Beispiel #1
    def declareAttack(self, ownedCountries, allCountries):
        currentState = self.getCurrentState(ownedCountries)

        #on s'interesse seulement au nombre de troop dans les pays qui peuvent
        currentStateQ = tuple([self.getArmyDiff(zone[0].getNbTroops(), zone[1].getNbTroops()) for zone in currentState])
        possibleActions = range(0, 2**len(currentState))
        #Pour chaque frontiere, on peut attaquer ou ne rien faire, il y a donc 2**n choix possibles
        #on peut encode un action dans un nombre binaire, ou chaque bit represente une frontiere
        #si le bit est a 1, on attaque, sinon on ne fait rien
        currentAction = None
        attackActionList = []
        if possibleActions:
            currentAction = glie(self, currentStateQ, 1.1, 100, possibleActions)
            actions = [x == '1' for x in '{0:b}'.format(currentAction)]
            attackIndex = 0
            for attack in actions:
                if attack:
                    attackActionList.append(AttackAction(currentState[attackIndex][0], currentState[attackIndex][1], 3))
                attackIndex += 1

        self.lastState = currentStateQ
        self.lastAction = currentAction
        self.lastScore = self.getScore(ownedCountries, allCountries)

        if len(attackActionList) == 0:
            self.onAttackResult(-0.5, ownedCountries)

        return attackActionList
    def chooseStartingCountry(self, remainingCountry, ownedCountries, allCountries):
        rem = ([r.getName() for r in remainingCountry])
        own = [o.getName() for o in ownedCountries]
        currentState = (tuple(rem), tuple(own))
        if(self.lastState and self.lastAction):

        currentAction = glie(self, currentState, 1.1, 10, currentState[0])
        self.lastState = currentState
        self.lastAction = currentAction
        return next(country for country in remainingCountry if country.getName() is currentAction)
    def moveTroop(self, turnAttackResults, ownedCountries, allCountries):
        currentState = self.getCurrentState(ownedCountries)
        possibleActions = self.getPossibleActions(ownedCountries.values())
        currentAction = None
        if possibleActions:
            currentAction = glie(self, currentState, 1.1, 100, possibleActions)

        self.lastState = currentState
        self.lastAction = currentAction
        self.lastScore = self.getScore(ownedCountries)

        if currentAction:
            startCountry = ownedCountries[currentAction[0]]
            endCountry = ownedCountries[currentAction[1]]
            return MoveAction(startCountry, endCountry, max(1, startCountry.getNbTroops()/2))
    def placeTroops(self, nbTroopsToPlace, ownedCountries, allCountries):
        currentState = self.getCurrentState(ownedCountries)

        #action possible: ajouter 1 armée sur un pay
        possibleActions = range(0, len(ownedCountries))

        currentAction = glie(self, currentState, 1.1, 100, possibleActions)
        self.lastState = currentState
        self.lastAction = currentAction
        self.lastScore = self.getScore(ownedCountries)

        chosenCountry = currentState[currentAction][0]

        placeTroopAction = []
        placeTroopAction.append(PlaceTroopsAction(chosenCountry, nbTroopsToPlace))
        return placeTroopAction
    def placeStartingTroop(self, nbTroopsToPlace, ownedCountries, allCountries):
        currentState = self.getCurrentState(ownedCountries)
        if(self.lastState and self.lastAction):

        #action possible: ajouter 1 armée sur un pay
        possibleActions = range(0, len(ownedCountries))

        currentAction = glie(self, currentState, 1.1, 100, possibleActions)
        self.lastState = currentState
        self.lastAction = currentAction

        chosenCountry = currentState[currentAction][0]

        placeTroopAction = []
        placeTroopAction.append(PlaceTroopsAction(chosenCountry, 1))
        return placeTroopAction