def compare_correlated_summary_stats(params, syn_current, pair, corr_mat, mag_of_change, selected_indices, using="C++", mode="auto", summary_func=None):
    """Simulates a reference and a correlated trace. Summarises both and returns an DataFrame
    containing the selected summary statistics.

    params : torch.Tensor
        A 1D parameter tensor that holds the values of input parameters to the simulator model.
        Contains the initial current "V0" [float], the stimulation current trace
        "It" [ndarray], the product of the stimulation current trace and the area
        of the soma "ItA": ndarray, the time axis "ts": ndarray, the step size
        "dt": float and the simulus time course "StimOnset": float,
        "StimEnd": float and "StimDur": float.
    pair : tuple, list, numpy.ndarray
        Specifies which correlation axis to change the parameters along.
    corr_mat : torch.Tensor
        Matrix containing the pairwise correlation coefficients of the different parameters.
    mag_of_change : float
        Value from the intervall of [-k, k], where k \in R that specifies by how much the
        input parameters are altered.
    selected_stats : None, tuple, list or array
        Indices of summary stats to be used.
    sumary_func : function or str
        A function that takes voltage trace V(t), current trace I(t), time
        points t and time step dt and outputs a dictionary with summary stats
        and descriptions.
        Alternatively a descriptive string like "v1" or "v2" can be provided to
        use one of the summary methods already implemented as part of Trace().
    mode : str
        Specifies whether cell/experiment specific parameters like ASoma and V0
        should be specified as part of the model parameters ("model_params")
        or if ASoma and V0 should be considered part of the syn_current
        or trace object ("trace").

    sum_df : pandas.DataFrame
        Contains the summary statistics for both the base and correlated trace."""

    # generate correlated parameters
    pars = generate_correlated_parameters(params, corr_mat, pair=pair, mag_of_change=mag_of_change)

    # run simulation with reference and correlated params
    corr_trace = runHH(pars, syn_current=syn_current, using=using, mode=mode)
    base_trace = runHH(params, syn_current=syn_current, using=using, mode=mode)

    # collect results of summaries in DataFrame
    sum_corr_trace_df = pd.Series(
        corr_trace.summarise(selected_indices, summary_func=summary_func), name="correlated params")
    sum_base_trace_df = pd.Series(base_trace.summarise(selected_indices,summary_func=summary_func), name="base params")

    sum_df = pd.concat([sum_base_trace_df,sum_corr_trace_df], axis=1)

    return sum_df
Beispiel #2
def plot_best_matches(thetas=None, stats_sim=None, stats_obs=None, simulated_traces=None,
                     trace_obs=None, samplesize=10, figsize=(10, 14), savefig=False,
                     fig_name="default", selected_stats=None, metric="MSE", mode="auto"):
    """Plot the best matching voltage traces compared with the observed trace,
    based on the mean squared error of the summary statistics.

    thetas : torch.tensor or numpy.ndarray
        Holds the parameters that go along with stats_sim.
    stats_sim = pandas.DataFrame
        Contains the summarised simulation results.
    stats_obs = pandas.DataFrame
        Contains the summarised observation results.
    simulated_traces : list[Trace]
        The simulated data of the voltage traces in the form of Trace() objects.
    trace_obs : Trace
        Trace object for the observed voltage trace
    selected_stats : None, tuple, list or array
            Indices of summary stats to be used
    samplesize : int
        How many simulated traces to compare.
    figsize : tuple, list or ndarray
        Changes the figure size of the plot.
    timewindow: tuple, list or ndarray
        Contains start and end time of voltage traces that will be shown.
    savefig : bool
        Determines whether or not to save the plotted figure.
    fig_name : str
        Integrates figure name into the filename of the saved figure.
    selected_stats : None, tuple, list or array
        Indices of summary stats to be used.
    metric : str
        Determines which metric to sort the samples by. Currently "MSE"
        and "std" are supported.
    mode : str
        Specifies whether cell/experiment specific parameters like ASoma and V0
        should be specified as part of the model parameters ("model_params")
        or if ASoma and V0 should be considered part of the syn_current
        or trace object ("trace")."""

