Beispiel #1
 def test_add_bsl_expr(self):
     assert exp_parser(['+']) == FuncApplication(Variable('+'), [])
     assert exp_parser(['+', 1]) == FuncApplication(Variable('+'),[Num(1)])
     assert exp_parser(['+', 1, 1]) == \
            FuncApplication(Variable('+'), [Num(1), Num(1)])
     assert exp_parser(['+', 1, '+', 1]) == \
            FuncApplication(Variable('+'), [Num(1), Variable('+'), Num(1)])
Beispiel #2
 def test_divide_bsl_expr(self):
     assert exp_parser(['/', 1, 1]) == \
            (FuncApplication(Variable('/'), [Num(1), Num(1)]))
     assert exp_parser(['/', 1,['-', 1]]) ==\
              [Num(1), FuncApplication(Variable('-'), [Num(1)])]))
     assert exp_parser(['/', 1]) == \
            (FuncApplication(Variable('/'), [Num(1)]))
Beispiel #3
    def test_function_application(self):

        assert exp_parser(['f', 1]) == \
               (FuncApplication(Variable('f'), [Num(1)]))

        assert exp_parser(['f', 1, 2]).__eq__\
            (FuncApplication(Variable('f'), [Num(1), Num(2)]))
        assert exp_parser(['x',1]).__eq__\

        assert not exp_parser(['define',['x',1],1])
Beispiel #4
    def test_expr_parser(self):
        assert exp_parser(['+', 'a', 'b']) ==\
               FuncApplication(Variable('+'), [Variable('a'), Variable('b')])
        assert exp_parser([1]) == FuncApplication(Num(1), [])
        assert exp_parser([1, '+', 1]) == \
               FuncApplication(Num(1), [Variable('+'), Num(1)])

        with pytest.raises(ParserError):

        with pytest.raises(ParserError):
Beispiel #5
    def test_parse(self):
        assert parse(['+', 1, [1, '+']]) == \
                    [Num(1), FuncApplication(Num(1), [Variable('+')])])

        assert parse(['+', 1, 2]) == \
               FuncApplication(Variable('+'), [Num(1), Num(2)])
        assert parse(['define-struct', 'posn', ['x', 'y']]) ==\
               (StructDef('posn', ['x', 'y']))
        with pytest.raises(ParserError):
Beispiel #6
    def test_function_definition(self):

        assert func_def_parser\
                   (['define', ['add', 'x', 'y', 'z'], ['+', 1, 3]]) == \
                    LambdaExpr(['x', 'y', 'z'],
                    [Num(1), Num(3)])))

        assert func_def_parser(['define', 'add', ['+', 1, 3]]) == \
               FuncDef('add', FuncApplication(Variable('+'), [Num(1), Num(3)]))
Beispiel #7
    def test_composite_bsl_expr(self):
        assert exp_parser(['*', 1,['+', 1]]) == \
                  FuncApplication(Variable('+'), [Num(1)])]))

        assert exp_parser(['*', 1, ['-', 2, 2], ['/', 1]]) == \
                  FuncApplication(Variable('-'), [Num(2),Num(2)]),
                  FuncApplication(Variable('/'), [Num(1)])]))
Beispiel #8
    def test_if(self):
        assert exp_parser(['if', 1 , 'true', 'false']) == \
               If([Num(1), Boolean(True), Boolean(False)])

        assert exp_parser(['if', 'false', ['/', 1, 0], 9]) == \
                   FuncApplication(Variable('/'), [Num(1), Num(0)]),
Beispiel #9
def parse_operation(p, n, expr=None):
    Parses Operation that needs at least n arguments
    :param p: p-expresson
    :param n: Number of args
    :param lang: language used to parse
    :param expr: if this is an expr, not a function application, set this value to the class
    :return: FuncApplication or BSLExpr
    name = exp_parser(p.pop(0))

    if len(p) < n:
        raise ParserError('expects at least %s argument, but found none' % str(n))
        result = parse_expr_list(p)

    if expr:
        return expr(result)

    return FuncApplication(name, result)
Beispiel #10
 def test_mult_bsl_expr(self):
     assert exp_parser(['*', 1, 1]) == \
            (FuncApplication(Variable('*'), [Num(1), Num(1)]))
     assert exp_parser(['*']) == (FuncApplication(Variable('*'), []))
Beispiel #11
 def test_exponent(self):
     assert exp_parser(['^', 2, 3]) ==\
            FuncApplication(Variable('^'),[Num(2), Num(3)])
Beispiel #12
    def test_bigger_less_than(self):
        assert exp_parser(['>', 3, 3]) == \
               FuncApplication(Variable('>'), [Num(3), Num(3)])

        with pytest.raises(ParserError):
            exp_parser(['>', 3])
Beispiel #13
    def test_equals(self):
        assert exp_parser(['=', 3, 3]) ==\
               FuncApplication(Variable('='), [Num(3), Num(3)])

        with pytest.raises(ParserError):
            exp_parser(['=', 3])
Beispiel #14
class Constants:

    varx = Variable('x')
    vary = Variable('y')
    varz = Variable('z')
    varo = Variable('o')

    emptyList = []
    list123 = [Num(1), Num(2), Num(3)]
    listadd123 = [FuncApplication(Variable('+'), list123), Num(-3)]
    list12True = [Num(1), Num(2), Boolean(True)]

    listaddsubtract123 = [
        FuncApplication(Variable('-'), list123),
        FuncApplication('+', list123)
    listmultiply123 = [FuncApplication(Variable('*'), list123)]
    list84 = [Num(8), Num(4)]
    listdivide84 = [FuncApplication(Variable('/'), list84)]
    listx23 = [varx, Num(2), Num(3)]
    listy3 = [vary, Num(3)]
    list43 = [Num(4), Num(3)]
    list403 = [Num(4), Num(0), Num(3)]

