Beispiel #1
def instantaneous_db_state():

    res = firebase.get(url_user_id, None)
    i = 0
    for key in res:
        pin_to_device[key] = available_GPIO[i]
        i = +1
        if res[key]['status'] == 'ON':
            print("STATUS : ON : ", res[key], "\n")
            GPIO.output(pin_to_device[key], GPIO.HIGH)
            #code to turn em on
        if res[key]['status'] == 'OFF':
            print("STATUS : OFF : ", res[key], "\n")
            GPIO.output(pin_to_device[key], GPIO.LOW)
            #code to turn em off

Beispiel #2
from firebase import firebase
import sys
import time, datetime
import threading
import GPIO.RPi as GPIO
from sys import argv

available_GPIO = [
    '4', '5', '6', '12', '13', '16', '17', '18', '22', '23', '24', '25', '26',
    '27', ''

pin_to_device = {}


GPIO.setup(18, GPIO.OUT)
time_delay = int(argv[1])
url = ""
firebase = firebase.FirebaseApplication(url)
url_user_id = '/jZkCwRgRCqcO2Zcu4s94Gtl4Uv82'

#url=""+input("enter user id : \n")

def instantaneous_db_state():

    res = firebase.get(url_user_id, None)
    i = 0
    for key in res: