def test_SignatureStackFramesAlgorithmsTest():
    # Do some direct matcher tests on edge cases
    assert StackFramesSymptom._match([], [StringMatch('???')])
    assert not StackFramesSymptom._match(
        [], [StringMatch('???'), StringMatch('a')])

    # Test the diff algorithm, test array contains:
    # stack, signature, expected distance, proposed signature
    testArray = [
        (['a', 'b', 'x', 'a', 'b',
          'c'], ['a', 'b', '???', 'a', 'b', 'x',
                 'c'], 1, ['a', 'b', '???', 'a', 'b', '?', 'c']),
        (['b', 'x', 'a', 'b',
          'c'], ['a', 'b', '???', 'a', 'b', 'x',
                 'c'], 2, ['?', 'b', '???', 'a', 'b', '?', 'c']),
        (['b', 'x', 'a', 'd',
          'x'], ['a', 'b', '???', 'a', 'b', 'x',
                 'c'], 3, ['?', 'b', '???', 'a', '?', 'x', '?']),

    for (stack, rawSig, expectedDepth, expectedSig) in testArray:
        for maxDepth in (expectedDepth, 3):
            (actualDepth, actualSig) = StackFramesSymptom._diff(
                stack, [StringMatch(x) for x in rawSig], 0, 1, maxDepth)
            assert expectedDepth == actualDepth
            assert expectedSig == [str(x) for x in actualSig]
    def runTest(self):
        # Do some direct matcher tests on edge cases
        self.assertTrue(StackFramesSymptom._match([], [StringMatch('???')]))
                [], [StringMatch('???'), StringMatch('a')]))

        # Test the diff algorithm, test array contains:
        # stack, signature, expected distance, proposed signature
        testArray = [
            (['a', 'b', 'x', 'a', 'b',
              'c'], ['a', 'b', '???', 'a', 'b', 'x',
                     'c'], 1, ['a', 'b', '???', 'a', 'b', '?', 'c']),
            (['b', 'x', 'a', 'b',
              'c'], ['a', 'b', '???', 'a', 'b', 'x',
                     'c'], 2, ['?', 'b', '???', 'a', 'b', '?', 'c']),
            (['b', 'x', 'a', 'd',
              'x'], ['a', 'b', '???', 'a', 'b', 'x',
                     'c'], 3, ['?', 'b', '???', 'a', '?', 'x', '?']),

        for (stack, rawSig, expectedDepth, expectedSig) in testArray:
            for maxDepth in (expectedDepth, 3):
                (actualDepth, actualSig) = StackFramesSymptom._diff(
                    stack, [StringMatch(x) for x in rawSig], 0, 1, maxDepth)
                self.assertEqual(expectedDepth, actualDepth)
                self.assertEqual(expectedSig, [str(x) for x in actualSig])
Beispiel #3
 def __init__(self, obj):
     Private constructor, called by L{Symptom.fromJSONObject}. Do not use directly.
     Symptom.__init__(self, obj)
     self.output = StringMatch(
         JSONHelper.getObjectOrStringChecked(obj, "value", True))
Beispiel #4
    def __init__(self, obj):
        Private constructor, called by L{Symptom.fromJSONObject}. Do not use directly.
        Symptom.__init__(self, obj)
        self.output = StringMatch(JSONHelper.getObjectOrStringChecked(obj, "value", True))
        self.src = JSONHelper.getStringChecked(obj, "src")

        if self.src != None:
            self.src = self.src.lower()
            if self.src != "stderr" and self.src != "stdout" and self.src != "crashdata":
                raise RuntimeError("Invalid source specified: %s" % self.src)
Beispiel #5
    def __init__(self, obj):
        Private constructor, called by L{Symptom.fromJSONObject}. Do not use directly.
        Symptom.__init__(self, obj)
        self.registerNames = JSONHelper.getArrayChecked(obj, "registerNames")
        self.instructionName = JSONHelper.getObjectOrStringChecked(obj, "instructionName")

