def message_sendlater(token, channel_id, message, time_sent):
    global message_id
    # check for access error (user must be in the channel)
    if user_is_in_channel(getUidFromToken(token), channel_id) is False:
        raise AccessError('User not in the channel')

    if len(message) > 1000:
        raise ValueError_http("Message cannot be longer than 1000 characters")

    #time sent has to be in the future
    if float(time_sent) <
        raise ValueError_http("Time set has to be in the future")

    # add message details
    channel = getChannelDetails(channel_id)
    message_id += 1
    channel['messages'].insert(0, {
        'message_id': message_id,
        'u_id': getUidFromToken(token),
        'message': message,
        'time_created': str(time_sent),
        'reacts': [{'react_id': 1, 'u_ids': [], 'is_this_user_reacted' : False}],
        'is_pinned': False
    return {'message_id': message_id}
Beispiel #2
def user_profile_sethandle(token, handle_str):
    if len(handle_str) < 3 or len(handle_str) > 20:
        raise ValueError_http("handle_str should be between 3-20 characters")
    if getUserByHandle(handle_str) != None:
        raise ValueError_http(
            "handle_str is already being used by another user")
    found_user2 = getUserFromToken(token)
    found_user2['handle_str'] = handle_str
    return ({})
def message_unreact(token, message_id, react_id):
    message = getMessageInfo(message_id)
    channel_id = findMessage(message_id)['channel_id']
    u_id = getUidFromToken(token)

    if user_is_in_channel(u_id, channel_id) is False:
        raise ValueError_http('User not in channel')
    if u_id not in message['reacts'][0]['u_ids']:
        raise ValueError_http(description='Message already unreacted')
    message['reacts'][0]['is_this_user_reacted'] = False
Beispiel #4
def user_profile_setname(token, name_first, name_last):
    validUserT = getUserFromToken(token)
    if len(name_first) > 50:
        raise ValueError_http(
            "Invalid name_first, above the range of 50 characters")
    if len(name_last) > 50:
        raise ValueError_http(
            "Invalid name_last, above the range of 50 characters")
    if validUserT != None:
        validUserT['name_first'] = name_first
        validUserT['name_last'] = name_last
    return ({})
def message_react(token, message_id, react_id):
    message = getMessageInfo(message_id)
    channel_id = findMessage(message_id)['channel_id']
    u_id = getUidFromToken(token)
    #check that user in part of the channel
    if user_is_in_channel(u_id, channel_id) is False:
        raise ValueError_http('User not in the channel')
    #check if message has been reacted
    if u_id in message['reacts'][0]['u_ids']:
        raise ValueError_http('Already reacted')
    message['reacts'][0]['is_this_user_reacted'] = True
def message_edit(token, message_id, message):
    # message doesnt exist
    if messageExists(message_id) is False:
        raise ValueError_http('Message does not exist')
    if len(message) > 1000:
        raise ValueError_http('Message cannot be longer than 1000 characters')
    channel_id = findMessage(message_id)['channel_id']
    # user must be authorized
    if isAdmin(token, channel_id) is True or message_belong_to_user(token, message_id):
        getMessageInfo(message_id)['message'] = message
        raise AccessError('User not authorized to edit message')
Beispiel #7
def user_profile_setemail(token, email):
    data = getData()
    #'''Email entered is not a valid email'''
    if not re.match(r"[^@]+@[^@]+\.[^@]+", email):
        raise ValueError_http("Invalid email")
    # if getUserByEmail(email) != None:
    for user in data['users']:
        if user['email'] == email:
            raise ValueError_http(
                "Email address is already being used by another user")
    found_user = getUserFromToken(token)
    found_user['email'] = email
    return ({})
def message_unpin(token, message_id):
    # user has to be admin
    message = getMessageInfo(message_id)
    channel_id = findMessage(message_id)['channel_id']
    channel = getChannelDetails(channel_id)
    u_id = getUidFromToken(token)
    if u_id not in channel['all_members']:
        raise AccessError('User is not a member ofo the channel')
    if isAdmin(token, channel_id) is True and message['is_pinned'] is True:
        message['is_pinned'] = False
    elif isAdmin(token, channel_id) is False:
        raise ValueError_http('User has to be admin to pin')
    elif message['is_pinned'] is False:
        raise ValueError_http('Message is already unpinned')
Beispiel #9
def channels_create(token, name, is_public):
    global channel_id
    data = getData()
    u_id = getUidFromToken(token)

