Beispiel #1
def compare_filelists(src_list, dst_list, src_remote, dst_remote):
    def __direction_str(is_remote):
        return is_remote and "remote" or "local"

    def _compare(src_list, dst_lst, src_remote, dst_remote, file):
        """Return True if src_list[file] matches dst_list[file], else False"""
        attribs_match = True
        if not (src_list.has_key(file) and dst_list.has_key(file)):
                u"%s: does not exist in one side or the other: src_list=%s, dst_list=%s"
                % (file, src_list.has_key(file), dst_list.has_key(file)))
            return False

        ## check size first
        if 'size' in cfg.sync_checks:
            if 'size' in dst_list[file] and 'size' in src_list[file]:
                if dst_list[file]['size'] != src_list[file]['size']:
                        u"xfer: %s (size mismatch: src=%s dst=%s)" %
                        (file, src_list[file]['size'], dst_list[file]['size']))
                    attribs_match = False

        ## check md5
        compare_md5 = 'md5' in cfg.sync_checks
        # Multipart-uploaded files don't have a valid md5 sum - it ends with "...-nn"
        if compare_md5:
            if (src_remote == True and '-' in src_list[file]['md5']) or (
                    dst_remote == True and '-' in dst_list[file]['md5']):
                compare_md5 = False
                info(u"disabled md5 check for %s" % file)
        if attribs_match and compare_md5:
                src_md5 = src_list.get_md5(file)
                dst_md5 = dst_list.get_md5(file)
            except (IOError, OSError):
                # md5 sum verification failed - ignore that file altogether
                debug(u"IGNR: %s (disappeared)" % (file))
                warning(u"%s: file disappeared, ignoring." % (file))

            if src_md5 != dst_md5:
                ## checksums are different.
                attribs_match = False
                debug(u"XFER: %s (md5 mismatch: src=%s dst=%s)" %
                      (file, src_md5, dst_md5))

        return attribs_match

    # we don't support local->local sync, use 'rsync' or something like that instead ;-)
    assert (not (src_remote == False and dst_remote == False))

    info(u"Verifying attributes...")
    cfg = Config()
    ## Items left on src_list will be transferred
    ## Items left on update_list will be transferred after src_list
    ## Items left on copy_pairs will be copied from dst1 to dst2
    update_list = FileDict(ignore_case=False)
    ## Items left on dst_list will be deleted
    copy_pairs = []

    debug("Comparing filelists (direction: %s -> %s)" %
          (__direction_str(src_remote), __direction_str(dst_remote)))

    for relative_file in src_list.keys():
        debug(u"CHECK: %s" % (relative_file))

        if dst_list.has_key(relative_file):
            ## Was --skip-existing requested?
            if cfg.skip_existing:
                debug(u"IGNR: %s (used --skip-existing)" % (relative_file))
                del (src_list[relative_file])
                del (dst_list[relative_file])

                same_file = _compare(src_list, dst_list, src_remote,
                                     dst_remote, relative_file)
            except (IOError, OSError):
                debug(u"IGNR: %s (disappeared)" % (relative_file))
                warning(u"%s: file disappeared, ignoring." % (relative_file))
                del (src_list[relative_file])
                del (dst_list[relative_file])

            if same_file:
                debug(u"IGNR: %s (transfer not needed)" % relative_file)
                del (src_list[relative_file])
                del (dst_list[relative_file])

                # look for matching file in src
                    md5 = src_list.get_md5(relative_file)
                except IOError:
                    md5 = None
                if md5 is not None and dst_list.by_md5.has_key(md5):
                    # Found one, we want to copy
                    dst1 = list(dst_list.by_md5[md5])[0]
                    debug(u"DST COPY src: %s -> %s" % (dst1, relative_file))
                        (src_list[relative_file], dst1, relative_file))
                    del (src_list[relative_file])
                    del (dst_list[relative_file])
                    # record that we will get this file transferred to us (before all the copies), so if we come across it later again,
                    # we can copy from _this_ copy (e.g. we only upload it once, and copy thereafter).
                    dst_list.record_md5(relative_file, md5)
                    update_list[relative_file] = src_list[relative_file]
                    del src_list[relative_file]
                    del dst_list[relative_file]

            # dst doesn't have this file
            # look for matching file elsewhere in dst
                md5 = src_list.get_md5(relative_file)
            except IOError:
                md5 = None
            dst1 = dst_list.find_md5_one(md5)
            if dst1 is not None:
                # Found one, we want to copy
                debug(u"DST COPY dst: %s -> %s" % (dst1, relative_file))
                    (src_list[relative_file], dst1, relative_file))
                del (src_list[relative_file])
                # we don't have this file, and we don't have a copy of this file elsewhere.  Get it.
                # record that we will get this file transferred to us (before all the copies), so if we come across it later again,
                # we can copy from _this_ copy (e.g. we only upload it once, and copy thereafter).
                dst_list.record_md5(relative_file, md5)

    for f in dst_list.keys():
        if src_list.has_key(f) or update_list.has_key(f):
            # leave only those not on src_list + update_list
            del dst_list[f]

    return src_list, dst_list, update_list, copy_pairs
Beispiel #2
                    del src_list[relative_file]
                    del dst_list[relative_file]