        if self.instructionName != None:
            self.instructionName = StringMatch(self.instructionName)
        elif self.registerNames == None or len(self.registerNames) == 0:
            raise RuntimeError("Must provide at least instruction name or register names")
Beispiel #6
    def __init__(self, obj):
        Private constructor, called by L{Symptom.fromJSONObject}. Do not use directly.
        Symptom.__init__(self, obj)
        self.functionName = StringMatch(JSONHelper.getNumberOrStringChecked(obj, "functionName", True))
        self.frameNumber = JSONHelper.getNumberOrStringChecked(obj, "frameNumber")

        if self.frameNumber != None:
            self.frameNumber = NumberMatch(self.frameNumber)
            # Default to 0
            self.frameNumber = NumberMatch(0)
Beispiel #7
class TestcaseSymptom(Symptom):
    def __init__(self, obj):
        Private constructor, called by L{Symptom.fromJSONObject}. Do not use directly.
        Symptom.__init__(self, obj)
        self.output = StringMatch(JSONHelper.getObjectOrStringChecked(obj, "value", True))
    def matches(self, crashInfo):
        Check if the symptom matches the given crash information
        @type crashInfo: CrashInfo
        @param crashInfo: The crash information to check against 
        @rtype: bool
        @return: True if the symptom matches, False otherwise
        # No testcase means to fail matching
        if crashInfo.testcase == None:
            return False
        testLines = crashInfo.testcase.splitlines()
        for line in testLines:
            if self.output.matches(line):
                return True
        return False
Beispiel #8
class StackFrameSymptom(Symptom):
    def __init__(self, obj):
        Private constructor, called by L{Symptom.fromJSONObject}. Do not use directly.
        Symptom.__init__(self, obj)
        self.functionName = StringMatch(
            JSONHelper.getNumberOrStringChecked(obj, "functionName", True))
        self.frameNumber = JSONHelper.getNumberOrStringChecked(
            obj, "frameNumber")

        if self.frameNumber is not None:
            self.frameNumber = NumberMatch(self.frameNumber)
            # Default to 0
            self.frameNumber = NumberMatch(0)

    def matches(self, crashInfo):
        Check if the symptom matches the given crash information

        @type crashInfo: CrashInfo
        @param crashInfo: The crash information to check against

        @rtype: bool
        @return: True if the symptom matches, False otherwise

        for idx in range(len(crashInfo.backtrace)):
            # Not the most efficient way for very long stacks with a small match area
            if self.frameNumber.matches(idx):
                if self.functionName.matches(crashInfo.backtrace[idx]):
                    return True

        return False
Beispiel #9
class TestcaseSymptom(Symptom):
    def __init__(self, obj):
        Private constructor, called by L{Symptom.fromJSONObject}. Do not use directly.
        Symptom.__init__(self, obj)
        self.output = StringMatch(
            JSONHelper.getObjectOrStringChecked(obj, "value", True))

    def matches(self, crashInfo):
        Check if the symptom matches the given crash information

        @type crashInfo: CrashInfo
        @param crashInfo: The crash information to check against

        @rtype: bool
        @return: True if the symptom matches, False otherwise

        # No testcase means to fail matching
        if crashInfo.testcase is None:
            return False

        testLines = crashInfo.testcase.splitlines()

        for line in testLines:
            if self.output.matches(line):
                return True

        return False
Beispiel #10
class StackFrameSymptom(Symptom):
    def __init__(self, obj):
        Private constructor, called by L{Symptom.fromJSONObject}. Do not use directly.
        Symptom.__init__(self, obj)
        self.functionName = StringMatch(JSONHelper.getNumberOrStringChecked(obj, "functionName", True))        
        self.frameNumber = JSONHelper.getNumberOrStringChecked(obj, "frameNumber")

        if self.frameNumber != None:
            self.frameNumber = NumberMatch(self.frameNumber)
            # Default to 0
            self.frameNumber = NumberMatch(0)
    def matches(self, crashInfo):
        Check if the symptom matches the given crash information
        @type crashInfo: CrashInfo
        @param crashInfo: The crash information to check against 
        @rtype: bool
        @return: True if the symptom matches, False otherwise
        for idx in range(len(crashInfo.backtrace)):
            # Not the most efficient way for very long stacks with a small match area
            if self.frameNumber.matches(idx):
                if self.functionName.matches(crashInfo.backtrace[idx]):
                    return True
        return False
Beispiel #11
    def _diff(stack, signatureGuess, startIdx, depth, maxDepth):
        singleWildcardMatch = StringMatch("?")

