Beispiel #1
    def __getBackendOptionsFromCFG(self, cfgPath, backend):
    Get backend options from the configuration. 

    :params cfgPath: string of the configuration path
    :params backend: string representing a backend identifier: stdout, file, f04 
        # We have to put the import lines here to avoid a dependancy loop
        from DIRAC import gConfig
        from DIRAC.ConfigurationSystem.Client.Helpers.Resources import getBackendConfig

        backendOptions = {}
        # Search backends config in the resources section
        retDictRessources = getBackendConfig(backend)
        if retDictRessources['OK']:
            backendOptions = retDictRessources['Value']

        # Search backends config in the component to update some options
        retDictConfig = gConfig.getOptionsDict(
            "%s/%s/%s" % (cfgPath, 'LogBackendsConfig', backend))
        if retDictConfig['OK']:
            # Search backends config in the component with the old option 'BackendsOptions'
            retDictOptions = gConfig.getOptionsDict("%s/BackendsOptions" %
            if retDictOptions['OK']:
                # We have to write the deprecated message with the print method because we are changing
                # the backends, so we can not be sure of the display using a log.
                print "WARNING: Use of a deprecated cfg section: BackendsOptions. Please replace it by BackendConfig."

        return backendOptions
Beispiel #2
 def getComponentsStatus( self, conditionDict = {} ):
   Get the status of the defined components in the CS compared to the ones that are known in the DB
   result = self.__getComponents( conditionDict )
   if not result[ 'OK' ]:
     return result
   statusSet = result[ 'Value' ]
   requiredComponents = {}
   result = gConfig.getSections( "/DIRAC/Setups" )
   if not result[ 'OK' ]:
     return result
   for setup in result[ 'Value' ]:
     if not self.__checkCondition( conditionDict, "Setup", setup ):
     #Iterate through systems
     result = gConfig.getOptionsDict( "/DIRAC/Setups/%s" % setup )
     if not result[ 'OK' ]:
       return result
     systems = result[ 'Value' ]
     for system in systems:
       instance = systems[ system ]
       #Check defined agents and serviecs
       for type in ( 'agent' , 'service' ):
         #Get entries for the instance of a system
         result = gConfig.getSections( "/Systems/%s/%s/%s" % ( system, instance, "%ss" % type.capitalize() ) )
         if not result[ 'OK' ]:
           self.log.warn( "Opps, sytem seems to be defined wrong\n", "System %s at %s: %s" % ( system, instance, result[ 'Message' ] ) )
         components = result[ 'Value' ]
         for component in components:
           componentName = "%s/%s" % ( system, component )
           compDict = self.__getComponentDefinitionFromCS( system, setup, instance, type, component )
           if self.__componentMatchesCondition( compDict, requiredComponents, conditionDict ):
             statusSet.addUniqueToSet( requiredComponents, compDict )
       #Walk the URLs
       result = gConfig.getOptionsDict( "/Systems/%s/%s/URLs" % ( system, instance ) )
       if not result[ 'OK' ]:
         self.log.warn ( "There doesn't to be defined the URLs section for %s in %s instance" % ( system, instance ) )
         serviceURLs = result[ 'Value' ]
         for service in serviceURLs:
           for url in List.fromChar( serviceURLs[ service ] ):
             loc = url[ url.find( "://" ) + 3: ]
             iS = loc.find( "/" )
             componentName = loc[ iS + 1: ]
             loc = loc[ :iS ]
             hostname, port = loc.split( ":" )
             compDict = { 'ComponentName' : componentName,
                          'Type' : 'service',
                          'Setup' : setup,
                          'Host' : hostname,
                          'Port' : int( port )
             if self.__componentMatchesCondition( compDict, requiredComponents, conditionDict ):
               statusSet.addUniqueToSet( requiredComponents, compDict )
   statusSet.setComponentsAsRequired( requiredComponents )
   return S_OK( ( statusSet.getRequiredComponents(),
                  self.__mainFields[1:] + self.__versionFields + ( 'Status', 'Message' ) ) )
Beispiel #3
def getQueue(site, ce, queue):
    """ Get parameters of the specified queue
    grid = site.split('.')[0]
    result = gConfig.getOptionsDict('/Resources/Sites/%s/%s/CEs/%s' %
                                    (grid, site, ce))
    if not result['OK']:
        return result
    resultDict = result['Value']

    # Get queue defaults
    result = gConfig.getOptionsDict('/Resources/Sites/%s/%s/CEs/%s/Queues/%s' %
                                    (grid, site, ce, queue))
    if not result['OK']:
        return result

    # Handle tag lists for the queue
    for tagFieldName in ('Tag', 'RequiredTag'):
        tags = []
        ceTags = resultDict.get(tagFieldName)
        if ceTags:
            tags = fromChar(ceTags)
        queueTags = resultDict.get(tagFieldName)
        if queueTags:
            queueTags = fromChar(queueTags)
            tags = list(set(tags + queueTags))
        if tags:
            resultDict[tagFieldName] = tags

    resultDict['Queue'] = queue
    return S_OK(resultDict)
Beispiel #4
  def __getBackendOptionsFromCFG(self, cfgPath, backend):
    Get backend options from the configuration.

    :params cfgPath: string of the configuration path
    :params backend: string representing a backend identifier: stdout, file, f04
    # We have to put the import lines here to avoid a dependancy loop
    from DIRAC import gConfig
    from DIRAC.ConfigurationSystem.Client.Helpers.Resources import getBackendConfig

    backendOptions = {}
    # Search backends config in the resources section
    retDictRessources = getBackendConfig(backend)
    if retDictRessources['OK']:
      backendOptions = retDictRessources['Value']

    # Search backends config in the component to update some options
    retDictConfig = gConfig.getOptionsDict(
        "%s/%s/%s" % (cfgPath, 'LogBackendsConfig', backend))
    if retDictConfig['OK']:
      # Search backends config in the component with the old option
      # 'BackendsOptions'
      retDictOptions = gConfig.getOptionsDict("%s/BackendsOptions" % cfgPath)
      if retDictOptions['OK']:
        # We have to write the deprecated message with the print method because we are changing
        # the backends, so we can not be sure of the display using a log.
        print "WARNING: Use of a deprecated cfg section: BackendsOptions. Please replace it by BackendConfig."

    return backendOptions
 def getComponentsStatus( self, conditionDict = {} ):
   Get the status of the defined components in the CS compared to the ones that are known in the DB
   result = self.__getComponents( conditionDict )
   if not result[ 'OK' ]:
     return result
   statusSet = result[ 'Value' ]
   requiredComponents = {}
   result = gConfig.getSections( "/DIRAC/Setups" )
   if not result[ 'OK' ]:
     return result
   for setup in result[ 'Value' ]:
     if not self.__checkCondition( conditionDict, "Setup", setup ):
     #Iterate through systems
     result = gConfig.getOptionsDict( "/DIRAC/Setups/%s" % setup )
     if not result[ 'OK' ]:
       return result
     systems = result[ 'Value' ]
     for system in systems:
       instance = systems[ system ]
       #Check defined agents and serviecs
       for type in ( 'agent' , 'service' ):
         #Get entries for the instance of a system
         result = gConfig.getSections( "/Systems/%s/%s/%s" % ( system, instance, "%ss" % type.capitalize() ) )
         if not result[ 'OK' ]:
           self.log.warn( "Opps, sytem seems to be defined wrong\n", "System %s at %s: %s" % ( system, instance, result[ 'Message' ] ) )
         components = result[ 'Value' ]
         for component in components:
           componentName = "%s/%s" % ( system, component )
           compDict = self.__getComponentDefinitionFromCS( system, setup, instance, type, component )
           if self.__componentMatchesCondition( compDict, requiredComponents, conditionDict ):
             statusSet.addUniqueToSet( requiredComponents, compDict )
       #Walk the URLs
       result = gConfig.getOptionsDict( "/Systems/%s/%s/URLs" % ( system, instance ) )
       if not result[ 'OK' ]:
         self.log.warn ( "There doesn't to be defined the URLs section for %s in %s instance" % ( system, instance ) )
         serviceURLs = result[ 'Value' ]
         for service in serviceURLs:
           for url in List.fromChar( serviceURLs[ service ] ):
             loc = url[ url.find( "://" ) + 3: ]
             iS = loc.find( "/" )
             componentName = loc[ iS + 1: ]
             loc = loc[ :iS ]
             hostname, port = loc.split( ":" )
             compDict = { 'ComponentName' : componentName,
                          'Type' : 'service',
                          'Setup' : setup,
                          'Host' : hostname,
                          'Port' : int( port )
             if self.__componentMatchesCondition( compDict, requiredComponents, conditionDict ):
               statusSet.addUniqueToSet( requiredComponents, compDict )
   statusSet.setComponentsAsRequired( requiredComponents )
   return S_OK( ( statusSet.getRequiredComponents(),
                  self.__mainFields[1:] + self.__versionFields + ( 'Status', 'Message' ) ) )
Beispiel #6
  def getRunningEnPointDict( self, runningEndPointName ):
    Return from CS a Dictionary with getRunningEnPointDict definition

    runningEndPointCSPath = '/Resources/BigDataEndPoints'

    definedRunningEndPoints = gConfig.getSections( runningEndPointCSPath )
    if not definedRunningEndPoints[ 'OK' ]:
      return S_ERROR( 'BigData section not defined' )