            # dst doesn't have this file
            # look for matching file elsewhere in dst
                md5 = src_list.get_md5(relative_file)
            except IOError:
               md5 = None
            dst1 = dst_list.find_md5_one(md5)
            if dst1 is not None:
                # Found one, we want to copy
                debug(u"DST COPY dst: %s -> %s" % (dst1, relative_file))
                copy_pairs.append((src_list[relative_file], dst1, relative_file))
                # we don't have this file, and we don't have a copy of this file elsewhere.  Get it.
                # record that we will get this file transferred to us (before all the copies), so if we come across it later again,
                # we can copy from _this_ copy (e.g. we only upload it once, and copy thereafter).
                dst_list.record_md5(relative_file, md5)

    for f in dst_list.keys():
        if src_list.has_key(f) or update_list.has_key(f):
            # leave only those not on src_list + update_list
            del dst_list[f]

    return src_list, dst_list, update_list, copy_pairs

# vim:et:ts=4:sts=4:ai
Beispiel #3
def compare_filelists(src_list, dst_list, src_remote, dst_remote):
    def __direction_str(is_remote):
        return is_remote and "remote" or "local"

    def _compare(src_list, dst_lst, src_remote, dst_remote, file):
        """Return True if src_list[file] matches dst_list[file], else False"""
        attribs_match = True
        if not (src_list.has_key(file) and dst_list.has_key(file)):
            info(u"%s: does not exist in one side or the other: src_list=%s, dst_list=%s" % (file, src_list.has_key(file), dst_list.has_key(file)))
            return False

        ## check size first
        if 'size' in cfg.sync_checks:
            if 'size' in dst_list[file] and 'size' in src_list[file]:
                if dst_list[file]['size'] != src_list[file]['size']:
                    debug(u"xfer: %s (size mismatch: src=%s dst=%s)" % (file, src_list[file]['size'], dst_list[file]['size']))
                    attribs_match = False

        ## check md5
        compare_md5 = 'md5' in cfg.sync_checks
        # Multipart-uploaded files don't have a valid md5 sum - it ends with "...-nn"
        if compare_md5:
            if (src_remote == True and '-' in src_list[file]['md5']) or (dst_remote == True and '-' in dst_list[file]['md5']):
                compare_md5 = False
                info(u"disabled md5 check for %s" % file)
        if attribs_match and compare_md5:
                src_md5 = src_list.get_md5(file)
                dst_md5 = dst_list.get_md5(file)
            except (IOError,OSError):
                # md5 sum verification failed - ignore that file altogether
                debug(u"IGNR: %s (disappeared)" % (file))
                warning(u"%s: file disappeared, ignoring." % (file))

            if src_md5 != dst_md5:
                ## checksums are different.
                attribs_match = False
                debug(u"XFER: %s (md5 mismatch: src=%s dst=%s)" % (file, src_md5, dst_md5))

        return attribs_match

    # we don't support local->local sync, use 'rsync' or something like that instead ;-)
    assert(not(src_remote == False and dst_remote == False))

    info(u"Verifying attributes...")
    cfg = Config()
    ## Items left on src_list will be transferred
    ## Items left on update_list will be transferred after src_list
    ## Items left on copy_pairs will be copied from dst1 to dst2
    update_list = FileDict(ignore_case = False)
    ## Items left on dst_list will be deleted
    copy_pairs = []

    debug("Comparing filelists (direction: %s -> %s)" % (__direction_str(src_remote), __direction_str(dst_remote)))

    for relative_file in src_list.keys():
        debug(u"CHECK: %s" % (relative_file))

        if dst_list.has_key(relative_file):
            ## Was --skip-existing requested?
            if cfg.skip_existing:
                debug(u"IGNR: %s (used --skip-existing)" % (relative_file))

                same_file = _compare(src_list, dst_list, src_remote, dst_remote, relative_file)
            except (IOError,OSError):
                debug(u"IGNR: %s (disappeared)" % (relative_file))
                warning(u"%s: file disappeared, ignoring." % (relative_file))

            if same_file:
                debug(u"IGNR: %s (transfer not needed)" % relative_file)

                # look for matching file in src
                    md5 = src_list.get_md5(relative_file)
                except IOError:
                    md5 = None
                if md5 is not None and dst_list.by_md5.has_key(md5):
                    # Found one, we want to copy
                    dst1 = list(dst_list.by_md5[md5])[0]
                    debug(u"DST COPY src: %s -> %s" % (dst1, relative_file))
                    copy_pairs.append((src_list[relative_file], dst1, relative_file))
                    # record that we will get this file transferred to us (before all the copies), so if we come across it later again,
                    # we can copy from _this_ copy (e.g. we only upload it once, and copy thereafter).
                    dst_list.record_md5(relative_file, md5)
                    update_list[relative_file] = src_list[relative_file]
                    del src_list[relative_file]
                    del dst_list[relative_file]

            # dst doesn't have this file
            # look for matching file elsewhere in dst
                md5 = src_list.get_md5(relative_file)
            except IOError:
               md5 = None
            dst1 = dst_list.find_md5_one(md5)
            if dst1 is not None:
                # Found one, we want to copy
                debug(u"DST COPY dst: %s -> %s" % (dst1, relative_file))
                copy_pairs.append((src_list[relative_file], dst1, relative_file))
                # we don't have this file, and we don't have a copy of this file elsewhere.  Get it.
                # record that we will get this file transferred to us (before all the copies), so if we come across it later again,
                # we can copy from _this_ copy (e.g. we only upload it once, and copy thereafter).
                dst_list.record_md5(relative_file, md5)

    for f in dst_list.keys():
        if src_list.has_key(f) or update_list.has_key(f):
            # leave only those not on src_list + update_list
            del dst_list[f]

    return src_list, dst_list, update_list, copy_pairs