Beispiel #1
def draw_samples_ND_grid(x, theta, Nsamps, meanf=None):
    Draw N dimensional samples on a Euclidean grid
    :param meanf: mean function
    :param x: array of arrays containing targets [x_1, x_2, ..., x_D]
    :param theta: array of arrays containing [theta_1, theta_2, ..., theta_D]
    :param Nsamps: number of samples to draw
    :return: array containing samples [Nsamps, N_1, N_2, ..., N_D]

    D = x.shape[0]
    Ns = []
    K = np.empty(D, dtype=object)
    Kcov = expsq.sqexp()
    Ntot = 1
    for i in xrange(D):
        XX = abs_diff.abs_diff(x[i], x[i])
        print Ns[i], theta[i], K[i]
        K[i] = Kcov.cov_func(theta[i], XX, noise=False) + 1e-13 * np.eye(Ns[i])
        Ntot *= Ns[i]

    L = kt.kron_cholesky(K)
    samps = np.zeros([Nsamps] + Ns, dtype=np.float64)
    for i in xrange(Nsamps):
        xi = np.random.randn(Ntot)
        if meanf is not None:
            samps[i] = meanf(x) + kt.kron_matvec(L, xi).reshape(Ns)
            samps[i] = kt.kron_matvec(L, xi).reshape(Ns)
    return samps
Beispiel #2
 def give_mean(self, theta):
     Computes the posterior mean function
     :param theta: hypers
     if self.mode == "Full":
         Ky = self.kernel.cov_func(theta, self.XX, noise=True)
         Kp = self.kernel.cov_func(theta, self.XXp, noise=False)
         L = np.linalg.cholesky(Ky)
         Linv = np.linalg.inv(L)
         LinvKp =, Kp)
         return self.fp +,, self.yDat))
     elif self.mode == "RR":
         fcoeffs = self.give_RR_coeffs(theta)
         return self.fp +, fcoeffs)
     elif self.mode == "kron":
         D = self.XX.shape[0]
         # broadcast theta (sigmaf and sigman is a shared hyperparameter but easiest to deal with this way)
         thetan = np.zeros([D, 3])
         thetan[:, 0] = theta[0]
         thetan[:, -1] = theta[-1]
         for i in xrange(D): # this is how many length scales will be involved in te problem
             thetan[i, 1] = theta[i+1] # assuming we set up the theta vector as [[sigmaf, l_1, sigman], [sigmaf, l_2, ..., sigman]]
         # get the Kronecker matrices
         Kp = []
         K = []
         for i in xrange(D):
             Kp.append((self.kernel[i].cov_func(thetan[i], self.XXp[i], noise=False)).T)
             K.append(self.kernel[i].cov_func(thetan[i], self.XX[i], noise=False))
         Kp = np.asarray(Kp)
         K = np.asarray(K)
         Lambdas, Qs = kt.kron_eig(K)
         QsT = kt.kron_transpose(Qs)
         alpha = kt.kron_matvec(QsT[::-1], self.yDat)
         Lambda = kt.kron_diag(Lambdas)
         if self.Sigmay is not None:
             Lambda += theta[-1]**2*kt.kron_diag(self.Sigmay)  # absorb weights into Lambdas
             Lambda += theta[-1] ** 2 * np.ones(self.N)
         alpha = alpha/Lambda  # dot with diagonal inverse
         alpha = kt.kron_matvec(Qs[::-1], alpha)
         return kt.kron_tensorvec(Kp[::-1], alpha)
         raise Exception('Mode %s not supported yet'%self.mode)
Beispiel #3
def draw_spatio_temporal_samples(meanf, x, t, theta_x, theta_t, Nsamps):
    Nt = t.size
    Nx = x.size  # assumes 1D
    Ntot = Nt * Nx
    XX = abs_diff.abs_diff(x, x)
    TT = abs_diff.abs_diff(t, t)
    Kcov = expsq.sqexp()
    Kx = Kcov.cov_func(theta_x, XX, noise=False) + 1e-13 * np.eye(Nx)
    Kt = Kcov.cov_func(theta_t, TT, noise=False) + 1e-13 * np.eye(Nt)
    K = np.array([Kt, Kx])
    L = kt.kron_cholesky(K)
    samps = np.zeros([Nsamps, Nt, Nx])
    for i in xrange(Nsamps):
        xi = np.random.randn(Ntot)
        samps[i] = meanf + kt.kron_matvec(L, xi).reshape(Nt, Nx)
    return samps
Beispiel #4
    def logL(self, theta):
        Computes the negative log marginal posterior
        :param theta: hypers 
        :return logp, dlogp: the negative log marginal posterior and its derivative w.r.t. hypers
