def load(vtna, config):

    con = mdb.connect(host=config['host'],
    with con:
        cur = con.cursor()
        cur.execute("SELECT VERSION()")

        ver = cur.fetchone()

        if verbose:
            print "Database version : %s " % ver

        cur = con.cursor(mdb.cursors.DictCursor)

        #Loop over schedule table where not published and flight_day != NULL and add schedules for each flight_day
        cur.execute("SELECT * FROM schedule WHERE (published = FALSE)"
                    )  # AND NOT flight_day = NULL
        rows = cur.fetchall()

        i = 1
        priorities = {}
        priorities[1] = 1.0
        priorities[2] = 0.5
        priorities[3] = 0.3
        priorities[4] = 0.2
        priorities[5] = 0.2
        priorities[6] = 0.2
        priorities[7] = 0.2

        days = config['days']
        for row in rows:
            if i <= days:
                #i = int(row["flight_day"])
                day = row["day"]
                sked = Schedule(day)
                sked.flyDay = i
       = int(row["schedule_ID"])

                #Set priority
                """if row["priority"]!=None:
                    sked.priority = float(row["priority"])"""
                sked.priority = priorities[i]
                if verbose:
                    print 'Computing schedule for schedule ID %d, flight day %d, day %s, with priority %s ' % (
              , sked.flyDay, day, sked.priority)
                vtna.schedules[i] = sked
                i = i + 1
        vtna.totalFlightDays = days

        #Find waves
        cur.execute("SELECT * FROM wave")
        rows = cur.fetchall()
        waves = {}
        for row in rows:
            waves[int(row["wave_ID"])] = row

        #Create waves for each schedule. Having no waves makes the schedule blank.
        for d in vtna.schedules:
            sked = vtna.schedules[d]
            sked.waves = {}
            cur.execute("SELECT * FROM schedule_wave WHERE schedule_ID = %s",
            rows = cur.fetchall()
            createWaves(sked, rows, waves)
        if verbose:
            print "Waves loaded"

        #Create events for squadron
        cur.execute("SELECT * FROM event")
        rows = cur.fetchall()
        for row in rows:
            i = int(row["event_ID"])
            e = Event(i)
            if row["check_instructor_req"]:
                e.check = True
            if row["onwing_req"]:
                e.onwing = True
            elif row["not_onwing_req"]:
                e.offwing = True
            e.flightHours = float(row["dual_flight_hours"]) + float(
            e.planeHours = float(row["ground_plane_hours"])
            total_inst = float(
                row["ground_nonplane_hours"]) + e.planeHours + e.flightHours
            e.instructionalHours = total_inst
            e.syllabus = int(row["syllabus_ID"])
            e.maxStudents = int(row["max_students"])
            if row["follows_immediately"]:
                e.followsImmediately = True
            vtna.syllabus[i] = e

            #Set event precedence and following
        cur.execute("SELECT * FROM event_precedence")
        rows = cur.fetchall()
        for row in rows:
            i = int(row["following_event_ID"])
            j = int(row["preceding_event_ID"])
            if verbose:
                print i, ' follows ', j
        if verbose:
            print "Events loaded"

        #Loop over planes
        cur.execute("SELECT * FROM plane WHERE active=TRUE")
        rows = cur.fetchall()
        for row in rows:
            #if verbose: print row["tail_number"],row["plane_type_ID"],row["max_cargo"]
            p = row["tail_number"]
            plane = Plane(p)
            plane.planetype = row["plane_type_ID"]
            if row["next_inspection"] != None and row["tach"] != None:
                plane.hours = float(row["next_inspection"]) - float(
            if (row["max_cargo"] != 0 and row["max_cargo"] != None):
                plane.maxWeight = row["max_cargo"]
            if row["priority"] != None:
                plane.priority = row["priority"]
            vtna.planes[p] = plane

            #Add plane types

        #Add plane availability
            "SELECT * FROM plane_unavail WHERE (end >= %s and start <= %s)",
        rows = cur.fetchall()
        i = 1
        for row in rows:
            p = row["plane_tail_number"]
            #if verbose: print p,row["start"],row["end"]
            if p in vtna.planes:
                plane = vtna.planes[p]
                s = Sniv()
                s.begin = row["start"]
                s.end = row["end"]
                plane.snivs[i] = s
                i = i + 1
        if verbose:
            print "Planes loaded"

        #Loop over instructors, adding them
        cur.execute("SELECT * FROM cfi WHERE active = TRUE")
        rows = cur.fetchall()
        for row in rows:
            c = int(row["CFI_ID"])
            if verbose:
                print c
            inst = Instructor(c)
            inst.maxEvents = row["max_events"]
            if row["C990"]:
                inst.check = True
            vtna.instructors[c] = inst
        if verbose:
            print "Instructors loaded"

