def testRobot4(self):
     #rules = LinkChecker.get_robot_agent("")
     rules = LinkChecker.get_robot_agent("")
     crawl_delay = rules.delay("idiot")
     print("delay is:", crawl_delay)
     for i in range(1, 1000):
         print(rules.allowed("", agent="idiot"))
 def testRobot2(self):
     rp = LinkChecker.get_robot_agent("")
     if rp is not None:
         for i in range(1, 1000):
             print("count:", i, "can fetch:", rp.can_fetch("*", ""))
         print("domain is not available.")
Beispiel #3
 def testRobot4(self):
     #rules = LinkChecker.get_robot_agent("")
     rules = LinkChecker.get_robot_agent("")
     crawl_delay = rules.delay("idiot")
     print("delay is:", crawl_delay)
     for i in range(1, 1000):
 def testRobot5(self):
     base_link = ""
     test_sub_paths = [
                      "/", "/why", "/about", "/privacy", "/howitworks", "/help",
                      "/press", "/terms", "/guarantee", "/contact_form", "/something-else"]
     rules = LinkChecker.get_robot_agent("", protocol="https")
     for item in test_sub_paths:
         path = base_link + item
         is_allowed = rules.allowed(path, agent="VegeBot Test")
         print("sub_path:", item, " is allowed:", is_allowed)
Beispiel #5
 def testRobot2(self):
     rp = LinkChecker.get_robot_agent("")
     if rp is not None:
         for i in range(1, 1000):
                 "count:", i, "can fetch:",
         print("domain is not available.")
Beispiel #6
 def testRobot5(self):
     base_link = ""
     test_sub_paths = [
         "/", "/why", "/about", "/privacy", "/howitworks", "/help",
         "/press", "/terms", "/guarantee", "/contact_form",
     rules = LinkChecker.get_robot_agent("",
     for item in test_sub_paths:
         path = base_link + item
         is_allowed = rules.allowed(path, agent="VegeBot Test")
         print("sub_path:", item, " is allowed:", is_allowed)
 def testGetAgent(self):
     root_domain = ""
     agent = LinkChecker.get_robot_agent(root_domain)
     can_fetch = agent.can_fetch("*", "")
     print(agent,"can fetch:", can_fetch)
    def __init__(self, full_link: str="", data_source: SiteTempDataSrcInterface=None,
                 controller: SiteCheckerController=None,
                 max_level=10, max_page=1000, delegate=None, output_buff_size=2000,
                 output_queue=None, output_all_external=False, result_delegate=None,
                 memory_control_terminate_event=None, check_robot_text=True,
        :param full_link: The full link of a domain, e.g:
        :param domain: domain to crawl
        :param max_level: stop crawling if it reaches this level
        :param max_page: maximum pages to check within a site, also stop crawling
        :param delegate: if this is not None, then it will send the latest result of external domain of ResponseCode==404 or 999
        :param result_delegate: send site_info upon finish
        :param memory_control_terminate_event: if this is not None and being set, it will be able to terminate an external memory controlled process.
        FeedbackInterface.__init__(self, **kwargs)
        #super(SiteChecker, self).__init__(**kwargs)
        if full_link is None or len(full_link) == 0:
            raise ValueError()

        original_path = ""
            paras = urlsplit(full_link)
            self.scheme, self.domain, original_path = paras[0], paras[1], paras[2]

