Beispiel #1
class Triangle(Polygon):
    #vertices = None
    nVertices = 3
    _AttributesDict = Polygon._AttributesDict.copy()

    def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
        assert len(kw) == 0 and len(args) in (1, 3)
        Polygon.__init__(self, *args, **kw)

    __call__ = lambda self, *args, **kw: Triangle(
        [self.vertices[i](*args, **kw) for i in range(self.nVertices)])

    _sides = lambda self: ooarray([sqrt(sum((p1- p2)**2), attachConstraints=False) for p1, p2 in \
                                    ((self.vertices[1], self.vertices[2]),
                                    (self.vertices[2], self.vertices[0]),
                                    (self.vertices[0], self.vertices[1]))])

    _angles = lambda self: ooarray([angle(p1, p2) for p1, p2 in \
                                    ((self.vertices[1]-self.vertices[0], self.vertices[2]-self.vertices[0]),
                                    (self.vertices[2]-self.vertices[1], self.vertices[0]-self.vertices[1]),
                                    (self.vertices[0]-self.vertices[2], self.vertices[1]-self.vertices[2]))])

    _area = lambda self: Polygon._area(self) if self._spaceDimension(
    ) is 2 else self._areaViaGeron()
    #_area = lambda self: Polygon._area(self) if self._spaceDimension() is 2 else self._areaViaHeightSideMult()

    _areaViaGeron = lambda self: sqrt(self.p * (self.p - self.sides[0]) *
                                      (self.p - self.sides[1]) *
                                      (self.p - self.sides[2]),

    def _areaViaHeightSideMult(self):
        proj = self.vertices[0].projection(
            Line(self.vertices[1], self.vertices[2]))
        return 0.5 * proj.distance(
            self.vertices[0]) * self.vertices[1].distance(self.vertices[2])

    _circumCircleRadius = lambda self: (self.sides[0] * self.sides[1] * self.
                                        sides[2]) / (4 * self.S)

    _inscribedCircleRadius = lambda self: self.S / self.p

    _incenter = lambda self: (self.vertices[0] * self.sides[0] + self.vertices[
        1] * self.sides[1] + self.vertices[2] * self.sides[2]) / self.P

    _orthocenter = lambda self: self.vertices[0].perpendicular(Line(self.vertices[1], self.vertices[2])) \
    & self.vertices[1].perpendicular(Line(self.vertices[0], self.vertices[2]))

    # Eiler's theorem: 2 * vector(OM) = vector(MH) => O = M -0.5 MH = M - 0.5(H-M) = 1.5M - 0.5H
    _circumCircleCenter = lambda self: 1.5 * self.M - 0.5 * self.H

    _InscribedCircle = lambda self: Circle(self.I, self.r)
    _CircumCircle = lambda self: Circle(self.O, self.R)
Beispiel #2
 def distance(self, *args, **kw):
     assert len(kw) == 0 and len(args) == 1
     other = args[0]
     if isinstance(other, (list, tuple)):
         other = Point(other)
     if isinstance(other, (Line, Plane)):
         return self.distance(self.projection(other))
     elif isinstance(other, ndarray):
         return sqrt(sum((self-other)**2), attachConstraints = False)
Beispiel #3
 def distance(self, *args, **kw):
     assert len(kw) == 0 and len(args) == 1
     other = args[0]
     if isinstance(other, (list, tuple)):
         other = Point(other)
     if isinstance(other, (Line, Plane)):
         return self.distance(self.projection(other))
     elif isinstance(other, ndarray):
         return sqrt(sum((self - other)**2), attachConstraints=False)
Beispiel #4
class Polygon(Polytope):
    _AttributesDict = Polytope._AttributesDict.copy()

    def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
        Polytope.__init__(self, *args, **kw)

    _sides = lambda self: ooarray([sqrt(sum((p1-p2)**2), attachConstraints=False) \
                                             for p1, p2 in \
                                             [(self.vertices[i], self.vertices[i+1]) for i in range(self.nVertices-1)] \
                                             + [(self.vertices[self.nVertices-1], self.vertices[0])]])

