Beispiel #1
    def setUp(self):

        testDataFolder = Files.getCurrentModulePath(__file__, 'testdata')
        self.testTxtFilepath = os.path.join(testDataFolder, 'test_txtFile.txt')

        self.txt = txtFile.txt(self.testTxtFilepath)
Beispiel #2
    def setUp(self):

        testDataFolder = Files.getCurrentModulePath(__file__, '')
        self.testCprFilepath = os.path.join(testDataFolder, 'cprmaster.cpr')

        self.cpr = cprFile.cpr(self.testCprFilepath)
Beispiel #3
    def setUp(self):

        testDataFolder = Files.getCurrentModulePath(__file__, '')
        self.testCprFilepath = os.path.join(testDataFolder, 'cprmaster.cpr')

        self.cpr = cprFile.cpr(self.testCprFilepath)
Beispiel #4
    def setUp(self):

        relativePath = os.path.join('..', 'testdata', 'pe-spect-01.dat')
        filepath = Files.getCurrentModulePath(__file__, relativePath)

        self.energies, self.intensities = self._read_spectrum(filepath)
Beispiel #5
    def setUp(self):

        relativePath = os.path.join('testdata', 'test_ctfFile.ctf')
        filepath = Files.getCurrentModulePath(__file__, relativePath)

        self.ctf = ctfFile.ctf(filepath)
Beispiel #6
    def setUp(self):

        testDataFolder = Files.getCurrentModulePath(__file__, 'testdata')
        self.testTxtFilepath = os.path.join(testDataFolder, 'test_txtFile.txt')

        self.txt = txtFile.txt(self.testTxtFilepath)
    def setUp(self):

        relativepath = os.path.join('..', 'testdata', 'goodconfiguration.cfg')
        configurationfilepath = Files.getCurrentModulePath(__file__, relativepath)

        self.scatter = scatteringfactors.ElasticAtomicScatteringFactors(configurationfilepath)
Beispiel #8
    def setUp(self):

        # Unit cell.
        unitcell_fcc = unitcell.create_cubic_unitcell(5.43)
        unitcell_bcc = unitcell.create_cubic_unitcell(2.87)
        unitcell_hcp = unitcell.create_hexagonal_unitcell(3.21, 5.21)

        # Atom sites.
        atoms_fcc = atomsites.create_fcc_atomsites(14)
        atoms_bcc = atomsites.create_bcc_atomsites(14)
        atoms_hcp = atomsites.create_hcp_atomsites(14)

        # Scattering factors
        relativepath = os.path.join('..', 'testdata', 'goodconfiguration.cfg')
        configurationfilepath = Files.getCurrentModulePath(__file__, relativepath)

        scatter = scatteringfactors.ElasticAtomicScatteringFactors(configurationfilepath)

        # Reflectors
        self.refls_fcc = \
            reflectors.Reflectors(unitcell_fcc, atoms_fcc, scatter, maxindice=2)
        self.refls_bcc = \
            reflectors.Reflectors(unitcell_bcc, atoms_bcc, scatter, maxindice=2)
        self.refls_hcp = \
            reflectors.Reflectors(unitcell_hcp, atoms_hcp, scatter, maxindice=2)
Beispiel #9
    def setUp(self):

        relativePath = os.path.join('..', 'testdata', 'aluminum.cif')
        filepath = Files.getCurrentModulePath(__file__, relativePath)
        self.cifAl = cif.Reader(filepath)

        relativePath = os.path.join('..', 'testdata', 'iron.cif')
        filepath = Files.getCurrentModulePath(__file__, relativePath)
        self.cifFe = cif.Reader(filepath)

        relativePath = os.path.join('..', 'testdata', 'zirconium.cif')
        filepath = Files.getCurrentModulePath(__file__, relativePath)
        self.cifZr = cif.Reader(filepath)

        relativePath = os.path.join('..', 'testdata', 'rudimer.cif')
        filepath = Files.getCurrentModulePath(__file__, relativePath)
        self.cifRuDimer = cif.Reader(filepath)
Beispiel #10
    def setUp(self):

        relativePath = os.path.join('..', 'testdata', 'aluminum.cif')
        filepath = Files.getCurrentModulePath(__file__, relativePath)
        self.cifAl = cif.Reader(filepath)

        relativePath = os.path.join('..', 'testdata', 'iron.cif')
        filepath = Files.getCurrentModulePath(__file__, relativePath)
        self.cifFe = cif.Reader(filepath)

        relativePath = os.path.join('..', 'testdata', 'zirconium.cif')
        filepath = Files.getCurrentModulePath(__file__, relativePath)
        self.cifZr = cif.Reader(filepath)

        relativePath = os.path.join('..', 'testdata', 'rudimer.cif')
        filepath = Files.getCurrentModulePath(__file__, relativePath)
        self.cifRuDimer = cif.Reader(filepath)
Beispiel #11
    def __init__(self, configurationfilepath=None):
        Read scattering factors from tables.
        Two implementations:
          * :class:`ElasticAtomicScatteringFactors`
          * :class:`XrayScatteringFactors`
        if configurationfilepath is None:
            relativepath = os.path.join('..', 'ebsdtools.cfg')
            configurationfilepath = Files.getCurrentModulePath(__file__, relativepath)


