Beispiel #1
 def unassign(self, *users: Set[GitHubUser]):
     Removes the user from the assignees of the issue.
     :param users: Username of the user to be unassigned.
     url = self._url + '/assignees'
     delete(self._token, url,
            {'assignees': [user.username for user in users]}) = get(self._token, self._url)
Beispiel #2
    def delete_hook(self, url: str):
        Deletes all webhooks to the given URL.

        :param url: The URL to not fire the webhook to anymore.
        :raises RuntimeError: If something goes wrong (network, auth...).
        hook_url = self._url + '/hooks'
        hooks = get(self._token, hook_url)

        # Do not use self.hooks since id of the hook is needed
        for hook in hooks:
            if hook['config'].get('url', None) == url:
                delete(self._token, hook_url + '/' + str(hook['id']))
Beispiel #3
    def delete(self, message: str, branch: Optional[str] = None):
        Deletes content

        :param message: The commit message for the deletion commit.
        :param branch:  The branch to delete this content from. Defaults to
        if branch is None:
            branch = 'master'

        data = {
            'path': self._url,
            'message': message,
            'branch': branch
        delete(token=self._token, url=self._url, params=data)
Beispiel #4
    def delete_label(self, name: str):
        Deletes a label.

        Take a given repository:

        >>> from os import environ
        >>> repo = GitHubRepository(GitHubToken(environ['GITHUB_TEST_TOKEN']),
        ...                         'gitmate-test-user/test')
        >>> sorted(repo.get_labels())
        ['a', 'b', 'c']

        Let's create a label 'd':

        >>> repo.create_label('d', '#555555')
        >>> sorted(repo.get_labels())
        ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']

        >>> repo.delete_label('d')
        >>> sorted(repo.get_labels())
        ['a', 'b', 'c']

        If the label doesn't exist it won't get silently dropped - no! You will
        get an exception.

        >>> repo.delete_label('d')
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        IGitt.ElementDoesntExistError: d doesnt exist.

        :param name: The caption of the label to delete.
        :raises ElementDoesntExistError: If the label doesn't exist.
        :raises RuntimeError: If something goes wrong (network, auth...).
        if name not in self.get_labels():
            raise ElementDoesntExistError(name + ' doesnt exist.')

        delete(self._token, self._url + '/labels/' + name)
Beispiel #5
 def delete(self):
     Deletes the repository
     delete(self._token, self._url)
Beispiel #6
 def delete(self):
     Deletes the comment.
     delete(self._token, self._url)
Beispiel #7
 def unsubscribe(self):
     Unsubscribe from this subject.
     delete(self._token, self._url + '/' + 'subscription')