        #Loop over students, adding them
        cur.execute("SELECT * FROM student WHERE status = 'active'")
        rows = cur.fetchall()
        for row in rows:
            s = int(row["student_ID"])
            if verbose:
                print 'Student id ', s
            stud = Student(s, vtna)
            stud.syllabus = int(row["syllabus_ID"])
            if row["priority"] != None:
                stud.priority = float(row["priority"])
            cfi = row["onwing_CFI_ID"]
            if cfi in vtna.instructors:
                #if verbose: print "Add instructor",cfi
                stud.onwing = vtna.instructors[cfi]
            elif cfi != None:
                print 'CFI %d onwing for student %d not in instructors!' % (
                    cfi, s)
                print 'no cfi for student %d' % (s)
            vtna.students[s] = stud
            partner_ID = row["partner_student_ID"]
            if partner_ID in vtna.students:
                #if verbose: print "Add partners",s,partner_ID
                stud.partner = vtna.students[partner_ID]
                vtna.students[partner_ID].partner = stud
        if verbose:
            print "Students loaded"

        #Add weight for students & CFIs
        cur.execute("SELECT * FROM user")
        rows = cur.fetchall()
        for row in rows:
            id = row["user_ID"]
            if row["weight"] != None:
                if id in vtna.students:
                    vtna.students[id].weight = int(row["weight"])
                elif id in vtna.instructors:
                    vtna.instructors[id].weight = int(row["weight"])
        if verbose:
            print "Weights loaded"

        #Add plane quals for students & CFIs
        cur.execute("SELECT * FROM plane_quals")
        rows = cur.fetchall()
        for row in rows:
            id = row["user_ID"]
            if id in vtna.students:
            elif id in vtna.instructors:
        if verbose:
            print "Quals loaded"

        #Add snivs for students & CFIs
            "SELECT * FROM sniv WHERE (end >= %s and start <= %s and approval=TRUE)",
        rows = cur.fetchall()
        i = 1
        for row in rows:
            id = row["user_ID"]
            if verbose:
                print id, row["start"], row["end"]
            if id in vtna.students:
                s = Sniv()
                s.begin = row["start"]
                s.end = row["end"]
                vtna.students[id].snivs[i] = s
                i = i + 1
            elif id in vtna.instructors:
                s = Sniv()
                s.begin = row["start"]
                s.end = row["end"]
                vtna.instructors[id].snivs[i] = s
                i = i + 1

        if verbose:
            print "Snivs loaded"

        #Load most recent published schedule as
            "SELECT * FROM schedule WHERE published=TRUE ORDER BY day DESC")
        row = cur.fetchone() = int(row["schedule_ID"]) = row["day"]
        cur.execute("SELECT * FROM schedule_wave WHERE schedule_ID = %s",
        rows = cur.fetchall()
        createWaves(, rows, waves)

        cur.execute("SELECT * FROM sortie WHERE schedule_ID = %s",
        rows = cur.fetchall()
        for row in rows:
            s = Sortie()
            id = int(row["sortie_ID"])
            if verbose:
                print id, row["CFI_ID"]
            s.brief = row["brief"]
            cfi_id = int(row["CFI_ID"])
            if cfi_id in vtna.instructors and row["wave_ID"] != None:
                s.instructor = vtna.instructors[cfi_id]  #Instructor
                s.studentSorties = []
                s.takeoff = row["scheduled_takeoff"]
       = row["scheduled_land"]
                if row["wave_ID"] != None:
                    s.wave =[int(
                        row["wave_ID"])]  #Wave ojbect
                    s.wave =[
                        1]  #This is a bad hack. Ought to use a function to determine nearest wave in today's set of waves
      [id] = s

