Beispiel #1
 def test_compare_old_instances(self):
     # Compare dates that don't have the _micros attribute yet
     # (e.g., from old pickles).
     dt = DateTime('1997/1/1')
     dt1 = DateTime('1997/2/2')
     dt._millis = dt._micros / 1000
     del dt._micros
     dt1._millis = dt1._micros / 1000
     del dt1._micros
     self.testCompareOperations(dt, dt1)
Beispiel #2
 def test_compare_new_old_instances(self):
     # Compare a date with _micros attribute with one that does not
     # (e.g., from an old pickle).
     dt = DateTime('1997/1/1')
     dt1 = DateTime('1997/2/2')
     dt1._millis = dt._micros / 1000
     del dt1._micros
     self.testCompareOperations(dt, dt1)
Beispiel #3
    def test___setstate___without_micros(self):
        ISO = '2001-10-10T00:00:00+02:00'
        dt = DateTime(ISO)
        micros = dt._micros
        dt._millis = dt._micros / 1000
        del dt._micros
        state = dt.__dict__

        dt1 = DateTime()
        self.assertEqual(dt1._micros, micros)
Beispiel #4
    def test_strftime_old_instance(self):
        # Ensure that dates without _micros attribute (e.g., from old
        # pickles) still render correctly in strftime.
        ISO = '2001-10-10T00:00:00+02:00'
        dt = DateTime(ISO)
        dt._millis = dt._micros / 1000
        del dt._micros
        self.assertEqual(dt.strftime('%Y'), '2001')

        # Now, create one via pickling / unpickling.
        from cPickle import dumps, loads
        self.assertEqual(loads(dumps(dt)).strftime('%Y'), '2001')
Beispiel #5
def createDateTimeFromMillis(millis):
  Returns a DateTime object, build from the number of milliseconds since epoch.
  Parameter should be a int or long.

  This one should be used by solvers, as DateTime.__cmp__ actually only
  compares the _millis parameter of the two DateTime objects.

  This is currently not perfect: DateTime only supports creating a new object
  from a floating point number of seconds since epoch, so a rounding issue is
  still possible, that's why _millis is explicitely set to the same value
  after the DateTime object has been created from (millis / 1000.)

  A better way would be to compute (yr,mo,dy,hr,mn,sc,tz,t,d,s,millisecs) from
  millis, and then create the DateTime object from it (see "elif ac == 11:" in

  Another solution would be a DateTime implementation that relies exclusively
  on integer values internally.
    millis = long(millis)
    date = DateTime(millis / 1000.0)
    date._millis = millis
    return date
Beispiel #6
def createDateTimeFromMillis(millis):  # pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name
  Returns a DateTime object, build from the number of milliseconds since epoch.
  Parameter should be a int or long.

  This one should be used by solvers, as DateTime.__cmp__ actually only
  compares the _millis parameter of the two DateTime objects.

  This is currently not perfect: DateTime only supports creating a new object
  from a floating point number of seconds since epoch, so a rounding issue is
  still possible, that's why _millis is explicitely set to the same value
  after the DateTime object has been created from (millis / 1000.)

  A better way would be to compute (yr,mo,dy,hr,mn,sc,tz,t,d,s,millisecs) from
  millis, and then create the DateTime object from it (see "elif ac == 11:" in

  Another solution would be a DateTime implementation that relies exclusively
  on integer values internally.
    millis = long(millis)
    date = DateTime(millis / 1000.)
    date._millis = millis
    return date