    # check if length of name <= 20
    if len(name) <= 20:
        channel_id += 1
        channel_dic = {
            'channel_id': channel_id,
            'name': name,
            'is_public': is_public,
            'all_members': [u_id],
            'owner_members': [u_id],
            'messages': [],
            'standup_msg': "",
            'standup_active': False,
            'standup_finish': 0,
            'standup_started_by': None
        channel_dic2 = {'channel_id': channel_id, 'name': name}

        return {'channel_id': channel_id}
        raise ValueError_http(
            "The name of the channel cannot be longer than 20 characters")
Beispiel #10
def channel_addowner(token, channel_id, u_id):
    data = getData()
    adder_id = getUidFromToken(token)
    # check if channel exists
    channel = getChannelFromChannelId(channel_id)
    # check if authorized user is an owner of slackr / owner of channel
    if adder_id not in channel['owner_members']:
        raise AccessError("You are not authorized to add an owner")
    # check if user is already an owner of channel / member of channel
    if u_id in channel['owner_members']:
        raise ValueError_http("User is already an owner of the channel")
    # check if user is a member of the channel
    if u_id not in channel['all_members']:
        raise ValueError_http("User is not a member of the channel")
    return ()
Beispiel #11
def channel_invite(token, channel_id, u_id):
    data = getData()
    inviter_id = getUidFromToken(token)
    # check if u_id refers to a valid user
    # check if channel exists
    channel = getChannelFromChannelId(channel_id)
    # check if u_id is already in the channel
    if u_id in channel['all_members']:
        raise ValueError_http("User is already part of the channel")
    # # check if user is attempting to invite themself
    # if inviter_id == u_id:
    #     raise ValueError_http("You are not allowed to invite yourself")
    # check if authorized user is part of channel
    if inviter_id not in channel['all_members']:
        raise AccessError("Authorised user not a member of channel")
    # check permission of invited user
    invitee_permission = checkUserPermission(u_id)
    if invitee_permission == 1 or invitee_permission == 2:

    details_channel = getChannelDetailsSimple(channel_id)

    return ()
Beispiel #12
def auth_login(email, password):
    # check for valid email
    # check if user exists
    if userExists(email) == False:
        raise ValueError_http("User does not exist")
    login_user = getUserByEmail(email)
    # check if password entered is corrects
    if password != login_user['password']:
        raise ValueError_http("Incorrect password")

    # generate token for logged in users
    login_user['token'] = str(
        jwt.encode({'email': email}, SECRET, algorithm='HS256'))

    return {'u_id': login_user['u_id'], 'token': login_user['token']}
def getChannelFromMsgId(message_id):
    data = getData()
    for channels in data['channel']:
        for message in channels['messages']:
            if message_id == message['message_id']:
                return channels
    raise ValueError_http("channel not found")
Beispiel #14
def user_profiles_uploadphoto(token, img_url, x_start, y_start, x_end, y_end):
    global image_name
    image_name += 1
    filePath = './static/' + str(image_name) + '.jpg'

    downloadImage(img_url, filePath)

    #crop image
    img_obj =
    width, height = img_obj.size
    #no input
    if x_start is None and x_end is None and y_start is None and y_end is None:
        x_start = 0
        x_end = width
        y_start = 0
        y_end = height

    x_start = int(x_start)
    y_start = int(y_start)
    x_end = int(x_end)
    y_end = int(y_end)

    #x_start and y_start has to be less than width and hight
    if x_end > width or y_end > height or x_start >= x_end or y_start >= y_end:
        raise ValueError_http(
            f"Crop has to be within the dimension ({width} x {height})")
    cropped = img_obj.crop((x_start, y_start, x_end, y_end))
    #save cropped image
    filePath_cropped = './static/' + str(image_name) + '_cropped' + '.jpg'

    final_url = 'http://localhost:' + sys.argv[1] + '/static/' + str(
        image_name) + '_cropped.jpg'
    getUserFromToken(token)['profile_img_url'] = final_url
def getMessageInfo(message_id):
    data = getData()
    for channel in data['channel']:
        for message in channel['messages']:
            if message_id == message['message_id']:
                return message
    raise ValueError_http("Message not found")
def message_remove(token, message_id):
    # message doesnt exist
    if messageExists(message_id) is False:
        raise ValueError_http('Message does not exist')
    channel_id = findMessage(message_id)['channel_id']
    # user must be authorized
    if isAdmin(token, channel_id) is True or message_belong_to_user(token, message_id):
        channel = findMessage(message_id)
        raise AccessError('User not authorized to remove message')
Beispiel #17
def channel_removeowner(token, channel_id, u_id):
    data = getData()
    remover_id = getUidFromToken(token)
    # check if channel exists
    channel = getChannelFromChannelId(channel_id)
    # check if authorized user is an owner of slackr / owner of channel
    if remover_id not in channel['owner_members']:
        raise AccessError("You are not authorized to remove an owner")
    # check if authorized user is the only owner and they are attempting to remove themself
    if len(channel['owner_members']
           ) == 1 and remover_id in channel['owner_members']:
        raise ValueError_http(
            "You cannot remove yourself as an owner because you are the only owner"
    # check if user is not an owner of channel
    if u_id in channel['owner_members']:
        return ()
        raise ValueError_http("User is not an owner of the channel")
Beispiel #18
def downloadImage(imageUrl: str, filePath: str):
    img = sendRequest(imageUrl)

