Beispiel #1
def channel_addowner (token, channel_id, u_id):
    curr_u_id = auth_login
    if is_not_owner(token, channel_id):
        raise AccessError ("current user is not owner within target channel")
    if is_channel (channel_id):
        if in_channel (token, channel_id):
            if is_not_owner(u_id, channel_id):
                #do something
                raise ValueError ("target user already owner")
            raise AccessError ("current user is not within target channel")
        raise ValueError ("channel is invalid")
Beispiel #2
def channel_invite(token, channel_id, u_id):
    data = getData()
    inviter_id = getUidFromToken(token)
    # check if u_id refers to a valid user
    # check if channel exists
    channel = getChannelFromChannelId(channel_id)
    # check if u_id is already in the channel
    if u_id in channel['all_members']:
        raise ValueError_http("User is already part of the channel")
    # # check if user is attempting to invite themself
    # if inviter_id == u_id:
    #     raise ValueError_http("You are not allowed to invite yourself")
    # check if authorized user is part of channel
    if inviter_id not in channel['all_members']:
        raise AccessError("Authorised user not a member of channel")
    # check permission of invited user
    invitee_permission = checkUserPermission(u_id)
    if invitee_permission == 1 or invitee_permission == 2:

    details_channel = getChannelDetailsSimple(channel_id)

    return ()
def message_send(token, channel_id, message, time_sent):
    global GLOBAL_DATA                                                                                                                                           
    # Send message from authorised user to channel
    if len(message) > 1000:                                 
        raise ValueError("Message is more than 1000 characters")
    elif time_sent < 0:
        raise ValueError
    elif channel_id < 0 or len(GLOBAL_DATA["channels"]) <= channel_id:
        raise ValueError

    # raise AccessError when user has has not joined the channel                                    
    target_channel = GLOBAL_DATA["channels"][channel_id]
    user_name = get_user_from_token(token)
    if user_name not in target_channel.members:
        raise AccessError("authorised user has not joined the channel they are trying to post to")

    #timer start
    now = time.time()
    future = now + time_sent
    while time.time() < future:
    new_message = Message(token, message)

    return {"message_id": new_message.message_id}
def message_sendlater(token, channel_id, message, time_sent):
    global message_id
    # check for access error (user must be in the channel)
    if user_is_in_channel(getUidFromToken(token), channel_id) is False:
        raise AccessError('User not in the channel')

    if len(message) > 1000:
        raise ValueError_http("Message cannot be longer than 1000 characters")

    #time sent has to be in the future
    if float(time_sent) <
        raise ValueError_http("Time set has to be in the future")

    # add message details
    channel = getChannelDetails(channel_id)
    message_id += 1
    channel['messages'].insert(0, {
        'message_id': message_id,
        'u_id': getUidFromToken(token),
        'message': message,
        'time_created': str(time_sent),
        'reacts': [{'react_id': 1, 'u_ids': [], 'is_this_user_reacted' : False}],
        'is_pinned': False
    return {'message_id': message_id}
Beispiel #5
def Channel_join(token, channel_id):
    if is_channel(token, channel_id):
        if in_channel(token, channel_id):
            return ValueError("user already in target channel")
        elif is_private(token, channel_id) == False:
            #do something
        elif is_private(token, channel_id):
            return AccessError("target channel is private")
        return ValueError("Channel is invalid")
def message_remove(token, message_id):
    # message doesnt exist
    if messageExists(message_id) is False:
        raise ValueError_http('Message does not exist')
    channel_id = findMessage(message_id)['channel_id']
    # user must be authorized
    if isAdmin(token, channel_id) is True or message_belong_to_user(token, message_id):
        channel = findMessage(message_id)
        raise AccessError('User not authorized to remove message')
Beispiel #7
def downloadImage(imageUrl: str, filePath: str):
    img = sendRequest(imageUrl)

    if (img == False):
        raise AccessError("Please enter a valid URL (image has to be .jpg)")

    if not img.content[:4] == b'\xff\xd8\xff\xe0':
        raise ValueError_http(
            "Please enter a valid URL (image has to be .jpg)")