    runningBDCSPath = '%s/%s' % ( runningEndPointCSPath, runningEndPointName )

    runningEndPointBDDict = {}

    if not runningBDCSPath:
      return S_ERROR( 'Missing BigDataEndpoint "%s"' % runningEndPointName )

    for option, value in gConfig.getOptionsDict( runningBDCSPath )['Value'].items():
      runningEndPointBDDict[option] = value

    runningHighLevelLanguajeDict = gConfig.getOptionsDict( '%s/HighLevelLanguage' % runningBDCSPath )
    if not runningHighLevelLanguajeDict[ 'OK' ]:
      return S_ERROR( 'Missing HighLevelLang in "%s"' % runningBDCSPath )
    runningEndPointBDDict['HighLevelLanguage'] = runningHighLevelLanguajeDict['Value']

    runningReqDict = gConfig.getOptionsDict( '%s/Requirements' % runningBDCSPath )
    if not runningReqDict[ 'OK' ]:
      return S_ERROR( 'Missing Requirements in "%s"' % runningBDCSPath )
    runningEndPointBDDict['Requirements'] = runningReqDict['Value']

    return S_OK( runningEndPointBDDict )
Beispiel #7
def getStorageElementOptions( seName ):
  """ Get the CS StorageElementOptions
  storageConfigPath = '/Resources/StorageElements/%s' % seName
  result = gConfig.getOptionsDict( storageConfigPath )
  if not result['OK']:
    return result
  options = result['Value']
  # If the SE is an baseSE or an alias, derefence it
  if 'BaseSE' in options or 'Alias' in options:
    storageConfigPath = '/Resources/StorageElements/%s' % options.get( 'BaseSE', options.get( 'Alias' ) )
    result = gConfig.getOptionsDict( storageConfigPath )
    if not result['OK']:
      return result
    result['Value'].update( options )
    options = result['Value']

  # Help distinguishing storage type
  diskSE = True
  tapeSE = False
  if 'SEType' in options:
    # Type should follow the convention TXDY
    seType = options['SEType']
    diskSE = 'D[1-9]', seType ) != None
    tapeSE = 'T[1-9]', seType ) != None
  options['DiskSE'] = diskSE
  options['TapeSE'] = tapeSE

  return S_OK( options )
Beispiel #8
def getQueue(site, ce, queue):
  """ Get parameters of the specified queue
  grid = site.split('.')[0]
  result = gConfig.getOptionsDict('/Resources/Sites/%s/%s/CEs/%s' % (grid, site, ce))
  if not result['OK']:
    return result
  resultDict = result['Value']

  # Get queue defaults
  result = gConfig.getOptionsDict('/Resources/Sites/%s/%s/CEs/%s/Queues/%s' % (grid, site, ce, queue))
  if not result['OK']:
    return result

  # Handle tag lists for the queue
  for tagFieldName in ('Tag', 'RequiredTag'):
    tags = []
    ceTags = resultDict.get(tagFieldName)
    if ceTags:
      tags = fromChar(ceTags)
    queueTags = resultDict.get(tagFieldName)
    if queueTags:
      queueTags = fromChar(queueTags)
      tags = list(set(tags + queueTags))
    if tags:
      resultDict[tagFieldName] = tags

  resultDict['Queue'] = queue
  return S_OK(resultDict)
Beispiel #9
def getVMImageConfig( site, ce, image = '' ):
  """ Get parameters of the specified queue
  Tags = []
  grid = site.split( '.' )[0]
  result = gConfig.getOptionsDict( '/Resources/Sites/%s/%s/Cloud/%s' % ( grid, site, ce ) )
  if not result['OK']:
    return result
  resultDict = result['Value']
  ceTags = resultDict.get( 'Tag' )
  if ceTags:
    Tags = fromChar( ceTags )

  if image:
    result = gConfig.getOptionsDict( '/Resources/Sites/%s/%s/Cloud/%s/Images/%s' % ( grid, site, ce, image ) )
    if not result['OK']:
      return result
    resultDict.update( result['Value'] )
    queueTags = resultDict.get( 'Tag' )
    if queueTags:
      queueTags = fromChar( queueTags )
      Tags = list( set( Tags + queueTags ) )

  if Tags:
    resultDict['Tag'] = Tags
  resultDict['Image'] = image
  resultDict['Site'] = site
  return S_OK( resultDict )
Beispiel #10
def getStorageElementOptions( seName ):
  """ Get the CS StorageElementOptions
  storageConfigPath = '/Resources/StorageElements/%s' % seName
  result = gConfig.getOptionsDict( storageConfigPath )
  if not result['OK']:
    return result
  options = result['Value']
  # If the SE is an baseSE or an alias, derefence it
  if 'BaseSE' in options or 'Alias' in options:
    storageConfigPath = '/Resources/StorageElements/%s' % options.get( 'BaseSE', options.get( 'Alias' ) )
    result = gConfig.getOptionsDict( storageConfigPath )
    if not result['OK']:
      return result
    result['Value'].update( options )
    options = result['Value']

  # Help distinguishing storage type
  diskSE = True
  tapeSE = False
  if 'SEType' in options:
    # Type should follow the convention TXDY
    seType = options['SEType']
    diskSE = 'D[1-9]', seType ) != None
    tapeSE = 'T[1-9]', seType ) != None
  options['DiskSE'] = diskSE
  options['TapeSE'] = tapeSE

  return S_OK( options )
Beispiel #11
def getQueue(site, ce, queue):
    """ Get parameters of the specified queue
    Tags = []
    grid = site.split('.')[0]
    result = gConfig.getOptionsDict('/Resources/Sites/%s/%s/CEs/%s' %
                                    (grid, site, ce))
    if not result['OK']:
        return result
    resultDict = result['Value']
    ceTags = resultDict.get('Tag')
    if ceTags:
        Tags = fromChar(ceTags)
    result = gConfig.getOptionsDict('/Resources/Sites/%s/%s/CEs/%s/Queues/%s' %
                                    (grid, site, ce, queue))
    if not result['OK']:
        return result
    queueTags = resultDict.get('Tag')
    if queueTags:
        queueTags = fromChar(queueTags)
        Tags = list(set(Tags + queueTags))
    if Tags:
        resultDict['Tag'] = Tags
    resultDict['Queue'] = queue
    return S_OK(resultDict)
Beispiel #12
def getImages( siteList = None, ceList = None, imageList = None, vo = None ):
  """ Get CE/image options according to the specified selection

  result = gConfig.getSections( '/Resources/Sites' )
  if not result['OK']:
    return result

  resultDict = {}

  grids = result['Value']
  for grid in grids:
    result = gConfig.getSections( '/Resources/Sites/%s' % grid )
    if not result['OK']:
    sites = result['Value']
    for site in sites:
      if siteList is not None and not site in siteList:
      if vo:
        voList = gConfig.getValue( '/Resources/Sites/%s/%s/VO' % ( grid, site ), [] )
        if voList and not vo in voList:
      result = gConfig.getSections( '/Resources/Sites/%s/%s/Cloud' % ( grid, site ) )
      if not result['OK']:
      ces = result['Value']
      for ce in ces:
        if ceList is not None and not ce in ceList:
        if vo:
          voList = gConfig.getValue( '/Resources/Sites/%s/%s/Cloud/%s/VO' % ( grid, site, ce ), [] )
          if voList and not vo in voList:
        result = gConfig.getOptionsDict( '/Resources/Sites/%s/%s/Cloud/%s' % ( grid, site, ce ) )
        if not result['OK']:
        ceOptionsDict = result['Value']
        result = gConfig.getSections( '/Resources/Sites/%s/%s/Cloud/%s/Images' % ( grid, site, ce ) )
        if not result['OK']:
        images = result['Value']
        for image in images:
          if imageList is not None and not image in imageList:
          if vo:
            voList = gConfig.getValue( '/Resources/Sites/%s/%s/Cloud/%s/Images/%s/VO' % ( grid, site, ce, image ), [] )
            if voList and not vo in voList:
          resultDict.setdefault( site, {} )
          resultDict[site].setdefault( ce, ceOptionsDict )
          resultDict[site][ce].setdefault( 'Images', {} )
          result = gConfig.getOptionsDict( '/Resources/Sites/%s/%s/Cloud/%s/Images/%s' % ( grid, site, ce, image ) )
          if not result['OK']:
          imageOptionsDict = result['Value']
          resultDict[site][ce]['Images'][image] = imageOptionsDict

  return S_OK( resultDict )
Beispiel #13
 def getOptionsDict(self, optionPath, optionVOPath):
     comOptDict = {}
     if optionVOPath is not None:
         result = gConfig.getOptionsDict(optionVOPath)
         if result['OK']:
             comOptDict = result['Value']
     result = gConfig.getOptionsDict(optionPath)
     if not result['OK']:
         return result
     optDict = result['Value']
     return S_OK(optDict)
Beispiel #14
 def getOptionsDict( self, optionPath, optionVOPath ):
   comOptDict = {}
   if optionVOPath is not None:
     result = gConfig.getOptionsDict( optionVOPath )
     if result['OK']:
       comOptDict = result['Value']
   result = gConfig.getOptionsDict( optionPath )
   if not result['OK']:
     return result
   optDict = result['Value']
   optDict.update( comOptDict )
   return S_OK( optDict )
Beispiel #15
def getVMTypeConfig(site, ce="", vmtype=""):
    """Get the VM image type parameters of the specified queue"""
    tags = []
    reqtags = []
    grid = site.split(".")[0]
    if not ce:
        result = gConfig.getSections("/Resources/Sites/%s/%s/Cloud" %
                                     (grid, site))
        if not result["OK"]:
            return result
        ceList = result["Value"]
        if len(ceList) == 1:
            ce = ceList[0]
            return S_ERROR("No cloud endpoint specified")