    if (img == False):
        raise AccessError("Please enter a valid URL (image has to be .jpg)")

    if not img.content[:4] == b'\xff\xd8\xff\xe0':
        raise ValueError_http(
            "Please enter a valid URL (image has to be .jpg)")

    urllib.request.urlretrieve(imageUrl, filePath)
Beispiel #19
def auth_passwordreset_reset(reset_code, new_password):
    data = getData()
    # check invalid password
    if len(new_password) < 6:
        raise ValueError_http("Invalid password")
    # check for valid reset code
    find_email = findResetcodeMatch(reset_code)
    user = getUserByEmail(find_email)
    user['password'] = new_password
    return ()
Beispiel #20
def standup_send(token, channel_id, message):
    channel = getChannelFromChannelId(channel_id)
    if channel['standup_active'] is False:
        raise ValueError_http('Standup not currently active')

    #send message normally
    message_send(token, channel_id, message)

    #add message to a list
    msg_with_names = getUserFromToken(
        token)['handle_str'] + ": " + message + "\n"
    getChannelFromChannelId(channel_id)['standup_msg'] += msg_with_names
Beispiel #21
def standup_start(token, channel_id, length):
    channel = getChannelFromChannelId(channel_id)
    #check for started standup
    if channel['standup_active'] is True:
        raise ValueError_http('Standup has already started')

    #change standup status to active
    channel['standup_active'] = True
    channel['standup_started_by'] = getUidFromToken(token)
    #store the time finish
    finish_time =
        datetime.timezone.utc).astimezone().timestamp() + length

    channel['standup_finish'] = finish_time
    return {'time_finish': finish_time}
Beispiel #22
def channel_messages(token, channel_id, start):
    data = getData()
    u_id = getUidFromToken(token)
    # check if channel exists
    channel = getChannelFromChannelId(channel_id)
    # check if authorized user is a member of channel
    if u_id not in channel['all_members']:
        raise AccessError("Authorised User not a member of channel")
    # check if there are no messages
    if len(channel['messages']) == 0:
        return {'messages': [], 'start': start, 'end': start}
    # check if start < total number of messages
    if start < len(channel['messages']):
        if len(channel['messages'][start:]) > 50:
            end = start + 50
            mes = getMessages(u_id, channel['messages'], start, end)
            end = -1
            mes = getMessages(u_id, channel['messages'], start, end)
        return {'messages': mes, 'start': start, 'end': -1}
        raise ValueError_http("Start is greater")
def message_send(token, channel_id, message):
    global message_id
    # check for access error (user must be in the channel)
    if user_is_in_channel(getUidFromToken(token), channel_id) == False:
        raise AccessError('User not in the channel')

    if len(message) > 1000:
        raise ValueError_http("Message cannot be longer than 1000 characters")

    #if message contains /satndup add to standup dict

    # add message details
    channel = getChannelDetails(channel_id)
    message_id += 1
    channel['messages'].insert(0, {
        'message_id': message_id,
        'u_id': getUidFromToken(token),
        'message': message,
        'time_created': str(,     #convert to sydney timezone
        'reacts': [{'react_id': 1, 'u_ids': [], 'is_this_user_reacted' : False}],
        'is_pinned': False
    return {'message_id': message_id}
def getUserByEmail(email):
    global data
    for user in data["users"]:
        if user["email"] == email:
            return user
    raise ValueError_http("Email not found")
def getDictFromResetCode(reset_code):
    data = getData()
    for dicts in data['resetCode']:
        if dicts['reset_code'] == reset_code:
            return dicts
    raise ValueError_http("Reset_code not found")
def getChannelByChannelName(name):
    data = getData()
    for ch in data['channel']:
        if ch['name'] == name:
            return ch
    raise ValueError_http("Channel name not found")
def findResetcodeMatch(reset_code):
    data = getData()
    for dicts in data['resetCode']:
        if dicts['reset_code'] == reset_code:
            return dicts['email']
    raise ValueError_http("Invalid reset_code")
def getUserById(u_id):
    data = getData()
    for i in data['users']:
        if i['u_id'] == u_id:
            return i
    raise ValueError_http('User not found')
def checkUserPermission(u_id):
    data = getData()
    for user in data['users']:
        if user['u_id'] == u_id:
            return user['permission_id']
    raise ValueError_http("Invalid user_id")
def isUidValid(u_id):
    data = getData()
    for user in data['users']:
        if user['u_id'] == u_id:
            return 1
    raise ValueError_http("Invalid user_id")