Beispiel #1
class UserJob(Job):
  """ User job class. To be used by users, not for production.
  def __init__(self, script = None):
    super(UserJob, self).__init__( script )
    self.type = 'User'
    self.diracinstance = None
  def submit(self, diracinstance = None, mode = "wms"):
    """ Submit call: when your job is defined, and all applications are set, you need to call this to
    add the job to DIRAC.
    res = self._addToWorkflow()
    if not res['OK']:
      return res
    self.oktosubmit = True
    if not diracinstance:
      self.diracinstance = DiracILC()
      self.diracinstance = diracinstance
    return self.diracinstance.submit(self, mode)
  def setInputData( self, lfns ):
    """Helper function.

       Specify input data by Logical File Name (LFN).

       Example usage:

       >>> job = Job()
       >>> job.setInputData(['/ilc/prod/whizard/processlist.whiz'])

       @param lfns: Logical File Names
       @type lfns: Single LFN string or list of LFNs
    if type( lfns ) == list and len( lfns ):
      for i in xrange( len( lfns ) ):
        lfns[i] = lfns[i].replace( 'LFN:', '' )
      inputData = map( lambda x: 'LFN:' + x, lfns )
      inputDataStr = string.join( inputData, ';' )
      description = 'List of input data specified by LFNs'
      self._addParameter( self.workflow, 'InputData', 'JDL', inputDataStr, description )
    elif type( lfns ) == type( ' ' ):  #single LFN
      description = 'Input data specified by LFN'
      self._addParameter( self.workflow, 'InputData', 'JDL', lfns, description )
      kwargs = {'lfns':lfns}
      return self._reportError( 'Expected lfn string or list of lfns for input data', **kwargs )

    return S_OK()
  def setInputSandbox(self, flist):
    """ Mostly inherited from DIRAC.Job
    if type(flist) == type(""):
      flist = [flist]
    if not type(flist) == type([]) :
      return self._reportError("File passed must be either single file or list of files.") 
    return S_OK()

  def setOutputData(self, lfns, OutputPath = '', OutputSE = ['']):
    """Helper function, used in preference to Job.setOutputData() for ILC.

       For specifying output data to be registered in Grid storage.  If a list
       of OutputSEs are specified the job wrapper will try each in turn until

       Example usage:

       >>> job = Job()
       >>> job.setOutputData(['Ntuple.root'])

       @param lfns: Output data file or files
       @type lfns: Single string or list of strings ['','']
       @param OutputSE: Optional parameter to specify the Storage
       @param OutputPath: Optional parameter to specify the Path in the Storage, postpented to /ilc/user/u/username/
       Element to store data or files, e.g. CERN-tape
       @type OutputSE: string or list
       @type OutputPath: string
    kwargs = {'lfns' : lfns, 'OutputSE' : OutputSE, 'OutputPath' : OutputPath}
    if type(lfns) == list and len(lfns):
      outputDataStr = string.join(lfns, ';')
      description = 'List of output data files'
      self._addParameter(self.workflow, 'UserOutputData', 'JDL', outputDataStr, description)
    elif type(lfns) == type(" "):
      description = 'Output data file'
      self._addParameter(self.workflow, 'UserOutputData', 'JDL', lfns, description)
      return self._reportError('Expected file name string or list of file names for output data', **kwargs)

    if OutputSE:
      description = 'User specified Output SE'
      if type(OutputSE) in types.StringTypes:
        OutputSE = [OutputSE]
      elif type(OutputSE) != types.ListType:
        return self._reportError('Expected string or list for OutputSE', **kwargs)
      OutputSE = ';'.join(OutputSE)
      self._addParameter(self.workflow, 'UserOutputSE', 'JDL', OutputSE, description)

    if OutputPath:
      description = 'User specified Output Path'
      if not type(OutputPath) in types.StringTypes:
        return self._reportError('Expected string for OutputPath', **kwargs)
      # Remove leading "/" that might cause problems with os.path.join
      while OutputPath[0] == '/': 
        OutputPath = OutputPath[1:]
      if OutputPath.count("ilc/user"):
        return self._reportError('Output path contains /ilc/user/ which is not what you want', **kwargs)
      self._addParameter(self.workflow, 'UserOutputPath', 'JDL', OutputPath, description)

    return S_OK()
  def setOutputSandbox( self, files ):
    """Helper function.

