def train(totpath, fotpath, workPath, tSampleNamePart, tModelNamePart): X, Y, s2n = getData2(totpath, fotpath, workPath, tSampleNamePart) print(X.shape) print(Y.shape) print(s2n.shape) N_data = X.shape[0] N_train = int(N_data * 0.9) print("train: %d, test: %d" % (N_train, N_data - N_train)) X_train, Y_train, s2n_train = X[:N_train], Y[:N_train], s2n[:N_train] X_test, Y_test, s2n_test = X[N_train:], Y[N_train:], s2n[N_train:] model = createModel() #optimizer = keras.optimizers.SGD(lr=0.0001, decay=1e-6, momentum=0.9, nesterov=True) optimizer = keras.optimizers.Adam(lr=0.00001, beta_1=0.9, beta_2=0.999, decay=0.0) model.compile(loss='mean_squared_error', optimizer=optimizer), Y_train, batch_size=128, epochs=100, validation_split=0.2) modelName = "model_RealFOT_%s.h5" % (tModelNamePart)"%s/%s" % (workPath, modelName))
def test3(totpath, fotpath, workPath, tSampleNamePart, tModelNamePart1, tModelNamePart2): X, Y, s2n = getData2(totpath, fotpath, workPath, tSampleNamePart) print(X.shape) print(Y.shape) print(s2n.shape) N_data = X.shape[0] N_train = int(N_data * 0.9) print("train: %d, test: %d" % (N_train, N_data - N_train)) X_test, Y_test, s2n_test = X[N_train:], Y[N_train:], s2n[N_train:] from keras.models import load_model modelName1 = "model_RealFOT_%s.h5" % (tModelNamePart1) model = load_model("%s/%s" % (workPath, modelName1)) Y_pred = model.predict(X_test) pbb_threshold = 0.5 pred_labels = np.array((Y_pred[:, 1] > pbb_threshold), dtype="int") print("Correctly classified %d out of %d" % ((pred_labels == Y_test[:, 1].astype(int)).sum(), Y_test.shape[0])) print("accuracy = %f" % (1. * (pred_labels == Y_test[:, 1].astype(int)).sum() / Y_test.shape[0])) TIdx = Y_test[:, 1] == 1 FIdx = Y_test[:, 1] == 0 T_pred_rst = pred_labels[TIdx] F_pred_rst = pred_labels[FIdx] print(T_pred_rst.shape) print(F_pred_rst.shape) TP = ((T_pred_rst == 1).astype(int)).sum() TN = ((F_pred_rst == 0).astype(int)).sum() FP = ((F_pred_rst == 1).astype(int)).sum() FN = ((T_pred_rst == 0).astype(int)).sum() print("total=%d,TP=%d,TN=%d,FP=%d,FN=%d" % (Y_test.shape[0], TP, TN, FP, FN)) accuracy = (TP + TN) * 1.0 / (TP + FN + TN + FP) precision = (TP) * 1.0 / (TP + FP) recall = (TP) * 1.0 / (TP + FN) f1_score = 2.0 * (precision * recall) / (precision + recall) print("accuracy=%f%%" % (accuracy * 100)) print("precision=%f%%" % (precision * 100)) print("recall=%f%%" % (recall * 100)) print("f1_score=%f%%" % (f1_score * 100)) modelName1 = "model_RealFOT_%s.h5" % (tModelNamePart2) model = load_model("%s/%s" % (workPath, modelName1)) Y_pred = model.predict(X_test) pbb_threshold = 0.5 pred_labels = np.array((Y_pred[:, 1] > pbb_threshold), dtype="int") print("Correctly classified %d out of %d" % ((pred_labels == Y_test[:, 1].astype(int)).sum(), Y_test.shape[0])) print("accuracy = %f" % (1. * (pred_labels == Y_test[:, 1].astype(int)).sum() / Y_test.shape[0])) TIdx = Y_test[:, 1] == 1 FIdx = Y_test[:, 1] == 0 T_pred_rst = pred_labels[TIdx] F_pred_rst = pred_labels[FIdx] print(T_pred_rst.shape) print(F_pred_rst.shape) TP = ((T_pred_rst == 1).astype(int)).sum() TN = ((F_pred_rst == 0).astype(int)).sum() FP = ((F_pred_rst == 1).astype(int)).sum() FN = ((T_pred_rst == 0).astype(int)).sum() print("total=%d,TP=%d,TN=%d,FP=%d,FN=%d" % (Y_test.shape[0], TP, TN, FP, FN)) accuracy = (TP + TN) * 1.0 / (TP + FN + TN + FP) precision = (TP) * 1.0 / (TP + FP) recall = (TP) * 1.0 / (TP + FN) f1_score = 2.0 * (precision * recall) / (precision + recall) print("accuracy=%f%%" % (accuracy * 100)) print("precision=%f%%" % (precision * 100)) print("recall=%f%%" % (recall * 100)) print("f1_score=%f%%" % (f1_score * 100))