    result = gConfig.getOptionsDict("/Resources/Sites/%s/%s/Cloud/%s" %
                                    (grid, site, ce))
    if not result["OK"]:
        return result
    resultDict = result["Value"]
    ceTags = resultDict.get("Tag")
    if ceTags:
        tags = fromChar(ceTags)
    ceTags = resultDict.get("RequiredTag")
    if ceTags:
        reqtags = fromChar(ceTags)
    resultDict["CEName"] = ce

    if vmtype:
        result = gConfig.getOptionsDict(
            "/Resources/Sites/%s/%s/Cloud/%s/VMTypes/%s" %
            (grid, site, ce, vmtype))
        if not result["OK"]:
            return result
        queueTags = resultDict.get("Tag")
        if queueTags:
            queueTags = fromChar(queueTags)
            tags = list(set(tags + queueTags))
        queueTags = resultDict.get("RequiredTag")
        if queueTags:
            queueTags = fromChar(queueTags)
            reqtags = list(set(reqtags + queueTags))

    if tags:
        resultDict["Tag"] = tags
    if reqtags:
        resultDict["RequiredTag"] = reqtags
    resultDict["VMType"] = vmtype
    resultDict["Site"] = site
    return S_OK(resultDict)
Beispiel #16
  def __init__( self, imageName, endPointName ):
    self.log = gLogger.getSubLogger( 'ImageConfiguration' )
    imageOptions = gConfig.getOptionsDict( '/Resources/VirtualMachines/Images/%s' % imageName )
    if not imageOptions[ 'OK' ]:
      self.log.error( imageOptions[ 'Message' ] )
      imageOptions = {}
      imageOptions = imageOptions[ 'Value' ] 
    self.__ic_DIRACImageName  = imageName

    endPointName = endPointName.strip()

    # A DIRAC image can have different boot image names in the cloud endPoints 
    bootImageOptions = gConfig.getOptionsDict( '/Resources/VirtualMachines/Images/%s/BootImages' % imageName )
    if not bootImageOptions[ 'OK' ]:
      self.log.error( bootImageOptions[ 'Message' ] )
    bootImageOptions = bootImageOptions[ 'Value' ] 
    bootImageName = None
    for bootEndpoint, bootImage in bootImageOptions.items():
      if endPointName == bootEndpoint:
        bootImageName  =  bootImage
    if bootImageName is None:
      self.log.error( 'Missing mandatory boot image of the endPoint %s in BootImages section, image %s' % (endPointName, imageName) )
    self.__ic_bootImageName  = bootImageName

    # A DIRAC image can have different flavor names names in the cloud endPoints 
    flavorOptions = gConfig.getOptionsDict( '/Resources/VirtualMachines/Images/%s/Flavors' % imageName )
    if not flavorOptions[ 'OK' ]:
      self.log.error( flavorOptions[ 'Message' ] )
    flavorOptions = flavorOptions[ 'Value' ] 
    flavorName = None
    for bootEndpoint, flavor in flavorOptions.items():
      if endPointName == bootEndpoint:
        flavorName  =  flavor
    if flavorName is None:
      self.log.error( 'Missing mandatory flavor of the endPoint %s in BootImages section, image %s' % (endPointName, imageName) )
    self.__ic_flavorName     = flavorName

    self.__ic_contextMethod  = imageOptions.get( 'contextMethod'     , None )
    self.__ic_maxAllowedPrice     = imageOptions.get( 'maxAllowedPrice'        , None )
    self.__ic_keyName     = imageOptions.get( 'keyName'        , None )
    #self.__ic_contextConfig = ContextConfig( self.__ic_bootImageName, self.__ic_contextMethod )
    self.__ic_contextConfig  = ContextConfig( imageName, self.__ic_contextMethod )
Beispiel #17
def getMQParamsFromCS(mqURI):
    """Function gets parameters of a MQ destination (queue/topic) from the CS.

      mqURI(str):Pseudo URI identifing the MQ service. It has the following format:
      mType(str): 'consumer' or 'producer'
      S_OK(param_dicts) or S_ERROR
    # API initialization is required to get an up-to-date configuration from the CS
    csAPI = CSAPI()

        mqService, mqType, mqName = mqURI.split("::")
    except ValueError:
        return S_ERROR("Bad format of mqURI address:%s" % (mqURI))

    result = gConfig.getConfigurationTree("/Resources/MQServices", mqService,
                                          mqType, mqName)
    if not result["OK"] or not result["Value"]:
        return S_ERROR(
            "Requested destination not found in the CS: %s::%s::%s" %
            (mqService, mqType, mqName))
    mqDestinationPath = None
    for path, value in result["Value"].items():
        if not value and path.endswith(mqName):
            mqDestinationPath = path

    # set-up internal parameter depending on the destination type
    tmp = mqDestinationPath.split("Queues")[0].split("Topics")
    servicePath = tmp[0]
    serviceDict = {}
    if len(tmp) > 1:
        serviceDict["Topic"] = mqName
        serviceDict["Queue"] = mqName

    result = gConfig.getOptionsDict(servicePath)
    if not result["OK"]:
        return result

    result = gConfig.getOptionsDict(mqDestinationPath)
    if not result["OK"]:
        return result
    return S_OK(serviceDict)
Beispiel #18
def getQueue( site, ce, queue ):
  """ Get parameters of the specified queue
  grid = site.split( '.' )[0]
  result = gConfig.getOptionsDict( '/Resources/Sites/%s/%s/CEs/%s' % ( grid, site, ce ) )
  if not result['OK']:
    return result
  resultDict = result['Value']
  result = gConfig.getOptionsDict( '/Resources/Sites/%s/%s/CEs/%s/Queues/%s' % ( grid, site, ce, queue ) )
  if not result['OK']:
    return result
  resultDict.update( result['Value'] )
  resultDict['Queue'] = queue

  return S_OK( resultDict )
Beispiel #19
def getQueue(site, ce, queue):
    """ Get parameters of the specified queue
    grid = site.split(".")[0]
    result = gConfig.getOptionsDict("/Resources/Sites/%s/%s/CEs/%s" % (grid, site, ce))
    if not result["OK"]:
        return result
    resultDict = result["Value"]
    result = gConfig.getOptionsDict("/Resources/Sites/%s/%s/CEs/%s/Queues/%s" % (grid, site, ce, queue))
    if not result["OK"]:
        return result
    resultDict["Queue"] = queue

    return S_OK(resultDict)
Beispiel #20
def getQueue( site, ce, queue ):
  """ Get parameters of the specified queue
  grid = site.split( '.' )[0]
  result = gConfig.getOptionsDict( '/Resources/Sites/%s/%s/CEs/%s' % ( grid, site, ce ) )
  if not result['OK']:
    return result
  resultDict = result['Value']
  result = gConfig.getOptionsDict( '/Resources/Sites/%s/%s/CEs/%s/Queues/%s' % ( grid, site, ce, queue ) )
  if not result['OK']:
    return result
  resultDict.update( result['Value'] )
  resultDict['Queue'] = queue

  return S_OK( resultDict )
Beispiel #21
    def createCatalog(self, catalogName, useProxy=False):
        """ Create a file catalog object from its name and CS description
        catalogPath = getCatalogPath(catalogName)
        catalogType = gConfig.getValue(catalogPath + '/CatalogType',
        catalogURL = gConfig.getValue(catalogPath + '/CatalogURL',
                                      "DataManagement/" + catalogType)
        optionsDict = {}
        result = gConfig.getOptionsDict(catalogPath)
        if result['OK']:
            optionsDict = result['Value']

        if useProxy:
            result = self.__getCatalogClass(catalogType)
            if not result['OK']:
                return result
            catalogClass = result['Value']
            methods = catalogClass.getInterfaceMethods()
            catalog = FileCatalogProxyClient(catalogName)
            return S_OK(catalog)

        return self.__createCatalog(catalogName, catalogType, catalogURL,
  def _getCurrentConfig(self):
    """Return the current system configuration."""
    from DIRAC.ConfigurationSystem.Client.ConfigurationData import gConfigurationData

    fullCfg = CFG()
    setup = gConfig.getValue('/DIRAC/Setup', '')
    setupList = gConfig.getSections('/DIRAC/Setups', [])
    if not setupList['OK']:
      return S_ERROR('Could not get /DIRAC/Setups sections')
    setupList = setupList['Value']
    if setup not in setupList:
      return S_ERROR('Setup %s is not in allowed list: %s' % (setup, ', '.join(setupList)))
    serviceSetups = gConfig.getOptionsDict('/DIRAC/Setups/%s' % setup)
    if not serviceSetups['OK']:
      return S_ERROR('Could not get /DIRAC/Setups/%s options' % setup)
    serviceSetups = serviceSetups['Value']  # dict
    for system, setup in serviceSetups.items():
      if and system not in
      systemCfg = gConfigurationData.remoteCFG.getAsCFG("/Systems/%s/%s" % (system, setup))
      for section in systemCfg.listSections():
        if section not in ('Agents', 'Services', 'Executors'):

