Beispiel #1
class SemPubClient:
    def __init__(self, key):
        """Constructor for a client object
        self.key = key
        self.dictionaryManager = DictionaryManager(key)
        self.entityManager = EntityManager(key)
        self.conceptManager = ConceptManager(key)
        self.modelManager = ModelManager(key)
        self.categoryManager = CategoryManager(key)

        # Default parameter values for /semantic_tagging
        self.fields = ''
        self.filter_data = 'y'

        # Default parameter values for /check
        self.mode = 'all'
        self.group_errors = '2'
        self.check_spacing = 'n'

    # Setters for configuration parameters
    def setAnalysisFields(self, fields):
        self.fields = fields

    def setAnalysisFilterData(self, filter_data):
        self.filter_data = filter_data

    def setCheckMode(self, mode):
        self.model = mode

    def setCheckGroupErrors(self, group_errors):
        self.group_errors = group_errors

    def setCheckSpacing(self, check_spacing):
        self.check_spacing = check_spacing

    def __parseResponse(self, response):
      Helper method that parses the result or throws an Exception if the service returns an error

        if response.status_code ==
            r = response.json()
            return r['result']
            r = response.json()
            raise SemPubException(response.status_code, r['status'])

        # Semantic tagging service operations
    def analyzeDocument(self, document, dictionary=None, models=None):
        """ Returns the text of the document analyzed including all the extracted semantic information. 
      It takes into account document metadata (language, source, timeref) to build a more accurate analysis
      :param document: :class:'Document' to be analyzed 
      :param dictionary (optional): a user defined :class:'Dictionary' to include for tagging 
      :param models (optional): a list of user defined :class:'Model: to include for classification
        payload = {
            'key': self.key,
            'doc': str(document),
            'filter_data': self.filter_data,
            'fields': self.fields
        if (dictionary is not None):
            payload['dictionary'] = dictionary['name']
        if (models is not None):
            if (isinstance(models, list)):
                modelnames = map(lambda x: x['name'], models)
                payload['model'] = modelnames
                payload['model'] = models['name']
        payload['src'] = 'sdk-python-1.0'
        response =, data=payload)
        return self.__parseResponse(response)

    def analyzeText(self, text, lang, dictionary=None, models=None):
        """ Returns the text analyzed including all the extracted semantic information
      :param text: text to be analyzed 
      :param lang: language of the text 
      :param dictionary (optional): a user defined :class:'Dictionary' to include for tagging 
      :param models (optional): a list of user defined :class:'Model: to include for classification
        doc = Document(1, text)
        doc['language'] = lang
        return self.analyzeDocument(doc, dictionary, models)

    # Text proofreading service operations
    def checkDocument(self, document, doc_offset=0, dictionary=None):
        """ Returns the proofreading issues found in the document text 
      It takes into account document metadata (language)
      :param document: :class:'Document' to be analyzed 
      :param doc_offset: offset in characters from where to start proofreading 
      :param dictionary (optional): a user defined :class:'Dictionary' that marks words in our dictionary as known 
        payload = {
            'key': self.key,
            'doc': str(document),
            'doc_offset': doc_offset,
            'mode': self.mode,
            'group_errors': self.group_errors,
            'check_spacing': self.check_spacing
        if (dictionary is not None):
            payload['dictionary'] = dictionary['name']
        payload['src'] = 'sdk-python-1.0'
        endpoint = CHECK_SERVICE_ENDPOINT
        response =, data=payload)
        return self.__parseResponse(response)

    def checkText(self, text, lang, doc_offset=0, dictionary=None):
        """ Returns the proofreading issues found in the text
      :param text: text to be analyzed 
      :param lang: language of the text
      :param doc_offset: offset in characters from where to start proofreading 
      :param dictionary (optional): a user defined :class:'Dictionary'that marks words in our dictionary as known 
        doc = Document(1, text)
        doc['language'] = lang
        return self.checkDocument(doc, doc_offset, dictionary)

    # CRUD operations on Dictionary
    def getDictionaryList(self, query, lang):
        """ List of user-defined dictionaries

      :param query: regular expresion to filter dictionaries
      :param lang: filter dictionaries in this language, use 'all' if a multilingual dictionary  
        return self.dictionaryManager.getList(query, lang)

    def createDictionary(self, dictionary):
        return self.dictionaryManager.create(dictionary)

    def readDictionary(self, name):

    def updateDictionary(self, dictionary):
        return self.dictionaryManager.update(dictionary)

    def deleteDictionary(self, name):
        return self.dictionaryManager.delete(name)

    def deleteDictionary(self, dictionary):
        return self.dictionaryManager.delete(dictionary.getId())