       Specify output sandbox files.  If specified files are over 10MB, these
       may be uploaded to Grid storage with a notification returned in the
       output sandbox.

       Example usage:

       >>> job = Job()
       >>> job.setOutputSandbox(['*.log','myfile.slcio'])

       @param files: Output sandbox files
       @type files: Single string or list of strings ['','']

    if type( files ) == list and len( files ):
      fileList = string.join( files, ";" )
      description = 'Output sandbox file list'
      self._addParameter( self.workflow, 'OutputSandbox', 'JDL', fileList, description )
    elif type( files ) == type( " " ):
      description = 'Output sandbox file'
      self._addParameter( self.workflow, 'OutputSandbox', 'JDL', files, description )
      kwargs = {'files' : files}
      return self._reportError( 'Expected file string or list of files for output sandbox contents', **kwargs )

    return S_OK()
  def setILDConfig(self,Version):
    """ Define the Configuration package to obtain
    appName = 'ILDConfig'
    self._addSoftware(appName.lower(), Version)
    self._addParameter( self.workflow, 'ILDConfigPackage', 'JDL', appName+Version, 'ILDConfig package' )
    return S_OK()
Beispiel #2
class UserJob(Job):
    """ User job class. To be used by users, not for production.
    def __init__(self, script=None):
        super(UserJob, self).__init__(script)
        self.type = 'User'
        self.diracinstance = None
        self.usergroup = ['ilc_user', 'calice_user']
        self.proxyinfo = getProxyInfo()

        ########## SPLITTING STUFF: ATTRIBUTES ##########
        self._data = []
        self.splittingOption = None
        self._switch = {}
        self.numberOfJobs = None
        self.totalNumberOfEvents = None
        self.eventsPerJob = None
        self.numberOfFilesPerJob = 1

    def submit(self, diracinstance=None, mode="wms"):
        """ Submit call: when your job is defined, and all applications are set, you need to call this to
    add the job to DIRAC.

    :param diracinstance: DiracILC instance
    :type diracinstance: ~ILCDIRAC.Interfaces.API.DiracILC.DiracILC
    :param str mode: "wms" (default), "agent", or "local"

    .. note ::
      The *local* mode means that the job will be run on the submission machine. Use this mode for testing of submission scripts

        if self.splittingOption:
            result = self._split()
            if 'OK' in result and not result['OK']:
                return result

        #Check the credentials. If no proxy or not user proxy, return an error
        if not self.proxyinfo['OK']:
                "Not allowed to submit a job, you need a %s proxy." %
            return self._reportError(
                "Not allowed to submit a job, you need a %s proxy." %
                self.usergroup, self.__class__.__name__)
        if 'group' in self.proxyinfo['Value']:
            group = self.proxyinfo['Value']['group']
            if group not in self.usergroup:
                    "Not allowed to submit a job, you need a %s proxy." %
                return self._reportError(
                    "Not allowed to submit job, you need a %s proxy." %
                    self.usergroup, self.__class__.__name__)
                "Could not determine group, you do not have the right proxy.")
            return self._reportError(
                "Could not determine group, you do not have the right proxy.")

        res = self._addToWorkflow()
        if not res['OK']:
            return res
        self.oktosubmit = True
        if not diracinstance:
            self.diracinstance = DiracILC()
            self.diracinstance = diracinstance
        return self.diracinstance.submit(self, mode)

    def setInputData(self, lfns):
        """Specify input data by Logical File Name (LFN).