Beispiel #12
    def __init__(self, configurationfilepath=None):
        Return the elastic atomic scattering factors as given by the
        Crystallography Tables.
        The data is a exponential fit of the scattering factors.
        It is calculated from :math:`s = \\frac{4\\pi\\sin\\theta}{\\lambda}`.
        It is separated into two files: from 0 to 2 A^{-1} and 2 to 6 A^{-1}.
        :arg configurationfilepath: file path of the configuration file for the
            module. If ``None``, the default configuration file is loaded.
        :type configurationfilepath: :class:`str`
          International Tables For Crystallography, Volume C, p. 262 and 282-285
        if configurationfilepath is None:
            relativepath = os.path.join('..', 'ebsdtools.cfg')
            configurationfilepath = Files.getCurrentModulePath(__file__, relativepath)


Beispiel #13
    def setUp(self):

        # Manual testing
        self.cubic = unitcell.create_cubic_unitcell(2)
        self.tetragonal = unitcell.create_tetragonal_unitcell(2, 3)
        self.orthorhombic = unitcell.create_orthorhombic_unitcell(1, 2, 3)
        self.trigonal = unitcell.create_trigonal_unitcell(2, 35.0 / 180 * pi)
        self.hexagonal = unitcell.create_hexagonal_unitcell(2, 3)
        self.monoclinic = unitcell.create_monoclinic_unitcell(1, 2, 3, 55.0 / 180 * pi)
        self.triclinic = \
            unitcell.create_triclinic_unitcell(1, 2, 3,
                                               75.0 / 180 * pi, 55.0 / 180 * pi, 35.0 / 180 * pi)

        self.planes = [plane.Plane(1, 0, 0),
                       plane.Plane(1, 1, 0),
                       plane.Plane(1, 1, 1),
                       plane.Plane(2, 0, 2),
                       plane.Plane(1, 2, 3),
                       plane.Plane(4, 5, 6),
                       plane.Plane(0, 9, 2)]

        # Example 1.13 from Mathematical Crystallography (p.31-33)
        self.L1 = unitcell.create_hexagonal_unitcell(4.914, 5.409)

        self.atom1 = atomsite.AtomSite(8, (0.4141, 0.2681, 0.1188))
        self.atom2 = atomsite.AtomSite(14, (0.4699, 0.0, 0.0))
        self.atom3 = atomsite.AtomSite(14, (0.5301, 0.5301, 0.3333))

        # Problem 1.13 from Mathematical Crystallography (p.34)
        alpha = 93.11 / 180.0 * pi
        beta = 115.91 / 180.0 * pi
        gamma = 91.26 / 180.0 * pi
        self.L2 = unitcell.create_triclinic_unitcell(8.173, 12.869, 14.165
                                                     , alpha, beta, gamma)

        self.atom4 = atomsite.AtomSite(8, (0.3419, 0.3587, 0.1333))
        self.atom5 = atomsite.AtomSite(14, (0.5041, 0.3204, 0.1099))
        self.atom6 = atomsite.AtomSite(13, (0.1852, 0.3775, 0.1816))

        # Example 2.16 and Problem 2.9 from Mathematical Crystallography (p.64-65)
        alpha = 114.27 / 180.0 * pi
        beta = 82.68 / 180.0 * pi
        gamma = 94.58 / 180.0 * pi
        self.L3 = unitcell.create_triclinic_unitcell(6.621, 7.551, 17.381
                                                     , alpha, beta, gamma)

        # Problem 2.15 from Mathematical Crystallography (p.79)
        alpha = 113.97 / 180.0 * pi
        beta = 98.64 / 180.0 * pi
        gamma = 67.25 / 180.0 * pi
        self.L4 = unitcell.create_triclinic_unitcell(5.148, 7.251, 5.060
                                                     , alpha, beta, gamma)

        # Scattering factors
        relativepath = os.path.join('..', 'testdata', 'goodconfiguration.cfg')
        configurationfilepath = Files.getCurrentModulePath(__file__, relativepath)

        self.scatter = scatteringfactors.XrayScatteringFactors(configurationfilepath)

