Beispiel #1
## Herwig++ config for the MRSTMCal UE-EE-5 tune series with a NNPDF3.0 NLO ME PDF with NLO events read from an LHEF file

from Herwigpp_i import config as hw
genSeq.Herwigpp.Commands += hw.lhef_cmds(filename="events.lhe", nlo=True).splitlines()
Beispiel #2

from Herwigpp_i import config as hw
cmds = hw.energy_cmds(runArgs.ecmEnergy) + hw.base_cmds() \
    + hw.nlo_pdf_cmds("CT10f4.LHgrid", "cteq6ll.LHpdf") \
    + hw.ue_tune_cmds("UE-EE-5-CTEQ6L1") \
    + hw.lhef_cmds(filename="events.lhe", nlo=True)
genSeq.Herwigpp.Commands += cmds.splitlines()
del cmds

from Herwigpp_i import config as hw
cmds = hw.energy_cmds(runArgs.ecmEnergy) + hw.base_cmds() \
    + hw.nlo_pdf_cmds("CT10f4.LHgrid", "cteq6ll.LHpdf") \
    + hw.ue_tune_cmds("UE-EE-5-CTEQ6L1") \
    + hw.lhef_cmds(filename="events.lhe", nlo=True) 
genSeq.Herwigpp.Commands += cmds.splitlines()
del cmds
Beispiel #4
## Job options file for Herwig++, reading an NLO Les Houches Accord event file


# ## Control log levels
# svcMgr.MessageSvc.OutputLevel = DEBUG

## Add H++ to the job list
from Herwigpp_i.Herwigpp_iConf import Herwigpp
topAlg += Herwigpp()

## Get basic Herwig++ Atlas tune params
from Herwigpp_i import config as hw
cmds = hw.energy_cmds(7000) + hw.base_cmds() + \
    hw.nlo_pdf_cmds("CT10.LHgrid", "cteq6ll.LHpdf") + hw.ue_tune_cmds("CTEQ6L1-UE-EE-7000-3") + \

## Add to commands
cmds += """
## Some particle decay modes
# cd /Herwig/Particles
# set b:Stable Stable
# set bbar:Stable Stable
# set tau+:Stable Stable
# set tau-:Stable Stable
# set t:Synchronized Not_synchronized
# set tbar:Synchronized Not_synchronized

# setup t     6 t    174.2 1.5759 14 0  2  3 2 0
# setup tbar -6 tbar 174.2 1.5759 14 0 -2 -3 2 0
## Job options file for Herwig++, reading a Les Houches Accord event file


# ## Control log levels
# svcMgr.MessageSvc.OutputLevel = DEBUG

## Add H++ to the job list
from Herwigpp_i.Herwigpp_iConf import Herwigpp
topAlg += Herwigpp()

## Get basic Herwig++ Atlas tune params
from Herwigpp_i import config as hw
cmds = hw.energy_cmds(7000) + hw.base_cmds() + \
       hw.lo_pdf_cmds("cteq6ll.LHpdf") + hw.ue_tune_cmds("CTEQ6L1-UE-EE-7000-3") + \

## Set commands
topAlg.Herwigpp.Commands = cmds.splitlines()