Beispiel #1
def newick_to_TB(s, name_type=None):
    Vertex names are used as vertices.
    This is mostly for testing.
    @param s: newick string
    @return: undirected topology, branch lengths
    T, B, N = newick_to_TBN(s)
    N = get_validated_name_map(N, name_type)
    T = set(mkedge(N[a], N[b]) for a, b in T)
    B = dict((mkedge(N[a], N[b]), x) for (a, b), x in B.items())
    return T, B
Beispiel #2
def _BNv_to_newick(v_to_source, v_to_sinks, B, N, v):
    This is part of writing a newick string with branch lengths.
    Note that this function does not add the semicolon termination.
    @param v_to_source: a map from a vertex to its source
    @param v_to_sinks: a map from a vertex to a set of sinks
    @param B: branch lengths
    @param N: map from vertices to names
    @param v: a subtree root vertex
    @return: a chunk of a newick string
    if v in v_to_source:
        # a vertex that has a source should record its distance to its source
        blen = B[mkedge(v, v_to_source[v])]
        suffix = ':' + str(blen)
        suffix = ''
    if v not in v_to_sinks:
        if v not in N:
            raise ValueError('expected leaf vertices to be named')
        return str(N[v]) + suffix
    sinks = sorted(v_to_sinks[v])
    arr = [_BNv_to_newick(v_to_source, v_to_sinks, B, N, x) for x in sinks]
    internal_vertex_name = str(N.get(v, ''))
    return '(' + ', '.join(arr) + ')' + internal_vertex_name + suffix
Beispiel #3
 def set_branch_length(self, v, blen):
     Note that a branch length can be set to a root.
     This happens during the construction of the tree
     when the subtree has not yet been connected to the rest of the tree.
     if v in self.v_to_source:
         edge = mkedge(v, self.v_to_source[v])
         self.B[edge] = blen
         self.v_to_hanging_length[v] = blen
Beispiel #4
def newick_to_T(s, name_type=None):
    Everything to do with branch lengths is ignored.
    Vertex names are used as vertices.
    This is mostly for testing.
    @param s: newick string
    @return: undirected topology
    T, N = newick_to_TN(s)
    N = get_validated_name_map(N, name_type)
    T = set(mkedge(N[a], N[b]) for a, b in T)
    return T
Beispiel #5
def _Bv_to_newick(v_to_source, v_to_sinks, B, v):
    This is part of writing a newick string with branch lengths.
    Note that this function does not add the semicolon termination.
    @param v_to_source: a map from a vertex to its source
    @param v_to_sinks: a map from a vertex to a set of sinks
    @param B: branch lengths
    @param v: a subtree root vertex
    @return: a chunk of a newick string
    if v in v_to_source:
        # a vertex that has a source should record its distance to its source
        blen = B[mkedge(v, v_to_source[v])]
        suffix = ':' + str(blen)
        suffix = ''
    if v not in v_to_sinks:
        return str(v) + suffix
    sinks = sorted(v_to_sinks[v])
    arr = [_Bv_to_newick(v_to_source, v_to_sinks, B, x) for x in sinks]
    return '(' + ', '.join(arr) + ')' + str(v) + suffix
Beispiel #6
    if name_type:
        N = dict((v, name_type(n)) for v, n in N.items())
    nvertices = len(N)
    names = N.values()
    if any(n is None for n in names):
        raise ValueError(
                'expected a name for each vertex, including internal vertices')
    if len(set(names)) < nvertices:
        raise ValueError('expected unique vertex names')
    return N

# Testing

g_example_T = set([

g_example_B = {
        mkedge(2,1) : 1,
        mkedge(2,3) : 2,
        mkedge(2,4) : 2,
        mkedge(3,5) : 3,
        mkedge(3,6) : 3,
        mkedge(6,7) : 3}

class TestFtreeIO(unittest.TestCase):