      fullCfg.createNewSection("/%s" % system, contents=systemCfg)

    return S_OK(fullCfg)
Beispiel #23
    def getDefinedTransferPaths(self):
        result = gConfig.getSections(self.__transfersCSPath)
        if not result['OK']:
  'No Input/Output Pair defined in CS')
            return S_OK()

        pathList = result['Value']

        tPaths = {}
        for name in pathList:
            csPath = self.__transfersCSPath + '/%s' % name
            result = gConfig.getOptionsDict(csPath)
            if not result['OK']:
            transferDict = result['Value']
            ok = True
            for i in self.__requiredCSOptions:
                if i not in transferDict:
                    self.log.error('Missing Option %s in %s' % (i, csPath))
                    ok = False
            if not ok:
            tPaths[name] = transferDict

        return S_OK(tPaths)
Beispiel #24
 def __generateDBs(self):
   self.__log.notice("Creating default AccountingDB...")
   self.__allDBs = {self.__defaultDB: AccountingDB(readOnly=self.__readOnly)}
   types = self.__allDBs[self.__defaultDB].getRegisteredTypes()
   result = gConfig.getOptionsDict(self.__csPath)
   if not result['OK']:
     gLogger.verbose("No extra databases defined",
                     "in %s" % self.__csPath)
   validTypes = TypeLoader().getTypes()
   opts = result['Value']
   for acType in opts:
     if acType not in validTypes:
       msg = "(%s defined in %s)" % (acType, self.__csPath)
       self.__log.fatal("Not a known accounting type", msg)
       raise RuntimeError(msg)
     dbName = opts[acType]
     gLogger.notice("Type will be assigned", "(%s to %s)" % (acType, dbName))
     if dbName not in self.__allDBs:
       fields = dbName.split("/")
       if len(fields) == 1:
         dbName = "Accounting/%s" % dbName
       gLogger.notice("Creating DB", '%s' % dbName)
       self.__allDBs[dbName] = AccountingDB(dbName, readOnly=self.__readOnly)
     self.__dbByType[acType] = dbName
  def getDefinedTransferPaths( self ):
    result = gConfig.getSections( self.__transfersCSPath )
    if not result['OK']: 'No Input/Output Pair defined in CS' )
      return S_OK()

    pathList = result['Value']

    tPaths = {}
    for name in pathList:
      csPath = self.__transfersCSPath + '/%s' % name
      result = gConfig.getOptionsDict( csPath )
      if not result['OK']:
      transferDict = result['Value']
      ok = True
      for i in self.__requiredCSOptions:
        if i not in transferDict:
          self.log.error( 'Missing Option %s in %s' % ( i, csPath ) )
          ok = False
      if not ok:
      tPaths[ name ] = transferDict

    return S_OK( tPaths )
Beispiel #26
  def __init__( self, stratuslabEndpoint ):
    Constructor directly reads the named stratuslabEndpoint section
    in the configuration.

      **stratuslabEndpoint** - `string`
        name of the element containing the configuration for a StratusLab cloud

    super( StratusLabConfiguration, self ).__init__()

    options = gConfig.getOptionsDict( '%s/%s' % ( self.ENDPOINT_PATH, stratuslabEndpoint ) )

    if not options[ 'OK' ]:
      self.log.error(options[ 'Message' ] )
      options = {}
      options = options[ 'Value' ]

    # Save a shallow copy of the given dictionary for safety.
    self._options = copy.copy(options)

    # Remove any 'None' mappings from the dictionary.
    for key, value in self._options.items():
      if value is None:
        del self._options[ key ]
Beispiel #27
  def __init__( self, amazonEndpoint ):
      **amazonEndpoint** - `string`
        string with the name of the CloudEndpoint defined on the CS
    super( AmazonConfiguration, self ).__init__() 
    amazonOptions = gConfig.getOptionsDict( '%s/%s' % ( self.ENDPOINT_PATH, amazonEndpoint ) )
    if not amazonOptions[ 'OK' ]:
      self.log.error( amazonOptions[ 'Message' ] )
      amazonOptions = {}
      amazonOptions = amazonOptions[ 'Value' ] 

    # FIXME: make it generic !

    # Purely endpoint configuration ............................................              
    # This two are passed as arguments, not keyword arguments
    self.__accessKey               = amazonOptions.get( 'accessKey'              , None )
    self.__secretKey               = amazonOptions.get( 'secretKey'              , None )
    self.__cloudDriver             = amazonOptions.get( 'cloudDriver'            , None )
    self.__vmStopPolicy            = amazonOptions.get( 'vmStopPolicy'           , None )
    self.__vmPolicy                = amazonOptions.get( 'vmPolicy'               , None )
    self.__siteName                = amazonOptions.get( 'siteName'               , None )
    self.__endpointURL             = amazonOptions.get( 'endpointURL'            , None )
    self.__regionName              = amazonOptions.get( 'regionName'             , None )
    self.__maxEndpointInstances    = amazonOptions.get( 'maxEndpointInstances'   , None )
    self.__maxOportunisticEndpointInstances    = amazonOptions.get( 'maxOportunisticEndpointInstances'   , 0 )
    self.__cvmfs_http_proxy        = amazonOptions.get( 'cvmfs_http_proxy'        , None )
    self.__auth                    = amazonOptions.get( 'auth'       , None )
Beispiel #28
  def __instantiateSEs(self):
    """ Get storage config for all the SE in the dirac config. """

    SEDict = {}
    configPath = 'Resources/StorageElements'
    res = gConfig.getSections(configPath)
    if not res['OK']:
      return S_ERROR('Not able to get StorageConfig: %s') % res['Message']
    SEList = res['Value']
    for SE in SEList:
      # se = StorageElement(SE, protocols='GFAL2_HTTP')
      # se.getParameters()
      seConfigPath = os.path.join(configPath, SE)
      res = gConfig.getSections(seConfigPath)
      if not res['OK']:
      # contains 'AccessProtocol.x'
      accessProtocols = res['Value']
      for entry in accessProtocols:
        protocolConfigPath = os.path.join(seConfigPath, entry)
        res = gConfig.getOptionsDict(protocolConfigPath)
        if not res['OK']:
        res = res['Value']

        # there should only be one GFAL2_HTTP plugin defined
        if res.get('PluginName', None) == 'GFAL2_HTTP':
          if not SEDict.get(res['Host'], None):
            SEDict[res['Host']] = {}
          SEDict[res['Host']][SE] = res
    return S_OK(SEDict)
def convertTransfers():

    global csapi

    gLogger.notice('Converting Transfer services')

    result = gConfig.getOptionsDict('/Resources/FTSEndpoints')
    if not result['OK']:
        return result

    ftsDict = result['Value']
    for site in ftsDict:
        result = getSiteName(site)
        siteName = result['Value']
        gLogger.notice('Processing FTS endpoint at site %s' % siteName)
        csapi.createSection('%s/Sites/%s/Transfer/FTS' %
                            (RESOURCES_NEW_SECTION, siteName))
            '%s/Sites/%s/Transfer/FTS' % (RESOURCES_NEW_SECTION, siteName),
            'File Transfer Service')
            '%s/Sites/%s/Transfer/FTS/URL' % (RESOURCES_NEW_SECTION, siteName),

        '%s/Sites/%s/Transfer' % (RESOURCES_NEW_SECTION, siteName),
        'Data Transfer Service resources')
Beispiel #30
    def __getOptionsFromCS(self,
                           delimiter=","):"start __getOptionsFromCS")

        result = gConfig.getOptionsDict(path)

        if not result["OK"]:
            return []

        options = result["Value"]
        for i in options.keys():
            options[i] = options[i].split(delimiter)

        result = gConfig.getSections(path)
        if result["OK"]:
            sections = result["Value"]

        if len(sections) > 0:
            for i in sections:
                options[i] = self.__getOptionsFromCS(path + '/' + i, delimiter)

        gLogger.always("options: %s" % options)"end __getOptionsFromCS")
        return options
Beispiel #31
    def __init__(self, stratuslabEndpoint):
        Constructor directly reads the named stratuslabEndpoint section
        in the configuration.