        #Create sorties and studentSorties from the entries in those table corresponding to the most recent published sked
            "SELECT * FROM student_sortie WHERE (status = 'pass' OR status = 'marginal' OR status = 'scheduled')"
        rows = cur.fetchall()
        for row in rows:
            if row["student_ID"] != None:
                s = int(row["student_ID"])
                if s in vtna.students:
                    stud = vtna.students[s]
                    event = vtna.syllabus[int(row["event_ID"])]
                    if row["status"] == "scheduled":
                    if row["sortie_ID"] in
                        sortie =[row["sortie_ID"]]
                        ss = StudentSortie()
                        ss.student = vtna.students[s]
                        ss.event = event
                        if row["plane_tail_number"] in vtna.planes:
                            sortie.plane = vtna.planes[
                        if == vtna.schedules[
                                1].date + timedelta(days=1):
                            sniv = Sniv()
                            sniv.begin = sortie.brief
                            sniv.end = sortie.wave.times[
                                "Flyer"].end + stud.crewRest
                            stud.snivs[0] = sniv
            p = row["plane_tail_number"]
            if row["status"] == 'scheduled' and p in vtna.planes and row[
                    "sked_flight_hours"] != None:
                vtna.planes[p].hours -= float(row["sked_flight_hours"])

        for s in vtna.students:
            stud = vtna.students[s]
            i = 1
            for event in stud.findPossible(1, True):
                if verbose:
                    print 'student ', s, 'possible event ',
                if i == 1:
                    stud.nextEvent = event
                i = i + 1

        #Loop over instructor preferences
            "SELECT * FROM instructor_preference LEFT JOIN cfi ON instructor_preference.cfi_CFI_ID = cfi.CFI_ID WHERE = TRUE"
        rows = cur.fetchall()
        for row in rows:
            c = int(row["cfi_CFI_ID"])
            pref = row["preference"]
            inst = vtna.instructors[c]
            begin = row["start"]
            end = row["end"]
            for d, sked in vtna.schedules.iteritems():
                midnight = datetime.combine(, time(0))
                start_time = midnight + begin
                end_time = midnight + end
                s = Sniv()
                s.begin = start_time
                s.end = end_time
                r = Instructor(0)
                r.snivs[0] = s
                for w, wave in sked.waves.iteritems():
                    if not r.available(, wave):
                        inst.setPreference(d, w, pref)
                        if verbose:
                            print "Set preference for instructor %d, day %d, wave %d for value %d" % (
                                c, d, w, pref)
Beispiel #2
def load(vtna, config):

    con = mdb.connect(host=config['host'],
    with con:
        # cur = con.cursor()
        # cur = con.cursor(dictionary=True)
        cur = con.cursor(mdb.cursors.DictCursor)
        days = config['days']
        if days > 3:
            vtna.calculateMaintenance = True

        # Loop over schedule table where not published and flight_day != NULL and add schedules for each flight_day
        # Ought to sort by date and not pull past schedules - day >=!
        query = "SELECT * FROM schedule WHERE published = FALSE ORDER BY day ASC LIMIT %d" % days
        cur.execute(query)  # AND NOT flight_day = NULL
        i = 1
        rows = cur.fetchall()  # .fetchmany(size=days)

        for row in rows:
            sked = Schedule(row)
            sked.flyDay = i
            # Set priority
            sked.priority = i**(-0.5)  # priorities[i]
            if verbose:
                print 'Computing schedule for schedule ID %d, flight day %d, day %s, with priority %s' % (
          , sked.flyDay,, sked.priority)
            vtna.schedules[i] = sked
            i += 1

        vtna.days = len(rows)

        #Find waves
        cur.execute("SELECT * FROM wave")
        rows = cur.fetchall()
        waves = {}
        for row in rows:
            waves[int(row["wave_ID"])] = row

        #Create waves for each schedule
        for d in vtna.schedules:
            sked = vtna.schedules[d]
            if not sked.blank:
                sked.waves = {}  # %(emp_no)s"
                # cursor.execute(select_stmt, { 'emp_no': 2 })
                    "SELECT * FROM schedule_wave WHERE schedule_ID = %(schedule_ID)s",
                rows = cur.fetchall()
                createWaves(sked, rows, waves)
        if verbose:
            print "Waves loaded"

        #Create events for squadron
        cur.execute("SELECT * FROM event")
        rows = cur.fetchall()
        for row in rows:
            i = int(row["event_ID"])
            e = Event(event_ID=i)
            if row["check_instructor_req"]:
                e.check = True
            if row["onwing_req"]:
                e.onwing = True
            elif row["not_onwing_req"]:
                e.offwing = True
            e.flightHours = float(row["dual_flight_hours"]) + float(
            e.planeHours = float(row["ground_plane_hours"])
            total_inst = float(
                row["ground_nonplane_hours"]) + e.planeHours + e.flightHours
            e.instructionalHours = total_inst
            e.syllabus = int(row["syllabus_ID"])
            e.max_students = int(row["max_students"])
            if row["follows_immediately"] != None and int(
                    row["follows_immediately"]) == 1:
                e.followsImmediately = True
            vtna.syllabus[i] = e