    mins_idx, mins = best_matches(stats_sim, stats_obs, simulated_traces, trace_obs, selected_stats, metric)
    if type(simulated_traces) == type(None):
        if type(thetas) == pd.core.frame.DataFrame:
            thetas = torch.tensor(thetas.values[mins_idx[:samplesize]])
        simulated_traces = runHH(thetas, trace_obs, mode=mode)
    if trace_obs == None:
        raise ValueError("No observed trace was provided. Please provide Trace().")
    plot_comparison(simulated_traces, trace_obs, samplesize, figsize=(10, 14))

    if savefig:
Beispiel #3
def show_correlated_traces(params, syn_current, corr_mat, pair=(0,1), start=0.01, stop=0.5,
                           N=5, figsize=(15,10), timewindow=[0.3,0.33], compare_changes=False,
                           savefig=False, fig_name="default",
    """Plots the effects of changing correlated parameters, for one parameter pair,
    on the summary stats of the simulated voltage traces for different magnitudes of change.

    params : torch.Tensor
        A 1D parameter tensor that holds the values of input parameters to the simulator model.
    syn_current : dict
        Contains the initial current "V0" [float], the stimulation current trace
        "It" [ndarray], the product of the stimulation current trace and the area
        of the soma "ItA": ndarray, the time axis "ts": ndarray, the step size
        "dt": float and the simulus time course "StimOnset": float,
        "StimEnd": float and "StimDur": float.
    corr_mat : torch.Tensor
        Matrix containing the pairwise correlation coefficients of the different parameters.
    pair : tuple, list, numpy.ndarray
        Specifies which correlation axis to change the parameters along.
    start : float
        Minimum value of parameter change along correlation axis.
    stop : float
        Maximum value of parameter change along correlation axis.
    N : int
        Number of values inbetween min. and max. amount of change.
    figsize : tuple
        Specify size of each plt.figure.
    timewindow : tuple, list or ndarray
        The voltage and current trace will only be plotted between (t1,t2).
        To be specified in secs.
    compare_changes : bool
        Whether or not to include a plot that compares the correlated traces for all
        magnitudes of change.
    savefig : bool
        Determines whether or not to save the plotted figure.
    fig_name : str
        Integrates figure name into the filename of the saved figure.
    mode : str
        Specifies whether cell/experiment specific parameters like ASoma and V0
        should be specified as part of the model parameters ("model_params")
        or if ASoma and V0 should be considered part of the syn_current
        or trace object ("trace")."""

    base_trace = runHH(params, syn_current=syn_current, mode=mode)
    corr_traces = []

    fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize)
    for idx, change in enumerate(np.linspace(start, stop, N)):

        # generate correlated params, simulate and store trace
        pars = generate_correlated_parameters(params, corr_mat, pair=pair, mag_of_change=change)
        corr_trace = runHH(pars, syn_current=syn_current)

        # plot both traces onto same axis
        axs = base_trace.inspect(voltage_only=True, timewindow=timewindow, label="base params",
        corr_trace.inspect(axes=axs, voltage_only=True, timewindow=timewindow, label="correlated params",

        plt.title("change along correlation axis = {0:.1f}%".format(change*100))

    if savefig:
        plt.savefig('../data/figures/{}_8paramprior_support_corr_change_effect_on_traces_{}.png'.format(fig_name, pair))

    # plots all changes into one set ox axes
    if compare_changes:
        axs = base_trace.inspect(voltage_only=True, timewindow=timewindow, label="base params",
        for idx, (change,corr_trace) in enumerate(corr_traces):
            corr_trace.inspect(axes=axs, voltage_only=True, timewindow=timewindow,
                               label="{0:.1f}%".format(change*100), line_color=colormap(idx/N))

        if savefig:
            plt.savefig('../data/figures/{}_8paramprior_support_corr_change_effect_on_traces_combined_{}.png'.format(fig_name, pair))
Beispiel #4
def plot_correlated_summary_stats(params, syn_current, corr_mat, pair=(0,1), start=0.01,
                                  stop=0.5, N=5, figsize=(15,10), timewindow=[0.3,0.33],
                                  selected_stats=None, change_only=False,
                                  savefig=False, fig_name="default",
                                  mode="auto", summary_func="v1"):
    """Plots the effects of changing correlated parameters, for one parameter pair,
    on the summary stats of the simulated voltage traces for different magnitudes of change.