    # CRUD operations on Entity
    def getEntityList(self, dictionary, query):
        """ Shows a list of entities (:class:'Entity') included in the dictionary matching the query  

      :param dictionary: a :class:'Dictionary' object 
      :param query: a regular expression
        return self.entityManager.getList(dictionary.getId(), query)

    def createEntity(self, entity, dictionary):
        return self.entityManager.create(entity, dictionary.getId())

    def readEntity(self, id, dictionary):
        return, dictionary.getId())

    def updateEntity(self, entity, dictionary):
        return self.entityManager.update(entity, dictionary.getId())

    def deleteEntity(self, id, dictionary):
        return self.entityManager.delete(id, dictionary.getId())

    def deleteEntity(self, entity, dictionary):
        return self.entityManager.delete(entity.getId(), dictionary.getId())

        # CRUD operations on Concept
    def getConceptList(self, dictionary, query):
        """ Shows a list of concepts (:class:'Concept') included in the dictionary matching the query  

      :param dictionary: a :class:'Dictionary' object 
      :param query: a regular expression
        return self.conceptManager.getList(dictionary.getId(), query)

    def createConcept(self, concept, dictionary):
        return self.conceptManager.create(concept, dictionary.getId())

    def readConcept(self, id, dictionary):
        return, dictionary.getId())

    def updateConcept(self, concept, dictionary):
        return self.conceptManager.update(concept, dictionary.getId())

    def deleteConcept(self, id, dictionary):
        return self.conceptManager.delete(id, dictionary.getId())

    def deleteConcept(self, concept, dictionary):
        return self.conceptManager.delete(concept.getId(), dictionary.getId())

        # CRUD operations on Model
    def getModelList(self, query, lang):
        """ List of user-defined models

      :param query: regular expresion to filter dictionaries
      :param lang: filter dictionaries in this language 
        return self.modelManager.getList(query, lang)

    def createModel(self, model):
        return self.modelManager.create(model)

    def readModel(self, name):

    def updateModel(self, model):
        return self.modelManager.update(model)

    def deleteModel(self, name):
        return self.modelManager.delete(name)

    def deleteModel(self, model):
        return self.modelManager.delete(model.getId())

    # CRUD operation on Category
    def getCategoryList(self, model, query):
        """ Show a list of categories (:class:'Category') included in the model matching the query  

      :param model: a :class:'Model' object 
      :param query: a regular expression
        return self.categoryManager.getList(model.getId(), query)

    def createCategory(self, category, model):
        return self.categoryManager.create(category, model.getId())

    def readCategory(self, id, model):
        return, model.getId())

    def updateCategory(self, category, model):
        return self.categoryManager.update(category, model.getId())

    def deleteCategory(self, id, model):
        return self.categoryManager.delete(id, model.getId())

    def deleteCategory(self, category, model):
        return self.categoryManager.delete(category.getId(), model.getId())
class PersistencyManager( object ):
    def __init__( self ):
        self._entity = EntityManager()
        self._model = ModelManager()

    def addModel( self, fileName ):
		# TODO > not yet implemented
        if self._model._checkModelCorrectness(fileName):
            name = self._model.addModel(fileName)
            if name == None:
            for entity in self._model._model[name].entities():
                self._entity.addEntity( entity, self._model._model[name][entity]['_signature'] )

    def removeModel(self, modelName):

    def add(self, model, entity):
        if not model in self._model._model.keys():
        wip = self._entity.add(entity)
        self._model.add(model, entity, wip)
        return wip

    def remove(self, model, entity, id):
        if not model in self._model._model.keys():
        self._entity.remove(entity, id)
        self._model.remove(model, entity, id)

    def update(self, model, entity, id, field, val):
        if not self._model.exist(model, entity):
        self._entity.update(entity, id, field, val)

    def ref(self, model, entity, id, field, val):
        if not( self._model.exist(model, entity, id) and self._entity.exist(entity) ):
        self._model.ref(model, entity, id, field, val)

    def deref(self, model, entity, id, field, val):
        self._model.deref(model, entity, id, field, val)

    def get(self, model, entity, id, field):
        if self._model.fieldInfo(model, entity, field) != None:
            return self._model.get(model, entity, id, field)
        elif self._entity.hasField(entity, field):
            return self._entity.get(entity, id, field)
            return None

