Beispiel #1
 def test_sum_is_k(self):
     hpc = HPC([49, 240, 1600, 480, 49],
       0.67, 0.25, 0.04,  # connection rates: (in_ec, ec_dg, dg_ca3)
       0.10, 0.01, 0.04,  # firing rates: (ec, dg, ca3)
       0.7, 1, 0.1, 0.5,  # gamma, epsilon, nu, turnover rate
       0.10, 0.95, 0.8, 2.0)  # k_m, k_r, a_i, alpha
     I = np.asarray([[1, -1, 1, -1, 1, -1, 1] * 7], dtype=np.float32)
     result = hpc.kWTA(I, 0.2)
     k = np.round(I.shape[1] * 0.2)
     self.assertEqual(sum(result[0]), k)
Beispiel #2
    def test_equation_unconstrained_hebbian_learning_ca3_out(self):
        hpc = HPC([49, 240, 1600, 480, 49],
                  0.67, 0.25, 0.04,  # connection rates: (in_ec, ec_dg, dg_ca3)
                  0.10, 0.01, 0.04,  # firing rates: (ec, dg, ca3)
                  0.7, 1, 0.1, 0.5,  # gamma, epsilon, nu, turnover rate
                  0.10, 0.95, 0.8, 2.0)  # k_m, k_r, a_i, alpha

        empty_activation_values_l1 = np.zeros_like(hpc.ca3_values.get_value()).astype(np.float32)
        empty_activation_values_l1.put([0, 0], 1)

        empty_activation_values_l2 = np.zeros_like(hpc.output_values.get_value()).astype(np.float32)
        empty_activation_values_l2.put([0, 0], 1)

        current_weight_element = hpc.ca3_out_weights.get_value()[0][0]
        next_weight_element = hpc._gamma * current_weight_element + 1

        self.assertAlmostEqual(hpc.ca3_out_weights.get_value()[0][0], next_weight_element, places=6,
                         msg="Weight update did not correspond to the predicted update value of the equation: "
                             "next_weight_el != w_el : "+str(next_weight_element)+" != " +
Beispiel #3
io_dim = 49

turnover_rate = 0.30  # (Tools.get_parameter_counter() % 18) * 0.02 + 0.32
weighting_dg = 25  # Tools.get_experiment_counter() % 26
_TURNOVER_MODE = 1  # 0 for between every new set. 1 for every set iteration.

# print "TRIAL #", trial, "turnover rate:", turnover_rate
# dims,
# connection_rate_input_ec, perforant_path, mossy_fibers,
#                  firing_rate_ec, firing_rate_dg, firing_rate_ca3,
#                  _gamma, _epsilon, _nu, _turnover_rate, _k_m, _k_r, _a_i, _alpha):
hpc = HPC([io_dim, 240, 1600, 480, io_dim],
          0.67, 0.25, 0.04,  # connection rates: (in_ec, ec_dg, dg_ca3)
          0.10, 0.01, 0.04,  # firing rates: (ec, dg, ca3)
          0.7, 100.0, 0.1, turnover_rate,  # gamma, epsilon, nu, turnover rate
          0.10, 0.95, 0.8, 2.0, weighting_dg,  # k_m, k_r, a_i, alpha. alpha is 2 in 4.1

# ============ Config. X: ============
for i in range(1):
    for train_set_size_ctr in range(2, 3):

        tar_patts = []
        for p in training_patterns_associative[:5*train_set_size_ctr]:

        ann = NeocorticalNetwork(io_dim, 30, io_dim, 0.01, 0.9)

        print "Starting experiment; HPC chaotic recall i iterations and HPC pseudopatterns..."
Beispiel #4
    def test_equation_constrained_hebbian_learning_ec_ca3(self):
        hpc = HPC([49, 240, 1600, 480, 49],
                  0.67, 0.25, 0.04,  # connection rates: (in_ec, ec_dg, dg_ca3)
                  0.10, 0.01, 0.04,  # firing rates: (ec, dg, ca3)
                  0.7, 1, 0.1, 0.5,  # gamma, epsilon, nu, turnover rate
                  0.10, 0.95, 0.8, 2.0)  # k_m, k_r, a_i, alpha

        activation_values_l1 = np.zeros_like(hpc.ec_values.get_value()).astype(np.float32)
        activation_values_l1.put([0, 0], 1)
        activation_values_l1.put([0, 1], 1)

        activation_values_l2 = np.zeros_like(hpc.ca3_values.get_value()).astype(np.float32)
        activation_values_l2.put([0, 0], 1)

        current_weight_element_0 = hpc.ec_ca3_weights.get_value()[0][0]
        next_weight_element_0 = current_weight_element_0 + hpc._nu * (1 - current_weight_element_0)
        current_weight_element_1 = hpc.ec_ca3_weights.get_value()[1][0]
        next_weight_element_1 = current_weight_element_1 + hpc._nu * (1 - current_weight_element_1)

