def rundecam(): readline.set_completer_delims(' \t\n;') readline.parse_and_bind("tab: complete") readline.set_completer(cmmd_and_path_complete) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( usage='python EC [-h] <orac.v> <cam.v> <solu.v>', description= 'This program will check the correntness for corresponding solution', ) parser.add_argument( '<orac.v>', help= 'input oracle Verilog file that defines the function of the circuit') parser.add_argument('<cam.v>', help='the camouflaged circuit that we want to solve.') parser.add_argument('<solu.v>', help='the solutiion try to proof') orcIn = sys.argv[1] OracInPath = os.path.abspath(orcIn) if not os.path.isfile(OracInPath): print 'Invalid oracle circuit file!!!!\n' return camIn = sys.argv[2] CamInPath = os.path.abspath(camIn) if not os.path.isfile(CamInPath): print 'Invalid camouflaged circuit file!!!!\n' return soluIn = sys.argv[3] SoluInPath = os.path.abspath(soluIn) if not os.path.isfile(CamInPath): print 'Invalid solution file!!!!\n' return res = EC(OracInPath, CamInPath, SoluInPath) if res == 1: print "Solution is correct!" elif res == 0: print "Solution is wrong!" else: print "BUG!" print 'Thank you!\n'
] with open("time_info_original", "a") as outfile: outfile.write("#Number of gate #BASE\n") # run simp and it will generate the finalsolu and iterationinfo for i in cam_list: cmmd = "/usr/bin/time -v -o temp-time ./minisat-incre-simp decam-incre c1908-abcmap-fmt.v " + i call(cmmd, shell=True) # rename iterationinfo os.rename("increIterationInfo.log", i.strip(".v") + "-interationInfo.dat") # check EC and import to a txt res = EC("c1908-abcmap-fmt.v", i, "finalSolu.log") if (res == 1): content = "Circuit: " + i + " is CORRECT!\n" elif (res == 0): content = "Circuit: " + i + " is WRONG!\n" else: content = "Circuit: " + i + " is BUG!\n" with open("EC_result.txt", "a") as output: output.write(content) with open("time_info_original", "a") as outfile: outfile.write( i.strip("c1908-mux4-").strip(".v") + " ") with open("temp-time", "r") as infile: timeline ="\n")
with open("time_info_original", "a") as outfile: outfile.write("#Number of gate #BASE\n") # run simp and it will generate the finalsolu and iterationinfo for i in cam_list: cmmd = "/usr/bin/time -v -o temp-time ./minisat-incre-simp decam-incre c499-abcmap-fmt.v " + i call(cmmd, shell = True) # rename iterationinfo os.rename("increIterationInfo.log", i.strip(".v") + "-interationInfo.dat") # check EC and import to a txt res = EC("c499-abcmap-fmt.v", i, "finalSolu.log") if (res == 1): content = "Circuit: " + i + " is CORRECT!\n" elif (res == 0): content = "Circuit: " + i + " is WRONG!\n" else: content = "Circuit: " + i + " is BUG!\n" with open("EC_result.txt", "a") as output: output.write(content) with open("time_info_original", "a") as outfile: outfile.write(i.strip("c499-mux4-").strip(".v") + " ") with open("temp-time", "r") as infile: timeline ="\n") for line in timeline:
outfile.write( "#Num_mux #Num_XOR #Runtime\n") while (1): for Num_mux in range(1, 53): Mux_circuit = "c7552-mux4-" + str(Num_mux) + ".v" XOR_circuit = "c7552-mux4-" + str(Num_mux) + "-XOR-" + str( 210 - Num_mux * 4) + ".v" make_cmmd = "python " + Mux_circuit + " " + str( 210 - Num_mux * 4) call(make_cmmd, shell=True) # run run_cmmd = "/usr/bin/time -v -o temp-time ./minisat-incre-simp decam-incre c7552-abcmap-fmt.v " + XOR_circuit call(run_cmmd, shell=True) #os.rename("increIterationInfo.log", XOR_circuit.strip(".v") + "-interationInfo.dat") # EC res = EC("c7552-abcmap-fmt.v", XOR_circuit, "finalSolu.log") if (res == 1): content = "Circuit: " + XOR_circuit + " is CORRECT!\n" elif (res == 0): content = "Circuit: " + XOR_circuit + " is WRONG!\n" else: content = "Circuit: " + XOR_circuit + " is BUG!\n" with open("EC_result.txt", "a") as output: output.write(content) # collect data with open("temp-time", "r") as infile: timeline ="\n") for line in timeline: if "User time (seconds):" in line: time_info = line.replace("User time (seconds):", "")
with open("atime_info_WIRE", "a") as outfile: outfile.write(str(j) + "\t") # create file for iteration in range(1, 11): make_cmmd = " python c432-abcmap-fmt.v " + str(j) call(make_cmmd, shell=True) cmmd = "/usr/bin/time -v -o atemp-time ./minisat-incre-simp decam-incre c432-abcmap-fmt.v " + i call(cmmd, shell=True) # rename iterationinfo os.rename("increIterationInfo.log", i.strip(".v") + "-interationInfo.dat") # check EC and import to a txt res = EC("c432-abcmap-fmt.v", i, "finalSolu.log") if (res == 1): content = "Circuit: " + i + " is CORRECT!\n" elif (res == 0): content = "Circuit: " + i + " is WRONG!\n" else: content = "Circuit: " + i + " is BUG!\n" with open("aEC_result.txt", "a") as output: output.write(content) with open("atemp-time", "r") as infile: timeline ="\n") for line in timeline: if "User time (seconds):" in line: time_info = line.replace("User time (seconds):", "")