    def getFieldInfo(self, model, entity, id, field ):
        tmp = self._model.fieldInfo( model, entity, field )
        if tmp == None:
            tmp = []
        return tmp

    def getInfo(self, model=None, entity=None, id=None, field=None):
        if model == None:
            return self._model.getInfo()
        if entity == None:
            return self._model.getInfo(model)
        if id == None:
            return self._entity.getInfo(entity)
        if field == None:
            ret = self._model.getInfo(model, entity)
            ret += [x[0] for x in self._model.entitySignature(model, entity)]
            return ret
        return self.get(model, entity, id, field)
Beispiel #3
class Game:

    gamepad = None
    player = None
    screen = None
    entityManager = None
    world = None


    game_is_running = False

    def __init__(self):
        print("Press Ctrl-C to quit")

        self.gamepad = GamePad()
        self.screen = Screen()
        self.entityManager = EntityManager()
        self.player = Player(self) = World(self)

    def update(self, dt):


        if (self.gamepad.pressed[GAMEPAD_BUTTON.START]):
            self.game_is_running = False

    def draw(self):

    def start(self):

    def loop(self):

        self.game_is_running = True

        lastFrameTime = time.time()

            while self.game_is_running:
                currentTime = time.time()
                dt = currentTime - lastFrameTime

                sleepTime = 1. / self.FRAMES_PER_SECOND - (currentTime -

                if sleepTime > 0:


                lastFrameTime = currentTime
        except KeyboardInterrupt:
class SemPubClient:

	def __init__(self,key):
		""" Constructor for a client object """
		self.key = key;
		self.dictionaryManager = DictionaryManager(key)
		self.entityManager      = EntityManager(key)
		self.conceptManager     = ConceptManager(key)
		self.modelManager       = ModelManager(key)
		self.categoryManager    = CategoryManager(key)

		# Default parameter values for /semantic_tagging 
		self.fields = ''
		self.filter_data = 'y'

		# Default parameter values for /check 
		self.mode = 'all'
		self.group_errors = '2'
		self.check_spacing = 'n' 

    # Setters for configuration parameters
	def setAnalysisFields(self, fields):
		self.fields = fields

	def setAnalysisFilterData(self, filter_data):
		self.filter_data = filter_data

	def setCheckMode(self, mode):
		self.model = mode

	def setCheckGroupErrors(self, group_errors):
		self.group_errors = group_errors

	def setCheckSpacing(self, check_spacing):
		self.check_spacing = check_spacing

	def __parseResponse(self, response):
		"""Helper methos that parses the result ot throws an Exception if the service returns an error"""
		if response.status_code ==
			r = response.json()
			return r['result']
			r = response.json()
			raise SemPubException(response.status_code, r['status'])

    # Semantic tagging services
	def analyzeDocument(self, document, dictionary=None, models=None):
		""" returns the text of the document analyzed including all the extracted semantic information. 
			It takes into account document metadata (language, source, timeref) to build more accurate analysis
			:param document: :class:'Document' to be analyzed 
			:param dictionary (optional): a user defined :class:'Dictionary' to include for tagging 
			:param models (optional): a list of user defined :class:'Model: to include for classification
		payload = {
			'key': self.key, 
			'doc': str(document), 
			'filter_data' : self.filter_data, 
			'fields' : self.fields }
		if (dictionary is not None):
		 	payload['dictionary'] = dictionary['name']		
		if (models is not None):
			if (isinstance(models,list)):
				modelnames = map(lambda x: x['name'], models)
				payload['model'] = modelnames
				payload['model'] = models['name']			
		response =, data = payload)
		return self.__parseResponse(response)

	def analyzeText(self, text, lang, dictionary=None, models=None):
		""" returns the text analyzed including all the extracted semantic information
			:param text: text to be analyzed 
			:param lang: language of the text 
			:param dictionary (optional): a user defined :class:'Dictionary' to include for tagging 
			:param models (optional): a list of user defined :class:'Model: to include for classification
		doc = Document(1, text)
		doc['language'] = lang;
		return self.analyzeDocument(doc, dictionary, models);

