Beispiel #1
    signal_power = mapper.get_signal_average_power()

    # what is the noise power and standard deviation when SNR is 10dB?
    noise_power = signal_power / 10.0
    noise_std_dev = math.sqrt(noise_power)

    # initialize random number generator. this seed is fixed constant in order
    # to get deterministic results in this example.

    # add white gaussian noise at 10dB to signal
    print "Adding white gaussian noise at 10dB."
    noisy_symbols = [sym + random.gauss(0, noise_std_dev) for sym in symbols]
    # round to closest integer
    noisy_symbols = [int(x + 0.5) for x in noisy_symbols]
    print "noisy symbols:", noisy_symbols

    # instantiate decoder
    decoder = Decoder(k, B, d, map_func)

    # update decoder with gathered points
    for i in xrange(spine_length):
            noisy_symbols[i], noisy_symbols[i + spine_length],
            noisy_symbols[i + 2 * spine_length]

    print "decoded hex:", decoder.get_most_likely().encode("hex")

    # make sure we got the message we started with
    assert (decoder.get_most_likely() == message)
Beispiel #2
 # get average signal power
 signal_power = mapper.get_signal_average_power()
 # what is the noise power and standard deviation when SNR is 10dB?
 noise_power = signal_power / 10.0
 noise_std_dev = math.sqrt(noise_power)
 # initialize random number generator. this seed is fixed constant in order
 # to get deterministic results in this example.
 # add white gaussian noise at 10dB to signal
 print "Adding white gaussian noise at 10dB."
 noisy_symbols = [sym + random.gauss(0, noise_std_dev) for sym in symbols]
 # round to closest integer
 noisy_symbols = [int(x + 0.5) for x in noisy_symbols]
 print "noisy symbols:", noisy_symbols
 # instantiate decoder
 decoder = Decoder(k, B, d, map_func)
 # update decoder with gathered points
 for i in xrange(spine_length):
 print "decoded hex:", decoder.get_most_likely().encode("hex")
 # make sure we got the message we started with
 assert(decoder.get_most_likely() == message)
Beispiel #3
    # print "Adding white gaussian noise at 10dB."
    # noisy_symbols = [sym + random.gauss(0, noise_std_dev) for sym in symbols]
    # # round to closest integer
    # noisy_symbols = [int(x + 0.5) for x in noisy_symbols]
    # print "noisy symbols:", noisy_symbols

    # [cgl] myself noise symbols. if the prr is low, while the number of errors in one packet is rare, then Spinal code can also achieve very good performance.
    noisy_symbols = [sym for sym in symbols]
    noisy_symbols[3] += 3

    # instantiate decoder
    decoder = Decoder(k, B, d, map_func)

    # update decoder with gathered points
    for i in xrange(spine_length):
        decodeAdv = []
        for j in range(numPssMsg):
            decodeAdv.append(noisy_symbols[i + j * spine_length])

        # decoder.advance([noisy_symbols[i],
        #                  noisy_symbols[i+spine_length]])
        # decoder.advance([noisy_symbols[i],
        #          noisy_symbols[i+spine_length],
        #          noisy_symbols[i+2*spine_length]])

    print "decoded hex:", decoder.get_most_likely().encode("hex")

    # make sure we got the message we started with
    assert (decoder.get_most_likely() == message)