    expradd1 = FuncApplication(Variable('+'), [Num(1)])
    expradd123 = FuncApplication(Variable('+'), list123)
    expradd43 = FuncApplication(Variable('+'), list43)
    expradderror = FuncApplication(Variable('+'), list12True)

    exprsub1 = FuncApplication(Variable('-'), [Num(1)])
    exprsub123 = FuncApplication(Variable('-'), list123)
    exprsub_add123_add123 = FuncApplication(Variable('-'),
                                            [expradd123, expradd43])

    exprdiv1 = FuncApplication(Variable('/'), [Num(1)])
    exprdiv84 = FuncApplication(Variable('/'), list84)
    exprdiv403 = FuncApplication(Variable('/'), list403)

    exprmul1 = FuncApplication(Variable('*'), [Num(1)])
    exprmul84 = FuncApplication(Variable('*'), list84)

    expradd_expradd123_exprdiv84 = FuncApplication(Variable('+'),
                                                   [expradd123, exprdiv84])

    expraddx23 = FuncApplication(Variable('+'), listx23)
    expraddy3 = FuncApplication(Variable('+'), listy3)
    expsub_expraddx23_expradd3 = FuncApplication(Variable('-'),
                                                 [expraddx23, expraddy3])

    func_def_varx = FuncDef("f", LambdaExpr(["x"], Variable("x")))
    func_app_varx = FuncApplication(Variable('f'), [Num(4)])

    list_func_app_varx = [func_app_varx, Num(2)]
    expradd_func_app_varx = FuncApplication(Variable('+'), list_func_app_varx)

    funcDef2 = FuncDef('g', LambdaExpr([], expradd_func_app_varx))
    func_app_emptylist = FuncApplication(Variable('g'), [])  ###############

    expradd_varx_vary = FuncApplication(Variable('+'), [varx, vary])

    func_def_add_varx_vary = FuncDef('z',
                                     LambdaExpr(['x', 'y'], expradd_varx_vary))
    func_app_varx_vary = FuncApplication(Variable('z'), [Num(7), Num(7)])
    func_app_error_777 = FuncApplication(
        Variable('z'), [Num(7), Num(7), Num(7)])

    func_app_100 = FuncApplication(Variable('d'), [Num(100)])

    defs1 = Scope(()).add_definitions()
    defs1 = defs1.extend('x', Num(1)).extend('y', Num(4))

    #set the scope by mutating to second arg of the tuple
    defs1 = func_def_varx.eval(defs1)[1]
    defs1 = funcDef2.eval(defs1)[1]
    defs1 = func_def_add_varx_vary.eval(defs1)[1]

    posn_def = StructDef('posn', ['x', 'y'])
    defs1 = posn_def.update(defs1)

    zeina_def = StructDef('zeina', ['x', 'y'])
    defs1 = zeina_def.update(defs1)

    make_zeina = FuncApplication(Variable('make-posn'), [Num(10), Num(20)])

    select_zeina_x = FuncApplication(Variable('zeina-x'), [make_zeina])

    make_posn = FuncApplication(Variable('make-posn'), [Num(1), Num(2)])
    make_posn_comp = FuncApplication(Variable('make-posn'),
                                     [make_posn, Num(2)])

    is_posn = FuncApplication(Variable('posn?'), [make_posn])
    is_not_posn = FuncApplication(Variable('posn?'), [Num(3)])

    select_posn_x = FuncApplication(Variable('posn-x'), [make_posn])
    select_posn_y = FuncApplication(Variable('posn-y'), [make_posn])

    select_posn_x_comp = FuncApplication(Variable('posn-x'), [make_posn_comp])
    select_posn_y_comp = FuncApplication(Variable('posn-y'), [make_posn_comp])

    value_posn = Structure('posn', [('x', Num(1)), ('y', Num(2))])
    value_posn_comp = Structure('posn', [('x', value_posn), ('y', Num(2))])

    #functions using struct
    make_posn_func = FuncApplication(Variable('make-posn'),
                                     [func_app_varx, Num(1)])
    func_app_varx_1 = FuncApplication(Variable('f'), [make_posn_func])

    value_posn_func = Structure('posn', [('x', Num(4)), ('y', Num(1))])

    posn_x_func_app_varx_1 = FuncApplication(Variable('posn-x'),

    select_posn_x_error = FuncApplication(Variable('posn-x'), [Num(3)])

    ex1 = '(ex*'
    ex_abc = 'abc'
    ex_1 = '1'
    exx1 = ')'
    exx2 = ex_abc + exx1

    and1 = And([Boolean(True), Boolean(False)])
    and2 = And(
         FuncApplication(Variable('/'), [Num(1), Num(0)])])
    and3 = And(
         FuncApplication(Variable('/'), [Num(1), Num(1)])])

    equals34 = FuncApplication(Variable('='), [Num(3), Num(4)])
    equals33 = FuncApplication(Variable('='), [Num(3), Num(3)])
    equals_3_true = FuncApplication(Variable('='), [Num(3), Boolean(False)])

    #bigger and less than
    biggerthan34 = FuncApplication(Variable('>'), [Num(3), Num(4)])
    lessthan34 = FuncApplication(Variable('<'), [Num(3), Num(4)])
    lessthan_error = FuncApplication(Variable('>'), [Variable('xyz'), Num(4)])

    if_1 = If([equals34, Num(3), Num(4)])
    if_2 = If([equals33, Num(3), Num(4)])