Beispiel #1
    def test_fileSearch(self):
		Unittest: Do some searches on the local directory -- this will fail if
		files are added or deleted.

		This test does several tests on a file list generated from this directory.

        # Find python files (2) (minus pyc)
        # Find all files >= python files.

        allFL = FileList(directories=['.'])
        noPycFL = FileList(directories=['.'], exclude_regexps=[r'\.pyc$'])

        allFiles = allFL.getFiles()
        noPycFiles = noPycFL.getFiles()

        # We should have four non .pyc files
        self.assertEqual(len(noPycFiles), 4)
        # We could have some pyc files
        self.assertTrue(len(noPycFiles) <= len(allFiles))

        # Make sure our Module and test were found.
        self.assertIn(os.path.join('.', ''), allFiles)
        self.assertIn(os.path.join('.', ''), allFiles)
        self.assertIn(os.path.join('.', ''), noPycFiles)
        self.assertIn(os.path.join('.', ''), noPycFiles)

        print allFL.FileInfo
Beispiel #2
class Backup():
	Will read it's configuration from *somewhere*.

	Will create a FileList based on entries in the configuration.

	Has routines to create a backup at the destination (from the
    def __init__(self, config={}):
		@param[in] config     Will be *something*.  For now, just a dict.
        ## Store our config (or load it?)
        self.config = config

        ## Our file list, created from the configuration
        self.FileList = FileList(

        ## This will be a class soon, so it can handle removeable media.
        # For now, it's just a directory.
        self.Destination = self.config['destination']

        ## Copy of our files to backup
        self.FilesToBackup = None

    def __scanSources(self):
		Scan our file list and grab a reference to the source files,
		so that they could be displayed later.

		@param[in] self.FileList - Our file list.
		@param[out] self.FilestoBackup - for review, and passing to manifest
        self.FilesToBackup = self.FileList.getFiles()

    def __checkDestination(self):
		Check that destination is writeable by createing and then deleting
		a file.  Failures WILL throw exceptions.

		Check free space on destination, and store it.

		@returns self.DestinationSpace
        # Create a quick file on the destination drive, the delete it

        ## TempFile to use
        tmpFile = os.path.join(self.Destination, "django.tmp")
        open(tmpFile, "w").write("testing write")

        # And, check our space
        self.DestinationSpace = self.__getFreeSpaceMb()

        print "DEBUG: {} has {}Mb free".format(self.Destination,

    def __getFreeSpaceMb(self):
        """ Return folder free space in Mb """

        if platform.system() == "Windows":
            free_bytes = ctypes.c_ulonglong(0)
                ctypes.c_wchar_p(self.Destination), None, None,
            return free_bytes.value / 1024 / 1024
            st = os.statvfs(self.Destination)
            return st.f_bavail * st.f_frsize / 1024 / 1024

    def Backup(self):
        ## Do simple backup -- probably just for testing.