    Input files specified via this function will be automatically staged if necessary.

    Example usage:

    >>> job = UserJob()
    >>> job.setInputData(['/ilc/prod/whizard/processlist.whiz'])

    :param lfns: Logical File Names
    :type lfns: Single LFN string or list of LFNs
        if isinstance(lfns, list) and lfns:
            for i, lfn in enumerate(lfns):
                lfns[i] = lfn.replace('LFN:', '')
            #inputData = map( lambda x: 'LFN:' + x, lfns )
            inputData = lfns  #because we don't need the LFN: for inputData, and it breaks the
            #resolution of the metadata in the InputFilesUtilities
            inputDataStr = ';'.join(inputData)
            description = 'List of input data specified by LFNs'
            self._addParameter(self.workflow, 'InputData', 'JDL', inputDataStr,
        elif isinstance(lfns, basestring):  #single LFN
            description = 'Input data specified by LFN'
            self._addParameter(self.workflow, 'InputData', 'JDL', lfns,
            kwargs = {'lfns': lfns}
            return self._reportError(
                'Expected lfn string or list of lfns for input data', **kwargs)

        return S_OK()

    def setInputSandbox(self, flist):
        """ Add files to the input sandbox, can be on the local machine or on the grid

    >>> job = UserJob()
    >>> job.setInputSandbox( ['LFN:/ilc/user/u/username/libraries.tar.gz',
    >>>                       'mySteeringFile.xml'] )

    :param flist: Files for the inputsandbox
    :type flist: `python:list` or `str`
        if isinstance(flist, basestring):
            flist = [flist]
        if not isinstance(flist, list):
            return self._reportError(
                "File passed must be either single file or list of files.")
        return S_OK()

    def setOutputData(self, lfns, OutputPath='', OutputSE=''):
        """For specifying output data to be registered in Grid storage.  If a list
    of OutputSEs are specified the job wrapper will try each in turn until

    Example usage:

    >>> job = UserJob()
    >>> job.setOutputData(['Ntuple.root'])

    :param lfns: Output data file or files
    :type lfns: Single `str` or `python:list` of strings ['','']
    :param str OutputPath: Optional parameter to specify the Path in the Storage, postpended to /ilc/user/u/username/
    :param OutputSE: Optional parameter to specify the Storage Element to store data or files, e.g. CERN-SRM
    :type OutputSE: `python:list` or `str`
        kwargs = {'lfns': lfns, 'OutputSE': OutputSE, 'OutputPath': OutputPath}
        if isinstance(lfns, list) and lfns:
            outputDataStr = ';'.join(lfns)
            description = 'List of output data files'
            self._addParameter(self.workflow, 'UserOutputData', 'JDL',
                               outputDataStr, description)
        elif isinstance(lfns, basestring):
            description = 'Output data file'
            self._addParameter(self.workflow, 'UserOutputData', 'JDL', lfns,
            return self._reportError(
                'Expected file name string or list of file names for output data',

        if OutputSE:
            description = 'User specified Output SE'
            if isinstance(OutputSE, basestring):
                OutputSE = [OutputSE]
            elif not isinstance(OutputSE, list):
                return self._reportError(
                    'Expected string or list for OutputSE', **kwargs)
            OutputSE = ';'.join(OutputSE)
            self._addParameter(self.workflow, 'UserOutputSE', 'JDL', OutputSE,

        if OutputPath:
            description = 'User specified Output Path'
            if not isinstance(OutputPath, basestring):
                return self._reportError('Expected string for OutputPath',
            # Remove leading "/" that might cause problems with os.path.join
            while OutputPath[0] == '/':
                OutputPath = OutputPath[1:]
            if OutputPath.count("ilc/user"):
                return self._reportError(
                    'Output path contains /ilc/user/ which is not what you want',
            self._addParameter(self.workflow, 'UserOutputPath', 'JDL',
                               OutputPath, description)

        return S_OK()

    def setOutputSandbox(self, files):
        """Specify output sandbox files.  If specified files are over 10MB, these
    may be uploaded to Grid storage with a notification returned in the
    output sandbox.

