Beispiel #1
	def formAnalysis(self, SSM, isViz = False, topk = 5):
		self.__TOPK = topk

		if isViz:

		計算 SSM 中所有的 Block Family
		startTime = time.time()
		(self.__allFamilyM, cohesionM) = self.__allBlockFamily(SSM)
		endTime = time.time()
		print "LyricsForm: Family Matrix Construction Time = %.2fsec" % (endTime - startTime)

		產生 Cohesion Matrix
		#self.__viz.grayMatrix(cohesionM, "Cohesion Matrix")

		Block Family Combination
		self.__allFamilyM = numpy.insert(self.__allFamilyM, 0, 0, axis = 0)
		startTime = time.time()
		ff = FormFinder(self.__allFamilyM, self.__TOPK)
		combineList = ff.computing()
		endTime = time.time()

		print "LyricsForm: Block Combination Time = %.2fsec" % (endTime - startTime)

		combineList 轉換成詞式格式
		lineNum = SSM.shape[0]
		formList = self.__resultForm(combineList, lineNum)

		return formList
	def formAnalysis(self, SSM, isViz = False):

		if isViz:

		NMF test
		from nmf import nmf
		n = SSM.shape[0]
		r = 5
		w = numpy.random.random([n, r])
		h = numpy.random.random([r, n])
		(wo,ho) = nmf(SSM, w, h, 0.001, 1000, 100)

		if isViz:
			self.__SSMViz(, ho))
			for k in range(r):
				print k
				wmask = numpy.zeros((n, r))
				wmask[:, k] = numpy.ones(n)
				hmask = numpy.zeros((r, n))
				hmask[k, :] = numpy.ones(n)

				self.__SSMViz( * wmask, hmask * ho))

		計算 SSM 中所有的 Block Family
		startTime = time.time()
		self.__allFamilyM = self.__allBlockFamily(SSM)
		endTime = time.time()
		print "LyricsForm: Family Matrix Construction Time = %.2fsec" % (endTime - startTime)

		self.__allFamilyM = numpy.insert(self.__allFamilyM, 0, 0, axis = 0)

		Block Family Combination
		startTime = time.time()
		ff = FormFinder(self.__allFamilyM, self.__TOPK)
		combineList = ff.computing()
		endTime = time.time()

		print "LyricsForm: Block Combination Time = %.2fsec" % (endTime - startTime)

		combineList 轉換成詞式格式
		lineNum = SSM.shape[0]
		formList = self.__resultForm(combineList, lineNum)

		return formList
from FormFinder import FormFinder
from Element import Element
from Structure import Structure
from Vizulization import Vizulization
from Evolution import Evolution

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

Solver = FormFinder()


# Control Panel
debug = False
showViz = True
updatefreq = 1

# Variables you tune
population = 9
num_bars = 4
niche_radius = int(np.ceil((num_bars * 2) * 0.1))
load = 50
p_c = 0.1  #proability that you mutate the connections when you mutate
p_reset = 0.1  # proability that you reset the bars when you mutate
p_mutateL = 0.25  # amount of bars to mutate when you do mutate
p_mutateLofCB = 0.75  #proability that you mutate a cable vs a strut when you mutate the lengths
step_c = 1
step_l = 2