        if self.mode == "Full":
            # tmp is Ky
            Ky = self.kernel.cov_func(theta, self.XX, noise=True)
            # tmp is L
                L = np.linalg.cholesky(Ky)
                print "Had to add jitter, theta = ", theta
                F = True
                while F:
                    jit = 1e-6
                        L = np.linalg.cholesky(Ky + jit * np.eye(self.N))
                        F = False
                        jit *= 10.0
                        F = True
                tmp = np.linalg.cholesky(Ky)
                logp = 1.0e8
                dlogp = np.ones(theta.size) * 1.0e8
                return logp, dlogp
            detK = 2.0 * np.sum(np.log(np.diag(tmp)))
            # tmp is Linv
            tmp = np.linalg.inv(tmp)
            # tmp2 is Linvy
            tmp2 =, self.yDat)
            logp =,
                          tmp2).real / 2.0 + detK / 2.0 + self.N * np.log(
                              2 * np.pi) / 2.0
            nhypers = theta.size
            dlogp = np.zeros(nhypers)
            # tmp is Kinv
            tmp =, tmp)
            # tmp2 becomes Kinvy
            tmp2 = np.reshape(, self.yDat), (self.N, 1))
            # tmp2 becomes aaT
            tmp2 = (, tmp2.conj().T)).real
            # tmp2 becomes Kinv - aaT
            tmp2 = tmp - tmp2
            K = self.kernel.cov_func(theta, self.XX, noise=False)
            dKdtheta = self.kernel.dcov_func(theta, self.XX, K, mode=0)
            dlogp[0] = np.sum(np.einsum(
                'ij,ji->i', tmp2,
                dKdtheta)) / 2.0  #computes only the diagonal matrix product
            dKdtheta = self.kernel.dcov_func(theta, self.XX, K, mode=1)
            dlogp[1] = np.sum(np.einsum('ij,ji->i', tmp2, dKdtheta)) / 2.0
            dKdtheta = self.kernel.dcov_func(theta, self.XX, K, mode=2)
            dlogp[2] = np.sum(np.einsum('ij,ji->i', tmp2, dKdtheta)) / 2.0
            return logp, dlogp
        elif self.mode == "RR":
            S = self.kernel.spectral_density(theta, self.s)
            if np.any(S < 1e-13):
                I = np.argwhere(S < 1e-13)
                S[I] += 1.0e-13
            Lambdainv = np.diag(1.0 / S)
            Z = self.PhiTPhi + theta[2]**2 * Lambdainv
                L = np.linalg.cholesky(Z)
                print "Had to add jitter, theta = ", theta
                F = True
                while F:
                    jit = 1e-6
                        L = np.linalg.cholesky(Z + jit * np.eye(self.M))
                        F = False
                        jit *= 10.0
                        F = True
            Linv = np.linalg.inv(L)
            Zinv =, Linv)
            logdetZ = 2.0 * np.sum(np.log(np.diag(L)))
            # Get the log term
            logQ = (self.N - self.M) * np.log(theta[2]**2) + logdetZ + np.sum(
            # Get the quadratic term
            PhiTy =, self.yDat)
            ZinvPhiTy =, PhiTy)
            yTQinvy = (self.yTy -, ZinvPhiTy)) / theta[2]**2
            # Get their derivatives
            dlogQdtheta = np.zeros(theta.size)
            dyTQinvydtheta = np.zeros(theta.size)
            for i in xrange(theta.size - 1):
                dSdtheta = self.kernel.dspectral_density(theta,
                dlogQdtheta[i] = np.sum(dSdtheta / S) - theta[2]**2 * np.sum(
                    dSdtheta / S * np.diag(Zinv) / S)
                dyTQinvydtheta[i] =
                    ZinvPhiTy.T, dSdtheta / S * ZinvPhiTy.squeeze() / S)
            # Get derivatives w.r.t. sigma_n
            dlogQdtheta[2] = 2 * theta[2] * (
                (self.N - self.M) / theta[2]**2 + np.sum(np.diag(Zinv) / S))
            dyTQinvydtheta[2] = 2 * (,
                                            ZinvPhiTy.squeeze() / S) -
                                     yTQinvy) / theta[2]

