Beispiel #1
 def fill_cell(self, column, row):
     """Fill a cell using the Needleman-Wunsch algorithm.
     In this algorithm we calculate the value of each cell i,j as the 
     maximum of:
         1. F(i-1, j-1) + s(xi, yj) : The value of cell i-1, j-1 plus
         the substitution matrix value of the two items (Amino Acids or
         Nucleotides) held in the cell.
         2. F(i, j-1) - d : The value of cell i, j-1 minus the gap penalty.
         3. F(i-1, j) - d : The value of cell i-1, j minus the gap penalty.
         A DPMatrixCell object that has it's information filled in.
     # test to be sure we aren't falling off the matrix.
     assert (column >= 0)
     assert (row >= 0)
     # most special case, if we are at (0,0) in the matrix, this
     # is a zero and has no parent
     if (column == 0) and (row == 0):
         corner_cell = DPMatrixCell(column, row, "", "")
         return corner_cell
     # flags so we know which scores to calculate
     # default is to calculate them all.
     calculate1 = 1
     calculate2 = 1
     calculate3 = 1  
     # two other special cases, when we are the top row or in the
     # right-most column, then we only need to calculate a
     # single score.
     # Top Row -> only calculate score 3, and this will be our score
     if (row == 0) and (column != 0):
         calculate1 = 0
         calculate2 = 0
     # right-most column -> only calculate score 2 and that is
     # our score
     elif (column == 0) and (row != 0):
         calculate1 = 0
         calculate3 = 0
     # Now calculate the three scores
     # Score 1
     score1 = None
     while score1 is None and calculate1 == 1:
             score1 = self.dpmatrix[(column - 1, row - 1)].get_value() + \
               self.sub_matrix.get_sub_value(self.seq1[column - 1], 
                 self.seq2[row - 1])
         # if we get either a key or index error the previous
         # cell item is not filled and needs to be filled
         except KeyError, IndexError:
             diag_cell = self.fill_cell(column - 1, row - 1)
             self.dpmatrix[(column - 1, row - 1)] = diag_cell
Beispiel #2
 # determine which score is highest of the three
 # first calculate the max of all the scores which are not none.
 max_list = []
 for n in [score1, score2, score3]:
     if n:
 max_score = max(max_list)
 # now set the appropriate value and previous item depending on 
 # which score is largest, and return the created cell
 if max_score == score1:
     new_cell = DPMatrixCell(column, row, self.seq1[column - 1], 
       self.seq2[row - 1])
     new_cell.set_parent(self.dpmatrix[(column - 1, row - 1)])
     return new_cell
 elif max_score == score2:
     # two cases to create the new cell. 
     # 1. special case (right column)
     if score1 is None and score3 is None:
         new_cell = DPMatrixCell(column, row, "", self.seq2[row - 1])
     # 2. normal case (elsewhere in the matrix)
         new_cell = DPMatrixCell(column, row, self.seq1[column - 1], 
           self.seq2[row - 1])
     new_cell.set_parent(self.dpmatrix[(column, row - 1)])