def test_sql_queries(command, args, response, expected_result, header, mocker):
    """Unit test
    - select query
    - raw response of the database
    - mock the database result
    - convert the result to human readable table
    - create the context
    - validate the expected_result and the created context
    # needed in order not to make a connection in tests
                        return_value=(response, header))
    client = Client('sql_dialect', 'server_url', 'username', 'password',
                    'port', 'database', "", False)
    result = command(client, args)
    assert expected_result == result[
        1]  # entry context is found in the 2nd place in the result of the command
def test_mysql_integration():
    """Test actual connection to mysql. Will be skipped unless MYSQL_HOST is set.
    Can be used to do local debuging of connecting to MySQL by set env var MYSQL_HOST or changing the code below.

    Test assumes mysql credentials: root/password

    You can setup mysql locally by running:
    docker run --name mysql-80 -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=password -d mysql:8.0

    And then set env var: MYSQL_HOST=localhost
    host = os.getenv('MYSQL_HOST', '')
    if not host:
        pytest.skip('Skipping mysql integration test as MYSQL_HOST is not set')
    dialect = 'MySQL'
    client = Client(dialect, host, 'root', 'password', generate_default_port_by_dialect(dialect), 'mysql', "", False, True)
    res = client.sql_query_execute_request('show processlist', {})
    assert len(res) >= 1
def test_sql_queries_with_empty_table(mocker):
    """Unit test
    - query that return an empty table
    - raw response of the database
    - mock the database result
    - convert the result to human readable table
    - create the context
    - validate the expected_result and the created context
    mocker.patch.object(Client, '_create_engine_and_connect', return_value=mocker.Mock(spec=sqlalchemy.engine.base.Connection))
    client = Client('sql_dialect', 'server_url', 'username', 'password', 'port', 'database', "", False)
    mocker.patch.object(client.connection, 'execute', return_value=ResultMock())
    result = sql_query_execute(client, ARGS3)
    assert EMPTY_OUTPUT == result[1]  # entry context is found in the 2nd place in the result of the command
def test_parse_connect_parameters(connect_parameters, dialect,
    assert Client.parse_connect_parameters(connect_parameters,
                                           dialect) == expected_response