existing(%r), new(%r)"
                            % (path, key, value, meta[key]))
                        failure = True
                    elif key in meta and meta[key] == value:
                        metaCopy.pop(key, None)
                if failure:
                    return S_ERROR(
                        "Error when setting new metadata, already existing metadata disagrees!"

            result = self.fc.setMetadata(path.rstrip("/"), metaCopy)
            if not result['OK']:
                self.log.error("Could not preset metadata",
                               "%s" % str(metaCopy))
                self.log.error("Could not preset metadata",
                               "%s" % result['Message'])

        for path, meta in self.finalMetaDictNonSearch.items():
            result = self.fc.createDirectory(path)
            if result['OK']:
                if result['Value']['Successful']:
                    if path in result['Value']['Successful']:
                        self.log.verbose("Successfully created directory:",
                                         "%s" % path)
                        res = self.fc.changePathMode({path: 0o775}, False)
                        if not res['OK']:
                elif result['Value']['Failed']:
                    if path in result['Value']['Failed']:
                            'Failed to create directory:',
                            "%s" % str(result['Value']['Failed'][path]))
                self.log.error('Failed to create directory:',
            result = self.fc.setMetadata(path.rstrip("/"), meta)
            if not result['OK']:
                self.log.error("Could not preset metadata", "%s" % str(meta))

        if failed:
            return {'OK': False, 'Failed': failed}
        return S_OK()

    def getMetadata(self):
        """ Return the corresponding metadata of the last step
        metadict = {}
        for meta in self.finalMetaDict.values():
        if 'NumberOfEvents' in metadict:
            del metadict[
                'NumberOfEvents']  #As this is not supposed to be a searchable thing
        return metadict

    def _setProdParameter(self, prodID, pname, pvalue):
        """ Set a production parameter.
        if isinstance(pvalue, list):
            pvalue = '\n'.join(pvalue)

        prodClient = RPCClient('Transformation/TransformationManager',
        if isinstance(pvalue, (int, long)):
            pvalue = str(pvalue)
        if not self.dryrun:
            result = prodClient.setTransformationParameter(
                int(prodID), str(pname), str(pvalue))
            if not result['OK']:
                    'Problem setting parameter %s for production %s and value:\n%s'
                    % (prodID, pname, pvalue))
            self.log.notice("Adding %s=%s to transformation" %
                            (str(pname), str(pvalue)))
            result = S_OK()
        return result

    def _jobSpecificParams(self, application):
        """ For production additional checks are needed: ask the user

        if self.created:
            return S_ERROR(
                "The production was created, you cannot add new applications to the job."

        if not application.logFile:
            logf = application.appname + "_" + application.version + "_@{STEP_ID}.log"
            res = application.setLogFile(logf)
            if not res['OK']:
                return res

            #in fact a bit more tricky as the log files have the prodID and jobID in them

        ### Retrieve from the application the essential info to build the prod info.
        if not self.nbevts and not self.slicesize:
            self.nbevts = application.numberOfEvents
            if not self.nbevts:
                return S_ERROR("Number of events to process is not defined.")
        elif not application.numberOfEvents:
            if not self.slicesize:
                res = application.setNumberOfEvents(self.jobFileGroupSize *
                res = application.setNumberOfEvents(self.slicesize)
            if not res['OK']:
                return res

        if application.numberOfEvents > 0 and (
                self.jobFileGroupSize * self.nbevts >
                or self.slicesize > application.numberOfEvents):
            self.nbevts = application.numberOfEvents

        if not
       = Decimal(str(
                return S_ERROR(
                    "Could not find the energy defined, it is needed for the production definition."
        elif not
            res = application.setEnergy(float(
            if not res['OK']:
                return res
            self._setParameter("Energy", "float", float(,
                               "Energy used")
            self.prodparameters["Energy"] = float(

        if not self.evttype:
            if hasattr(application, 'eventType'):
                self.evttype = application.eventType
                return S_ERROR(
                    "Event type not found nor specified, it's mandatory for the production paths."
            self.prodparameters['Process'] = self.evttype

        if not self.outputStorage:
            return S_ERROR("You need to specify the Output storage element")

        curpackage = "%s.%s" % (application.appname, application.version)
        if "SWPackages" in self.prodparameters:
            if not self.prodparameters["SWPackages"].count(curpackage):
                self.prodparameters["SWPackages"] += ";%s" % (curpackage)
            self.prodparameters["SWPackages"] = "%s" % (curpackage)

        if not application.accountInProduction:
            res = self._updateProdParameters(application)
            if not res['OK']:
                return res
            self.checked = True

            return S_OK()

        res = application.setOutputSE(self.outputStorage)
        if not res['OK']:
            return res

        energypath = self.getEnergyPath()

        if not self.basename:
            self.basename = self.evttype

        evttypepath = ''
        if not self.evttype[-1] == '/':
            evttypepath = self.evttype + '/'

