Beispiel #1
    # 4. canny detection
    canny = Detector.canny_detector(np.uint8(suppressed) * 255)
    canny_image = Image.fromarray(np.uint8(canny) * 255, 'L').convert("RGB")
    # Image.fromarray(np.uint8(canny) * 255, 'L').show()

    # 5. Hough transformation
    vertical_lines = Detector.hough_lines(canny, 180, 452)
    horizontal_lines = Detector.hough_lines(canny, 90, 193)

    # output image
    Detector.drawLines(canny_image, vertical_lines[0], vertical_lines[1])
    Detector.drawLines(canny_image, horizontal_lines[0], horizontal_lines[1])
    canny_gray = ImageOps.grayscale(canny_image)

    ##canny_img = np.uint8(canny_image)#canny_image.load()
    ##find blue line

    # 6. output detected answers to txt file
    answers = Detector.naive_grader(np.uint8(canny) * 255)
    #answers = Detector.origin_grader(np.uint8(image_gray))
    #answers = Detector.hough_grader(np.uint8(canny_gray))

    ##use edged graph to find location will sometimes cause the missing lines

    with open(args.output_txt, "w") as f:
        for i in range(0, 85):  ###len(answers) if we use hough
            f.write("%d %s\n" % ((i + 1), answers[i]))