    urllib.request.urlretrieve(imageUrl, filePath)
def message_edit(token, message_id, message):
    # message doesnt exist
    if messageExists(message_id) is False:
        raise ValueError_http('Message does not exist')
    if len(message) > 1000:
        raise ValueError_http('Message cannot be longer than 1000 characters')
    channel_id = findMessage(message_id)['channel_id']
    # user must be authorized
    if isAdmin(token, channel_id) is True or message_belong_to_user(token, message_id):
        getMessageInfo(message_id)['message'] = message
        raise AccessError('User not authorized to edit message')
def message_unpin(token, message_id):
    # user has to be admin
    message = getMessageInfo(message_id)
    channel_id = findMessage(message_id)['channel_id']
    channel = getChannelDetails(channel_id)
    u_id = getUidFromToken(token)
    if u_id not in channel['all_members']:
        raise AccessError('User is not a member ofo the channel')
    if isAdmin(token, channel_id) is True and message['is_pinned'] is True:
        message['is_pinned'] = False
    elif isAdmin(token, channel_id) is False:
        raise ValueError_http('User has to be admin to pin')
    elif message['is_pinned'] is False:
        raise ValueError_http('Message is already unpinned')
Beispiel #10
def channel_addowner(token, channel_id, u_id):
    data = getData()
    adder_id = getUidFromToken(token)
    # check if channel exists
    channel = getChannelFromChannelId(channel_id)
    # check if authorized user is an owner of slackr / owner of channel
    if adder_id not in channel['owner_members']:
        raise AccessError("You are not authorized to add an owner")
    # check if user is already an owner of channel / member of channel
    if u_id in channel['owner_members']:
        raise ValueError_http("User is already an owner of the channel")
    # check if user is a member of the channel
    if u_id not in channel['all_members']:
        raise ValueError_http("User is not a member of the channel")
    return ()
Beispiel #11
def channel_join(token, channel_id):
    data = getData()
    u_id = getUidFromToken(token)
    # check if channel exists
    channel = getChannelFromChannelId(channel_id)
    # check if channel_id is private
    if channel['is_public'] == False:
        raise AccessError("You cannot join a private channel")
    # check permission of invited user
    permission = checkUserPermission(u_id)
    if permission == 1 or permission == 2:
    details_channel = getChannelDetailsSimple(channel_id)
    return ()
Beispiel #12
def Message_sendlater(token, channel_id, message, time_sent):
    if invalid_token(token):
        raise ValueError("invalid token")
    elif is_channel(token, channel_id):
        if in_channel(token, channel_id):
            if len(message) > 1000:
                return ValueError("Message length > 1000 chars")
            elif time_sent < time.clock():
                return ValueError("Invalid message send time")
            elif len(message) < 1000 and time_sent > time.clock():
                #do something
            return AccessError("Not in channel")
        return ValueError("Channel id invalid")
Beispiel #13
def channel_leave(token, channel_id):
    data = getData()
    u_id = getUidFromToken(token)
    # check if channel exists
    channel = getChannelFromChannelId(channel_id)
    # check that u are a member of channel
    if u_id not in channel['all_members']:
        raise AccessError("You are not a member of this channel")
    details_channel = getChannelDetailsSimple(channel_id)
    # check if empty channel
    if len(channel['all_members']) == 0:
        # delete channel

    return ()
Beispiel #14
def channel_removeowner(token, channel_id, u_id):
    data = getData()
    remover_id = getUidFromToken(token)
    # check if channel exists
    channel = getChannelFromChannelId(channel_id)
    # check if authorized user is an owner of slackr / owner of channel
    if remover_id not in channel['owner_members']:
        raise AccessError("You are not authorized to remove an owner")
    # check if authorized user is the only owner and they are attempting to remove themself
    if len(channel['owner_members']
           ) == 1 and remover_id in channel['owner_members']:
        raise ValueError_http(
            "You cannot remove yourself as an owner because you are the only owner"
    # check if user is not an owner of channel
    if u_id in channel['owner_members']:
        return ()
        raise ValueError_http("User is not an owner of the channel")
Beispiel #15
def message_send(token, channel_id, message):
    global GLOBAL_DATA
    # Send message from authorised user to channel

    if len(message) > 1000:
        raise ValueError("Message is more than 1000 characters")

    # raise AccessError when user has has not joined the channel
    target_channel = GLOBAL_DATA["channels"][channel_id]
    user_name = get_user_from_token(token)
    if user_name not in target_channel.members:
        raise AccessError(
            "authorised user has not joined the channel they are trying to post to"

    # creates a new message instance and adds it to global data
    new_message = Message(token, message)


    return {"message_id": new_message.message_id}
Beispiel #16
def channel_messages(token, channel_id, start):
    data = getData()
    u_id = getUidFromToken(token)
    # check if channel exists
    channel = getChannelFromChannelId(channel_id)
    # check if authorized user is a member of channel
    if u_id not in channel['all_members']:
        raise AccessError("Authorised User not a member of channel")
    # check if there are no messages
    if len(channel['messages']) == 0:
        return {'messages': [], 'start': start, 'end': start}
    # check if start < total number of messages
    if start < len(channel['messages']):
        if len(channel['messages'][start:]) > 50:
            end = start + 50
            mes = getMessages(u_id, channel['messages'], start, end)
            end = -1
            mes = getMessages(u_id, channel['messages'], start, end)
        return {'messages': mes, 'start': start, 'end': -1}
        raise ValueError_http("Start is greater")
def message_send(token, channel_id, message):
    global message_id
    # check for access error (user must be in the channel)
    if user_is_in_channel(getUidFromToken(token), channel_id) == False:
        raise AccessError('User not in the channel')

    if len(message) > 1000:
        raise ValueError_http("Message cannot be longer than 1000 characters")

