Beispiel #1
    def __init__(self, doc, name='cone'): = {
            'len lo': 70., # mm
            'len up': 120., # mm
            'int diameter': 36., # mm
            'thick': 1., # mm

        int_diam =['int diameter']
        len_up =['len up']
        len_lo =['len lo']
        ext_diam = int_diam + 2 *['thick']

        int_cone = Part.makeSphere(int_diam / 2)
        ext_cone = Part.makeSphere(ext_diam / 2)

        box = Part.makeBox(ext_diam, ext_diam, ext_diam)
        box.translate(Vector(-ext_diam / 2, -ext_diam / 2, 0))

        cone_up = ext_cone.cut(int_cone)
        cone_up = cone_up.common(box)

        matrix = Matrix()
        matrix.scale(1., 1., len_up / (ext_diam / 2))
        cone_up = cone_up.transformGeometry(matrix)
        cone_up.translate(Vector(0, 0, len_lo))
        cone_up = cone_up.fuse(cone_up)

        # blocking thread (pas de vis de blocage)
#        radius =['int diameter'] / 2
#        helix = Part.makeHelix(4., 20., radius)
#        p0 = (radius, 0, 0)
#        p1 = (radius, 0, 3)
#        p2 = (radius - 1, 0, 2)
#        p3 = (radius - 1, 0, 1)
#        e0 = Part.makeLine(p0, p1)
#        e1 = Part.makeLine(p1, p2)
#        e2 = Part.makeLine(p2, p3)
#        e3 = Part.makeLine(p3, p0)
#        section = Part.Wire([e0, e1, e2, e3])
#        helix = Part.Wire(helix).makePipeShell([section], 1, 1)
#        helix.translate(Vector(0, 0, len_lo - 20))

        int_tube = Part.makeCylinder(int_diam / 2, len_lo)
        ext_tube = Part.makeCylinder(ext_diam / 2, len_lo)

        cone_lo = ext_tube.cut(int_tube)
#        cone_lo = cone_lo.fuse(helix)

        #comp = cone_up.fuse(cone_lo) # BUG: this fusion fails!!!
        comp = cone_lo

        MecaComponent.__init__(self, doc, comp, name, (1., 1., 0.))
Beispiel #2
def cone_setup(doc, profil, data):
    """create all the shapes needed for the cone parts"""

    # if the final shapes already existed (true if one shape exists)
    # return them immediatly
    cone_top_obj = doc.getObject('_cone_top_base')
    cone_side_obj = doc.getObject('_cone_side_base')
    cone_struct_obj = doc.getObject('_cone_struct_base')
    cone_top_thread_obj = doc.getObject('_cone_top_thread')
    cone_struct_thread_obj = doc.getObject('_cone_struct_thread')

    if cone_top_obj:
        cone_top = cone_top_obj.Shape.copy()
        cone_side0 = cone_side_obj.Shape.copy()
        cone_side1 = cone_side_obj.Shape.copy()
        cone_side2 = cone_side_obj.Shape.copy()
        cone_struct = cone_struct_obj.Shape.copy()
        cone_top_thread = cone_top_thread_obj.Shape.copy()
        cone_struct_thread = cone_struct_thread_obj.Shape.copy()

        return cone_top, cone_side0, cone_side1, cone_side2, cone_struct, \
                cone_top_thread, cone_struct_thread

    side = profil['side']
    radius = profil['radius']
    diam_int = data['diameter']
    diam_ext = data['diameter'] + data['thick']
    length = data['len_lo'] + data['len_hi']
    struct_thick = data['struct_thick']