        domain_data = LinkChecker.get_root_domain(full_link, False)
        self.root_domain = domain_data[1]
        self.sub_domain = domain_data[4]
        self.domain_suffix = domain_data[5]
        self.sub_domain_no_local = self.sub_domain.strip(self.domain_suffix)
        if self.scheme == "":
            self.scheme = "http"
        if self.domain == "":
            self.domain = self.root_domain
        self.orginal_link = full_link
        self.domain_link = LinkChecker.get_valid_link(self.root_domain, full_link, self.scheme)
        self.max_level = max_level
        self.max_page = max_page
        self.page_count = 0  # keep track page done
        self._page_count_shadow = 0 # track previous count
        self._all_page_count_shadow = 0 #track previous count in datasource
        self.internal_page_count = 0
        self.internal_page_last_count = 0
        self.page_allocated = 0
        self.current_level = 0  # if this = 0, it is root domain/home_page
        self._stop_event = Event()
        valid_file_name = SiteTempDataSrcInterface.get_valid_file_name(self.domain_link)
        self._external_db_buffer = ExternalTempDataDiskBuffer(valid_file_name+".ext.db", self,
        self._external_db_buffer.append_to_buffer([(self.root_domain, ResponseCode.DNSError),], convert_tuple=False)
        self._memory_control_terminate_event = memory_control_terminate_event
        self.task_control_lock = threading.RLock()
        if data_source is None:
            #self.data_source = SiteTempDataDisk(self.root_domain, ref_obj=self)
            self.data_source = SiteTempDataDiskWithBuff(ref=self.domain_link, output_buff_size=output_buff_size, ref_obj=self)
            self.data_source = data_source  # a list of OnSiteLink
        self.delegate = delegate
        if LinkChecker.might_be_link_html_page(original_path):
            self.data_source.append(OnSiteLink(self.domain_link, response_code=ResponseCode.LinkOK, link_level=1)) # add the root domain as a starting point
        self.data_source.append(OnSiteLink(self.scheme + "://www."+self.sub_domain, ResponseCode.LinkOK, link_level=1))
        self.data_source.append(OnSiteLink(self.scheme + "://" + self.domain, ResponseCode.LinkOK, link_level=1))
        self.cache_list = []  # internal page cache
        self.page_need_look_up_temp = 0
        if "www." not in self.sub_domain:
            self.cache_list.append(self.scheme + "://www."+self.sub_domain)
        self.cache_list.append(self.scheme + "://" + self.domain)
        self.page_need_look_up = self.data_source.count_all()
        self.cache_size = 500  # create a small cache list to avoid going to check link in file system with lots of read and write
        self._double_check_cache_lock = threading.RLock()
        self._double_check_cache = deque(maxlen=self.cache_size)
        self.external_cache_list = []
        self.external_cache_size = 500  # cache that hold external sites
        self.external_links_checked = 0
        self.add_internal_page_OK_only = True
        self.output_queue = output_queue
        self.output_all_external = output_all_external
        self.controller = controller
        self.result_delegate = result_delegate
        self.page_count_lock = threading.RLock()
        self.internal_page_count_lock = threading.RLock()
        self.level_lock = threading.RLock()
        self.page_look_up_lock = threading.RLock()
        self.external_link_check_lock = threading.RLock()
        self._finihsed = False
        self.task_control_max = 1
        self.agent = "VegeBot (we follow your robots.txt settings before crawling, you can slow down the bot by change the Crawl-Delay parameter in the settings." \
                     "if you have an enquiry, please email to: [email protected])"
        self.agent_from = "*****@*****.**"
        if check_robot_text:
            self.robot_agent = LinkChecker.get_robot_agent(self.sub_domain, protocol=self.scheme)
            self.robot_agent = None
        self.site_crawl_delay = 0.60

        if isinstance(self.robot_agent, Rules):
            delay_temp = self.robot_agent.delay(self.agent)
            if delay_temp is not None and delay_temp != self.site_crawl_delay:
                self.site_crawl_delay = delay_temp

        self.task_control_counter = 1
        self._speed_penalty_count = 0
        self._speed_penalty_threshold = 10
        self._progress_logging_speed = 120
        self._output_period = 120
        self._output_batch_size = 100
        self._death_wish_sent = False
        self._output_thread = None
        self._output_queue = None
        self.progress_logger = ProgressLogger(self._progress_logging_speed, self, self._stop_event)
        self._status = "Start"
        self._populate_with_state()  # restore laste known state
Beispiel #9
 def testGetAgent(self):
     root_domain = ""
     agent = LinkChecker.get_robot_agent(root_domain)
     can_fetch = agent.can_fetch("*", "")
     print(agent, "can fetch:", can_fetch)