        newSignatureGuess = []

        bestDepth = None
        bestGuess = None

        for idx in range(startIdx, len(newSignatureGuess)):
            newSignatureGuess.insert(idx, singleWildcardMatch)

            # Check if we have a match with our modification
            if StackFramesSymptom._match(stack, newSignatureGuess):
                return (depth, newSignatureGuess)

            # If we don't have a match but we're not at our current depth limit,
            # add one more level of depth for our search.
            if depth < maxDepth:
                (newBestDepth, newBestGuess) = StackFramesSymptom._diff(
                    stack, newSignatureGuess, idx, depth + 1, maxDepth)

                if newBestDepth != None and (bestDepth == None
                                             or newBestDepth < bestDepth):
                    bestDepth = newBestDepth
                    bestGuess = newBestGuess


            # Now repeat the same with replacing instead of adding
            # unless the match at idx is a wildcard itself

            if str(newSignatureGuess[idx]) == '?' or str(
                    newSignatureGuess[idx]) == '???':

            origMatch = newSignatureGuess[idx]
            newSignatureGuess[idx] = singleWildcardMatch

            # Check if we have a match with our modification
            if StackFramesSymptom._match(stack, newSignatureGuess):
                return (depth, newSignatureGuess)

            # If we don't have a match but we're not at our current depth limit,
            # add one more level of depth for our search.
            if depth < maxDepth:
                (newBestDepth, newBestGuess) = StackFramesSymptom._diff(
                    stack, newSignatureGuess, idx, depth + 1, maxDepth)

                if newBestDepth != None and (bestDepth == None
                                             or newBestDepth < bestDepth):
                    bestDepth = newBestDepth
                    bestGuess = newBestGuess

            newSignatureGuess[idx] = origMatch

        return (bestDepth, bestGuess)
Beispiel #12
    def __init__(self, obj):
        Private constructor, called by L{Symptom.fromJSONObject}. Do not use directly.
        Symptom.__init__(self, obj)
        self.functionNames = []

        rawFunctionNames = JSONHelper.getArrayChecked(obj, "functionNames", True)

        for fn in rawFunctionNames:
Beispiel #13
 def __init__(self, obj):
     Private constructor, called by L{Symptom.fromJSONObject}. Do not use directly.
     Symptom.__init__(self, obj)
     self.registerNames = JSONHelper.getArrayChecked(obj, "registerNames")
     self.instructionName = JSONHelper.getObjectOrStringChecked(obj, "instructionName")
     if self.instructionName != None:
         self.instructionName = StringMatch(self.instructionName)
     elif self.registerNames == None or len(self.registerNames) == 0:
         raise RuntimeError("Must provide at least instruction name or register names")
Beispiel #14
 def __init__(self, obj):
     Private constructor, called by L{Symptom.fromJSONObject}. Do not use directly.
     Symptom.__init__(self, obj)
     self.output = StringMatch(JSONHelper.getObjectOrStringChecked(obj, "value", True))
     self.src = JSONHelper.getStringChecked(obj, "src")
     if self.src != None:
         self.src = self.src.lower()
         if self.src != "stderr" and self.src != "stdout" and self.src != "crashdata":
             raise RuntimeError("Invalid source specified: %s" % self.src)
Beispiel #15
    def __init__(self, obj):
        Private constructor, called by L{Symptom.fromJSONObject}. Do not use directly.
        Symptom.__init__(self, obj)
        self.functionName = StringMatch(JSONHelper.getNumberOrStringChecked(obj, "functionName", True))        
        self.frameNumber = JSONHelper.getNumberOrStringChecked(obj, "frameNumber")

