def classifyLocalImagesWithDismantler(self, corpusPath = None):
        Opt_dmtler = Option_Dismantler(isTrain = False)
        Dmtler = Dismantler(Opt_dmtler)
        if corpusPath is None:
            corpusPath = self.Opt.classifyCorpusPath
        if self.Classifier is not None:
            print 'Start classifying images with dismantler in local disk...'
            startTime = time.time()
            nImageAll = 0
            header = ['file_path', 'number_subimages', 'sub_class_name', 'sub_probability', 'segmentation', 'subimage_height', 'subimage_width']
            csvSavingPath = self.Opt.resultPath
            csvFilename = 'class_result'
            Common.saveCSV(csvSavingPath, csvFilename, header = header, mode = 'wb', consoleOut = False)
            for dirPath, dirNames, fileNames in os.walk(corpusPath):   
                for f in fileNames:
                    fname, suffix = Common.getFileNameAndSuffix(f)
                    if suffix in self.Opt.validImageFormat:
                        filename = os.path.join(dirPath, f)
                        # Load image
                        img = ImageLoader.loadImageByPath(filename)
                        # Dismantle image
                        nodeList = Dmtler.dismantle(img)
                        # Get number of sub-images
                        if len(nodeList) > 0:
                            numSubImages = len(nodeList)
                            numSubImages = 1
                        # Remove surrounding empty space
                        nodeList = Dmtler.updateImageToEffectiveAreaFromNodeList(img, nodeList, Opt_dmtler.thresholds)
                        # Load all sub-images
                        if len(nodeList) > 0:
                            imData, imDims, dimSum = ImageLoader.loadSubImagesByNodeList(img, nodeList, self.Opt.finalDim, self.Opt.preserveAspectRatio)
                            imData, imDims, dimSum = ImageLoader.loadImagesByList([filename], self.Opt.finalDim, self.Opt.preserveAspectRatio)
                        # Extracting Features
                        X = self.FeatureDescriptor.extractFeatures(imData, 1)

                        # Classify
                        y_pred, y_proba = self.Classifier.predict(X)
                        sub_classes = ''
                        sub_probs = ''
                        sub_height = ''
                        sub_width = ''
                        segmentations = ''
                        for i in range(0, len(nodeList)):
                            if i != 0:
                                sub_classes += ','
                                sub_probs += ','
                                sub_height += ','
                                sub_width += ','
                                segmentations += ','
                            sub_classes += str(y_pred[i])
                            sub_height += str(imDims[i][0])
                            sub_width += str(imDims[i][1])
                            sub_prob = ''
                            for j in range(0, len(y_proba[i])):
                                if j != 0:
                                    sub_prob += ':'
                                sub_prob += str(y_proba[i][j])
                            sub_probs += sub_prob
                            node = nodeList[i]
                            segmentation = str(['start'][0]) + ':' + \
                                            str(['start'][1]) + ':' + \
                                            str(['end'][0]) + ':' + \
                            segmentations += segmentation

                        result = zip([filename], [numSubImages], [sub_classes], [sub_probs], [segmentations], [sub_height], [sub_width])
                        print result
                        Common.saveCSV(csvSavingPath, csvFilename, result, mode = 'ab', consoleOut = False)
                        nImageAll += 1 
                        if np.mod(nImageAll, 100) == 0:
                            print '%d images have been classified.' % nImageAll
            costTime = time.time() - startTime
            print 'All %d images were classified and saved in %s within %d sec.' % (nImageAll, os.path.join(csvSavingPath, csvFilename), costTime)
            print 'Classifier not loaded'         
    def classifyCloudImagesWithDismantler(self, keyPath = None, host = None):
        Opt_dmtler = Option_Dismantler(isTrain = False)
        Dmtler = Dismantler(Opt_dmtler)
        if self.Classifier is not None:      
                cImageLoader = CloudImageLoader(self.Opt, keyPath = keyPath, host = host)
                bucketList = cImageLoader.getBucketList()
                print 'Unable to connect cloud server'
            print 'Start classifying images on cloud server...'
            startTime = time.time()
            nImageAll = 0
            header = ['file_path', 'number_subimages', 'sub_class_name', 'sub_probability', 'segmentation', 'subimage_height', 'subimage_width']
            csvSavingPath = self.Opt.resultPath
            csvFilename = 'class_result'
            Common.saveCSV(csvSavingPath, csvFilename, header = header, mode = 'wb', consoleOut = False)
            for key in bucketList:
                isValidImage, suffix = cImageLoader.isKeyValidImageFormat(key)
                if isValidImage:
                    # Get image from s3
                    img =  CloudImageLoader.keyToValidImage(key)
                    # Dismantle the image
                    nodeList = Dmtler.dismantle(img)
                    # Get number of sub-images
                    if len(nodeList) > 0:
                        numSubImages = len(nodeList)
                        numSubImages = 1
                    # Remove surrounding empty space
                    nodeList = Dmtler.updateImageToEffectiveAreaFromNodeList(img, nodeList, Opt_dmtler.thresholds)
                    # Load all sub-images
                    if len(nodeList) > 0:
                        imData, imDims, dimSum = ImageLoader.loadSubImagesByNodeList(img, nodeList, self.Opt.finalDim, self.Opt.preserveAspectRatio)
                        imData, imDim = ImageLoader.preImageProcessing(img, self.Opt.finalDim, self.Opt.preserveAspectRatio)
                    # Extracting Features
                    X = self.FeatureDescriptor.extractFeatures(imData, 1)

                    # Classify
                    y_pred, y_proba = self.Classifier.predict(X)
                    sub_classes = ''
                    sub_probs = ''
                    sub_height = ''
                    sub_width = ''
                    segmentations = ''
                    for i in range(0, len(nodeList)):
                        if i != 0:
                            sub_classes += ','
                            sub_probs += ','
                            sub_height += ','
                            sub_width += ','
                            segmentations += ','
                        sub_classes += str(y_pred[i])
                        sub_height += str(imDims[i][0])
                        sub_width += str(imDims[i][1])
                        sub_prob = ''
                        for j in range(0, len(y_proba[i])):
                            if j != 0:
                                sub_prob += ':'
                            sub_prob += str(y_proba[i][j])
                        sub_probs += sub_prob
                        node = nodeList[i]
                        segmentation = str(['start'][0]) + ':' + \
                                        str(['start'][1]) + ':' + \
                                        str(['end'][0]) + ':' + \
                        segmentations += segmentation
                    result = zip([], [numSubImages], [sub_classes], [sub_probs], [segmentations], [sub_height], [sub_width])
                    Common.saveCSV(csvSavingPath, csvFilename, result, mode = 'ab', consoleOut = False)
                    nImageAll += 1 
                    if np.mod(nImageAll, 100) == 0:
                        print '%d images have been classified' % nImageAll  
            costTime = time.time() - startTime
            print 'All %d images were classified and saved in %s within %d sec.' % (nImageAll, os.path.join(csvSavingPath, csvFilename), costTime)
            print 'Classifier not loaded'