def test(totpath, fotpath, workPath, tSampleNamePart, tModelNamePart): X, Y, s2n = getData2(totpath, fotpath, workPath, tSampleNamePart) print(X.shape) print(Y.shape) print(s2n.shape) N_data = X.shape[0] N_train = int(N_data * 0.9) print("train: %d, test: %d" % (N_train, N_data - N_train)) X_train, Y_train, s2n_train = X[:N_train], Y[:N_train], s2n[:N_train] X_test, Y_test, s2n_test = X[N_train:], Y[N_train:], s2n[N_train:] from keras.models import load_model modelName = "model_RealFOT_%s.h5" % (tModelNamePart) model = load_model("%s/%s" % (workPath, modelName)) Y_pred = model.predict(X_test) pbb_threshold = 0.5 pred_labels = np.array((Y_pred[:, 1] > pbb_threshold), dtype="int") print("Correctly classified %d out of %d" % ((pred_labels == Y_test[:, 1].astype(int)).sum(), Y_test.shape[0])) print("accuracy = %f" % (1. * (pred_labels == Y_test[:, 1].astype(int)).sum() / Y_test.shape[0])) TIdx = Y_test[:, 1] == 1 FIdx = Y_test[:, 1] == 0 T_pred_rst = pred_labels[TIdx] F_pred_rst = pred_labels[FIdx] print(T_pred_rst.shape) print(F_pred_rst.shape) TP = ((T_pred_rst == 1).astype(int)).sum() TN = ((F_pred_rst == 0).astype(int)).sum() FP = ((F_pred_rst == 1).astype(int)).sum() FN = ((T_pred_rst == 0).astype(int)).sum() print("total=%d,TP=%d,TN=%d,FP=%d,FN=%d" % (Y_test.shape[0], TP, TN, FP, FN)) accuracy = (TP + TN) * 1.0 / (TP + FN + TN + FP) precision = (TP) * 1.0 / (TP + FP) recall = (TP) * 1.0 / (TP + FN) f1_score = 2.0 * (precision * recall) / (precision + recall) print("accuracy=%f%%" % (accuracy * 100)) print("precision=%f%%" % (precision * 100)) print("recall=%f%%" % (recall * 100)) print("f1_score=%f%%" % (f1_score * 100)) falseImg = X_test[pred_labels != Y_test[:, 1]] falseLabel = Y_test[pred_labels != Y_test[:, 1]] falsePred = Y_pred[pred_labels != Y_test[:, 1]] falseS2n = s2n_test[pred_labels != Y_test[:, 1]] tnum1 = 0 tnum2 = 0 for i in range(falseImg.shape[0]): if falseLabel[i, 1] == 1: tnum1 = tnum1 + 1 else: tnum2 = tnum2 + 1 print("total %d, miss classified %d" % (Y_test.shape[0], falseImg.shape[0])) print("True classified as False %d" % (tnum1)) print("False classified as True %d" % (tnum2)) print("\n\n***********************") print("image of True classified as False") for i in range(falseImg.shape[0]): if falseLabel[i, 1] == 1: objWidz = zscale_image(falseImg[i][0]) tmpWidz = zscale_image(falseImg[i][1]) resiWidz = zscale_image(falseImg[i][2]) if objWidz.shape[0] == 0: objWidz = falseImg[i][0] if tmpWidz.shape[0] == 0: tmpWidz = falseImg[i][1] if resiWidz.shape[0] == 0: resiWidz = falseImg[i][2] plt.clf() fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(6, 2)) axes.flat[0].imshow(objWidz, interpolation="nearest", cmap='gray') axes.flat[1].imshow(tmpWidz, interpolation="nearest", cmap='gray') axes.flat[2].imshow(resiWidz, interpolation="nearest", cmap='gray') axes.flat[2].set_title("predicted pbb = " + str(np.round(falsePred[i][1], 2)) + ", label = " + str(falseLabel[i, 1]) + ", s2n = " + str(falseS2n[i])) print("\n\n***********************") print("image of False classified as True") for i in range(falseImg.shape[0]): if falseLabel[i, 1] == 0: objWidz = zscale_image(falseImg[i][0]) tmpWidz = zscale_image(falseImg[i][1]) resiWidz = zscale_image(falseImg[i][2]) if objWidz.shape[0] == 0: objWidz = falseImg[i][0] if tmpWidz.shape[0] == 0: tmpWidz = falseImg[i][1] if resiWidz.shape[0] == 0: resiWidz = falseImg[i][2] plt.clf() fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(6, 2)) axes.flat[0].imshow(objWidz, interpolation="nearest", cmap='gray') axes.flat[1].imshow(tmpWidz, interpolation="nearest", cmap='gray') axes.flat[2].imshow(resiWidz, interpolation="nearest", cmap='gray') axes.flat[2].set_title("predicted pbb = " + str(np.round(falsePred[i][1], 2)) + ", label = " + str(falseLabel[i, 1]) + ", s2n = " + str(falseS2n[i])) trueImg = X_test[pred_labels == Y_test[:, 1]] trueLabel = Y_test[pred_labels == Y_test[:, 1]] truePred = Y_pred[pred_labels == Y_test[:, 1]] trueS2n = s2n_test[pred_labels == Y_test[:, 1]] showNum = 50 tnum = 0 print("\n\n***********************") print("image of True classified as True") for i in range(trueImg.shape[0]): if trueLabel[i, 1] == 1: objWidz = zscale_image(trueImg[i][0]) tmpWidz = zscale_image(trueImg[i][1]) resiWidz = zscale_image(trueImg[i][2]) if objWidz.shape[0] == 0: objWidz = falseImg[i][0] if tmpWidz.shape[0] == 0: tmpWidz = falseImg[i][1] if resiWidz.shape[0] == 0: resiWidz = falseImg[i][2] plt.clf() fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(6, 2)) axes.flat[0].imshow(objWidz, interpolation="nearest", cmap='gray') axes.flat[1].imshow(tmpWidz, interpolation="nearest", cmap='gray') axes.flat[2].imshow(resiWidz, interpolation="nearest", cmap='gray') axes.flat[2].set_title("predicted pbb = " + str(np.round(truePred[i][1], 2)) + ", label = " + str(trueLabel[i, 1]) + ", s2n = " + str(trueS2n[i])) tnum = tnum + 1 if tnum > showNum: break tnum = 0 print("\n\n***********************") print("image of False classified as False") for i in range(trueImg.shape[0]): if trueLabel[i, 1] == 0: objWidz = zscale_image(trueImg[i][0]) tmpWidz = zscale_image(trueImg[i][1]) resiWidz = zscale_image(trueImg[i][2]) if objWidz.shape[0] == 0: objWidz = falseImg[i][0] if tmpWidz.shape[0] == 0: tmpWidz = falseImg[i][1] if resiWidz.shape[0] == 0: resiWidz = falseImg[i][2] plt.clf() fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(6, 2)) axes.flat[0].imshow(objWidz, interpolation="nearest", cmap='gray') axes.flat[1].imshow(tmpWidz, interpolation="nearest", cmap='gray') axes.flat[2].imshow(resiWidz, interpolation="nearest", cmap='gray') axes.flat[2].set_title("predicted pbb = " + str(np.round(truePred[i][1], 2)) + ", label = " + str(trueLabel[i, 1]) + ", s2n = " + str(trueS2n[i])) tnum = tnum + 1 if tnum > showNum: break
def doAll(): fotpath = "/home/xy/Downloads/myresource/deep_data2/simot/multi_scale_20190120/all" totpath = "/home/xy/Downloads/myresource/deep_data2/simot/rest_data_20190120" realDataPath = "/home/xy/Downloads/myresource/deep_data2/simot/multi_scale_20190120/20190116tot" #dateStr = datetime.strftime(, "%Y%m%d") dateStr = '20190122' workPath = "/home/xy/Downloads/myresource/deep_data2/simot/train_%s" % ( dateStr) if not os.path.exists(workPath): os.system("mkdir %s" % (workPath)) print("work path is %s" % (workPath)) tSampleNamePart = "64_fot10w_%s" % (dateStr) X, Y, s2n = getData2(totpath, fotpath, workPath, tSampleNamePart) #X,Y,s2n = getRealData(realDataPath, workPath, tSampleNamePart) magerr = s2n[Y[:, 1] == 1] magerr2 = s2n[Y[:, 1] == 0] print(s2n.shape[0]) print(magerr.shape[0]) print(magerr2.shape[0]) from matplotlib.ticker import MultipleLocator, FormatStrFormatter xmajorLocator = MultipleLocator(10) xminorLocator = MultipleLocator(5) plt.figure(figsize=(6, 3)) ax = plt.subplot(111) plt.hist(magerr, bins=20, range=(0, 100), normed=False, weights=None, cumulative=False, bottom=None, histtype=u'bar', align=u'left', orientation=u'vertical', rwidth=0.6, log=False, color='lightgreen', label=None, stacked=False, hold=None) ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(xmajorLocator) ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(xminorLocator) ax.set_xlim(0, 100) ax.set_ylabel("number of star") ax.set_xlabel('s2n of star') plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.15, right=0.95, top=0.95, bottom=0.15) #plt.grid() plt.savefig('s2nAll.png') xmajorLocator = MultipleLocator(1) plt.figure(figsize=(5, 3)) ax = plt.subplot(111) plt.hist(magerr, bins=20, range=(0, 20), normed=False, weights=None, cumulative=False, bottom=None, histtype=u'bar', align=u'left', orientation=u'vertical', rwidth=0.6, log=False, color='darkorange', label=None, stacked=False, hold=None) ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(xmajorLocator) ax.set_xlim(4, 20) #plt.grid() plt.savefig('s2nPart.png')