def update(self, mouseclick, scrolldown, scrollup, keypressed): if self.wheel.is_clicked(self.x+self.wheel.x, self.y+self.wheel.y): r,g,b,a = self.wheel.get_color() else: for btn in range(len(self.custom_colors.grid)): if self.custom_colors.grid[btn].is_clicked(self.x+self.custom_colors.x+self.custom_colors.grid[btn].x, self.y+self.custom_colors.y+self.custom_colors.grid[btn].y, mouseclick): self.custom_selected = btn if self.custom_colors.grid[btn].color != (212,212,212): r,g,b = self.custom_colors.grid[btn].color for slider in self.sliders: slider.update(self.x+slider.x, self.y+slider.y) try: if slider.title == 'red': slider.set_value(r) if slider.title == 'green': slider.set_value(g) if slider.title == 'blue': slider.set_value(b) except: # catch 'em all. if slider.title == 'red': r = slider.get_value() if slider.title == 'green': g = slider.get_value() if slider.title == 'blue': b = slider.get_value() self.current_color = (r,g,b) self.current_color_box.fill(self.current_color) self.custom_colors.grid[self.custom_selected].color = self.current_color self.custom_colors.grid[self.custom_selected].surface.fill(self.current_color) Window.update(self, mouseclick, scrolldown, scrollup)
def draw(self): for button in self.buttons: button.draw(self.surface) self.mytextbox.draw(self.mypane.content_surface) self.mypane.draw(self.surface) self.inputbox.draw(self.surface) # Inherited draw method from base class, draws onto parent Window.draw(self)
def __init__(self, x, y, w, h, p): Window.__init__(self, x, y, w, h, p, "Tool Bar") self.buttons = [] self.buttons.append(Button(10, 30, "Select", self.surface, c=(50, 50, 50))) self.mytextbox = TextBox( 00, 0, 150, "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, \n \n \n consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin at porta mauris. Aliquam ultricies venenatis nisi, non feugiat elit consequat at. Suspendisse sollicitudin condimentum mauris, vel consequat lorem ornare sed. Vestibulum eu eros libero. Quisque sed purus non orci tincidunt volutpat et in nisi. Fusce quis cursus urna. Aliquam ipsum urna, dictum a convallis sed, tristique eu lectus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Praesent vestibulum, diam sit amet sagittis consequat, lacus velit commodo risus, ac congue erat dui nec diam. ?", ) self.mypane = ScrollPane(10, 120, 170, 200, 400) self.inputbox = Input(160, 50, 100)
def update(self, mouseclick, scrolldown, scrollup, keypressed): for button in self.buttons: if button.is_clicked(self.x + button.x, self.y + button.y, mouseclick): if self.mytextbox.text.split(" ")[0] == "Cool": self.mytextbox.text += " And again." else: self.mytextbox.text = "Cool you clicked a button" self.mypane.render() self.mytextbox.render() self.mypane.scrolldown = scrolldown self.mypane.scrollup = scrollup self.mypane.update(self.x + self.mypane.x, self.y + self.mypane.y) self.inputbox.update(self.x + self.inputbox.x, self.y + self.inputbox.y, mouseclick, keypressed) Window.update(self, mouseclick, scrolldown, scrollup)
def __init__(self, x, y, w, h, p): Window.__init__(self,x,y,w,h,p,"Color Picker") self.wheel = ColorWheel(120, 30) self.sliders = [] self.sliders.append(Slider(10,50,100,(0,255), 'red')) self.sliders.append(Slider(10,90,100,(0,255), 'green')) self.sliders.append(Slider(10,130,100,(0,255), 'blue')) self.labels = [] # I call them labels but they're really just buttons without actions! self.labels.append(Button(0,30,"Red:", self.surface, (255,255,255))) self.labels.append(Button(0,70,"Green:", self.surface, (255,255,255))) self.labels.append(Button(0,110,"Blue:", self.surface, (255,255,255))) self.buttons = [] self.buttons.append(Button(10, 160, "Choose", self.surface, (50,50,50))) self.current_color_box = pygame.Surface((50,50)) self.custom_colors = CustomColors(70, 200, 200) self.custom_selected = 0
def __init__(self,x,y,w,h,p): Window.__init__(self,x,y,w,h,p) = [],300,280,260,self.parent)) self.current_color = (255,100,0) # blank canvas window newdoc = pygame.Surface((640,480)) newdoc.fill((255,255,255)),300,self.parent,newdoc)) # create toolbar self.toolbar = Toolbar(self.parent) self.toolbar.items.append(ToolbarButton(0,0,'File', self.parent, ['New', 'Open'])) self.toolbar.items.append(ToolbarButton(0,0,'View', self.parent, ['Tools', 'Colours', 'Answer this'])) self.toolbar.render() # item appended, needs to be re-rendered self.draw()
def draw(self): for label in self.labels: label.draw(self.surface) for slider in self.sliders: slider.draw(self.surface) for button in self.buttons: button.draw(self.surface) self.wheel.draw(self.surface) pygame.draw.line(self.surface, (200,200,200), (10,190), (self.width-10, 190)) self.surface.blit(self.current_color_box, (10, 200)) self.custom_colors.draw(self.surface) btn = self.custom_colors.grid[self.custom_selected] zerox = self.custom_colors.x+btn.x # just using vars to zeroy = self.custom_colors.y+btn.y # keep the lines nice and short # manually drawing lines because a for loop is achieves the same thing # in only a couple of lines less but with more resources used pygame.draw.line(self.surface, (0,0,0), (zerox,zeroy), (zerox+23, zeroy),2) pygame.draw.line(self.surface, (0,0,0), (zerox,zeroy), (zerox, zeroy+23),2) pygame.draw.line(self.surface, (0,0,0), (zerox+23,zeroy), (zerox+23, zeroy+24),2) pygame.draw.line(self.surface, (0,0,0), (zerox,zeroy+23), (zerox+23, zeroy+23),2) Window.draw(self)
def draw(self): Window.draw(self)
Luces = Reflejos = Paredes = [] lucesEfectivas = [[0]*500]*500 Img = None def threadPathTrace(): PT.pathTrace(Luces, Reflejos, Paredes, Img, lucesEfectivas) t = threading.Thread(target = threadPathTrace) # f being the function that tells how the ball should move t.setDaemon(True) # Alternatively, you can use "t.daemon = True" if __name__ == '__main__': display = None Thread = threading.Thread(target=MAINLOOP) Thread.setDaemon(True) boolean = True display = Window(500, 500, "Path Tracing") Thread.start()