Beispiel #1
        'vars_lvl': vars_lvl,
        'dist_last': sims[-1, ]

# %% [markdown]
# We now configure and solve a buffer-stock agent with a default parametrization.

# %% Create and simulate agent tags=[]
# Create and solve agent

popn = IndShockConsumerType(**init_idiosyncratic_shocks)

# Modify default parameters
popn.T_sim = max(sample_periods_lvl) + 1
popn.AgentCount = max_agents
popn.track_vars = ['mNrm', 'cNrm', 'pLvl']
popn.LivPrb = [1.0]
popn.cycles = 0

# Solve (but do not yet simulate)

# %% [markdown]
# Under the basic simulation strategy, we have to de-normalize market resources and consumption multiplying them by permanent income. Only then we construct our statistics of interest.
# Note that our time-sampling strategy requires that, after enough time has passed, the economy settles on a stable distribution of its agents across states. How can we know this will be the case? [Szeidl (2013)]( and [Harmenberg (2021)]( provide conditions that can give us some reassurance.$\newcommand{\Rfree}{\mathsf{R}}$
# 1. [Szeidl (2013)]( shows that if $$\log \left[\frac{(\Rfree\beta)^{1/\rho}}{\PermGroFac}
# \right] < \Ex[\log \PermShk],$$ then there is a stable invariant distribution of normalized market resources $\mNrm$.
# 2. [Harmenberg (2021)]( repurposes the Szeidl proof to argue that if the same condition is satisfied when the expectation is taken with respect to the permanent-income-neutral measure ($\pShkNeutDstn$), then there is a stable invariant permanent-income-weighted distribution ($\mWgtDstnMarg$)
from builtins import range
import numpy as np
from copy import deepcopy

# Now, bring in what we need from the cstwMPC parameters
import HARK.cstwMPC.SetupParamsCSTW as cstwParams
from HARK.utilities import approxUniform

## Import the HARK ConsumerType we want
## Here, we bring in an agent making a consumption/savings decision every period, subject
## to transitory and permanent income shocks.
from HARK.ConsumptionSaving.ConsIndShockModel import IndShockConsumerType

# Now initialize a baseline consumer type, using default parameters from infinite horizon cstwMPC
BaselineType = IndShockConsumerType(**cstwParams.init_infinite)
BaselineType.AgentCount = 10000  # Assign the baseline consumer type to have many agents in simulation

Now, add in ex-ante heterogeneity in consumers' discount factors

# The cstwMPC parameters do not define a discount factor, since there is ex-ante heterogeneity
# in the discount factor.  To prepare to create this ex-ante heterogeneity, first create
# the desired number of consumer types
num_consumer_types = 7  # declare the number of types we want
ConsumerTypes = []  # initialize an empty list

for nn in range(num_consumer_types):
    # Now create the types, and append them to the list ConsumerTypes