    params : torch.Tensor
        A 1D parameter tensor that holds the values of input parameters to the simulator model.
    syn_current : dict
        Contains the initial current "V0" [float], the stimulation current trace
        "It" [ndarray], the product of the stimulation current trace and the area
        of the soma "ItA": ndarray, the time axis "ts": ndarray, the step size
        "dt": float and the simulus time course "StimOnset": float,
        "StimEnd": float and "StimDur": float.
    corr_mat : torch.Tensor
        Matrix containing the pairwise correlation coefficients of the different parameters.
    pair : tuple, list, numpy.ndarray
        Specifies which correlation axis to change the parameters along.
    start : float
        Minimum value of parameter change along correlation axis.
    stop : float
        Maximum value of parameter change along correlation axis.
    N : int
        Number of values inbetween min. and max. amount of change.
    figsize : tuple
        Specify size of each plt.figure.
    timewindow : tuple, list or ndarray
        The voltage and current trace will only be plotted between (t1,t2).
        To be specified in secs.
    selected_stats : None, tuple, list or array
        Indices of summary stats to be used.
    change_only : bool
        Whether or not to only plot the change in the difference of summary stats.
    savefig : bool
        Determines whether or not to save the plotted figure.
    fig_name : str
        Integrates figure name into the filename of the saved figure.
    mode : str
        Specifies whether cell/experiment specific parameters like ASoma and V0
        should be specified as part of the model parameters ("model_params")
        or if ASoma and V0 should be considered part of the syn_current
        or trace object ("trace")."""

    base_trace = runHH(params, syn_current=syn_current, mode=mode)

    change_hist = pd.DataFrame(data=None,columns=base_trace.Summary.keys())
    for idx, change in enumerate(np.linspace(start, stop, N)):
        sum_df = compare_correlated_summary_stats(params, syn_current, pair, corr_mat, change, selected_stats, mode=mode, summary_func=summary_func)

        rel_changes = abs((sum_df["base params"] - sum_df["correlated params"])/sum_df["base params"])*100
        changes_df = pd.DataFrame(rel_changes, columns=[r"$\Delta_{corr}$"+" = {}%".format(change*100)])

        change_hist = change_hist.append(changes_df.T)

        if not change_only:
            plot_change_of_corr_summaries(sum_df, changes_df, colormap(idx/N), savefig, fig_name)

    change_hist.T.plot(kind="bar", figsize=(15,5), cmap=colormap)

    if savefig:
Beispiel #5
def plot_correlation_effects(params, syn_current, corr_mat, mag_of_change=0.1, figsize=(15,10),
                             timewindow=[0.3,0.33], effect_on="traces", selected_stats=None,
                             savefig=False, fig_name="default", summary_func="v1",
    """Plots the effects of changing correlated parameter pairs, for all pairs, on the simulated
    voltage traces or the change in summary statistics. Starts with (0,1).