	# Text proofreading services
	def checkDocument(self, document, doc_offset = 0, dictionary = None):
		""" returns the proofreading issues found in the document text 
			It takes into account document metadata (language)
			:param document: :class:'Document' to be analyzed 
			:param doc_offset: offset in characters from where to start proofreading 
			:param dictionary (optional): a user defined :class:'Dictionary' that marks words in our dictionary as known 
		payload = {
		'key': self.key, 
		'doc': str(document) , 
		'doc_offset' : doc_offset, 
		'mode' : self.mode, 
		'group_errors' : self.group_errors, 
		'check_spacing' : self.check_spacing }
		if (dictionary is not None):
			payload['dictionary'] = dictionary['name']						
		response =, data = payload)
		return self.__parseResponse(response)

	def checkText(self, text, lang, doc_offset = 0, dictionary = None):
		""" returns the proofreading issues found in the text
			:param text: text to be analyzed 
			:param lang: language of the text
			:param doc_offset: offset in characters from where to start proofreading 
			:param dictionary (optional): a user defined :class:'Dictionary'that marks words in our dictionary as known 
		doc = Document(1, text)
		doc['language'] = lang;
		return self.checkDocument(doc, doc_offset, dictionary);

    # CRUD operations on Dictionary  
	def getDictionaryList(self, query, lang):
		""" List of use-defined dictionaries

			:param query: regular expresion to filter dictionaries
			:param lang: filter dictionaries in this language, use 'all' if a multilingual dictionary  
		return self.dictionaryManager.getList(query, lang)

	def createDictionary(self, dictionary):
		return self.dictionaryManager.create(dictionary)

	def readDictionary(self, name):

	def updateDictionary(self, dictionary):
		return self.dictionaryManager.update(dictionary)

	def deleteDictionary(self, name):
		return self.dictionaryManager.delete(name)

	def deleteDictionary(self, dictionary):
		return self.dictionaryManager.delete(dictionary.getId())

    # CRUD operations on Entity  
	def getEntityList(self, dictionary, query):
		""" Show a list of entities (:class:'Entity') included in the dictionary matching the query  

			:param dictionary: a :class:'Dictionary' object 
			:param query: a regular expression
		return self.entityManager.getList(dictionary.getId(), query)

	def createEntity(self, entity, dictionary):
		return self.entityManager.create(entity, dictionary.getId())

	def readEntity(self, id, dictionary):
		return, dictionary.getId())

	def updateEntity(self, entity, dictionary):
		return self.entityManager.update(entity, dictionary.getId())

	def deleteEntity(self, id, dictionary):
		return self.entityManager.delete(id, dictionary.getId())

	def deleteEntity(self, entity, dictionary):
		return self.entityManager.delete(entity.getId(), dictionary.getId())

    # CRUD operations on Concept  
	def getConceptList(self, dictionary, query):
		""" Show a list of concepts (:class:'Concept') included in the dictionary matching the query  

			:param dictionary: a :class:'Dictionary' object 
			:param query: a regular expression
		return self.conceptManager.getList(dictionary.getId(), query)

	def createConcept(self, concept, dictionary):
		return self.conceptManager.create(concept, dictionary.getId())

	def readConcept(self, id, dictionary):
		return, dictionary.getId())

	def updateConcept(self, concept, dictionary):
		return self.conceptManager.update(concept, dictionary.getId())

	def deleteConcept(self, id, dictionary):
		return self.conceptManager.delete(id, dictionary.getId())

	def deleteConcept(self, concept, dictionary):
		return self.conceptManager.delete(concept.getId(), dictionary.getId())

    # CRUD operations on Model  
	def getModelList(self, query, lang):
		""" List of user-defined models

			:param query: regular expresion to filter dictionaries
			:param lang: filter dictionaries in this language 
		return self.modelManager.getList(query, lang)

	def createModel(self, model):
		return self.modelManager.create(model)

	def readModel(self, name):

	def updateModel(self, model):
		return self.modelManager.update(model)

	def deleteModel(self, name):
		return self.modelManager.delete(name)

	def deleteModel(self, model):
		return self.modelManager.delete(model.getId())

    # CRUD operation on Category  
	def getCategoryList(self, model, query):
		""" Show a list of categories (:class:'Category') included in the model matching the query  

			:param model: a :class:'Model' object 
			:param query: a regular expression
		return self.categoryManager.getList(model.getId(), query)

	def createCategory(self, category, model):
		return self.categoryManager.create(category, model.getId())

	def readCategory(self, id, model):
		return, model.getId())

	def updateCategory(self, category, model):
		return self.categoryManager.update(category, model.getId())

	def deleteCategory(self, id, model):
		return self.categoryManager.delete(id, model.getId())

	def deleteCategory(self, category, model):
		return self.categoryManager.delete(category.getId(), model.getId())