        # Atom sites
        self.atomsfcc = atomsites.AtomSites([atomsite.AtomSite(14, 0.5, 0.5, 0.0),
                                             atomsite.AtomSite(14, 0.5, 0.0, 0.5),
                                             atomsite.AtomSite(14, 0.0, 0.5, 0.5),
                                             atomsite.AtomSite(14, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)])

        self.atomsbcc = atomsites.AtomSites([atomsite.AtomSite(14, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5),
                                             atomsite.AtomSite(14, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)])

        self.atomshcp = atomsites.AtomSites([atomsite.AtomSite(14, 1 / 3.0, 2 / 3.0, 0.5),
                                             atomsite.AtomSite(14, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)])
    def setUp(self):

        # Manual testing
        self.cubic = unitcell.create_cubic_unitcell(2)
        self.tetragonal = unitcell.create_tetragonal_unitcell(2, 3)
        self.orthorhombic = unitcell.create_orthorhombic_unitcell(1, 2, 3)
        self.trigonal = unitcell.create_trigonal_unitcell(2, 35.0 / 180 * pi)
        self.hexagonal = unitcell.create_hexagonal_unitcell(2, 3)
        self.monoclinic = unitcell.create_monoclinic_unitcell(
            1, 2, 3, 55.0 / 180 * pi)
        self.triclinic = \
            unitcell.create_triclinic_unitcell(1, 2, 3,
                                               75.0 / 180 * pi, 55.0 / 180 * pi, 35.0 / 180 * pi)

        self.planes = [
            plane.Plane(1, 0, 0),
            plane.Plane(1, 1, 0),
            plane.Plane(1, 1, 1),
            plane.Plane(2, 0, 2),
            plane.Plane(1, 2, 3),
            plane.Plane(4, 5, 6),
            plane.Plane(0, 9, 2)

        # Example 1.13 from Mathematical Crystallography (p.31-33)
        self.L1 = unitcell.create_hexagonal_unitcell(4.914, 5.409)

        self.atom1 = atomsite.AtomSite(8, (0.4141, 0.2681, 0.1188))
        self.atom2 = atomsite.AtomSite(14, (0.4699, 0.0, 0.0))
        self.atom3 = atomsite.AtomSite(14, (0.5301, 0.5301, 0.3333))

        # Problem 1.13 from Mathematical Crystallography (p.34)
        alpha = 93.11 / 180.0 * pi
        beta = 115.91 / 180.0 * pi
        gamma = 91.26 / 180.0 * pi
        self.L2 = unitcell.create_triclinic_unitcell(8.173, 12.869, 14.165,
                                                     alpha, beta, gamma)

        self.atom4 = atomsite.AtomSite(8, (0.3419, 0.3587, 0.1333))
        self.atom5 = atomsite.AtomSite(14, (0.5041, 0.3204, 0.1099))
        self.atom6 = atomsite.AtomSite(13, (0.1852, 0.3775, 0.1816))

        # Example 2.16 and Problem 2.9 from Mathematical Crystallography (p.64-65)
        alpha = 114.27 / 180.0 * pi
        beta = 82.68 / 180.0 * pi
        gamma = 94.58 / 180.0 * pi
        self.L3 = unitcell.create_triclinic_unitcell(6.621, 7.551, 17.381,
                                                     alpha, beta, gamma)

        # Problem 2.15 from Mathematical Crystallography (p.79)
        alpha = 113.97 / 180.0 * pi
        beta = 98.64 / 180.0 * pi
        gamma = 67.25 / 180.0 * pi
        self.L4 = unitcell.create_triclinic_unitcell(5.148, 7.251, 5.060,
                                                     alpha, beta, gamma)

        # Scattering factors
        relativepath = os.path.join('..', 'testdata', 'goodconfiguration.cfg')
        configurationfilepath = Files.getCurrentModulePath(
            __file__, relativepath)

        self.scatter = scatteringfactors.XrayScatteringFactors(

        # Atom sites
        self.atomsfcc = atomsites.AtomSites([
            atomsite.AtomSite(14, 0.5, 0.5, 0.0),
            atomsite.AtomSite(14, 0.5, 0.0, 0.5),
            atomsite.AtomSite(14, 0.0, 0.5, 0.5),
            atomsite.AtomSite(14, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)

        self.atomsbcc = atomsites.AtomSites([
            atomsite.AtomSite(14, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5),
            atomsite.AtomSite(14, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)

        self.atomshcp = atomsites.AtomSites([
            atomsite.AtomSite(14, 1 / 3.0, 2 / 3.0, 0.5),
            atomsite.AtomSite(14, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
Beispiel #15
    def setUp(self):

        filepath = Files.getCurrentModulePath(__file__, os.path.join('testdata', 'test.smp'))
        self.reader = smp.reader(open(filepath, 'rb'))