def rqst_gan_types(): db = get_db() ganlist = get_gan_types(db) emit("projects-get-gans", ganlist, namespace="/projects")
def request_available_inferenced_imgs(pid, expid): db = get_db() img_list = get_output_imgs(db, expid, "INFERENCED") emit("inference-get-inferenced-imgs", img_list, namespace='/inference')
def rqst_del_img(expid, path): db = get_db() delImgPath(db, expid, path) img_list = get_output_imgs(db, expid, "INFERENCED") emit("inference-get-inferenced-imgs", img_list, namespace='/inference')
def rqst_del_plt_setting( pid, expid, plt_values): # plt_values = [plt_stat_name, plt_id] db = get_db() del_plt_stat(db, expid, plt_values[0], plt_values[1]) plt_settings_list = getPlotStats(db, expid) emit("plt-get-plt-settings", plt_settings_list, namespace="/plot")
def request_available_models(pid, expid): db = get_db() model_data_list = get_models(db, pid, expid) emit("inference-get-available-models", model_data_list, namespace='/inference')
def plotting(msg): updateplot(socketio, get_db())
def plt_rqst_plt_settings(pid, expid): db = get_db() plt_settings_list = getPlotStats(db, expid) print("plt settings list ", plt_settings_list) emit("plt-get-plt-settings", plt_settings_list, namespace="/plot")
def load_img_paths(pid, expid): print("data load imgs") db = get_db() img_path_list = getImagePaths(db, expid, "INPUTDATA") emit('data-get-img-paths', img_path_list, namespace='/data') print("Emitted dataload imgs")
def data_request_gan_gen_images(pid, expid): db = get_db() img_list = get_output_imgs(db, expid, "GENDATA") emit('data-get-gen-images', img_list, namespace='/data')
def summary_request_editable(pid, expid): db = get_db() output_dict = get_exp_default_para_info(db, expid) print(output_dict) emit("summary-get-exp-info", output_dict, namespace='/summary') print("emited editable summary")
def request_default_exp_para(pid): db = get_db() default_exp_para_list = get_default_exp_para(db, pid) emit("get-exp-default-para", default_exp_para_list, namespace='/experiments')
def plots(pid, expid): db = get_db() #col_trainstat = db["trainstats"].find({"expid":expid}) statlist = getTrainStatsList(db, expid) return render_template('run/plots.html', pid=pid, expid=expid, statlist=statlist) #trainstat=col_trainstat
def runexp(pid, expid): db = get_db() status = getExpState(db, expid) print("status:", status) if status == None: flash("status error") if request.method == "POST": print("POST request received") if request.form["runexp_btn"] == "train": try: # get the GAN class (ganDir, ganFile, ganClass) = getGANInfo(db, expid) print("gan Dir=", ganDir) print("gan file=", ganFile) print("gan class=", ganClass) # import gan from gan file #* my_module = importlib.import_module("GANEX.fastGAN.{}".format(ganFile)) #* gan = eval("my_module.{}(db, pid, expid)".format(ganClass)) gan = create_gan_object(db, pid, expid, ganDir, ganFile, ganClass) #"BTN_TRAIN") setExpState(db, expid, "RETRAIN") #run(get_db(),pid, expid, status) print("Training") #setExpState(db, expid, "RETRAIN") #status = getExpState(db, expid) except Exception as e: flash(str(e)) elif request.form["runexp_btn"] == "re-train": try: # get the GAN class (ganDir, ganFile, ganClass) = getGANInfo(db, expid) print("gan file=", ganFile) print("gan class=", ganClass) # import gan from gan file #* my_module = importlib.import_module("GANEX.fastGAN.{}".format(ganFile)) #* gan = eval("my_module.{}(db, pid, expid)".format(ganClass)) gan = create_gan_object(db, pid, expid, ganDir, ganFile, ganClass) # *"BTN_RETRAIN") gan.rerun() setExpState(db, expid, "RETRAIN") #run(get_db(),pid, expid, status) print("Training") #setExpState(db, expid, "RETRAIN") #status = getExpState(db, expid) except Exception as e: flash(str(e)) print("Retraining") elif request.form["runexp_btn"] == "reset": print("Reset") delTrainStats(db, expid) setExpState(db, expid, "TRAIN") status = getExpState(db, expid) # reset default exp para exp_para_list = get_default_exp_para(db, pid) for exp_para in exp_para_list: temp_dict = {exp_para["para_key"]: exp_para["para_value"]} update_exp_info(db, expid, temp_dict) print("exp para :", exp_para) return render_template('run/runexp.html', pid=pid, expid=expid, status=status)
def create(pid): exp_form = CreateExperiment_form() db = get_db() # col_gans = (db["gantypes"].find({},{"_id":0})) col_exp = db["experiments"] # experiments table col_exp.create_index([("name", pymongo.ASCENDING), ("pid", pymongo.ASCENDING)], unique=True) # name unique index all_exps = col_exp.find({"pid":pid}) gan_types = [] for g in col_gans: print("gggg=", g) gan_types.append((g["name"], g["name"])) print(gan_types) exp_form.ganType.choices = gan_types error = None #all_projects = col.find({}) # load default hyper params all_hyperparams = list(get_default_hyperparams(db, pid)) default_para_list = list(get_default_hyperparams(db, pid)) #print(all_projects) #all_projects = list(all_projects) # test_project = {"p1":"test1", "p2":"test2"} # if this for loop print outputs - # web page will not print outputs #for p in all_projects: # print(p) if exp_form.validate_on_submit(): try: if error is None: exp_name = exp_gan = exp_pro_path = db.projects.find_one({"_id":ObjectId(pid)})["path"] print(exp_pro_path) print("exp gan=", exp_gan) #paths exp_path = os.path.join(exp_pro_path, exp_name) exp_models_path = os.path.join(exp_pro_path, exp_name + "/models") exp_output_path = os.path.join(exp_pro_path, exp_name + "/output") os.mkdir(exp_path) os.mkdir(exp_models_path) os.mkdir(exp_output_path) # initialize exp inforamtion exp_dict = {"name":exp_name, "type":exp_gan, "pid": pid, "status": "TRAIN", "path":exp_path, "models_path":exp_models_path, "output_path": exp_output_path , "iters": 0, "current_epoch": 0, "dataloader_size": 0} # modify exp_dict with default parameters exp_para_list = get_default_exp_para(db, pid) print("exp para list=", exp_para_list) for exp_para in exp_para_list: print("exp para000=====", exp_para) exp_dict.update({exp_para["para_key"]: exp_para["para_value"]}) # insert exp dict x = col_exp.insert_one(exp_dict) # add additional data to experiments collection #addInfoToExp # initialize train settings dict_settings = {"num_epochs": 0, "checkpoint_interval": 0, "checkpoint_type":"EPOCH"} set_train_settings(db, str(x.inserted_id), dict_settings) print(x.inserted_id) #out.inserted_id # flash(x.inserted_id) # remove this one, if redirect the page #return redirect(url_for('experiments.create')) except Exception as e: flash(e) return render_template('experiments/create.html', form=exp_form, pid=pid, exps=all_exps)