        # wire EC to CA3
        n_rows = hpc.ec_values.get_value(return_internal_type=True).shape[1]
        n_cols = hpc.ca3_values.get_value(return_internal_type=True).shape[1]
        u_next_for_elemwise_ops = [hpc.ca3_values.get_value(return_internal_type=True)[0]] * n_rows
        u_prev_for_elemwise_ops_transposed = [hpc.ec_values.get_value(return_internal_type=True)[0]] * n_cols
        hpc.wire_ec_to_ca3(u_prev_for_elemwise_ops_transposed, u_next_for_elemwise_ops,

        self.assertAlmostEqual(hpc.ec_ca3_weights.get_value()[0][0], next_weight_element_0, places=6,
                         msg="Weight update did not correspond to the predicted update value of the equation: "
                             "next_weight_el_0 != w_el : "+str(next_weight_element_0)+" != " +
        self.assertAlmostEqual(hpc.ec_ca3_weights.get_value()[1][0], next_weight_element_1, places=6,
                         msg="Weight update did not correspond to the predicted update value of the equation: "
                             "next_weight_el_0 != w_el : "+str(next_weight_element_1)+" != " +

        # last element in weight matrix:
        weight_rows = activation_values_l1.shape[1]
        weight_columns = activation_values_l2.shape[1]
        # self.assertEqual(weight_columns, 480, msg="weight columns between ec-ca3 wasn't 480")
        # self.assertEqual(weight_rows, 240, msg="weight rows between ec-ca3 wasn't 240")
        activation_values_l1.put([0, weight_rows-1], 1)  # set last element of activation values to 1
        activation_values_l2.put([0, weight_columns-1], 1)  # set last element of activation values to 1

        current_weight_element = hpc.ec_ca3_weights.get_value()[weight_rows-1][weight_columns-1]
        next_weight_element = current_weight_element + hpc._nu * (1 - current_weight_element)

        # wire EC to CA3
        n_rows = hpc.ec_values.get_value(return_internal_type=True).shape[1]
        n_cols = hpc.ca3_values.get_value(return_internal_type=True).shape[1]
        u_next_for_elemwise_ops = [hpc.ca3_values.get_value(return_internal_type=True)[0]] * n_rows
        u_prev_for_elemwise_ops_transposed = [hpc.ec_values.get_value(return_internal_type=True)[0]] * n_cols
        hpc.wire_ec_to_ca3(u_prev_for_elemwise_ops_transposed, u_next_for_elemwise_ops,

        self.assertAlmostEqual(hpc.ec_ca3_weights.get_value()[weight_rows-1][weight_columns-1], next_weight_element,
                               places=6, msg="Weight update did not correspond to the predicted update value of the "
                                             "equation: next_weight_el != w_el : "+str(next_weight_element)+" != " +
Beispiel #5
io_dim = 49

turnover_rate = 0.30  # (Tools.get_parameter_counter() % 18) * 0.02 + 0.32
weighting_dg = 25  # Tools.get_experiment_counter() % 26
_TURNOVER_MODE = 1  # 0 for between every new set. 1 for every set iteration.

# print "TRIAL #", trial, "turnover rate:", turnover_rate
# dims,
# connection_rate_input_ec, perforant_path, mossy_fibers,
#                  firing_rate_ec, firing_rate_dg, firing_rate_ca3,
#                  _gamma, _epsilon, _nu, _turnover_rate, _k_m, _k_r, _a_i, _alpha):
hpc = HPC([io_dim, 240, 1600, 480, io_dim],
          0.67, 0.25, 0.04,  # connection rates: (in_ec, ec_dg, dg_ca3)
          0.10, 0.01, 0.04,  # firing rates: (ec, dg, ca3)
          0.7, 100.0, 0.1, turnover_rate,  # gamma, epsilon, nu, turnover rate
          0.10, 0.95, 0.8, 2.0, weighting_dg,  # k_m, k_r, a_i, alpha. alpha is 2 in 4.1

# ============ Config. 1: ============
for i in range(6):
    for train_set_size_ctr in range(2, 6):

        tar_patts = []
        for p in training_patterns_associative[:5*train_set_size_ctr]:

        print "Starting experiment 4.1, HPC chaotic recall i iters and HPC pseudopatterns..."
        # This also saves the experiment results:
        # relative frequency as in successful 2x5 goodness of fit.