        if self.frameNumber != None:
            self.frameNumber = NumberMatch(self.frameNumber)
            # Default to 0
            self.frameNumber = NumberMatch(0)
Beispiel #16
class OutputSymptom(Symptom):
    def __init__(self, obj):
        Private constructor, called by L{Symptom.fromJSONObject}. Do not use directly.
        Symptom.__init__(self, obj)
        self.output = StringMatch(
            JSONHelper.getObjectOrStringChecked(obj, "value", True))
        self.src = JSONHelper.getStringChecked(obj, "src")

        if self.src is not None:
            self.src = self.src.lower()
            if self.src != "stderr" and self.src != "stdout" and self.src != "crashdata":
                raise RuntimeError("Invalid source specified: %s" % self.src)

    def matches(self, crashInfo):
        Check if the symptom matches the given crash information

        @type crashInfo: CrashInfo
        @param crashInfo: The crash information to check against

        @rtype: bool
        @return: True if the symptom matches, False otherwise
        checkedOutput = []

        if self.src is None:
        elif (self.src == "stdout"):
            checkedOutput = crashInfo.rawStdout
        elif (self.src == "stderr"):
            checkedOutput = crashInfo.rawStderr
            checkedOutput = crashInfo.rawCrashData

        for line in reversed(checkedOutput):
            if self.output.matches(line):
                return True

        return False
Beispiel #17
class OutputSymptom(Symptom):
    def __init__(self, obj):
        Private constructor, called by L{Symptom.fromJSONObject}. Do not use directly.
        Symptom.__init__(self, obj)
        self.output = StringMatch(JSONHelper.getObjectOrStringChecked(obj, "value", True))
        self.src = JSONHelper.getStringChecked(obj, "src")

        if self.src is not None:
            self.src = self.src.lower()
            if self.src != "stderr" and self.src != "stdout" and self.src != "crashdata":
                raise RuntimeError("Invalid source specified: %s" % self.src)

    def matches(self, crashInfo):
        Check if the symptom matches the given crash information

        @type crashInfo: CrashInfo
        @param crashInfo: The crash information to check against

        @rtype: bool
        @return: True if the symptom matches, False otherwise
        checkedOutput = []

        if self.src is None:
        elif (self.src == "stdout"):
            checkedOutput = crashInfo.rawStdout
        elif (self.src == "stderr"):
            checkedOutput = crashInfo.rawStderr
            checkedOutput = crashInfo.rawCrashData

        windowsSlashWorkaround = crashInfo.configuration.os == "windows"
        for line in reversed(checkedOutput):
            if self.output.matches(line, windowsSlashWorkaround=windowsSlashWorkaround):
                return True

        return False
Beispiel #18
class InstructionSymptom(Symptom):
    def __init__(self, obj):
        Private constructor, called by L{Symptom.fromJSONObject}. Do not use directly.
        Symptom.__init__(self, obj)
        self.registerNames = JSONHelper.getArrayChecked(obj, "registerNames")
        self.instructionName = JSONHelper.getObjectOrStringChecked(
            obj, "instructionName")

        if self.instructionName is not None:
            self.instructionName = StringMatch(self.instructionName)
        elif self.registerNames is None or len(self.registerNames) == 0:
            raise RuntimeError(
                "Must provide at least instruction name or register names")

    def matches(self, crashInfo):
        Check if the symptom matches the given crash information

        @type crashInfo: CrashInfo
        @param crashInfo: The crash information to check against