    .. Note ::
       Sandbox files are removed after 2 weeks.

    Example usage:

    >>> job = UserJob()
    >>> job.setOutputSandbox(['*.log','*.sh', 'myfile.txt'])

    Use the output sandbox only for small files. Larger files should be stored
    on the grid and downloaded later if necessary. See :func:`setOutputData`

    :param files: Output sandbox files
    :type files: Single `str` or `python:list` of strings ['','']

        if isinstance(files, list) and files:
            fileList = ";".join(files)
            description = 'Output sandbox file list'
            self._addParameter(self.workflow, 'OutputSandbox', 'JDL', fileList,
        elif isinstance(files, basestring):
            description = 'Output sandbox file'
            self._addParameter(self.workflow, 'OutputSandbox', 'JDL', files,
            kwargs = {'files': files}
            return self._reportError(
                'Expected file string or list of files for output sandbox contents',

        return S_OK()

    def setILDConfig(self, version):
        """ Define the Configuration package to obtain
        appName = 'ILDConfig'
        self._addSoftware(appName.lower(), version)

        self._addParameter(self.workflow, 'ILDConfigPackage', 'JDL',
                           appName + version, 'ILDConfig package')
        return S_OK()

    def setCLICConfig(self, version):
        """Define the CLIC Configuration package to obtain, copies steering files
    from CLIC Configuration folder to working directory

    :param str version: version string, e.g.: 'ILCSoft-2017-07-27'
        appName = 'ClicConfig'
        self._addSoftware(appName.lower(), version)

        self._addParameter(self.workflow, 'ClicConfigPackage', 'JDL',
                           appName + version, 'CLIC Config package')
        return S_OK()

    ##############################  SPLITTING STUFF: METHODS ################################
    # Some methods have been added :
    # * _atomicSubmission
    # * _checkJobConsistency
    # * setSplitEvents
    # * setSplitInputData
    # * setSplitDoNotAlterOutputFilename
    # * _split
    # * _splitByData
    # * _splitByEvents
    # * _toInt
    # Given the type of splitting (Events or Data), these methods compute
    # the right parameters of the method 'Job.setParameterSequence()'
    def setSplitEvents(self,
        """This function sets split parameters for doing splitting over events

    Example usage:

    >>> job = UserJob()
    >>> job.setSplitEvents( numberOfJobs=42, totalNumberOfEvents=126 )

    Exactly two of the parmeters should be set
    :param int eventsPerJob: The events processed by a single job
    :param int numberOfJobs: The number of jobs
    :param int totalNumberOfEvents: The total number of events processed by all jobs


        self.totalNumberOfEvents = totalNumberOfEvents
        self.eventsPerJob = eventsPerJob
        self.numberOfJobs = numberOfJobs

        self._addParameter(self.workflow, 'NbOfEvts', 'JDL', -1,
                           'Number of Events')

        self.splittingOption = "byEvents"

    def setSplitInputData(self, lfns, numberOfFilesPerJob=1):
        """sets split parameters for doing splitting over input data
    Example usage:

    >>> job = UserJob()
    >>> job.setSplitInputData( listOfLFNs )

    :param lfns: Logical File Names
    :type lfns: list of LFNs
    :param int numberOfFilesPerJob: The number of input data processed by a single job

        self._data = lfns if isinstance(lfns, list) else [lfns]
        self.numberOfFilesPerJob = numberOfFilesPerJob

        self.splittingOption = "byData"

    def setSplitDoNotAlterOutputFilename(self, value=True):
        """if this option is set the output data lfns will _not_ include the JobIndex

    :param bool value: if *True* disable the changing of the output data
        filenames. If *False* the JobIndex will be added at the end of
        OutputData LFNs before the extension. Or replace '%n' with the jobIndex
        in the fileName. See :func:`Core.Utilities.Splitting.addJobIndexToFilename`
        self._addParameter(self.workflow, 'DoNotAlterOutputData', 'JDL', value,
                           'Do Not Change Output Data')

    def _split(self):
        """checks the consistency of the job and call the right split method.