    #if message contains /satndup add to standup dict

    # add message details
    channel = getChannelDetails(channel_id)
    message_id += 1
    channel['messages'].insert(0, {
        'message_id': message_id,
        'u_id': getUidFromToken(token),
        'message': message,
        'time_created': str(,     #convert to sydney timezone
        'reacts': [{'react_id': 1, 'u_ids': [], 'is_this_user_reacted' : False}],
        'is_pinned': False
    return {'message_id': message_id}
Beispiel #18
def channel_details(token, channel_id):
    data = getData()
    u_id = getUidFromToken(token)
    owner_members = []
    all_members = []
    # check if channel exists
    channel = getChannelFromChannelId(channel_id)
    # check if authorized user is a member of channel
    if u_id in channel['all_members']:
        name = channel['name']
        for owners in channel['owner_members']:
            owner_members_dic = getDetailsFromUid(owners)
        for members in channel['all_members']:
            all_members_dic = getDetailsFromUid(members)
        return {
            'name': name,
            'owner_members': owner_members,
            'all_members': all_members
        raise AccessError("Authorized user not a member of channel")
def admin_userpermission_change(token, u_id, permission_id):
    # check if permission_id is a valid value for permission_id
    if permission_id != 1 and permission_id != 2 and permission_id != 3:
        raise ValueError_http(
            "Permission_id doesn't refer to a value permission.")

    foundUser1 = getUserFromToken(token)
    # check if token is valid
    foundUser2 = getUserById(u_id)
    # check if u_id is valid

    # check if token refer to a member, not an admin or owner
    if foundUser1['permission_id'] == 3:
        raise AccessError("Authorised user is not an admin or owner")
    # check if token refers to admin
    elif foundUser1['permission_id'] == 2:
        # u_id refers to member
        if foundUser2['permission_id'] == 3:
            # permission_id is 3 (member)
            if permission_id == 3:
                raise ValueError_http("User is already a member.")
            # permission_id is 2 (admin)
            elif permission_id == 2:
                foundUser2['permission_id'] = 2
            # permission_id is 2 (owner)
            elif permission_id == 1:
                raise ValueError_http("Authorised user is not an owner.")
        # u_id refers to an admin
        elif foundUser2['permission_id'] == 2:
            # permission_id is 3 (member)
            if permission_id == 3:
                foundUser2['permission_id'] = 3
            # permission_id is 2 (admin)
            elif permission_id == 2:
                raise ValueError_http("User is already an admin.")
            elif permission_id == 1:
                raise ValueError_http("Authorised user is not an owner.")
        # u_id refers to an owner
        elif foundUser2['permission_id'] == 1:
            # permission_id is 3 (member)
            if permission_id == 3:
                raise ValueError_http("Authorised user is not an owner.")
            # permission_id is 2 (admin)
            elif permission_id == 2:
                raise ValueError_http("Authorised user is not an owner.")
            elif permission_id == 1:
                raise ValueError_http("Authorised user is not an owner.")
    # check if token refers to an owner
    elif foundUser1['permission_id'] == 1:
        # u_id refers to a member
        if foundUser2['permission_id'] == 3:
            # permission_id is 3 (member)
            if permission_id == 3:
                raise ValueError_http("User is already a member.")
            # permission_id is 2 (admin)
            elif permission_id == 2:
                foundUser2['permission_id'] = 2
            # permission_id is 2 (owner)
            elif permission_id == 1:
                foundUser2['permission_id'] = 1
        # u_id refers to an admin
        elif foundUser2['permission_id'] == 2:
            # permission_id is 3 (member)
            if permission_id == 3:
                foundUser2['permission_id'] = 3
            # permission_id is 2 (admin)
            elif permission_id == 2:
                raise ValueError_http("User is already an admin.")
            elif permission_id == 1:
                foundUser2['permission_id'] = 1
        # u_id refers to an owner
        elif foundUser2['permission_id'] == 1:
            if foundUser1 == foundUser2:
                foundOwner = check_last_owner(u_id)
                if foundOwner == 1:
                    raise ValueError_http("You're the last owner!")
                elif foundOwner > 1:
                    foundUser2['permission_id'] = 1
            # permission_id is 3 (member)
            if permission_id == 3:
                foundUser2['permission_id'] = 3
            # permission_id is 2 (admin)
            elif permission_id == 2:
                foundUser2['permission_id'] = 2
            elif permission_id == 1:
                raise ValueError_http("User is already an owner.")
    return ({})