class TemplatePanel(ComplexPanel):
        Panel which allows you to attach or insert widgets into
        a pre-defined template.
        We don't do any caching of our own, since the browser will
        do caching for us, and probably more efficiently.
    templateRoot = ""
    """Set staticRoot to change the base path of all the templates that are loaded; templateRoot should have a trailing slash"""
    def __init__(self, templateName, allowEdit=False):
        self.loaded = False # Set after widgets are attached
        self.widgetsAttached = False = None
        self.templateName = None
        self.title = None
        self.elementsById = {}
        self.metaTags = {}
        self.body = None
        self.links = []
        self.forms = []
        self.metaTagList = []
        self.loadListeners = []
        self.toAttach = []
        self.toInsert = []
        self.editor = None
        self.allowEdit = allowEdit
        if templateName:
    def getTemplatePath(self, templateName):
        return self.templateRoot+'tpl/'+templateName+'.html'
    def loadTemplate(self, templateName):
        self.templateName = templateName = templateName + str(hash(self))
        self.httpReq = HTTPRequest()
        self.httpReq.asyncGet(self.getTemplatePath(templateName), TemplateLoader(self))
    def getCurrentTemplate(self):
        """Return the template that is currently loaded, or is loading"""
        return self.templateName
    def isLoaded(self):
        """Return True if the template is finished loading"""
        return self.loaded
    def areWidgetsAttached(self):
        """Return True if the template is loaded and attachWidgets() has been called"""
        return self.widgetsAttached
    def setTemplateText(self, text):
        Set the template text; if the template is not HTML, a subclass could override this
        to pre-process the text into HTML before passing it to the default implementation.
        if self.allowEdit:
            self.originalText = text
        # If we have children, remove them all first since we are trashing their DOM
        for child in List(self.children):
        DOM.setInnerHTML(self.getElement(), text)
        self.elementsById = {}
        self.links = []
        self.metaTags = {}
        self.forms = []
        self.metaTagList = []
        # Make the ids unique and store a pointer to each named element
        for node in DOM.walkChildren(self.getElement()):
            #console.log("Passing node with name %s", node.nodeName)
            if node.nodeName == "META":
                name = node.getAttribute("name")
                content = node.getAttribute("content")
                console.log("Found meta %o name %s content %s", node, name, content)
                self.metaTags[name] = content
            elif node.nodeName == "BODY":
                self.body = node
            elif node.nodeName == "TITLE":
                self.title = DOM.getInnerText(node)
            elif node.nodeName == "FORM":

            nodeId = DOM.getAttribute(node, "id")
            if nodeId:
                self.elementsById[nodeId] = node
                DOM.setAttribute(node, "id",":"
            nodeHref = DOM.getAttribute(node, "href")
            if nodeHref:
        self.loaded = True
        if self.attached:
            self.widgetsAttached = True
        if self.allowEdit:
            self.editor = None
            self.editButton = Label("edit "+unescape(self.templateName))
            self.editButton.addClickListener(EventDelegate("onClick", self, self.onEditContentClick))
            ComplexPanel.insert(self, self.editButton, self.getElement(), len(self.children))

    def onError(self, html, statusCode):
        if statusCode == 404 and self.allowEdit:
            self.editor = None
            self.originalText = ""
            DOM.setInnerHTML(self.getElement(), '')
            self.editButton = Label("create "+unescape(self.templateName))
            self.editButton.addClickListener(EventDelegate("onClick", self, self.onEditContentClick))
            ComplexPanel.insert(self, self.editButton, self.getElement(), len(self.children))
        # Show the page we got in an iframe, which will hopefully show the error better than we can.
        # DOM.setInnerHTML(self.getElement(), '<iframe src="'+self.getTemplatePath(self.templateName)+'"/>')
    def onTimeout(self, text):
        self.onError("Page loading timed out: "+text)
    def getElementsById(self):
        """Return a dict mapping an id to an element with that id inside the template; useful for post-processing"""
        return self.elementsById
    def getLinks(self):
        """Return a list of all the A HREF= elements found in the template."""
        return self.links
    def getForms(self):
        """Return a list of all the FORM elements found in the template."""
        return self.forms
    def onAttach(self):    
        if not self.attached:
            if self.loaded and not self.widgetsAttached:
                self.widgetsAttached = True
    def attachWidgets(self):
        Attach and insert widgets into the DOM now that it has been loaded.  If any
        widgets were attached before loading, they will have been queued and the 
        default implementation will attach them.
        Override this in subclasses to attach your own widgets after loading.
        for attach in self.toAttach:
            self.attach(, attach.widget)
        for insert in self.toInsert:
            self.insert(, insert.widget)
    def getElementById(self, id):
        return self.elementsById[id]
    def insert(self, id, widget):
            Insert a widget into the element with the given id, at the end
            of its children.
        if not self.loaded:
            self.toInsert.append(PendingAttachOrInsert(id, widget))
            element = self.getElementById(id)
            if element:
                self.adopt(widget, element)
                console.error("Page error: No such element "+id)
            return widget
    def attachToElement(self, element, widget):    
        events = DOM.getEventsSunk(widget.getElement())
        self.adopt(widget, None)
    def replaceElement(self, element, widget):
        Replace an existing element with the given widget
        DOM.getParent(element).replaceChild(widget.getElement(), element)
        self.adopt(widget, None)
    def attach(self, id, widget):
            Attach a widget onto the element with the given id; the element
            currently associated with the widget is discarded.
        if not self.loaded:
            self.toAttach.append(PendingAttachOrInsert(id, widget))
            element = self.getElementById(id)
            if element:
                self.attachToElement(element, widget)
                console.error("Page error: No such element "+id)
            return widget
    def getMeta(self, name):
        Get the value of a meta-variable found in the template, or None if
        no meta tags were found with the given name.
        return self.metaTags.get(name)
    def getTitle(self):
        Return a user-friendly title for the page
        if self.title: return self.title
        else: return self.templateName
    def addLoadListener(self, listener):
        The listener should be a function or an object implementing onTemplateLoaded.
        It will be called this TemplatePanel instance after the template has been
        loaded and after attachWidgets() is called.
    def removeLoadListener(self, listener):
    def notifyLoadListeners(self):
        for listener in self.loadListeners:
            if listener.onTemplateLoaded: listener.onTemplateLoaded(self)
            else: listener(self)
    def onEditContentClick(self, sender):
        if self.editor:
            editor = self.editor
            self.editor = None
            ComplexPanel.remove(self, editor)
            self.editButton.setText("edit "+unescape(self.templateName))
            self.editor = RichTextEditor(self.originalText)
            ComplexPanel.insert(self, self.editor, self.getElement(), len(self.children))
            self.editButton.setText("close editor")
    def getTemplateSaveUrl(self, templateName):
        Get the URL to post a template to when it is saved in the editor.
        return self.getTemplatePath(templateName)
    def saveTemplateText(self, html):
        Save the text.  This method can be overridden to use a different
        save method.  The default is to POST to the template save URL, passing
        a single parameter "content" with the html string.
        To change the target of the POST, override getTemplateSaveUrl().
        To preprocess the html, override this method in a subclass and perform
        processing there.
    def onSave(self, sender):
        Called when the user clicks save in the content editor.
        html = self.editor.getHTML()
    def onSaveComplete(self):
        Called when the template was successfully POSTed to the server; it reloads the template.
        Subclasses which don't use the default method of saving may want to call this after
        they successfully save the template.