          **stratuslabEndpoint** - `string`
            name of the element containing the configuration for a StratusLab cloud

        super(StratusLabEndpointConfiguration, self).__init__()

        options = gConfig.getOptionsDict('%s/%s' % (self.ENDPOINT_PATH, stratuslabEndpoint))

        if not options['OK']:
            options = {}
            options = options['Value']

        # Save a shallow copy of the given dictionary for safety.
        self._options = copy.copy(options)

        # Remove any 'None' mappings from the dictionary.
        for key, value in self._options.items():
            if value is None:
                del self._options[key]
Beispiel #32
def getCompatiblePlatforms(originalPlatforms):
    """ Get a list of platforms compatible with the given list 
    if type(originalPlatforms) == type(' '):
        platforms = [originalPlatforms]
        platforms = list(originalPlatforms)

    platformDict = {}
    result = gConfig.getOptionsDict('/Resources/Computing/OSCompatibility')
    if result['OK'] and result['Value']:
        platformDict = result['Value']
        for platform in platformDict:
            platformDict[platform] = [
                x.strip() for x in platformDict[platform].split(',')
        return S_ERROR('OS compatibility info not found')

    resultList = list(platforms)
    for p in platforms:
        tmpList = platformDict.get(p, [])
        for pp in platformDict:
            if p in platformDict[pp]:
                tmpList += platformDict[pp]
        if tmpList:
            resultList += tmpList

    return S_OK(uniqueElements(resultList))
Beispiel #33
def getRegistryUsers():
    Gets all users from /Registry/Users

  _basePath = 'Registry/Users' 

  registryUsers = {}

  userNames = gConfig.getSections( _basePath )  
  if not userNames[ 'OK' ]:
    return userNames
  userNames = userNames[ 'Value' ]
  for userName in userNames:
    # returns { 'Email' : x, 'DN': y, 'CA' : z }
    userDetails = gConfig.getOptionsDict( '%s/%s' % ( _basePath, userName ) )
    if not userDetails[ 'OK' ]:   
      return userDetails
    registryUsers[ userName ] = userDetails[ 'Value' ]
  return S_OK( registryUsers )   

Beispiel #34
    def _getCatalogConfigDetails(self, catalogName):
        # First obtain the options that are available
        catalogConfigPath = "%s/%s" % (self.rootConfigPath, catalogName)
        result = gConfig.getOptionsDict(catalogConfigPath)
        if not result["OK"]:
            errStr = "FileCatalog._getCatalogConfigDetails: Failed to get catalog options."
            self.log.error(errStr, catalogName)
            return S_ERROR(errStr)
        catalogConfig = result["Value"]
        result = self.opHelper.getOptionsDict("/Services/Catalogs/%s" % catalogName)
        if result["OK"]:

        # The 'Status' option should be defined (default = 'Active')
        if "Status" not in catalogConfig:
            warnStr = "FileCatalog._getCatalogConfigDetails: 'Status' option not defined."
            self.log.warn(warnStr, catalogName)
            catalogConfig["Status"] = "Active"
        # The 'AccessType' option must be defined
        if "AccessType" not in catalogConfig:
            errStr = "FileCatalog._getCatalogConfigDetails: Required option 'AccessType' not defined."
            self.log.error(errStr, catalogName)
            return S_ERROR(errStr)
        # Anything other than 'True' in the 'Master' option means it is not
        catalogConfig["Master"] = catalogConfig.setdefault("Master", False) == "True"
        return S_OK(catalogConfig)
Beispiel #35
def getDIRACPlatforms():
    """ just returns list of platforms defined in the CS
    result = gConfig.getOptionsDict('/Resources/Computing/OSCompatibility')
    if not (result['OK'] and result['Value']):
        return S_ERROR("OS compatibility info not found")
    return S_OK(result['Value'].keys())
Beispiel #36
  def _getCatalogConfigDetails( self, catalogName ):
    # First obtain the options that are available
    catalogConfigPath = '%s/%s' % ( self.rootConfigPath, catalogName )
    result = gConfig.getOptionsDict( catalogConfigPath )
    if not result['OK']:
      errStr = "FileCatalog._getCatalogConfigDetails: Failed to get catalog options."
      self.log.error( errStr, catalogName )
      return S_ERROR( errStr )
    catalogConfig = result['Value']
    result = self.opHelper.getOptionsDict( '/Services/Catalogs/%s' % catalogName )
    if result['OK']:
      catalogConfig.update( result['Value'] )

    # The 'Status' option should be defined (default = 'Active')
    if 'Status' not in catalogConfig:
      warnStr = "FileCatalog._getCatalogConfigDetails: 'Status' option not defined."
      self.log.warn( warnStr, catalogName )
      catalogConfig['Status'] = 'Active'
    # The 'AccessType' option must be defined
    if 'AccessType' not in catalogConfig:
      errStr = "FileCatalog._getCatalogConfigDetails: Required option 'AccessType' not defined."
      self.log.error( errStr, catalogName )
      return S_ERROR( errStr )
    # Anything other than 'True' in the 'Master' option means it is not
    catalogConfig['Master'] = ( catalogConfig.setdefault( 'Master', False ) == 'True' )
    return S_OK( catalogConfig )
Beispiel #37
def getDIRACPlatform( OS ):
  """ Get standard DIRAC platform(s) compatible with the argument.

      NB: The returned value is a list! ordered, in reverse, using distutils.version.LooseVersion
      In practice the "highest" version (which should be the most "desirable" one is returned first)
  result = gConfig.getOptionsDict( '/Resources/Computing/OSCompatibility' )
  if not ( result['OK'] and result['Value'] ):
    return S_ERROR( "OS compatibility info not found" )

  platformsDict = dict( [( k, v.replace( ' ', '' ).split( ',' ) ) for k, v in result['Value'].iteritems()] )
  for k, v in platformsDict.iteritems():
    if k not in v:
      v.append( k )

  # making an OS -> platforms dict
  os2PlatformDict = dict()
  for platform, osItems in platformsDict.iteritems():
    for osItem in osItems:
      if os2PlatformDict.get( osItem ):
        os2PlatformDict[osItem].append( platform )
        os2PlatformDict[osItem] = [platform]

  if OS not in os2PlatformDict:
    return S_ERROR( 'No compatible DIRAC platform found for %s' % OS )

  platforms = os2PlatformDict[OS]
  platforms.sort( key = LooseVersion, reverse = True )

  return S_OK( platforms )
Beispiel #38
def getCompatiblePlatforms( originalPlatforms ):
  """ Get a list of platforms compatible with the given list
  if type( originalPlatforms ) == type( ' ' ):
    platforms = [originalPlatforms]
    platforms = list( originalPlatforms )

  platforms = list( platform.replace( ' ', '' ) for platform in platforms )

  result = gConfig.getOptionsDict( '/Resources/Computing/OSCompatibility' )
  if not ( result['OK'] and result['Value'] ):
    return S_ERROR( "OS compatibility info not found" )

  platformsDict = dict( [( k, v.replace( ' ', '' ).split( ',' ) ) for k, v in result['Value'].iteritems()] )
  for k, v in platformsDict.iteritems():
    if k not in v:
      v.append( k )

  resultList = list( platforms )
  for p in platforms:
    tmpList = platformsDict.get( p, [] )
    for pp in platformsDict:
      if p in platformsDict[pp]:
        tmpList.append( pp )
        tmpList += platformsDict[pp]
    if tmpList:
      resultList += tmpList

  return S_OK( uniqueElements( resultList ) )
Beispiel #39
def getCompatiblePlatforms(originalPlatforms):
    """ Get a list of platforms compatible with the given list
    if isinstance(originalPlatforms, six.string_types):
        platforms = [originalPlatforms]
        platforms = list(originalPlatforms)

    platforms = list(platform.replace(' ', '') for platform in platforms)

    result = gConfig.getOptionsDict('/Resources/Computing/OSCompatibility')
    if not (result['OK'] and result['Value']):
        return S_ERROR("OS compatibility info not found")

    platformsDict = dict(
        (k, v.replace(' ', '').split(','))
        for k, v in result['Value'].items())  # can be an iterator
    for k, v in platformsDict.items():  # can be an iterator
        if k not in v:

    resultList = list(platforms)
    for p in platforms:
        tmpList = platformsDict.get(p, [])
        for pp in platformsDict:
            if p in platformsDict[pp]:
                tmpList += platformsDict[pp]
        if tmpList:
            resultList += tmpList

    return S_OK(uniqueElements(resultList))
Beispiel #40
    def _getCurrentConfig(self):
        """Return the current system configuration."""
        from DIRAC.ConfigurationSystem.Client.ConfigurationData import gConfigurationData

        fullCfg = CFG()
        setup = gConfig.getValue('/DIRAC/Setup', '')
        setupList = gConfig.getSections('/DIRAC/Setups', [])
        if not setupList['OK']:
            return S_ERROR('Could not get /DIRAC/Setups sections')
        setupList = setupList['Value']
        if setup not in setupList:
            return S_ERROR('Setup %s is not in allowed list: %s' %
                           (setup, ', '.join(setupList)))
        serviceSetups = gConfig.getOptionsDict('/DIRAC/Setups/%s' % setup)
        if not serviceSetups['OK']:
            return S_ERROR('Could not get /DIRAC/Setups/%s options' % setup)
        serviceSetups = serviceSetups['Value']  # dict
        for system, setup in serviceSetups.items():
            if and system not in
            systemCfg = gConfigurationData.remoteCFG.getAsCFG(
                "/Systems/%s/%s" % (system, setup))
            for section in systemCfg.listSections():
                if section not in ('Agents', 'Services', 'Executors'):

            fullCfg.createNewSection("/%s" % system, contents=systemCfg)

        return S_OK(fullCfg)
Beispiel #41
def getDIRACPlatforms():
  """ just returns list of platforms defined in the CS
  result = gConfig.getOptionsDict( '/Resources/Computing/OSCompatibility' )
  if not ( result['OK'] and result['Value'] ):
    return S_ERROR( "OS compatibility info not found" )
  return S_OK( result['Value'].keys() )
Beispiel #42
def getRegistryUsers():
    Gets all users from /Registry/Users