        @rtype: bool
        @return: True if the symptom matches, False otherwise
        if crashInfo.crashInstruction is None:
            # No crash instruction available, do not match
            return False

        if self.registerNames is not None:
            for register in self.registerNames:
                if register not in crashInfo.crashInstruction:
                    return False

        if self.instructionName is not None:
            if not self.instructionName.matches(crashInfo.crashInstruction):
                return False

        return True
Beispiel #19
class InstructionSymptom(Symptom):
    def __init__(self, obj):
        Private constructor, called by L{Symptom.fromJSONObject}. Do not use directly.
        Symptom.__init__(self, obj)
        self.registerNames = JSONHelper.getArrayChecked(obj, "registerNames")
        self.instructionName = JSONHelper.getObjectOrStringChecked(obj, "instructionName")
        if self.instructionName != None:
            self.instructionName = StringMatch(self.instructionName)
        elif self.registerNames == None or len(self.registerNames) == 0:
            raise RuntimeError("Must provide at least instruction name or register names")
    def matches(self, crashInfo):
        Check if the symptom matches the given crash information
        @type crashInfo: CrashInfo
        @param crashInfo: The crash information to check against 
        @rtype: bool
        @return: True if the symptom matches, False otherwise
        if crashInfo.crashInstruction == None:
            # No crash instruction available, do not match
            return False
        if self.registerNames != None:
            for register in self.registerNames:
                if not register in crashInfo.crashInstruction:
                    return False
        if self.instructionName != None:
            if not self.instructionName.matches(crashInfo.crashInstruction):
                return False
        return True
Beispiel #20
    def _diff(stack, signatureGuess, startIdx, depth, maxDepth):
        singleWildcardMatch = StringMatch("?")

        newSignatureGuess = []

        bestDepth = None
        bestGuess = None

        hasVariableStackLengthQuantifier = '???' in [
            str(x) for x in newSignatureGuess

        for idx in range(startIdx, len(newSignatureGuess)):
            newSignatureGuess.insert(idx, singleWildcardMatch)

            # Check if we have a match with our modification
            if StackFramesSymptom._match(stack, newSignatureGuess):
                return (depth, newSignatureGuess)

            # If we don't have a match but we're not at our current depth limit,
            # add one more level of depth for our search.
            if depth < maxDepth:
                (newBestDepth, newBestGuess) = StackFramesSymptom._diff(
                    stack, newSignatureGuess, idx, depth + 1, maxDepth)

                if newBestDepth is not None and (bestDepth is None
                                                 or newBestDepth < bestDepth):
                    bestDepth = newBestDepth
                    bestGuess = newBestGuess


            # Now repeat the same with replacing instead of adding
            # unless the match at idx is a wildcard itself

            if str(newSignatureGuess[idx]) == '?' or str(
                    newSignatureGuess[idx]) == '???':

            newMatch = singleWildcardMatch
            if not hasVariableStackLengthQuantifier and len(stack) > idx:
                # We can perform some optimizations here if we have a signature that does
                # not contain any quantifiers that can match multiple stack frames.

                if newSignatureGuess[idx].matches(stack[idx]):
                    # Our frame matches, so it doesn't make sense to try and mess with it

                if not newSignatureGuess[idx].isPCRE:
                    # If our match is not PCRE, try some heuristics to generalize the match

                    if stack[idx] in str(newSignatureGuess[idx]):
                        # The stack frame is a substring of the what we try to match,
                        # use the stack frame as new matcher to ensure a match without
                        # using a wildcard.
                        newMatch = StringMatch(stack[idx])

            origMatch = newSignatureGuess[idx]
            newSignatureGuess[idx] = newMatch

            # Check if we have a match with our modification
            if StackFramesSymptom._match(stack, newSignatureGuess):
                return (depth, newSignatureGuess)

            # If we don't have a match but we're not at our current depth limit,
            # add one more level of depth for our search.
            if depth < maxDepth:
                (newBestDepth, newBestGuess) = StackFramesSymptom._diff(
                    stack, newSignatureGuess, idx, depth + 1, maxDepth)

                if newBestDepth is not None and (bestDepth is None
                                                 or newBestDepth < bestDepth):
                    bestDepth = newBestDepth
                    bestGuess = newBestGuess

            newSignatureGuess[idx] = origMatch

        return (bestDepth, bestGuess)
Beispiel #21
 def __init__(self, obj):
     Private constructor, called by L{Symptom.fromJSONObject}. Do not use directly.
     Symptom.__init__(self, obj)
     self.output = StringMatch(JSONHelper.getObjectOrStringChecked(obj, "value", True))