Beispiel #1
    def algoANN(self, trainingPath, testPath, featureExtraType, epochs):
        Using Artificial Neural Network algorithm to classify insect images
        :param trainingPath: the path of training images
        :param testPath:  the path of testing images
        :param featureExtraType:  the feature type:sift or surf
        :param epochs: the numbre of training for neural network
        :return: the classification results
        loadImage = LoadImage()
        featureExtra = FeatureExtractor()
        bow = BOW()

        # get the species,the name of all insects, the path of all insect images
        insectNames, names, trainingPaths = loadImage.loadTrainImage(trainingPath)
        insectSpecies = len(insectNames)
        print "insect species:", insectSpecies

        #get all descriptos of training images
        trainDescriptors = bow.getDescriptors(trainingPaths, featureExtraType)
        #get the BoW dictionary of trianing images
        trainBowDictionary = bow.getBowDictionary(insectSpecies, trainDescriptors, featureExtraType)

        #initialize a Neural Network
        net = buildNetwork(insectSpecies, 100, 100, insectSpecies)
        #initialize a data set
        ds = SupervisedDataSet(insectSpecies, insectSpecies)
        species = 0
        #add all datas in data set
        for p in insectNames:
            trainingPaths = os.listdir(trainingPath + "\\" + p)
            for j in trainingPaths:
                #add data
                ds.addSample(featureExtra.getSingleFeature(trainingPath + "\\" + p + "\\" + j,
                                                           trainBowDictionary, featureExtraType)[0], (species,))
            species += 1

        #initialize a trainer
        trainer = BackpropTrainer(net, ds, learningrate=0.01, momentum=0.1, weightdecay=0.01)
        for i in range(1, epochs):
            traError = trainer.train()
            print 'after %d epochs,train error:%f' % (i, traError)

        testInsectNames, testNames, testingPaths = loadImage.loadTrainImage(testPath)
        testDescriptors = bow.getDescriptors(testingPaths, featureExtraType)
        testBowDictionary = bow.getBowDictionary(insectSpecies, testDescriptors, featureExtraType)
        # Initializes a zero matrix to save the classification results
        result = np.zeros((insectSpecies, insectSpecies))

        count = 0
        # classify all the test immages
        for m in testInsectNames:
            testPaths = os.listdir(testPath + "\\" + m)
            for n in testPaths:
                test = net.activate(featureExtra.getSingleFeature(testPath + "\\" + m + "\\" + n,
                                                                  testBowDictionary, featureExtraType)[0])
                target = map(lambda x: (x), test)  # numpy.array to list
                result[count, target.index(max(target))] += 1
            count += 1

        return result
Beispiel #2
    def algoSVM(self,trainingPath, testPath, featureExtraType):
        Using Support Vector Machine algorithm to classify insect images
        :param trainingPath: the path of training images
        :param testPath: he path of testing images
        :param featureExtraType: the feature type : sift or surf
        loadImage = LoadImage()
        featureExtra = FeatureExtractor()
        bow = BOW()

        #get the species,the name of all insects, the path of all insect images
        insectSpecies, names, trainingPaths = loadImage.loadTrainImage(trainingPath)
        print insectSpecies
        print "Le bombre d'espece :", len(insectSpecies)
        dictionarySize = len(insectSpecies)

        insect = {}
        num = 1
        for name in insectSpecies:
            insect[name] = num
            num += 1

        #get the descriptors of all training images
        descriptors = bow.getDescriptors(trainingPaths, featureExtraType)
        #get Bag of Words dictionary
        bowDictionary = bow.getBowDictionary(dictionarySize, descriptors, featureExtraType)
        print "bow dictionary"

        #train data
        trainDesc = []
        #train response
        trainLabels = []
        i = 0

        #initialize train datas and train responses
        for p in trainingPaths:
            trainDesc.extend(featureExtra.getSingleFeature(p, bowDictionary, featureExtraType))
            i = i + 1

        svm = cv2.SVM()
        svm.train(np.array(trainDesc), np.array(trainLabels))

        testInsectNames = os.listdir(testPath)
        # Initialize a zero matrix to save the classification results
        result = np.zeros((dictionarySize, dictionarySize))
        print "result zero"

        count = 0
        #classify all the test immages
        for test in testInsectNames:
            testingImage = os.listdir(testPath + "\\" + test)
            for p in testingImage:
                #get feature from a test image
                feature = featureExtra.getSingleFeature(testPath + "\\" + test + "\\" + p, bowDictionary, featureExtraType)
                p = svm.predict(feature)
                #save the result in the result matrix
                result[count, p - 1] += 1

            count += 1

        return result