            logp = (yTQinvy + logQ + self.N * np.log(2 * np.pi)) / 2.0
            dlogp = (dlogQdtheta + dyTQinvydtheta) / 2
            return logp, dlogp
        elif self.mode == "kron":
            # get dims
            D = self.XX.shape[0]
            # broadcast theta (sigmaf and sigman is a shared hyperparameter but easiest to deal with this way)
            thetan = np.zeros([D, 3])
            thetan[0, 0] = theta[0]
            thetan[1::, 0] = 1.0
            thetan[:, -1] = theta[-1]
            for i in xrange(
            ):  # this is how many length scales will be involved in the problem
                thetan[i, 1] = theta[
                    i +
                    1]  # assuming we set up the theta vector as [[sigmaf, l_1, sigman], [sigmaf, l_2, ..., sigman]]
            # get the Kronecker matrices
            K = []
            for i in xrange(D):
            K = np.asarray(K)
            # do eigen-decomposition
            Lambdas, Qs = kt.kron_eig(K)
            QsT = kt.kron_transpose(Qs)
            # get alpha vector
            alpha = kt.kron_matvec(QsT, self.yDat)
            Lambda = kt.kron_diag(Lambdas)
            if self.Sigmay is not None:
                Lambda += theta[-1]**2 * kt.kron_diag(
                    self.Sigmay)  # absorb weights into Lambdas
                Lambda += theta[-1]**2 * np.ones(self.N)
            alpha = alpha / Lambda  # same as matrix product with inverse of diagonal
            alpha = kt.kron_matvec(Qs, alpha)
            # get negative log marginal likelihood
            logp = 0.5 * ( + np.sum(np.log(Lambda)) +
                          self.N * np.log(2.0 * np.pi))
            # get derivatives
            dKdtheta = []
            # first w.r.t. sigmaf which only needs to be done once and will have same shape as K
                self.kernel[0].dcov_func(thetan[0], self.XX, K, mode='sigmaf')
            )  # need to pass theta for kernel 0 since that has sigmaf
            # now get w.r.t. length scales
            for i in xrange(D):  # one length scale for each dimension
                    thetan[i], self.XX[i], K[i],
                    mode='l'))  # here it does matter, will be of shape K[i]
            # finally get deriv w.r.t sigman (also only need to do this once)
                self.kernel[0].dcov_func(thetan[0], self.XX, K, mode='sigman')
            )  # ditto remark for theta, will be of shape Sigmay
            dKdtheta = np.asarray(dKdtheta)  # should contain Ntheta arrays
            # compute dZdtheta
            Ntheta = theta.size
            dlogp = np.zeros(Ntheta)
            # first get it for sigmaf
            gamma = []
            for i in xrange(D):
                tmp = dKdtheta[0][i].dot(Qs[i])
                gamma.append(np.einsum('ij,ji->i', Qs[i].T, tmp))
            gamma = np.asarray(gamma)
            gamma = kt.kron_diag(gamma)
            kappa = kt.kron_matvec(dKdtheta[0], alpha)
            dlogp[0] = -self.get_dZdthetai(alpha, kappa, Lambda, gamma)
            # now get it for the length scales
            for i in xrange(1, D + 1):  # i labels length scales
                # compute the gammas = diag(Qd.T dKddthetai Qd)
                gamma = []
                for j in xrange(D):  # j labels dimensions
                    if j == i - 1:  # dimension corresponding to l_i is always one less than the index of the length scale
                        tmp = dKdtheta[i].dot(
                            Qs[j])  # this is the dKdtheta corresponding to l_i
                        tmp = K[j].dot(Qs[j])
                        'ij,ji->i', Qs[j].T,
                        tmp))  # computes only the diagonal of the product
                gamma = np.asarray(gamma)
                gamma = kt.kron_diag(
                    gamma)  # exploiting diagonal property of Kronecker product
                dKdtheta_tmp = K.copy()
                dKdtheta_tmp[i - 1] = dKdtheta[
                    i]  # can be made more efficient, just set for clarity
                kappa = kt.kron_matvec(dKdtheta_tmp, alpha)
                dlogp[i] = -self.get_dZdthetai(alpha, kappa, Lambda, gamma)

            # finally get it for sigman
            gamma = []
            for i in xrange(D):
                tmp = dKdtheta[-1][i][:, None] * Qs[i]
                gamma.append(np.einsum('ij,ji->i', Qs[i].T, tmp))
            gamma = np.asarray(gamma)
            gamma = kt.kron_diag(gamma)
            kappa = kt.kron_diag(dKdtheta[-1]) * alpha
            dlogp[-1] = -self.get_dZdthetai(alpha, kappa, Lambda, gamma)
            # logp2, dlogp2 = self.get_full_derivs(K, dKdtheta, alpha, theta[-1]**2*np.eye(self.N), self.yDat)
            # print logp, logp2
            # print dlogp
            # print dlogp2

            return logp, dlogp
            raise Exception('Mode %s not supported yet' % self.mode)
Beispiel #5
 def idot_full(self, x):
     self.count += 1
     x = kt.kron_matvec(self.PhisT, x)
     x /= (kt.kron_diag(self.Lambdas) + self.eps)
     return kt.kron_matvec(self.Phis, x)
Beispiel #6
def test_matvec(A, K, x):
    res1 =, x)
    res2 = kt.kron_matvec(A, x)
    compare(res1, res2, 'matvec')