def draw(self, surface, flags):
        # Check if Thrusting or Braking
        #surface.blit(self.surface, intpos((self._worldobj.body.position[0] - 8, self._worldobj.body.position[1] - 8)))        
        bp = intpos(self._worldobj.body.position)
        wrapcircle(surface, (0, 255, 255), bp, int(self._worldobj.size), self._world.size, 1) # Radar

        if flags["GAME"]:
            text = namefont().render("Points: %.1f" % (self._worldobj.size - self._worldobj.basesize), False, (0, 255, 255))
            surface.blit(text, (bp[0]-text.get_width()/2, bp[1]-44))
            if self._worldobj.pname != None:
                text = namefont().render("From %s" % self._worldobj.pname, False, (0, 255, 255))
                surface.blit(text, (bp[0]-text.get_width()/2, bp[1]+44))
        super(BubbleWrapper, self).draw(surface, flags)
    def draw(self, surface, flags):
        # Check if Thrusting or Braking
        #surface.blit(self.surface, intpos((self._worldobj.body.position[0] - 8, self._worldobj.body.position[1] - 8)))        
        bp = intpos(self._worldobj.body.position)
        wrapcircle(surface, (0, 255, 255), bp, int(self._worldobj.size), self._world.size, 1) # Radar

        if flags["GAME"]:
            text = namefont().render("Points: %.1f" % (self._worldobj.size - self._worldobj.basesize), False, (0, 255, 255))
            surface.blit(text, (bp[0]-text.get_width()/2, bp[1]-44))
            if self._worldobj.pname != None:
                text = namefont().render("From %s" % self._worldobj.pname, False, (0, 255, 255))
                surface.blit(text, (bp[0]-text.get_width()/2, bp[1]+44))
        super(BubbleWrapper, self).draw(surface, flags)
Beispiel #3
    def draw(self, surface, flags, sp=None):
        if sp == None:
            sp = self._worldobj.body.position
        # Check if Thrusting or Braking
        state = 0

        # TODO: Notify Ship of Start/End of Commands...?

        yoff = 0
        if self._worldobj.commandQueue.containstype(CloakCommand):
            yoff = 64

        if self._worldobj.commandQueue.containstype(WarpCommand):
            state = 6
        elif self._worldobj.commandQueue.containstype(BrakeCommand):
            state = 5
            cmd = self._worldobj.commandQueue.containstype(ThrustCommand) # HACK? TODO - One loop
            if cmd != None:
      , (255, 255, 0), intpos(pos + cmd.getForceVector(self._worldobj.thrusterForce, self._worldobj.rotationAngle, 0.02)), 5)
                state = 1 + ['L','F','R','B'].index(cmd.direction)

        # Rotate to Current Direction
        rotimg = pygame.transform.rotate(self.surface.subsurface(pygame.Rect(64 * state, yoff, 64, 64)), self._worldobj.rotationAngle - 90)
        w, h = rotimg.get_rect().size
        bp = intpos(sp)
        pos = intpos(sp - (w/2, h/2))

        if len(self._worldobj.lasernodes) > 0 and sp == self._worldobj.body.position:
            for i in range(0, len(self._worldobj.lasernodes)+1, 2):
                if i < len(self._worldobj.lasernodes)-1:
                    pygame.draw.line(surface, self._worldobj.player.color, self._worldobj.lasernodes[i], self._worldobj.lasernodes[i+1], 3)
                elif i < len(self._worldobj.lasernodes):
                    pygame.draw.line(surface, self._worldobj.player.color, self._worldobj.lasernodes[i], intpos(self._worldobj.body.position), 3)

        # Draw
        surface.blit(rotimg, pos)

        gp = (sp[0] - 32, sp[1] - 32) #adjusted fixed graphic size
        # Draw shield
        if self._worldobj.commandQueue.containstype(RaiseShieldsCommand) and self._worldobj.shield.value > 0:
            surface.blit(ShipGUI._shieldsurface, gp)

        # Draw explosion
        if self.dying:
            surface.blit(ShipGUI._exsurface.subsurface(pygame.Rect(64 * self.dyframe, 0, 64, 64)), gp)
            self.dyframe += 1
            if self.dyframe == 16:
                self.dead = True
                self.dying = False

        if flags["NAMES"]:
            # HACK TODO: Ship name should be from team
            text = namefont().render(, False, self._worldobj.player.color)
            surface.blit(text, (bp[0]-text.get_width()/2, bp[1]-44))

        if flags["DEBUG"]:
            #wrapcircle(surface, (0, 255, 0), bp, 4, self._world.size)  # Position            
            wrapcircle(surface, (255, 255, 0), bp, self._worldobj.radarRange, self._world.size, 1) # Radar            

        if flags["STATS"] and self._worldobj.shield.maximum > 0:
            # Shield Bar
            pygame.draw.rect(surface, (0, 0, 96), pygame.Rect(bp[0]-16, bp[1] + 21, 32, 5))

            if flags["DEBUG"]:
                surface.blit(debugfont().render(repr(int(100 * self._worldobj.shield.percent)), False, (255, 255, 255)), (bp[0]+18, bp[1] + 16))
            surface.blit(ShipGUI._shieldhudsurface, (bp[0]-15, bp[1] + 22), pygame.Rect(0, 0, 30 * self._worldobj.shield.percent, 3))
        if flags["GAME"] and self._worldobj.player.score > 0:
            surface.blit(infofont().render(("%.1f" % self._worldobj.player.score) + " Pts", False, (0, 255, 255)), (bp[0]-24, bp[1] + 32))

        super(ShipGUI, self).draw(surface, flags, sp)
    def draw(self, surface, flags, sp=None):
        if sp == None:
            sp = self._worldobj.body.position
        # Check if Thrusting or Braking
        state = 0