            #Set event precedence and following
        cur.execute("SELECT * FROM event_precedence")
        rows = cur.fetchall()
        for row in rows:
            i = int(row["following_event_ID"])
            j = int(row["preceding_event_ID"])
            if verbose:
                print i, ' follows ', j
        if verbose:
            print "Events loaded"

        #Loop over planes
        cur.execute("SELECT * FROM plane WHERE active=TRUE")
        rows = cur.fetchall()
        for row in rows:
            # if verbose:
            #   print row["tail_number"],row["plane_type_ID"],row["max_cargo"]
            p = row["tail_number"]
            plane = Plane(id=p)
            plane.planetype = row["plane_type_ID"]
            ni = None
            tach = None
            if row["next_inspection"] != None:
                ni = float(row["next_inspection"])
            if row["tach"] != None:
                tach = float(row["tach"])
            if ni != None and tach != None and ni >= tach:
                plane.hours = ni - tach
            if ni != None and tach != None and ni < tach:
                plane.hours = 0.0
            if (row["max_cargo"] != 0 and row["max_cargo"] != None):
                plane.maxWeight = row["max_cargo"]
            if row["priority"] != None:
                plane.priority = row["priority"]
            vtna.planes[p] = plane

            #Add plane types

        #Add plane availability
            "SELECT * FROM plane_unavail WHERE (end >= %s and start <= %s)",
             (vtna.schedules[vtna.days].day +
        rows = cur.fetchall()
        i = 1
        for row in rows:
            p = row["plane_tail_number"]
            #if verbose: print p,row["start"],row["end"]
            if p in vtna.planes:
                plane = vtna.planes[p]
                s = Sniv()
                s.begin = row["start"]
                s.end = row["end"]
                plane.snivs[i] = s
                i = i + 1
        if verbose:
            print "Planes loaded"

        #Loop over instructors, adding them
        cur.execute("SELECT * FROM cfi WHERE active = TRUE")
        rows = cur.fetchall()
        for row in rows:
            c = int(row["CFI_ID"])
            if verbose:
                print c
            inst = Instructor(id=c)
            inst.max_events = row["max_events"]
            if row["C990"]:
                inst.check = True
            if row["paid"]:
                inst.paid = 1

            vtna.instructors[c] = inst
        if verbose:
            print "Instructors loaded"

        #Loop over students, adding them
        cur.execute("SELECT * FROM student WHERE status = 'active'")
        rows = cur.fetchall()
        for row in rows:
            s = int(row["student_ID"])
            if verbose:
                print 'Student id ', s
            stud = Student(id=s, squadron=vtna)
            stud.crewRestHours = 12
            # stud.crewRest = timedelta(hours=12)
            stud.syllabus = int(row["syllabus_ID"])
            if row["priority"] is not None:
                stud.priority = float(row["priority"])
            if row["last_flight"] is not None:
                stud.last_flight = row["last_flight"]
            cfi = row["onwing_CFI_ID"]
            if cfi in vtna.instructors:
                #if verbose: print "Add instructor",cfi
                stud.onwing = vtna.instructors[cfi]
            elif cfi != None:
                print 'CFI %d onwing for student %d not in instructors!' % (
                    cfi, s)
                print 'no cfi for student %d' % (s)
            vtna.students[s] = stud
            # print vtna.students[s].__dict__
            partner_ID = row["partner_student_ID"]
            if partner_ID in vtna.students:
                #if verbose: print "Add partners",s,partner_ID
                stud.partner = vtna.students[partner_ID]
                vtna.students[partner_ID].partner = stud
        if verbose:
            print "Students loaded"

        #Add weight for students & CFIs
        cur.execute("SELECT * FROM user")
        rows = cur.fetchall()
        for row in rows:
            id = row["user_ID"]
            if row["weight"] != None:
                if id in vtna.students:
                    vtna.students[id].weight = int(row["weight"])
                elif id in vtna.instructors:
                    vtna.instructors[id].weight = int(row["weight"])
        if verbose:
            print "Weights loaded"

        #Add plane quals for students & CFIs
        cur.execute("SELECT * FROM plane_quals")
        rows = cur.fetchall()
        for row in rows:
            id = row["user_ID"]
            if id in vtna.students:
            elif id in vtna.instructors:
        if verbose:
            print "Quals loaded"

        #Add snivs for students & CFIs
            "SELECT * FROM sniv WHERE (end >= %s and start <= %s and approval=TRUE)",
             (vtna.schedules[vtna.days].day +
        rows = cur.fetchall()
        i = 1
        for row in rows:
            id = row["user_ID"]
            if verbose:
                print id, row["start"], row["end"]
            s = Sniv(row)
            if id in vtna.students:
                vtna.students[id].snivs[i] = s
                i += 1
            elif id in vtna.instructors:
                vtna.instructors[id].snivs[i] = s
                i += 1

        if verbose:
            print "Snivs loaded"