    params : torch.Tensor
        A 1D parameter tensor that holds the values of input parameters to the simulator model.
    syn_current : dict
        Contains the initial current "V0" [float], the stimulation current trace
        "It" [ndarray], the product of the stimulation current trace and the area
        of the soma "ItA": ndarray, the time axis "ts": ndarray, the step size
        "dt": float and the simulus time course "StimOnset": float,
        "StimEnd": float and "StimDur": float.
    corr_mat : torch.Tensor
        Matrix containing the pairwise correlation coefficients of the different parameters.
    mag_of_change : float
        Value from the intervall of [-k, k], where k \in R that specifies by how much the
        input parameters are altered.
    figsize : tuple
        Specify size of plt.figure.
    timewindow : tuple, list or ndarray
        The voltage and current trace will only be plotted between (t1,t2).
        To be specified in secs.
    effect_on : str ("traces" or "summary stats")
        Specify how the effect of a correlated change in parameters affects either the summary
        statistics or the voltage traces.
    selected_stats : None, tuple, list or array
        Indices of summary stats to be used.
    savefig : bool
        Determines whether or not to save the plotted figure.
    fig_name : str
        Integrates figure name into the filename of the saved figure.
    summary_func : str
        A descriptive string like "v1" or "v2" can be provided to
        use one of the summary methods already implemented as part of Trace().
    mode : str
        Specifies whether cell/experiment specific parameters like ASoma and V0
        should be specified as part of the model parameters ("model_params")
        or if ASoma and V0 should be considered part of the syn_current
        or trace object ("trace")."""

    N = np.max(params.shape)

    fig, axes = plt.subplots(N-1,N-1, figsize=figsize)
    # loop over pairs in upper triangle of matrix
    for j in range(1,N):
        for i in range(j):
            pars = generate_correlated_parameters(params, corr_mat, pair=(i,j))
            correlated_trace = runHH(pars, syn_current=syn_current, mode=mode)
            base_trace = runHH(params, syn_current=syn_current, mode=mode)

            axs = axes[i,j-1]

            if "trace" in effect_on.lower():
                # plot traces
                base_trace.inspect(axes=axs, voltage_only=True, timewindow=timewindow)
                correlated_trace.inspect(axes=axs, voltage_only=True, timewindow=timewindow)

                # format axes
                if i != j-1:

                    plt.subplots_adjust(hspace = .65, wspace = .2)

                    if i == 0:
                        axs.set_ylabel("V [mV]", fontsize=10)
                        axs.set_xlabel("j = "+str(j), fontsize=10)
                    if j == 7:
                        axs.set_xlabel("t [ms]", fontsize=10)
                        axs.set_ylabel("i = "+ str(i), fontsize=10)
                    if i != 0 and j != 7:
                        axs.set_xlabel("j = "+ str(j), fontsize=10)
                        axs.set_ylabel("i =" + str(i), fontsize=10)
            if "summary" in effect_on.lower():
                summary_df = compare_correlated_summary_stats(params, syn_current, (i,j), corr_mat, mag_of_change, selected_stats, summary_func=summary_func, mode=mode)
                changes_df = pd.DataFrame(abs((summary_df["base params"] - summary_df["correlated params"])/summary_df["base params"])*100, columns=[r"$\Delta_{corr}$"+" = {}\%".format(mag_of_change*100)])

                # plot changes
                changes_df.plot(kind="bar", ax=axs, color="black",legend=False, width=1)

                # format axes and plots

                plt.subplots_adjust(hspace = .65, wspace = .2)
                plt.suptitle("Percentage change in the summary statistics")

                if i == j-1:
                    axs.set_xlabel("j = "+ str(j), fontsize=10)
                    axs.set_ylabel("i =" + str(i), fontsize=10)
                    if i == 0 and j == 1:
                        axs.set_ylabel(r"$\Delta$ [%]", fontsize=10)
                        axs.set_xlabel("j = "+str(j), fontsize=10)
                    if j == N-1 and i == N-2:
                        axs.set_xlabel("Summary Stats", fontsize=10)
                        axs.set_ylabel("i = "+ str(i), fontsize=10)

                    axs.set_xlabel("j = "+ str(j), fontsize=10)
                    axs.set_ylabel("i =" + str(i), fontsize=10)

    # remove diagonal and lowever triangle of matrix
    for i in range(1,N):
        for j in range(i-1):
            axs = axes[i-1,j]
            sns.despine(ax = axs, left = True, bottom = True)

    if savefig:
        plt.savefig('../data/figures/{}_8paramprior_support_corr_change_effect_on_{}.png'.format(fig_name, effect_on))