        # TODO: Notify Ship of Start/End of Commands...?

        yoff = 0
        steer = self._worldobj.commandQueue.containstype(SteerCommand)
        if steer and steer.orgdeg != 0:
            if steer.orgdeg > 0:
                steer = -math.sin(steer.percent() * math.pi)
                steer = math.sin(steer.percent() * math.pi)
            # TODO: Figure out best way to determine when ship facing opposite direction and should 'bank' other way
            #if abs(self._worldobj.rotationAngle - self._worldobj.body.velocity.angle_degrees) % 360 > 180:
            #    steer = -steer
            steer = 0

        if self._worldobj.commandQueue.containstype(CloakCommand):
            yoff = 64

        if self._worldobj.commandQueue.containstype(WarpCommand):
            state = 6
        elif self._worldobj.commandQueue.containstype(BrakeCommand):
            state = 5
            cmd = self._worldobj.commandQueue.containstype(
                ThrustCommand)  # HACK? TODO - One loop
            if cmd != None:
      , (255, 255, 0), intpos(pos + cmd.getForceVector(self._worldobj.thrusterForce, self._worldobj.rotationAngle, 0.02)), 5)
                state = 1 + ['L', 'F', 'R', 'B'].index(cmd.direction)

        # Rotate to Current Direction
        scaled = self.surface.subsurface(pygame.Rect(64 * state, yoff, 64, 64))
        if steer != 0:
            newimg = pygame.Surface((64, 64), pygame.SRCALPHA)
            if steer > 0:
                                           (64 - int(16 * abs(steer)), 64)),
                    (int(steer * 16), 0))
                                           (64 - int(16 * abs(steer)), 64)),
                    (0, 0))
            scaled = newimg
        rotimg = pygame.transform.rotate(scaled,
                                         self._worldobj.rotationAngle - 90)
        w, h = rotimg.get_rect().size
        bp = intpos(sp)
        pos = intpos(sp - (w / 2, h / 2))

        if len(self._worldobj.lasernodes
               ) > 0 and sp == self._worldobj.body.position:
            for i in range(0, len(self._worldobj.lasernodes) + 1, 2):
                if i < len(self._worldobj.lasernodes) - 1:
                    pygame.draw.line(surface, self._worldobj.player.color,
                                     self._worldobj.lasernodes[i + 1], 3)
                elif i < len(self._worldobj.lasernodes):
                    pygame.draw.line(surface, self._worldobj.player.color,
                                     intpos(self._worldobj.body.position), 3)

        # Draw
        surface.blit(rotimg, pos)

        gp = (sp[0] - 32, sp[1] - 32)  #adjusted fixed graphic size
        # Draw shield
        if self._worldobj.commandQueue.containstype(
                RaiseShieldsCommand) and self._worldobj.shield.value > 0:
            surface.blit(ShipGUI._shieldsurface, gp)

        # Draw explosion
        if self.dying:
                    pygame.Rect(64 * self.dyframe, 0, 64, 64)), gp)
            self.dyframe += 1
            if self.dyframe == 16:
                self.dead = True
                self.dying = False

        if flags["NAMES"]:
            # HACK TODO: Ship name should be from team
            text = namefont().render(, False,
            surface.blit(text, (bp[0] - text.get_width() / 2, bp[1] - 44))

        if flags["DEBUG"]:
            #wrapcircle(surface, (0, 255, 0), bp, 4, self._world.size)  # Position
            wrapcircle(surface, (255, 255, 0), bp, self._worldobj.radarRange,
                       self._world.size, 1)  # Radar

        if flags["STATS"] and self._worldobj.shield.maximum > 0:
            # Shield Bar
            pygame.draw.rect(surface, (0, 0, 96),
                             pygame.Rect(bp[0] - 16, bp[1] + 21, 32, 5))

            if flags["DEBUG"]:
                        repr(int(100 * self._worldobj.shield.percent)), False,
                        (255, 255, 255)), (bp[0] + 18, bp[1] + 16))
                ShipGUI._shieldhudsurface, (bp[0] - 15, bp[1] + 22),
                pygame.Rect(0, 0, 30 * self._worldobj.shield.percent, 3))

        if flags["GAME"] and self._worldobj.player.score > 0:
                    ("%.1f" % self._worldobj.player.score) + " Pts", False,
                    (0, 255, 255)), (bp[0] - 24, bp[1] + 32))

        super(ShipGUI, self).draw(surface, flags, sp)