        #Load most recent published schedule as
            "SELECT * FROM schedule WHERE published=TRUE ORDER BY day DESC LIMIT 1"
        row = cur.fetchone() = int(row["schedule_ID"]) = row["day"]
        midnight = datetime.combine(, time(0))
        query = "SELECT * FROM schedule_wave WHERE schedule_ID = %d" %
        rows = cur.fetchall()
        createWaves(, rows, waves)
        query = "SELECT * FROM sortie WHERE schedule_ID = %s" %
        rows = cur.fetchall()
        for row in rows:
            s = Sortie()
            id = int(row["sortie_ID"])
            if verbose:
                print id, row["CFI_ID"]
            s.brief = row["brief"]
            cfi_id = int(row["CFI_ID"])
            if cfi_id in vtna.instructors and row["wave_ID"] != None:
                s.instructor = vtna.instructors[cfi_id]  #Instructor
                s.studentSorties = []
                s.takeoff = row["scheduled_takeoff"]
       = row["scheduled_land"]
                if row["wave_ID"] in
                    s.wave =[int(
                        row["wave_ID"])]  #Wave ojbect
      [id] = s

        #Create sorties and studentSorties from the entries in those table corresponding to the most recent published sked
            "SELECT * FROM student_sortie WHERE (status = 'pass' OR status = 'marginal' OR status = 'scheduled')"
        rows = cur.fetchall()
        for row in rows:
            if row["student_ID"] != None:
                s = int(row["student_ID"])
                if s in vtna.students:
                    stud = vtna.students[s]
                    event = vtna.syllabus[int(row["event_ID"])]
                    if row["status"] == "scheduled":
                    if row["sortie_ID"] in
                        sortie =[row["sortie_ID"]]
                        ss = StudentSortie()
                        ss.student = vtna.students[s]
                        ss.event = event
                        if row["plane_tail_number"] in vtna.planes:
                            sortie.plane = vtna.planes[
                        if == (vtna.schedules[1].day -
                            #print "happy dance",,
                            takeoff = row["actual_takeoff"]
                            if not takeoff:
                                takeoff = midnight + sortie.takeoff
                            land = row["actual_land"]
                            if not land:
                                land = midnight +
                            sniv = Sniv()
                            sniv.begin = takeoff
                            sniv.end = land + timedelta(
                                hours=event.debrief_hours) + stud.crewRest()
                            stud.snivs[0] = sniv
                            instructor_sniv = Sniv()
                            instructor_sniv.begin = takeoff
                            instructor_sniv.end = land + timedelta(
                            ) + sortie.instructor.crewRest()
                            sortie.instructor.snivs['crewrest' + str(
                                row['student_sortie_ID'])] = instructor_sniv
            p = row["plane_tail_number"]
            if row["status"] == 'scheduled' and p in vtna.planes and row[
                    "sked_flight_hours"] != None:
                if (vtna.planes[p].hours -
                        float(row["sked_flight_hours"])) >= 0:
                    vtna.planes[p].hours -= float(row["sked_flight_hours"])
                    vtna.planes[p].hours = 0.0
        """for s in vtna.students:
            stud = vtna.students[s]
            print 'Student: ',
            if stud.findPossible(1,True):
                print 'Next event: ', stud.getNextEvent()
            for event in stud.findPossible(1,True):
                if verbose:
                    print 'student ', s, 'possible event ',"""

        #Loop over instructor preferences
            "SELECT * FROM instructor_preference LEFT JOIN cfi ON instructor_preference.cfi_CFI_ID = cfi.CFI_ID WHERE = TRUE"
        rows = cur.fetchall()
        for row in rows:
            c = int(row["cfi_CFI_ID"])
            pref = row["preference"]
            inst = vtna.instructors[c]
            begin = row["start"]
            end = row["end"]
            for d, sked in vtna.schedules.iteritems():
                midnight = datetime.combine(, time(0))
                start_time = midnight + begin
                end_time = midnight + end
                s = Sniv()
                s.begin = start_time
                s.end = end_time
                r = Instructor(id='sample')
                r.snivs[0] = s
                for w, wave in sked.waves.iteritems():
                    if not r.available(, wave):
                        inst.setPreference(d, w, pref)
                        if verbose:
                            print "Set preference for instructor %d, day %d, wave %d for value %d" % (
                                c, d, w, pref)