Beispiel #1
def isCredentialRequired(credObj):
    The logic to decide if a given invalid credential
    should trigger the deactivation of Ganga internal services.  

    from Ganga.Runtime import Workspace_runtime
    from Ganga.Runtime import Repository_runtime

    if getName(credObj) == "AfsToken":
        return Workspace_runtime.requiresAfsToken() or Repository_runtime.requiresAfsToken()

    if getName(credObj) == "GridProxy":
        if Repository_runtime.requiresGridProxy() or Workspace_runtime.requiresGridProxy():
            return True
        from Ganga.GPI import jobs, typename
        from Ganga.GPIDev.Base.Proxy import stripProxy

        for j in jobs:
            ji = stripProxy(j)
            if ji.status in ["submitted", "running", "completing"]:
                if getName(ji.backend) == "LCG":
                    return True
        return False

    log.warning("Unknown credential object : %s" % credObj)
Beispiel #2
def isCredentialRequired(credObj):
    The logic to decide if a given invalid credential
    should trigger the deactivation of Ganga internal services.  

    from Ganga.Runtime import Workspace_runtime
    from Ganga.Runtime import Repository_runtime

    if getName(credObj) == 'AfsToken':
        return Workspace_runtime.requiresAfsToken() or Repository_runtime.requiresAfsToken()

    if getName(credObj) == 'GridProxy':
        from Ganga.Core.GangaRepository import getRegistryProxy
        from Ganga.Runtime.GPIFunctions import typename
        from Ganga.GPIDev.Base.Proxy import stripProxy
        from Ganga.GPIDev.Lib.Job.Job import lazyLoadJobBackend, lazyLoadJobStatus
        for j in getRegistryProxy('jobs'):
            ji = stripProxy(j)
            this_status = lazyLoadJobStatus(ji)
            if this_status in ['submitted', 'running', 'completing']:
                this_backend = lazyLoadJobBackend(ji)
                if getName(this_backend) == 'LCG':
                    return True
        return False

    log.warning("Unknown credential object : %s" % credObj)
Beispiel #3
def isCredentialRequired(credObj):
    The logic to decide if a given invalid credential
    should trigger the deactivation of Ganga internal services.  

    from Ganga.Runtime import Workspace_runtime
    from Ganga.Runtime import Repository_runtime

    if getName(credObj) == 'AfsToken':
        return Workspace_runtime.requiresAfsToken(
        ) or Repository_runtime.requiresAfsToken()

    if getName(credObj) == 'GridProxy':
        from Ganga.Core.GangaRepository import getRegistryProxy
        from Ganga.Runtime.GPIFunctions import typename
        from Ganga.GPIDev.Base.Proxy import stripProxy
        from Ganga.GPIDev.Lib.Job.Job import lazyLoadJobBackend, lazyLoadJobStatus
        for j in getRegistryProxy('jobs'):
            ji = stripProxy(j)
            this_status = lazyLoadJobStatus(ji)
            if this_status in ['submitted', 'running', 'completing']:
                this_backend = lazyLoadJobBackend(ji)
                if getName(this_backend) == 'LCG':
                    return True
        return False

    log.warning("Unknown credential object : %s" % credObj)
Beispiel #4
def isCredentialRequired(credObj):
    The logic to decide if a given invalid credential
    should trigger the deactivation of Ganga internal services.  

    from Ganga.Runtime import Workspace_runtime
    from Ganga.Runtime import Repository_runtime

    if getName(credObj) == 'AfsToken':
        return Workspace_runtime.requiresAfsToken() or Repository_runtime.requiresAfsToken()

    if getName(credObj) == 'GridProxy':
        if Repository_runtime.requiresGridProxy() or Workspace_runtime.requiresGridProxy():
            return True
        from Ganga.GPI import jobs, typename
        from Ganga.GPIDev.Base.Proxy import stripProxy
        for j in jobs:
            ji = stripProxy(j)
            if ji.status in ['submitted', 'running', 'completing']:
                if ji.getNodeIndexCache() is not None and 'display:backend' in ji.getNodeIndexCache().keys():
                    if ji.getNodeIndexCache()['display:backend'] == 'LCG':
                        return True
                    if getName(ji.backend) == 'LCG':
                        return True
        return False

    log.warning("Unknown credential object : %s" % credObj)
Beispiel #5
def isCredentialRequired (credObj):
    The logic to decide if a given invalid credential
    should trigger the deactivation of Ganga internal services.  

    from Ganga.Runtime import Workspace_runtime
    from Ganga.Runtime import Repository_runtime

    if credObj.__class__.__name__ == 'AfsToken':
        return Workspace_runtime.requiresAfsToken() or Repository_runtime.requiresAfsToken()

    if credObj.__class__.__name__ == 'GridProxy':
        if Repository_runtime.requiresGridProxy() or Workspace_runtime.requiresGridProxy():
           return True 
        from Ganga.GPI import jobs,typename
        return bool([j for j in jobs if typename(j.backend)=='LCG' and j.status in ['submitted','running','completing']])
    log.warning("Unknown credential object : %s" % credObj)
Beispiel #6
   def isAvailable( self ):

      if self.cell:
         available = True
         available = False

      if not available:
#         gangadir = fullpath( getConfig( "Configuration" )[ "gangadir" ] )
#         if ( 0 == gangadir.find( "/afs" ) ):
#            available = True
         available = Repository_runtime.requiresAfsToken() 

      if available:
         infoCommand =[ 0 ]
         available = False
            pathList = os.environ[ "PATH" ].split( os.pathsep )
         except KeyError:
            pathList = []
         for searchDir in pathList:
               fileList = os.listdir( searchDir )
            except OSError:
               fileList = []
            if infoCommand in fileList:
               available = True
         if available:
            logger.debug( "Command '%s' found in directory '%s'" % \
               ( infoCommand, searchDir ) )
            logger.debug( "Unable to find command '%s'" % infoCommand )

      if available:
         timeleft = self.timeleft()
         if not timeleft:
            available = False

      return available
Beispiel #7
    def isAvailable(self):

        if self.cell:
            available = True
            available = False

        if not available:
            available = Repository_runtime.requiresAfsToken()

        if available:
            infoCommand =[0]
            available = False
                pathList = os.environ["PATH"].split(os.pathsep)
            except KeyError:
                pathList = []
            for searchDir in pathList:
                    fileList = os.listdir(searchDir)
                except OSError:
                    fileList = []
                if infoCommand in fileList:
                    available = True
            if available:
                logger.debug("Command '%s' found in directory '%s'" %
                             (infoCommand, searchDir))
                logger.debug("Unable to find command '%s'" % infoCommand)

        if available:
            timeleft = self.timeleft()
            if not timeleft:
                available = False

        return available