def about_bio(update: Update, context: CallbackContext):
    bot, args =, context.args
    message = update.effective_message

    user_id = extract_user(message, args)
    if user_id:
        user = bot.get_chat(user_id)
        user = message.from_user

    info = sql.get_user_bio(

    if info:
            user.first_name, escape_markdown(info)),
    elif message.reply_to_message:
        username = user.first_name
            f"{username} hasn't had a message set about themselves yet!\nSet one using /setbio"
            "You haven't had a bio set about yourself yet!")
def hpmanager(user):
    total_hp = (get_user_num_chats( + 10) * 10

    if not is_user_gbanned(

        # Assign new var `new_hp` since we need `total_hp` in
        # end to calculate percentage.
        new_hp = total_hp

        # if no username decrease 25% of hp.
        if not user.username:
            new_hp -= no_by_per(total_hp, 25)
        except IndexError:
            # no profile photo ==> -25% of hp
            new_hp -= no_by_per(total_hp, 25)
        # if no /setme exist ==> -20% of hp
        if not sql.get_user_me_info(
            new_hp -= no_by_per(total_hp, 20)
        # if no bio exsit ==> -10% of hp
        if not sql.get_user_bio(
            new_hp -= no_by_per(total_hp, 10)

        if is_afk(
            afkst = check_afk_status(
            # if user is afk and no reason then decrease 7%
            # else if reason exist decrease 5%
            if not afkst.reason:
                new_hp -= no_by_per(total_hp, 7)
                new_hp -= no_by_per(total_hp, 5)

        # fbanned users will have (2*number of fbans) less from max HP
        # Example: if HP is 100 but user has 5 diff fbans
        # Available HP is (2*5) = 10% less than Max HP
        # So.. 10% of 100HP = 90HP

# Commenting out fban health decrease cause it wasnt working and isnt needed ig.
#_, fbanlist = get_user_fbanlist(
#new_hp -= no_by_per(total_hp, 2 * len(fbanlist))

# Bad status effects:
# gbanned users will always have 5% HP from max HP
# Example: If HP is 100 but gbanned
# Available HP is 5% of 100 = 5HP

        new_hp = no_by_per(total_hp, 5)

    return {
        "earnedhp": int(new_hp),
        "totalhp": int(total_hp),
        "percentage": get_percentage(total_hp, new_hp)
def __user_info__(user_id):
    bio = html.escape(sql.get_user_bio(user_id) or "")
    me = html.escape(sql.get_user_me_info(user_id) or "")
    result = ""
    if me:
        result += f"<b>About user:</b>\n{me}\n"
    if bio:
        result += f"<b>What others say:</b>\n{bio}\n"
    result = result.strip("\n")
    return result