    # to modify the sphere to make it a ellipsoid
    matrix = Matrix()
    matrix.scale(1., 1., length / (diam_ext / 2))

    # to suppress the lower half of the sphere/ellipsoid
    lower = Part.makeBox(diam_ext, diam_ext, length)
    lower.translate(Vector(-diam_ext / 2, -diam_ext / 2, 0))

    gui_doc = FreeCADGui.ActiveDocument

    # make the external shape base of the cone
    sphere = Part.makeSphere(diam_ext / 2)
    sphere = sphere.transformGeometry(matrix)
    cone_base_ext = sphere.common(lower)
    cone_base_ext_obj = doc.addObject("Part::Feature", '_cone_base_ext')
    cone_base_ext_obj.Shape = cone_base_ext
    gui_doc.getObject('_cone_base_ext').Visibility = False

    # make the internal shape base of the cone
    sphere = Part.makeSphere(diam_int / 2)
    sphere = sphere.transformGeometry(matrix)
    cone_base_int = sphere.common(lower)
    cone_base_int_obj = doc.addObject("Part::Feature", '_cone_base_int')
    cone_base_int_obj.Shape = cone_base_int
    gui_doc.getObject('_cone_base_int').Visibility = False

    # make the skin
    skin = cone_base_ext.cut(cone_base_int)
    skin_obj = doc.addObject("Part::Feature", '_skin')
    skin_obj.Shape = skin
    gui_doc.getObject('_skin').Visibility = False

    # use profile shapes to make suppressed parts of the skin

    # full profil part
    shape = []
    shape.append(Vector(radius - 10, side / 2, 0))
    shape.append(Vector(radius + diam_ext, side / 2, 0))
    shape.append(Vector(radius + diam_ext, -side / 2, 0))
    shape.append(Vector(radius - 10, -side / 2, 0))
    shape.append(Vector(radius - 10, side / 2, 0))

    wire = Part.makePolygon(shape)
    face = Part.Face(wire)

    # make the volume
    long_cut_base = face.extrude(Vector(0, 0, length))
    long_cut_obj = doc.addObject("Part::Feature", '_long_cut_base')
    long_cut_obj.Shape = long_cut_base
    gui_doc.getObject('_long_cut_base').Visibility = False

    # full profil part
    shape = []
    shape.append(Vector(radius, side / 2, 0))
    shape.append(Vector(radius + diam_ext, side / 2, 0))
    shape.append(Vector(radius + diam_ext, -side / 2, 0))
    shape.append(Vector(radius, -side / 2, 0))
    shape.append(Vector(radius, side / 2, 0))

    wire = Part.makePolygon(shape)
    face = Part.Face(wire)

    # make the volume
    short_cut_base = face.extrude(Vector(0, 0, data['len_lo']))
    short_cut_obj = doc.addObject("Part::Feature", '_short_cut_base')
    short_cut_obj.Shape = short_cut_base
    gui_doc.getObject('_short_cut_base').Visibility = False

    # create 1/3 cylinder
    cylinder = Part.makeCylinder(diam_ext / 2, length, Vector(0, 0, 0), Vector(0, 0, 1), 120)
    cylinder_obj = doc.addObject("Part::Feature", '_cylinder_1_3')
    cylinder_obj.Shape = cylinder
    gui_doc.getObject('_cylinder_1_3').Visibility = False

    # thread bases
    radius_ext = diam_ext / 2 - struct_thick - 5
    thread_ext = Part.makeHelix(8, struct_thick - 8, radius_ext)
    radius_int = diam_ext / 2 - struct_thick - 9
    thread_int = Part.makeHelix(8, struct_thick, radius_int)

    # tube to make the space for threads
    tube_thread_ext = Part.makeCylinder(radius_ext, struct_thick)
    tube_thread_int = Part.makeCylinder(radius_int, struct_thick)
    tube_thread = tube_thread_ext.cut(tube_thread_int)
    tube_thread_obj = doc.addObject("Part::Feature", '_tube_thread')
    tube_thread_obj.Shape = tube_thread
    gui_doc.getObject('_tube_thread').Visibility = False