  _basePath = 'Registry/Users' 

  registryUsers = {}

  userNames = gConfig.getSections( _basePath )  
  if not userNames[ 'OK' ]:
    return userNames
  userNames = userNames[ 'Value' ]
  for userName in userNames:
    # returns { 'Email' : x, 'DN': y, 'CA' : z }
    userDetails = gConfig.getOptionsDict( '%s/%s' % ( _basePath, userName ) )
    if not userDetails[ 'OK' ]:   
      return userDetails
    registryUsers[ userName ] = userDetails[ 'Value' ]
  return S_OK( registryUsers )   

Beispiel #43
def getCompatiblePlatforms( originalPlatforms ):
  """ Get a list of platforms compatible with the given list
  if type( originalPlatforms ) == type( ' ' ):
    platforms = [originalPlatforms]
    platforms = list( originalPlatforms )

  platformDict = {}
  result = gConfig.getOptionsDict( '/Resources/Computing/OSCompatibility' )
  if result['OK'] and result['Value']:
    platformDict = result['Value']
    for platform in platformDict:
      platformDict[platform] = [ x.strip() for x in platformDict[platform].split( ',' ) ]
    return S_ERROR( 'OS compatibility info not found' )

  resultList = list( platforms )
  for p in platforms:
    tmpList = platformDict.get( p, [] )
    for pp in platformDict:
      if p in platformDict[pp]:
        tmpList.append( pp )
        tmpList += platformDict[pp]
    if tmpList:
      resultList += tmpList

  return S_OK( uniqueElements( resultList ) )
Beispiel #44
def _getBrokerParamsFromCS(mqService: str) -> dict:
    """Return the configuration of the broker for a given MQService
    The Sections ``Topics`` and ``Queues`` are returned as the "destinations" key.


    # Compatibility layer in case the full ``qualified`` name is given
    if "::" in mqService:
        if os.environ.get("DIRAC_DEPRECATED_FAIL", None):
            raise NotImplementedError(
                f"ERROR: deprecated do not give the full mqURI, just the service name: {mqService}"

            f"WARNING: deprecated do not give the full mqURI, just the service name: {mqService}"
        mqService = mqService.split("::")[0]

    brokerParams = returnValueOrRaise(
    # This is for compatibility reasons with the existing configuration definition
    # Although there are no reasons to separate queues and topics for stomp
    topics = [
        f"/topic/{dest}" for dest in gConfig.getSections(
            f"/Resources/MQServices/{mqService}/Topics").get("Value", [])
    queues = [
        f"/queue/{dest}" for dest in gConfig.getSections(
            f"/Resources/MQServices/{mqService}/Queues").get("Value", [])

    brokerParams["destinations"] = topics + queues

    return brokerParams
Beispiel #45
 def __generateDBs(self):
     self.__log.notice("Creating default AccountingDB...")
     self.__allDBs = {
         self.__defaultDB: AccountingDB(readOnly=self.__readOnly)
     types = self.__allDBs[self.__defaultDB].getRegisteredTypes()
     result = gConfig.getOptionsDict(self.__csPath)
     if not result['OK']:
         gLogger.verbose("No extra databases defined in %s" % self.__csPath)
     validTypes = TypeLoader().getTypes()
     opts = result['Value']
     for acType in opts:
         if acType not in validTypes:
             msg = "Oops... %s defined in %s is not a known accounting type" % (
                 acType, self.__csPath)
             raise RuntimeError(msg)
         dbName = opts[acType]
         gLogger.notice("%s type will be assigned to %s" % (acType, dbName))
         if dbName not in self.__allDBs:
             fields = dbName.split("/")
             if len(fields) == 1:
                 dbName = "Accounting/%s" % dbName
             gLogger.notice("Creating DB %s" % dbName)
             self.__allDBs[dbName] = AccountingDB(dbName,
         self.__dbByType[acType] = dbName
Beispiel #46
def getDIRACPlatform( OS ):
  """ Get standard DIRAC platform(s) compatible with the argument.

      NB: The returned value is a list! ordered, in reverse, using distutils.version.LooseVersion
      In practice the "highest" version (which should be the most "desirable" one is returned first)
  result = gConfig.getOptionsDict( '/Resources/Computing/OSCompatibility' )
  if not ( result['OK'] and result['Value'] ):
    return S_ERROR( "OS compatibility info not found" )

  platformsDict = dict( [( k, v.replace( ' ', '' ).split( ',' ) ) for k, v in result['Value'].iteritems()] )
  for k, v in platformsDict.iteritems():
    if k not in v:
      v.append( k )

  # making an OS -> platforms dict
  os2PlatformDict = dict()
  for platform, osItems in platformsDict.iteritems():
    for osItem in osItems:
      if os2PlatformDict.get( osItem ):
        os2PlatformDict[osItem].append( platform )
        os2PlatformDict[osItem] = [platform]

  if OS not in os2PlatformDict:
    return S_ERROR( 'No compatible DIRAC platform found for %s' % OS )

  platforms = os2PlatformDict[OS]
  platforms.sort( key = LooseVersion, reverse = True )

  return S_OK( platforms )
    def __init__(self,
                 lifetime=3600 * 12,
        """ C'r

        :param str group: requested group
        :param int lifetime: requested proxy lifetime
        :param bool voms: requested voms extension
        :param str aToken: access token or path
        :param str proxyPath: proxy path
        self.log = gLogger.getSubLogger(__name__)
        # Defaulf location for proxy is /tmp/x509up_uXXXX
        self.pPath = proxyPath or '/tmp/x509up_u%s' % os.getuid() = group
        self.lifetime = lifetime
        self.voms = voms
        # Default access token path for notebook: /var/run/secrets/
        self.accessToken = aToken or '/var/run/secrets/'
        # Load client metadata
        result = gConfig.getOptionsDict(
        if not result['OK']:
            raise Exception("Can't load client settings.")
        self.metadata = result['Value']
        # For this open client we don't verify ssl certs
Beispiel #48
  def __site_parameters(sites, wlcg):
    """Function that returns the sites parameters.

      :param list sites:
        List of sites or single site with same site name (e.g [''] or

      :param dict wlcg:
        It's a dictionary with the WLCG parameters from all sites grabbed from

      'WlcgName', 'Coordinates', 'Description', 'Mail', 'DiracName', 'Tier', 'Sub-Tier',
      'SE', 'Country':, 'Federation', 'FederationAccountingName', 'Infrastructure',
      'Institute Name', 'Grid'

      If the site is not listed in WLCG or have no MoU Tier Level the function will return False

    grid_dict = {}
    grid, real_site_name, country = sites[0].split(".")
    site_opts = gConfig.getOptionsDict(
        'Resources/Sites/%s/%s' % (grid, sites[0]))
    site_opts = site_opts.get('Value')
    site_name = site_opts.get('Name')
    site_tier = site_opts.get('MoUTierLevel', 'None')
    if site_tier != 'None':
      wlcg_params = [s for s in wlcg if site_name in s.get('Site')]
      wlcg_params = wlcg_params[0] if wlcg_params else {}
      if not wlcg_params:
        return False
      if len(sites) > 1:
        for i in sites:
          grid = i.split(".")[0]
          CE = gConfig.getSections('Resources/Sites/%s/%s/CEs' % (grid, i))
          CE = CE['Value'] if CE['OK'] else None
          grid_dict.update({grid: {'SiteName': i, 'CEs': CE}})
        CE = gConfig.getSections(
            'Resources/Sites/%s/%s/CEs' % (grid, sites[0]))
        CE = CE['Value'] if CE['OK'] else None
        grid_dict.update({grid: {'SiteName': sites[0], 'CEs': CE}})

      site_subtier = site_opts.get('SubTier', None)
      ses = site_opts.get('SE', None)

      site_params = {'WlcgName': site_opts.get('Name'), 'Coordinates': site_opts.get('Coordinates'),
                     'Description': site_opts.get('Description'), 'Mail': site_opts.get('Mail'),
                     'DiracName': ('LCG.' + real_site_name + "." + country),
                     'Tier': site_tier, 'Sub-Tier': site_subtier, 'SE': ses,
                     'Country': wlcg_params.get('Country'), 'Federation': wlcg_params.get('Federation'),
                     'FederationAccountingName': wlcg_params.get('FederationAccountingName'),
                     'Infrastructure': wlcg_params.get('Infrastructure'),
                     'Institute Name': wlcg_params.get('Institute Name'), 'Grid': grid_dict

      return site_params
      return False
Beispiel #49
def getMQParamsFromCS( mqURI ):
  """ Function gets parameters of a MQ destination (queue/topic) from the CS.
    mqURI(str):Pseudo URI identifing the MQ service. It has the following format:
    mType(str): 'consumer' or 'producer'
  # API initialization is required to get an up-to-date configuration from the CS
  csAPI = CSAPI()

  try :
    mqService, mqType, mqName = mqURI.split( "::" )
  except ValueError:
    return S_ERROR( 'Bad format of mqURI address:%s' % ( mqURI ) )

  result = gConfig.getConfigurationTree( '/Resources/MQServices', mqService, mqType, mqName )
  if not result['OK'] or len( result['Value'] ) == 0:
    return S_ERROR( 'Requested destination not found in the CS: %s::%s::%s' % ( mqService, mqType, mqName ) )
  mqDestinationPath = None
  for path, value in result['Value'].iteritems():
    if not value and path.endswith( mqName ):
      mqDestinationPath = path