    _perimeter = lambda self: sum(self.sides)
    _semiperimeter = lambda self: 0.5 * self.P

    _angles = lambda self: ooarray([angle(p1, p2) for p1, p2 in \
                                             [(self.vertices[i-1]-self.vertices[i], self.vertices[i+1]-self.vertices[i]) for i in range(self.nVertices-1)]+\
                                             [(self.vertices[self.nVertices-2]-self.vertices[self.nVertices-1], self.vertices[0]-self.vertices[self.nVertices-1])]])

    def _area(self):
        D = self._spaceDimension()
        if isscalar(D) and D != 2:
            raise SpaceFuncsException(
                'polygon area is not implemented for space dimension > 2 yet')
        x, y = self._coords(0), self._coords(1)
        x, y = ooarray(x), ooarray(y)
        return 0.5 * abs(sum(x[:-1] * y[1:] - x[1:] * y[:-1]))

    def plot(self, *args, **kw):
        if not pylabInstalled:
            raise SpaceFuncsException(
                'to plot you should have matplotlib installed')
        #pylab.Line2D.__init__([self.vertices[i][0] for i in range(3)], [self.vertices[i][1] for i in range(3)])
        #raise 0
            for i in (arange(self.nVertices).tolist() + [0])
        ], [
            for i in (arange(self.nVertices).tolist() + [0])
        ], *args, **kw)
        for i in range(3):

    __call__ = lambda self, *args, **kw: Polygon(
        [self.vertices[i](*args, **kw) for i in range(self.nVertices)])
Beispiel #5
objective = [
    # name, tol, goal

# for solver sa handling of constraints is unimplemented yet
# when your solver is interalg you can use nonlinear constraints as well
# for nonlinear objective and constraints functions like arctan, abs etc should be imported from FuncDesigner
from FuncDesigner import arctan, sqrt
constraints = lambda value: (2 * value['time']**2 + 3 * sqrt(value[
    'cost']) < 10000, 8 * arctan(value['time']) + 15 * value['cost'] > 15)

p = TSP(G, objective=objective, constraints=constraints)
r = p.solve(
    nProc=2)  # see for more info on the solver

# you can provide some stop criterion,
# e.g. maxTime, maxCPUTime, fEnough etc, for example
# r = p.solve('interalg', maxTime = 100, maxCPUTime=100)

# also you can use p.manage() to enable basic GUI (
# it requires tkinter installed, that is included into PythonXY, EPD;
# for linux use [sudo] easy_install tk or [sodo] apt-get install python-tk
#r = p.manage('interalg')
Beispiel #6
                 [(i,j,{'time': +(4.5*(cos(i)+cos(j)+1)**2 + abs(i - j)), 'cost': (0.2*i + 0.1*j)**2, 'way': 'bike'}) for i in range(int(N)) for j in range(int(N)) if i != j ])

objective = [
              # name, tol, goal
              'time', 0.005, 'min', 
              'cost', 0.005, 'min'

# for solver sa handling of constraints is unimplemented yet
# when your solver is interalg you can use nonlinear constraints as well
# for nonlinear objective and constraints functions like arctan, abs etc should be imported from FuncDesigner
from FuncDesigner import arctan, sqrt
constraints = lambda value: (
                             2 * value['time']**2 + 3 * sqrt(value['cost']) < 10000, 
                             8 * arctan(value['time']) + 15*value['cost'] > 15

p = TSP(G, objective = objective, constraints = constraints)
r = p.solve('interalg', nProc=2) # see for more info on the solver

# you can provide some stop criterion, 
# e.g. maxTime, maxCPUTime, fEnough etc, for example 
# r = p.solve('interalg', maxTime = 100, maxCPUTime=100) 

# also you can use p.manage() to enable basic GUI ( 
# it requires tkinter installed, that is included into PythonXY, EPD;
# for linux use [sudo] easy_install tk or [sodo] apt-get install python-tk
#r = p.manage('interalg')