        path = self.basepath
        ###Need to resolve file names and paths
            self.finalMetaDict[self.basepath + energypath] = {
                "Energy": str(
        if hasattr(application,
                   "setOutputRecFile") and not application.willBeCut:
            path = self.basepath + energypath + evttypepath + application.detectortype + "/REC"
            self.finalMetaDict[self.basepath + energypath + evttypepath] = {
                "EvtType": self.evttype
            self.finalMetaDict[self.basepath + energypath + evttypepath +
                               application.detectortype] = {
                                   "DetectorType": application.detectortype
            self.finalMetaDict[self.basepath + energypath + evttypepath +
                               application.detectortype + "/REC"] = {
                                   'Datatype': "REC"
            fname = self.basename + "_rec.slcio"
            application.setOutputRecFile(fname, path)
  "Will store the files under", "%s" % path)
            path = self.basepath + energypath + evttypepath + application.detectortype + "/DST"
            self.finalMetaDict[self.basepath + energypath + evttypepath +
                               application.detectortype + "/DST"] = {
                                   'Datatype': "DST"
            fname = self.basename + "_dst.slcio"
            application.setOutputDstFile(fname, path)
  "Will store the files under", "%s" % path)
        elif hasattr(application, "outputFile") and hasattr(
                application, 'datatype'
        ) and not application.outputFile and not application.willBeCut:
            path = self.basepath + energypath + evttypepath
            self.finalMetaDict[path] = {"EvtType": self.evttype}
            if hasattr(application, "detectortype"):
                if application.detectortype:
                    path += application.detectortype
                    self.finalMetaDict[path] = {
                        "DetectorType": application.detectortype
                    path += '/'
                elif self.detector:
                    path += self.detector
                    self.finalMetaDict[path] = {"DetectorType": self.detector}
                    path += '/'
            if not application.datatype and self.datatype:
                application.datatype = self.datatype
            path += application.datatype
            self.finalMetaDict[path] = {'Datatype': application.datatype}
  "Will store the files under", "%s" % path)
            extension = 'stdhep'
            if application.datatype in ['SIM', 'REC']:
                extension = 'slcio'
            fname = self.basename + "_%s" % (
                application.datatype.lower()) + "." + extension
            application.setOutputFile(fname, path)

        self.basepath = path

        res = self._updateProdParameters(application)
        if not res['OK']:
            return res

        self.checked = True

        return S_OK()

    def _updateProdParameters(self, application):
        """ Update the prod parameters stored in the production parameters visible from the web
        except Exception as x:
            return S_ERROR("Exception: %r" % x)

        if hasattr(application,
                   'extraCLIArguments') and application.extraCLIArguments:
            self.prodparameters['extraCLIArguments'] = repr(

        return S_OK()

    def _jobSpecificModules(self, application, step):
        return application._prodjobmodules(step)

    def getEnergyPath(self):
        """returns the energy path 250gev or 3tev or 1.4tev etc."""
        energy = Decimal(str(
        tD = Decimal('1000.0')
        unit = 'gev' if energy < tD else 'tev'
        energy = energy if energy < tD else energy / tD

        if float(energy).is_integer():
            energyPath = str(int(energy))
            energyPath = "%1.1f" % energy

        energyPath = energyPath + unit + '/'"Energy path is: ", energyPath)
        return energyPath

    def _checkMetaKeys(self, metakeys, extendFileMeta=False):
        """ check if metadata keys are allowed to be metadata

    :param list metakeys: metadata keys for production metadata
    :param bool extendFileMeta: also use FileMetaFields for checking meta keys
    :returns: S_OK, S_ERROR

        res = self.fc.getMetadataFields()
        if not res['OK']:
            print "Could not contact File Catalog"
            return S_ERROR("Could not contact File Catalog")
        metaFCkeys = res['Value']['DirectoryMetaFields'].keys()
        if extendFileMeta:

        for key in metakeys:
            for meta in metaFCkeys:
                if meta != key and meta.lower() == key.lower():
                    return self._reportError(
                        "Key syntax error %r, should be %r" % (key, meta),
            if key not in metaFCkeys:
                return self._reportError(
                    "Key %r not found in metadata keys, allowed are %r" %
                    (key, metaFCkeys))

        return S_OK()

    def _checkFindDirectories(self, metadata):
        """ find directories by metadata and check that there are directories found

    :param dict metadata: metadata dictionary
    :returns: S_OK, S_ERROR

        res = self.fc.findDirectoriesByMetadata(metadata)
        if not res['OK']:
            return self._reportError(
                "Error looking up the catalog for available directories")
        elif len(res['Value']) < 1:
            return self._reportError(
                'Could not find any directories corresponding to the query issued'
        return res

    def setReconstructionBasePaths(self, recPath, dstPath):
        """ set the output Base paths for the reconstruction REC and DST files """
        self._recBasePaths['REC'] = recPath
        self._recBasePaths['DST'] = dstPath
Beispiel #3
def chown(directories,
  This method may change the user, group or mode of a directory and apply it recursively if required
    if ndirs is None:
        ndirs = 0
    if not directories:
        return S_OK(ndirs)
    if isinstance(directories, basestring):
        directories = directories.split(',')
    if fcClient is None:
        fcClient = FileCatalogClient()
    if user is not None:
        res = fcClient.changePathOwner(dict.fromkeys(directories, user))
        if not res['OK']:
            res = fcClient.changePathOwner(
                dict.fromkeys(directories, {'Owner': user}))
            if not res['OK']:
                return res
    if group is not None:
        res = fcClient.changePathGroup(dict.fromkeys(directories, group))
        if not res['OK']:
            res = fcClient.changePathGroup(
                dict.fromkeys(directories, {'Group': group}))
            if not res['OK']:
                return res
    if mode is not None:
        res = fcClient.changePathMode(dict.fromkeys(directories, mode))
        if not res['OK']:
            res = fcClient.changePathMode(
                dict.fromkeys(directories, {'Mode': mode}))
            if not res['OK']:
                return res
    if recursive:
        for subDir in directories:
            if ndirs % 10 == 0:
            ndirs += 1
            res = fcClient.listDirectory(subDir)
            if res['OK']:
                subDirectories = res['Value']['Successful'][subDir]['SubDirs']
                if subDirectories:
                    # print subDir, len( subDirectories ), ndirs
                    res = chown(subDirectories,
                    if not res['OK']:
                        return res
                    ndirs = res['Value']
        ndirs += len(directories)
    return S_OK(ndirs)