  # set-up internal parameter depending on the destination type
  tmp = mqDestinationPath.split( 'Queue' )[0].split( 'Topic' )
  servicePath = tmp[0]
  serviceDict = {}
  if len( tmp ) > 1:
    serviceDict['Topic'] = mqName
    serviceDict['Queue'] = mqName

  result = gConfig.getOptionsDict( servicePath )
  if not result['OK']:
    return result
  serviceDict.update( result['Value'] )

  result = gConfig.getOptionsDict( mqDestinationPath )
  if not result['OK']:
    return result
  serviceDict.update( result['Value'] )
  return S_OK( serviceDict )
Beispiel #50
def get_se_sites():
    # Read the data from CSV file and returns dictionary
    coordinates_data = {}
        csv_file = open('sites.tmp', "r")
    except IOError:
        sys.exit("There are no coordinates info for SE. Get first the computing sites with get_ce_sites()")
    lines ="\n")
    for row in lines:
        if row != "":
            site = row.split(',')
            if site[1].replace('.','',1).replace('-','',1).isdigit() and \
                coordinates_data[site[0]] = [float(site[1]),float(site[2])]      
    se_sites = {}
    manager = Manager()
    se_result = manager.listSEs()['Value']
    se_health = service.getHealthyProductionSEs()
    #se_health = service.getAllStorageElementStatus()
    if not se_health['OK']: 
        print "[WARNING]: No health info for SE sites"
    for se in sorted(se_result['Active']):
        se_site = {}
        result = gConfig.getOptionsDict('/Resources/StorageElements/' + se)
        result2 = gConfig.getOptionsDict('/Resources/StorageElements/' + se \
                                        + '/AccessProtocol.1')
        if result['OK'] and result2['OK']:
            result = result['Value']
            result2 = result2['Value']
            se_site = result2
            se_site['Read'] = result['ReadAccess']
            se_site['Write'] = result['WriteAccess']

            if se.split('-')[0] in coordinates_data:
                se_site['Coordinates'] = coordinates_data[se.split('-')[0]]
                print "[WARNING]: No location info for " + se
            se_sites[se] = se_site

            if se_health['OK'] and se in se_health['Value']:
                se_site['Health'] = se_health['Value'][se][0]

    return se_sites
Beispiel #51
  def getServicePorts( self, setup = '', printOutput = False ):
    """Checks the service ports for the specified setup.  If not given this is
       taken from the current installation (/DIRAC/Setup)

       Example usage:

         >>> print diracAdmin.getServicePorts()
         {'OK': True, 'Value':''}

       @return: S_OK,S_ERROR

    if not setup:
      setup = gConfig.getValue( '/DIRAC/Setup', '' )

    setupList = gConfig.getSections( '/DIRAC/Setups', [] )
    if not setupList['OK']:
      return S_ERROR( 'Could not get /DIRAC/Setups sections' )
    setupList = setupList['Value']
    if not setup in setupList:
      return S_ERROR( 'Setup %s is not in allowed list: %s' % ( setup, ', '.join( setupList ) ) )

    serviceSetups = gConfig.getOptionsDict( '/DIRAC/Setups/%s' % setup )
    if not serviceSetups['OK']:
      return S_ERROR( 'Could not get /DIRAC/Setups/%s options' % setup )
    serviceSetups = serviceSetups['Value'] #dict
    systemList = gConfig.getSections( '/Systems' )
    if not systemList['OK']:
      return S_ERROR( 'Could not get Systems sections' )
    systemList = systemList['Value']
    result = {}
    for system in systemList:
      if serviceSetups.has_key( system ):
        path = '/Systems/%s/%s/Services' % ( system, serviceSetups[system] )
        servicesList = gConfig.getSections( path )
        if not servicesList['OK']:
          self.log.warn( 'Could not get sections in %s' % path )
          servicesList = servicesList['Value']
          if not servicesList:
            servicesList = []
          self.log.verbose( 'System: %s ServicesList: %s' % ( system, ', '.join( servicesList ) ) )
          for service in servicesList:
            spath = '%s/%s/Port' % ( path, service )
            servicePort = gConfig.getValue( spath, 0 )
            if servicePort:
              self.log.verbose( 'Found port for %s/%s = %s' % ( system, service, servicePort ) )
              result['%s/%s' % ( system, service )] = servicePort
              self.log.warn( 'No port found for %s' % spath )
        self.log.warn( '%s is not defined in /DIRAC/Setups/%s' % ( system, setup ) )

    if printOutput:
      print self.pPrint.pformat( result )

    return S_OK( result )
Beispiel #52
  def getServicePorts( self, setup = '', printOutput = False ):
    """Checks the service ports for the specified setup.  If not given this is
       taken from the current installation (/DIRAC/Setup)

       Example usage:

       >>> print diracAdmin.getServicePorts()
       {'OK': True, 'Value':''}

       @return: S_OK,S_ERROR

    if not setup:
      setup = gConfig.getValue( '/DIRAC/Setup', '' )

    setupList = gConfig.getSections( '/DIRAC/Setups', [] )
    if not setupList['OK']:
      return S_ERROR( 'Could not get /DIRAC/Setups sections' )
    setupList = setupList['Value']
    if not setup in setupList:
      return S_ERROR( 'Setup %s is not in allowed list: %s' % ( setup, ', '.join( setupList ) ) )

    serviceSetups = gConfig.getOptionsDict( '/DIRAC/Setups/%s' % setup )
    if not serviceSetups['OK']:
      return S_ERROR( 'Could not get /DIRAC/Setups/%s options' % setup )
    serviceSetups = serviceSetups['Value'] #dict
    systemList = gConfig.getSections( '/Systems' )
    if not systemList['OK']:
      return S_ERROR( 'Could not get Systems sections' )
    systemList = systemList['Value']
    result = {}
    for system in systemList:
      if serviceSetups.has_key( system ):
        path = '/Systems/%s/%s/Services' % ( system, serviceSetups[system] )
        servicesList = gConfig.getSections( path )
        if not servicesList['OK']:
          self.log.warn( 'Could not get sections in %s' % path )
          servicesList = servicesList['Value']
          if not servicesList:
            servicesList = []
          self.log.verbose( 'System: %s ServicesList: %s' % ( system, ', '.join( servicesList ) ) )
          for service in servicesList:
            spath = '%s/%s/Port' % ( path, service )
            servicePort = gConfig.getValue( spath, 0 )
            if servicePort:
              self.log.verbose( 'Found port for %s/%s = %s' % ( system, service, servicePort ) )
              result['%s/%s' % ( system, service )] = servicePort
              self.log.warn( 'No port found for %s' % spath )
        self.log.warn( '%s is not defined in /DIRAC/Setups/%s' % ( system, setup ) )

    if printOutput:
      print self.pPrint.pformat( result )

    return S_OK( result )
Beispiel #53
    def getServicePorts(self, setup="", printOutput=False):
        """Checks the service ports for the specified setup.  If not given this is
       taken from the current installation (/DIRAC/Setup)

       Example usage:

         >>> print diracAdmin.getServicePorts()
         {'OK': True, 'Value':''}

       :return: S_OK,S_ERROR

        if not setup:
            setup = gConfig.getValue("/DIRAC/Setup", "")

        setupList = gConfig.getSections("/DIRAC/Setups", [])
        if not setupList["OK"]:
            return S_ERROR("Could not get /DIRAC/Setups sections")
        setupList = setupList["Value"]
        if not setup in setupList:
            return S_ERROR("Setup %s is not in allowed list: %s" % (setup, ", ".join(setupList)))

        serviceSetups = gConfig.getOptionsDict("/DIRAC/Setups/%s" % setup)
        if not serviceSetups["OK"]:
            return S_ERROR("Could not get /DIRAC/Setups/%s options" % setup)
        serviceSetups = serviceSetups["Value"]  # dict
        systemList = gConfig.getSections("/Systems")
        if not systemList["OK"]:
            return S_ERROR("Could not get Systems sections")
        systemList = systemList["Value"]
        result = {}
        for system in systemList:
            if serviceSetups.has_key(system):
                path = "/Systems/%s/%s/Services" % (system, serviceSetups[system])
                servicesList = gConfig.getSections(path)
                if not servicesList["OK"]:
                    self.log.warn("Could not get sections in %s" % path)
                    servicesList = servicesList["Value"]
                    if not servicesList:
                        servicesList = []
                    self.log.verbose("System: %s ServicesList: %s" % (system, ", ".join(servicesList)))
                    for service in servicesList:
                        spath = "%s/%s/Port" % (path, service)
                        servicePort = gConfig.getValue(spath, 0)
                        if servicePort:
                            self.log.verbose("Found port for %s/%s = %s" % (system, service, servicePort))
                            result["%s/%s" % (system, service)] = servicePort
                            self.log.warn("No port found for %s" % spath)
                self.log.warn("%s is not defined in /DIRAC/Setups/%s" % (system, setup))

        if printOutput:
            print self.pPrint.pformat(result)

