def getBenchmarkDictionary(self, workdir):
        """ Return the benchmarks dictionary """

        if self.__benchmarks:
            return self.__benchmarks
            return getJSONDictionary(self.getBenchmarkFileName(workdir))
Beispiel #2
    def executeBenchmark(self):
        """ Interface method for benchmark test """

        # Use this method to interface with benchmark code
        # The method should return a dictionary containing the results of the test

        dictionary = {}
        cmd = "/afs/"
        timeout = 120

        tolog("Executing benchmark test: %s" % (cmd))
        exitcode, output = timedCommand(cmd, timeout=timeout)
        if exitcode != 0:
            tolog("!!WARNING!!3434!! Encountered a problem with benchmark test: %s" % (output))
            tolog("Benchmark finished")

            filename = "kflops.json"
            if not os.path.exists(filename):
                tolog("!!WARNING!!3435!! Benchmark did not produce expected output file: %s" % (filename))
                tolog("Parsing benchmark output file: %s" % (filename))
                dictionary = getJSONDictionary(filename)
                if dictionary == {}:
                    tolog("!!WARNING!!3436!! Empty benchmark dictionary - nothing to report")

        return dictionary
Beispiel #3
    def executeBenchmark(self):
        """ Interface method for benchmark test """

        # Use this method to interface with benchmark code
        # The method should return a dictionary containing the results of the test

        dictionary = {}
        cmd = "export BMK_ROOTDIR='/cvmfs/;"
        cmd += "$BMK_ROOTDIR/cern-benchmark --benchmarks=\"fastBmk\" --queue_port=61113 --username=vmspecprod --topic=/topic/vm.spec --cloud=cloud-name --vo=ATLAS"
        timeout = 120

        tolog("Executing benchmark test: %s" % (cmd))
        exitcode, output = timedCommand(cmd, timeout=timeout)
        if exitcode != 0:
            tolog("!!WARNING!!3434!! Encountered a problem with benchmark test: %s" % (output))
            tolog("Benchmark finished")

            filename = "kflops.json"
            if not os.path.exists(filename):
                tolog("!!WARNING!!3435!! Benchmark did not produce expected output file: %s" % (filename))
                tolog("Parsing benchmark output file: %s" % (filename))
                dictionary = getJSONDictionary(filename)
                if dictionary == {}:
                    tolog("!!WARNING!!3436!! Empty benchmark dictionary - nothing to report")

        return dictionary
Beispiel #4
    def executeBenchmark(self):
        """ Interface method for benchmark test """

        # Use this method to interface with benchmark code
        # The method should return a dictionary containing the results of the test

        dictionary = {}
        cmd = "/afs/"
        timeout = 120

        tolog("Executing benchmark test: %s" % (cmd))
        exitcode, output = timedCommand(cmd, timeout=timeout)
        if exitcode != 0:
                "!!WARNING!!3434!! Encountered a problem with benchmark test: %s"
                % (output))
            tolog("Benchmark finished")

            filename = "kflops.json"
            if not os.path.exists(filename):
                    "!!WARNING!!3435!! Benchmark did not produce expected output file: %s"
                    % (filename))
                tolog("Parsing benchmark output file: %s" % (filename))
                dictionary = getJSONDictionary(filename)
                if dictionary == {}:
                        "!!WARNING!!3436!! Empty benchmark dictionary - nothing to report"

        return dictionary
Beispiel #5
    def getBenchmarkDictionary(self, workdir):
        """ Return the benchmarks dictionary """

        if self.__benchmarks:
            return self.__benchmarks
            return getJSONDictionary(self.getBenchmarkFileName(workdir))
    def getUtilityInfo(self, node, experiment, workdir):
        """ Add the utility info to the node structure if available """

        # Get the experiment object and check if the special utility (e.g. a memory monitor) was used
        thisExperiment = getExperiment(experiment)
        if thisExperiment.shouldExecuteUtility():

            # Try to get the memory monitor info from the workdir first
            path = os.path.join(workdir, thisExperiment.getUtilityJSONFilename())
            init_path = os.path.join(self.__pilot_initdir, thisExperiment.getUtilityJSONFilename())
            if not os.path.exists(path):
                tolog("File does not exist: %s" % (path))
                if os.path.exists(init_path):
                    path = init_path
                    tolog("File does not exist either: %s" % (path))
                    path = ""

            if path != "":
                tolog("Reading memory monitoring info from: %s" % (path))