] with open("time_info_original", "a") as outfile: outfile.write("#Number of gate #BASE\n") # run simp and it will generate the finalsolu and iterationinfo for i in cam_list: cmmd = "/usr/bin/time -v -o temp-time ./minisat-incre-simp decam-incre c3540-abcmap-fmt.v " + i call(cmmd, shell=True) # rename iterationinfo os.rename("increIterationInfo.log", i.strip(".v") + "-interationInfo.dat") # check EC and import to a txt res = EC("c3540-abcmap-fmt.v", i, "finalSolu.log") if (res == 1): content = "Circuit: " + i + " is CORRECT!\n" elif (res == 0): content = "Circuit: " + i + " is WRONG!\n" else: content = "Circuit: " + i + " is BUG!\n" with open("EC_result.txt", "a") as output: output.write(content) with open("time_info_original", "a") as outfile: outfile.write( i.strip("c3540-mux4-").strip(".v") + " ") with open("temp-time", "r") as infile: timeline ="\n")
def rundecam(): readline.set_completer_delims(' \t\n;') readline.parse_and_bind("tab: complete") readline.set_completer(cmmd_and_path_complete) print "\n\t########## Welcome to SAT SLOVER system. ##########" print "\t#This system is used to solve the camouflaged ckt #" print "\t#reverse engineering problem. #" print "\t###################################################" print "\n\tThis program dissects circuit and finds the correct" print "\tinternal components. User needs to inform the number" print "\tof obfuscated gates in the circuit. The program now c-" print "\t-onsiders 3 choices for each obfuscated gate by default.\n" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( usage= 'python [-h] <orac.v> <cam.v> [-forbid][-o <res_file>]', description= 'This program will use orac.v and cam.v to generate a programming bit vector (if exists)\ that can make the cam.v has the same function as orac.v. The results and solution are presented in the\ output file.', ) parser.add_argument( '<orac.v>', help= 'input oracle Verilog file that defines the function of the circuit') parser.add_argument('<cam.v>', help='the camouflaged circuit that we want to solve.') parser.add_argument('--forbid', action='append', type=str, help='define the forbidden programming bits for MUX') parser.add_argument('-o', "--res_file", nargs='?', type=argparse.FileType('w'), help='output file which stores iteration times.') args = parser.parse_args() outfile = args.res_file print 'The forbid bits are : %s' % args.forbid forbid_bits = args.forbid orcIn = sys.argv[1] OracInPath = os.path.abspath(orcIn) if not os.path.isfile(OracInPath): print 'Invalid oracle circuit file!!!!\n' return camIn = sys.argv[2] CamInPath = os.path.abspath(camIn) if not os.path.isfile(CamInPath): print 'Invalid camouflaged circuit file!!!!\n' return #obfGateNum = raw_input('>>> ') #obfGateNum = int(obfGateNum) totTime1 = time.time() if outfile == None: verbose = False else: verbose = True mainClass = DissectCkt(OracInPath, CamInPath, forbid_bits, verbose) if verbose == True: res = mainClass.main() else: mainClass.main() res = "" totTime2 = time.time() totTime = round(totTime2 - totTime1, 4) line4 = 'The total time used (including file parse time) is\n' line5 = str(totTime) + ' s\n' res += line4 res += line5 if verbose == True: outfile.write(res) outfile.close() print 'Result is written in', os.path.abspath( #b/c 'outfile' is a file object else: print res # Here I add EC # findSoluFilelog ='(.*)(?=\.)', CamInPath).group() + '-_findSolu' + '.log' res = EC(OracInPath, CamInPath, findSoluFilelog) if res == 1: print "Solution found!" elif res == 0: print "System is malfunction!" else: print "BUG!" print 'Thank you!\n'
] with open("time_info_original", "a") as outfile: outfile.write("#Number of gate #BASE\n") # run simp and it will generate the finalsolu and iterationinfo for i in cam_list: cmmd = "/usr/bin/time -v -o temp-time ./minisat-incre-simp decam-incre c5315-abcmap-fmt.v " + i call(cmmd, shell=True) # rename iterationinfo os.rename("increIterationInfo.log", i.strip(".v") + "-interationInfo.dat") # check EC and import to a txt res = EC("c5315-abcmap-fmt.v", i, "finalSolu.log") if (res == 1): content = "Circuit: " + i + " is CORRECT!\n" elif (res == 0): content = "Circuit: " + i + " is WRONG!\n" else: content = "Circuit: " + i + " is BUG!\n" with open("EC_result.txt", "a") as output: output.write(content) with open("time_info_original", "a") as outfile: outfile.write( i.strip("c5315-mux4-").strip(".v") + " ") with open("temp-time", "r") as infile: timeline ="\n")
] with open("time_info_original", "a") as outfile: outfile.write("#Number of gate #BASE\n") # run simp and it will generate the finalsolu and iterationinfo for i in cam_list: cmmd = "/usr/bin/time -v -o temp-time ./minisat-incre-simp decam-incre c7552-abcmap-fmt.v " + i call(cmmd, shell=True) # rename iterationinfo os.rename("increIterationInfo.log", i.strip(".v") + "-interationInfo.dat") # check EC and import to a txt res = EC("c7552-abcmap-fmt.v", i, "finalSolu.log") if (res == 1): content = "Circuit: " + i + " is CORRECT!\n" elif (res == 0): content = "Circuit: " + i + " is WRONG!\n" else: content = "Circuit: " + i + " is BUG!\n" with open("EC_result.txt", "a") as output: output.write(content) with open("time_info_original", "a") as outfile: outfile.write( i.strip("c7552-mux4-").strip(".v") + " ") with open("temp-time", "r") as infile: timeline ="\n")