        return S_OK(result)
Beispiel #54
 def getOptionsDict(self, path):
   """ Mock the getOptionsDict call of gConfig
     It reads from dict_cs
   if 'StorageElements' not in path:
     return gConfig.getOptionsDict(path)
   csSection = self.crawlCS(path)
   options = dict((opt, val) for opt, val in csSection.iteritems() if not isinstance(val, dict))
   return S_OK(options)
Beispiel #55
    def getExtraConditions(self, site):
        """ Get extra conditions allowing site throttling
        # Find Site job limits
        grid, siteName, country = site.split(".")
        siteSection = "/Resources/Sites/%s/%s" % (grid, site)
        result = gConfig.getSections(siteSection)
        if not result["OK"]:
            return result
        if not "JobLimits" in result["Value"]:
            return S_OK({})
        result = gConfig.getSections("%s/JobLimits" % siteSection)
        if not result["OK"]:
            return result
        sections = result["Value"]
        limitDict = {}
        resultDict = {}
        if sections:
            for section in sections:
                result = gConfig.getOptionsDict("%s/JobLimits/%s" % (siteSection, section))
                if not result["OK"]:
                    return result
                optionDict = result["Value"]
                if optionDict:
                    limitDict[section] = []
                    for k, v in optionDict.items():
                        limitDict[section].append((k, int(v)))
        if not limitDict:
            return S_OK({})
        # Check if the site exceeding the given limits
        fields = limitDict.keys()
        for field in fields:
            for key, value in limitDict[field]:
                if int(value) > 0:
                    result = jobDB.getCounters("Jobs", ["Status"], {"Site": site, field: key})
                    if not result["OK"]:
                        return result
                    count = 0
                    if result["Value"]:
                        for countDict, number in result["Value"]:
                            if countDict["Status"] in ["Running", "Matched"]:
                                count += number
                    if count > value:
                        if not resultDict.has_key(field):
                            resultDict[field] = []
                            "Job Limit imposed at %s on %s/%s/%d, %d jobs already deployed"
                            % (site, field, key, value, count)
                    if not resultDict.has_key(field):
                        resultDict[field] = []
                    gLogger.verbose("Jobs prohibited at %s for %s/%s" % (site, field, key))

        return S_OK(resultDict)
Beispiel #56
    def _getConfigStorageProtocolDetails(self, storageName, protocol):
      Parse the contents of the protocol block
        # First obtain the options that are available
        protocolConfigPath = '%s/%s/%s' % (self.rootConfigPath, storageName,
        res = gConfig.getOptions(protocolConfigPath)
        if not res['OK']:
            errStr = "StorageFactory.__getProtocolDetails: Failed to get protocol options."
            gLogger.error(errStr, "%s: %s" % (storageName, protocol))
            return S_ERROR(errStr)
        options = res['Value']

        # We must have certain values internally even if not supplied in CS
        protocolDict = {
            'Access': '',
            'Host': '',
            'Path': '',
            'Port': '',
            'Protocol': '',
            'ProtocolName': '',
            'SpaceToken': '',
            'WSUrl': ''
        for option in options:
            configPath = '%s/%s' % (protocolConfigPath, option)
            optionValue = gConfig.getValue(configPath, '')
            protocolDict[option] = optionValue

        # Evaluate the base path taking into account possible VO specific setting
        if self.vo:
            result = gConfig.getOptionsDict(
                cfgPath(protocolConfigPath, 'VOPath'))
            voPath = ''
            if result['OK']:
                voPath = result['Value'].get(self.vo, '')
            if voPath:
                protocolDict['Path'] = voPath

        # Now update the local and remote protocol lists.
        # A warning will be given if the Access option is not set.
        if protocolDict['Access'] == 'remote':
        elif protocolDict['Access'] == 'local':
            errStr = "StorageFactory.__getProtocolDetails: The 'Access' option for %s:%s is neither 'local' or 'remote'." % (
                storageName, protocol)

        # The ProtocolName option must be defined
        if not protocolDict['ProtocolName']:
            errStr = "StorageFactory.__getProtocolDetails: 'ProtocolName' option is not defined."
            gLogger.error(errStr, "%s: %s" % (storageName, protocol))
            return S_ERROR(errStr)
        return S_OK(protocolDict)
Beispiel #57
  def _getDefaultComponentStatus(self):
    """Get the configured status of the components."""
    host = socket.gethostname()
    defaultStatus = {'Down': set(), 'Run': set(), 'All': set()}
    resRunning = gConfig.getOptionsDict(os.path.join('/Registry/Hosts/', host, 'Running'))
    resStopped = gConfig.getOptionsDict(os.path.join('/Registry/Hosts/', host, 'Stopped'))
    if not resRunning['OK']:
      return resRunning
    if not resStopped['OK']:
      return resStopped
    defaultStatus['Run'] = set(resRunning['Value'].keys())
    defaultStatus['Down'] = set(resStopped['Value'].keys())
    defaultStatus['All'] = defaultStatus['Run'] | defaultStatus['Down']

    if defaultStatus['Run'].intersection(defaultStatus['Down']):
      self.logError("Overlap in configuration", str(defaultStatus['Run'].intersection(defaultStatus['Down'])))
      return S_ERROR("Bad host configuration")

    return S_OK(defaultStatus)
Beispiel #58
def __getExtraOptions(currentSectionPath):
  from DIRAC import gConfig
  optionsDict = {}
  if not currentSectionPath:
    return optionsDict
  result = gConfig.getOptionsDict(currentSectionPath)
  if not result['OK']:
    return optionsDict
  print result
  return result['Value']
Beispiel #59
  def __getCSStorageElementStatus( self, elementName, statusType, default ):
    Gets from the CS the StorageElements status
    cs_path     = "/Resources/StorageElements"
    if not isinstance( elementName, list ):
      elementName = [ elementName ]

    statuses = self.rssConfig.getConfigStatusType( 'StorageElement' )
    #statuses = self.__opHelper.getOptionsDict( 'RSSConfiguration/GeneralConfig/Resources/StorageElement' )
    #statuses = gConfig.getOptionsDict( '/Operations/RSSConfiguration/GeneralConfig/Resources/StorageElement' )
    result = {}
    for element in elementName:
      if statusType is not None:
        # Added Active by default
        #res = gConfig.getOption( "%s/%s/%s" % ( cs_path, element, statusType ), 'Allowed' )
        res = gConfig.getOption( "%s/%s/%s" % ( cs_path, element, statusType ), 'Active' )
        if res[ 'OK' ] and res[ 'Value' ]:
          result[ element ] = { statusType : res[ 'Value' ] }
        res = gConfig.getOptionsDict( "%s/%s" % ( cs_path, element ) )
        if res[ 'OK' ] and res[ 'Value' ]:
          elementStatuses = {}
          for elementStatusType, value in res[ 'Value' ].items():
            #k = k.replace( 'Access', '' )
            if elementStatusType in statuses:
              elementStatuses[ elementStatusType ] = value
          # If there is no status defined in the CS, we add by default Read and 
          # Write as Active.
          if elementStatuses == {}:
            #elementStatuses = { 'ReadAccess' : 'Allowed', 'WriteAccess' : 'Allowed' }
            elementStatuses = { 'ReadAccess' : 'Active', 'WriteAccess' : 'Active' }
          result[ element ] = elementStatuses             
    if result:
      return S_OK( result )
    if default is not None:
      # sec check
      if statusType is None:
        statusType = 'none'
      defList = [ [ el, statusType, default ] for el in elementName ]
      return S_OK( getDictFromList( defList ) )

    _msg = "StorageElement '%s', with statusType '%s' is unknown for CS."
    return S_ERROR( _msg % ( elementName, statusType ) )
  def getExtraConditions( self, site ):
    """ Get extra conditions allowing site throttling
    # Find Site job limits
    grid = site.split( '.' )[0]
    siteSection = '/Resources/Sites/%s/%s' % ( grid, site )
    result = gConfig.getSections( siteSection )
    if not result['OK']:
      return result
    if not 'JobLimits' in result['Value']:
      return S_OK( {} )
    result = gConfig.getSections( '%s/JobLimits' % siteSection )
    if not result['OK']:
      return result
    sections = result['Value']
    limitDict = {}
    resultDict = {}
    if sections:
      for section in sections:
        result = gConfig.getOptionsDict( '%s/JobLimits/%s' % ( siteSection, section ) )
        if not result['OK']:
          return result
        optionDict = result['Value']
        if optionDict:
          limitDict[section] = []
          for key, value in optionDict.items():
            limitDict[section].append( ( key, int( value ) ) )
    if not limitDict:
      return S_OK( {} )
    # Check if the site exceeding the given limits
    fields = limitDict.keys()
    for field in fields:
      for key, value in limitDict[field]:
        if int( value ) > 0:
          result = gJobDB.getCounters( 'Jobs', ['Status'], {'Site':site, field:key} )
          if not result['OK']:
            return result
          count = 0
          if result['Value']:
            for countDict, number in result['Value']:
              if countDict['Status'] in ["Running", "Matched"]:
                count += number
          if count > value:
            if not resultDict.has_key( field ):
              resultDict[field] = []
            resultDict[field].append( key )
            gLogger.verbose( 'Job Limit imposed at %s on %s/%s/%d,'
                             ' %d jobs already deployed' % ( site, field, key, value, count ) )
          if not resultDict.has_key( field ):
            resultDict[field] = []
          resultDict[field].append( key )
          gLogger.verbose( 'Jobs prohibited at %s for %s/%s' % ( site, field, key ) )

    return S_OK( resultDict )