    # tube to cut the top of the structure
    tube_cut_ext = Part.makeCylinder(diam_ext / 2 - struct_thick / 2, struct_thick)
    tube_cut_int = tube_thread_int
    tube_cut = tube_cut_ext.cut(tube_cut_int)
    tube_cut_obj = doc.addObject("Part::Feature", '_tube_cut')
    tube_cut_obj.Shape = tube_cut
    gui_doc.getObject('_tube_cut').Visibility = False

    # tube to make the locking of the cone
    tube_lock_0 = Part.makeCylinder(diam_ext / 2 - struct_thick - 2, struct_thick / 2)
    tube_lock_1 = Part.makeCylinder(diam_ext / 2 - struct_thick + 2, struct_thick / 2)
    tube_lock_2 = Part.makeCylinder(diam_ext / 2, struct_thick / 4)

    tube_lock_int = tube_lock_1.cut(tube_lock_0)
    tube_lock_int.translate(Vector(0, 0, data['len_lo'] - 0.25 * data['struct_thick']))
    tube_lock_obj = doc.addObject("Part::Feature", '_tube_lock_int')
    tube_lock_obj.Shape = tube_lock_int
    gui_doc.getObject('_tube_lock_int').Visibility = False

    tube_lock_ext = tube_lock_2.cut(tube_lock_0)
    tube_lock_ext.translate(Vector(0, 0, data['len_lo'] - 0.25 * data['struct_thick']))
    tube_lock_obj = doc.addObject("Part::Feature", '_tube_lock_ext')
    tube_lock_obj.Shape = tube_lock_ext
    gui_doc.getObject('_tube_lock_ext').Visibility = False

    # make cone top part
    cone_top = cone_top_make(doc, gui_doc, data, skin, lower, cone_base_int, tube_cut, tube_thread, tube_lock_int)
    cone_top = cone_top.copy()

    cone_side = cone_side_make(doc, gui_doc, skin, lower, data, cone_base_int, long_cut_base, cylinder, tube_lock_int, tube_lock_ext)

    cone_side0 = cone_side.copy()
    cone_side0.rotate(Vector(0, 0, 0), Vector(0, 0, 1), 0)
    cone_side1 = cone_side.copy()
    cone_side1.rotate(Vector(0, 0, 0), Vector(0, 0, 1), 120)
    cone_side2 = cone_side.copy()
    cone_side2.rotate(Vector(0, 0, 0), Vector(0, 0, 1), 240)

    cone_struct = cone_struct_make(doc, gui_doc, cone_base_ext, short_cut_base, data, cone_top, cone_side, tube_thread)

    # internal thread profile
    p0 = (radius_int, 0, 0)
    p1 = (radius_int + 4, 0, 4)
    p2 = (radius_int, 0, 8)

    e0 = Part.makeLine(p0, p1)
    e1 = Part.makeLine(p1, p2)
    e2 = Part.makeLine(p2, p0)
    section = Part.Wire([e0, e1, e2])
    cone_struct_thread = Part.Wire(thread_int).makePipeShell([section], 1, 1)

    cone_struct_thread_obj = doc.addObject("Part::Feature", '_cone_struct_thread')
    cone_struct_thread_obj.Shape = cone_struct_thread.copy()
    gui_doc.getObject('_cone_struct_thread').Visibility = False

    # external thread profile
    p0 = (radius_ext, 0, 0)
    p1 = (radius_ext - 4, 0, 4)
    p2 = (radius_ext, 0, 8)

    e0 = Part.makeLine(p0, p1)
    e1 = Part.makeLine(p1, p2)
    e2 = Part.makeLine(p2, p0)
    section = Part.Wire([e0, e1, e2])
    cone_top_thread = Part.Wire(thread_ext).makePipeShell([section], 1, 1)

    cone_top_thread_obj = doc.addObject("Part::Feature", '_cone_top_thread')
    cone_top_thread_obj.Shape = cone_top_thread.copy()
    gui_doc.getObject('_cone_top_thread').Visibility = False

    return cone_top, cone_side0, cone_side1, cone_side2, cone_struct, \
            cone_top_thread, cone_struct_thread