                # Get the dictionary
                d = getJSONDictionary(path)
                if d and d != {}:
                        node['maxRSS'] = d['Max']['maxRSS']
                        node['maxVMEM'] = d['Max']['maxVMEM']
                        node['maxSWAP'] = d['Max']['maxSwap']
                        node['maxPSS'] = d['Max']['maxPSS']
                        node['avgRSS'] = d['Avg']['avgRSS']
                        node['avgVMEM'] = d['Avg']['avgVMEM']
                        node['avgSWAP'] = d['Avg']['avgSwap']
                        node['avgPSS'] = d['Avg']['avgPSS']
                    except Exception, e:
                        tolog("!!WARNING!!54541! Exception caught while parsing memory monitor JSON: %s" % (e))
                        tolog("Extracted info from memory monitor JSON")

            # Done with the memory monitor for this job (if the file is read from the pilots' init dir), remove the file in case there are other jobs to be run
            if os.path.exists(init_path):
                    os.system("rm -rf %s" % (init_path))
                except Exception, e:
                    tolog("!!WARNING!!4343!! Failed to remove %s: %s" % (init_path), e)
                    tolog("Removed %s" % (init_path))
Beispiel #7
    def getUtilityInfo(self, node, experiment, workdir):
        """ Add the utility info to the node structure if available """

        # Get the experiment object and check if the special utility (e.g. a memory monitor) was used
        thisExperiment = getExperiment(experiment)
        if thisExperiment.shouldExecuteUtility():

            # Try to get the memory monitor info from the workdir first
            path = os.path.join(workdir, thisExperiment.getUtilityJSONFilename())
            init_path = os.path.join(self.__pilot_initdir, thisExperiment.getUtilityJSONFilename())
            primary_location = False
            if not os.path.exists(path):
                tolog("File does not exist: %s" % (path))
                if os.path.exists(init_path):
                    path = init_path
                    tolog("File does not exist either: %s" % (path))
                    path = ""
                primary_location = False
                primary_location = True

            if path != "":
                tolog("Reading memory monitoring info from: %s" % (path))

                # If the file is the primary one (ie the one in the workdir and not the initdir, then also check the modification time)
                read_from_file = True
                if primary_location:
                    # Get the modification time
                    mod_time = None
                    max_time = 120
                        file_modification_time = os.path.getmtime(path)
                        current_time = int(time())
                        mod_time = current_time - file_modification_time
                        tolog("File %s was modified %d seconds ago" % (mod_time))
                        tolog("!!WARNING!!2323!! Could not read the modification time of %s" % (path))
                        tolog("!!WARNING!!2324!! Will add -1 values for the memory info")
                        node['maxRSS'] = -1
                        node['maxVMEM'] = -1
                        node['maxSWAP'] = -1
                        node['maxPSS'] = -1
                        node['avgRSS'] = -1
                        node['avgVMEM'] = -1
                        node['avgSWAP'] = -1
                        node['avgPSS'] = -1
                        read_from_file = False
                        if mod_time > max_time:
                            tolog("!!WARNING!!2325!! File %s was modified over %d s ago, will add -1 values for the memory info" % (path, max_time))
                            node['maxRSS'] = -1
                            node['maxVMEM'] = -1
                            node['maxSWAP'] = -1
                            node['maxPSS'] = -1
                            node['avgRSS'] = -1
                            node['avgVMEM'] = -1
                            node['avgSWAP'] = -1
                            node['avgPSS'] = -1
                            read_from_file = False

                if read_from_file:
                    # Get the dictionary
                    d = getJSONDictionary(path)
                    if d and d != {}:
                            # Move to experiment class?
                            node['maxRSS'] = d['Max']['maxRSS']
                            node['maxVMEM'] = d['Max']['maxVMEM']
                            node['maxSWAP'] = d['Max']['maxSwap']
                            node['maxPSS'] = d['Max']['maxPSS']
                            node['avgRSS'] = d['Avg']['avgRSS']
                            node['avgVMEM'] = d['Avg']['avgVMEM']
                            node['avgSWAP'] = d['Avg']['avgSwap']
                            node['avgPSS'] = d['Avg']['avgPSS']
                        except Exception, e:
                            tolog("!!WARNING!!54541! Exception caught while parsing memory monitor JSON: %s" % (e))
                            tolog("Extracted info from memory monitor JSON")

            # Done with the memory monitor for this job (if the file is read from the pilots' init dir), remove the file in case there are other jobs to be run
            if os.path.exists(init_path):
                    os.system("rm -rf %s" % (init_path))
                except Exception, e:
                    tolog("!!WARNING!!4343!! Failed to remove %s: %s" % (init_path), e)
                    tolog("Removed %s" % (init_path))