def GPLVM_model(name): Q = 5 M = 20 N = Y.shape[0] X_mean = gpflow.models.PCA_reduce(Y, Q) # Initialise via PCA Z = np.random.permutation(X_mean.copy())[:M] fHmmm = False if (fHmmm): k = (kernels.RBF(3, ARD=True, active_dims=slice(0, 3)) + kernels.Linear(2, ARD=False, active_dims=slice(3, 5))) else: k = (kernels.RBF(3, ARD=True, active_dims=[0, 1, 2]) + kernels.Linear(2, ARD=False, active_dims=[3, 4])) # GPLVM GPLVM = gpflow.models.GPLVM(Y=Y, latent_dim=Q, X_mean=X_mean, kern=k) opt = gpflow.train.ScipyOptimizer() GPLVM.compile() opt.minimize(GPLVM) #, options=dict(disp=True, maxiter=100)) # Compute and sensitivity to input # print(m.kern.kernels) kern = GPLVM.kern.kernels[0] sens = np.sqrt(kern.variance.read_value()) / kern.lengthscales.read_value() print(GPLVM.kern) print(sens) # fig, ax = plt.subplots() # , sens, 0.1, color='y') # ax.set_title('Sensitivity to latent inputs') # plt.savefig("../res/oils_sen.png") # plt.close(fig) return GPLVM, sens
def BGPLVM_model(name, Q=10, M=20): np.random.seed(22) # Create Bayesian GPLVM model using additive kernel # Q = 5 # M = 20 # number of inducing pts N = Y.shape[0] X_mean = gpflow.models.PCA_reduce(Y, Q) # Initialise via PCA # X_mean = np.random.normal(size = [N, Q]) Z = np.random.permutation(X_mean.copy())[:M] fHmmm = False if (fHmmm): k = (kernels.RBF(3, ARD=True, active_dims=slice(0, 3)) + kernels.Linear(2, ARD=False, active_dims=slice(3, 5))) else: # k = (kernels.RBF(3, ARD=True, active_dims=[0,1,2]) + # kernels.Linear(2, ARD=False, active_dims=[3, 4])) k = kernels.RBF(Q, ARD=True) # Bayesian GPLVM BGPLVM = gpflow.models.BayesianGPLVM(X_mean=X_mean, X_var=0.1 * np.ones((N, Q)), Y=Y, kern=k, M=M, Z=Z) BGPLVM.likelihood.variance = 0.01 opt = gpflow.train.ScipyOptimizer() BGPLVM.compile() opt.minimize(BGPLVM, disp=False, maxiter=1000) #, options=dict(disp=True, maxiter=100)) # print("###############################") # print(BGPLVM.X_mean.read_value(), BGPLVM.X_var.read_value()) # print("###############################") # Compute and sensitivity to input # print(m.kern.kernels) kern = BGPLVM.kern sens = np.sqrt(kern.variance.read_value()) / kern.lengthscales.read_value() print(BGPLVM.kern) print(sens) fig, ax = plt.subplots(), sens, 0.1, color='y') ax.set_title('Sensitivity to latent inputs') plt.savefig("../res/{}_sen_bgplvm_Q{}_M{}.png".format(name, Q, M)) plt.close(fig) with open("../res/{}_bgplvm_Q{}_M{}.pickle".format(name, Q, M), "wb") as res: pickle.dump(BGPLVM.X_mean.read_value(), res) return BGPLVM, sens
def RVBGPLVM_model(name, Q=10, M=20, lamb=20, verbose=False): np.random.seed(22) # Create Regularzed GPLVM model using additive kernel # Q = 5 # M = 20 # number of inducing pts N, D = Y.shape X_mean = gpflow.models.PCA_reduce(Y, Q) # Initialise via PCA Z = np.random.permutation(X_mean.copy())[:M] fHmmm = False if (fHmmm): k = (kernels.RBF(3, ARD=True, active_dims=slice(0, 3)) + kernels.Linear(2, ARD=False, active_dims=slice(3, 5))) else: # k = (kernels.RBF(3, ARD=True, active_dims=[0,1,2]) + # kernels.Linear(2, ARD=False, active_dims=[3, 4])) k = kernels.RBF(Q, ARD=True) # Regularized GPLVM RVBGPLVM = gpflow.models.RegularizedVBGPLVM(X_mean=X_mean, X_var=0.1 * np.ones((N, Q)), U_mean=np.zeros((M, D)), U_var=0.01 * np.ones((M, D)), Y=Y, kern=k, M=M, Z=Z, lamb=lamb) RVBGPLVM.likelihood.variance = 0.01 opt = gpflow.train.ScipyOptimizer() RVBGPLVM.compile() opt.minimize(RVBGPLVM, disp=False) #, options=dict(disp=True, maxiter=100)) # print(m.X_mean, m.X_var) # Compute and sensitivity to input # print(m.kern.kernels) kern = RVBGPLVM.kern sens = np.sqrt(kern.variance.read_value()) / kern.lengthscales.read_value() print(RVBGPLVM.kern) print(sens) if verbose: fig, ax = plt.subplots(), sens, 0.1, color='y') ax.set_title('Sensitivity to latent inputs') plt.savefig("../res/test/{}_sen_rvbgplvm_Q{}_M{}_LAM{}.png".format( name, Q, M, lamb)) plt.close(fig) colors = cm.rainbow(np.linspace(0, 1, len(np.unique(labels)))) sens_order = np.argsort(sens) fig, ax = plt.subplots() for i, c in zip(np.unique(labels), colors): ax.scatter(RVBGPLVM.X_mean.read_value()[labels == i, sens_order[-1]], RVBGPLVM.X_mean.read_value()[labels == i, sens_order[-2]], color=c, label=i) ax.set_title('RVBGPLVM LAM = {}'.format(lamb)) ax.scatter(RVBGPLVM.feature.Z.read_value()[:, sens_order[-1]], RVBGPLVM.feature.Z.read_value()[:, sens_order[-2]], label="IP", marker='x') plt.savefig("../res/test/RVBGPLVM_LAM{}.png".format(lamb)) loglik = RVBGPLVM.compute_log_likelihood() np.savetxt("../res/test/RVBGPLVM_LAM{}.csv".format(lamb), np.asarray([loglik])) with open( "../res/{}_rvbgplvm_Q{}_M{}_LAM{}.pickle".format(name, Q, M, lamb), "wb") as res: pickle.dump([ RVBGPLVM.X_mean.read_value(), RVBGPLVM.feature.Z.read_value(), labels, colors, sens_order ], res) return RVBGPLVM, sens