    :return: The success or the failure of the consistency checking


        self.eventsPerJob = self._toInt(self.eventsPerJob)
        self.numberOfJobs = self._toInt(self.numberOfJobs)

        if self.numberOfJobs is False or self.eventsPerJob is False:
            return self._reportError("Splitting: Invalid values for splitting")

        # FIXME: move somewhere more prominent
        self._switch = {
            "byEvents": self._splitByEvents,
            "byData": self._splitByData,
            None: self._atomicSubmission,
        }"Job splitting...")

        if not self._checkJobConsistency():
            errorMessage = "Job._checkJobConsistency() failed"
            return self._reportError(errorMessage)

        sequence = self._switch[self.splittingOption]()

        if not sequence:
            errorMessage = "Job._splitBySomething() failed"
            return self._reportError(errorMessage)

        sequenceType, sequenceList, addToWorkflow = sequence[0], sequence[
            1], sequence[2]

        if sequenceType != "Atomic":
            self.setParameterSequence(sequenceType, sequenceList,
            self._addParameter(self.workflow, 'JobIndex', 'int', 0, 'JobIndex')"Job splitting successful")

        return S_OK()

    def _atomicSubmission(self):
        """called when no splitting is necessary, do not return valid parameters fot setParameterSequence().
    :return: parameter name and parameter values for setParameterSequence(), addToWorkflow flag
    :rtype: tuple of (str, list, bool/str)

            "Job splitting: No splitting to apply, 'atomic submission' will be used"
        return "Atomic", [], False

    def _checkJobConsistency(self):
        """checks if Job parameters are valid.

    :return: The success or the failure of the consistency checking
    :rtype: bool


    >>> self._checkJobConsistency()

    """"Job consistency: _checkJobConsistency()...")

        if self.splittingOption not in self._switch:
            splitOptions = ",".join(self._switch.keys())
            errorMessage = "checkJobConsistency failed: Bad split value: possible values are %s" % splitOptions
            return False

        # All applications should have the same number of events
        # We can get this number from the first application for example
        sameNumberOfEvents = next(iter(self.applicationlist)).numberOfEvents

        if not all(app.numberOfEvents == sameNumberOfEvents
                   for app in self.applicationlist):
                "Job: Applications should all have the same number of events")

        if (self.totalNumberOfEvents == -1
                or sameNumberOfEvents == -1) and not self._data:
                "Job: Number of events is -1 without input data. Was that intentional?"
            )"job._checkJobConsistency successful")

        return True

    def _splitByData(self):
        """a job is submitted per input data.

    :return: parameter name and parameter values for setParameterSequence()
    :rtype: tuple of (str, list, bool/str)


        # reset split attribute to avoid infinite loop
        self.splittingOption = None"Job splitting: Splitting 'byData' method...")

        # Ensure that data have been specified by setInputData() method
        if not self._data:
            errorMessage = "Job splitting: missing input data"
            return False

        if self.numberOfFilesPerJob > len(self._data):
            errorMessage = "Job splitting: 'numberOfFilesPerJob' must be less/equal than the number of input data"
            return False

        self._data = breakListIntoChunks(self._data, self.numberOfFilesPerJob)"Job splitting: submission consists of %d job(s)" %

        return ["InputData", self._data, 'ParametricInputData']

    def _splitByEvents(self):
        """a job is submitted per subset of events.
    :return: parameter name and parameter values for setParameterSequence()
    :rtype: tuple of (str, list, bool/str)


        # reset split attribute to avoid infinite loop
        self.splittingOption = None"Job splitting: splitting 'byEvents' method...")

        if self.eventsPerJob and self.numberOfJobs:
            # 1st case: (numberOfJobs=3, eventsPerJob=10)
            # trivial case => each job (total of 3) run applications of 10 events each
            self.log.debug("Job splitting: events per job and number of jobs")

            mapEventJob = [self.eventsPerJob] * self.numberOfJobs

        elif self.eventsPerJob and self.totalNumberOfEvents:
            # 2nd case: (split="byEvents", eventsPerJob=10, totalNumberOfEvents=10)
            # Given the number of events per job and total of number of event we want,
            # we can compute the unknown which is the number of jobs.

                "Job splitting: Events per job and total number of events")

            if self.eventsPerJob > self.totalNumberOfEvents:
                    "Job splitting: The number of events per job has to be lower than or equal to the total number of events"
                return False

            numberOfJobsIntDiv = self.totalNumberOfEvents / self.eventsPerJob
            numberOfJobsRest = self.totalNumberOfEvents % self.eventsPerJob

            mapEventJob = [self.eventsPerJob] * numberOfJobsIntDiv

            mapEventJob += [numberOfJobsRest] if numberOfJobsRest != 0 else []


            # 3rd case: (split='byEvents', njobs=10, totalNumberOfEvents=10)
            # Then compute the right number of events per job
                "Job splitting: The number of jobs and the total number of events"

            if (not self.totalNumberOfEvents) or (self.totalNumberOfEvents <
                    "Job splitting: The number of events has to be greater than or equal to the number of jobs"
                return False

            eventPerJobIntDiv = self.totalNumberOfEvents / self.numberOfJobs
            eventPerJobRest = self.totalNumberOfEvents % self.numberOfJobs

            mapEventJob = [eventPerJobIntDiv] * self.numberOfJobs

            if eventPerJobRest != 0:
                for suplement in xrange(eventPerJobRest):
                    mapEventJob[suplement] += 1

        self.log.debug("Job splitting: events over the jobs: %s" % mapEventJob)"Job splitting: submission consists of %d job(s)" %

        return ['NumberOfEvents', mapEventJob, 'NbOfEvts']

    def _toInt(self, number):
        """casts number parameter to an integer.

    It also accepts 'string integer' parameter.

    :param number: the number to cast (number of events, number of jobs)
    :type number: str or int

    :return: The success or the failure of the casting
    :rtype: bool, int or None


    >>> number = self._toInt("1000")


        if number is None:
            return number

            number = int(number)
            if number <= 0:
                raise ValueError
        except ValueError:
                "Job splitting: arguments must be positive integers")
            return False

        return number
Beispiel #3
class UserJob(Job):
  """ User job class. To be used by users, not for production.
  def __init__(self, script = None):
    super(UserJob, self).__init__( script )
    self.type = 'User'
    self.diracinstance = None
    self.usergroup = ['ilc_user', 'calice_user']
    self.proxyinfo = getProxyInfo()
  def submit(self, diracinstance = None, mode = "wms"):
    """ Submit call: when your job is defined, and all applications are set, you need to call this to
    add the job to DIRAC.

    :param diracinstance: :any:`DiracILC <ILCDIRAC.Interfaces.API.DiracILC.DiracILC>` instance
    :param string mode: "wms" (default), "agent", or "local"

    .. note ::
      The *local* mode means that the job will be run on the submission machine. Use this mode for testing of submission scripts

    #Check the credentials. If no proxy or not user proxy, return an error
    if not self.proxyinfo['OK']:
      self.log.error("Not allowed to submit a job, you need a %s proxy." % self.usergroup)
      return self._reportError("Not allowed to submit a job, you need a %s proxy." % self.usergroup,
    if self.proxyinfo['Value'].has_key('group'):
      group = self.proxyinfo['Value']['group']
      if not group in self.usergroup:
        self.log.error("Not allowed to submit a job, you need a %s proxy." % self.usergroup)
        return self._reportError("Not allowed to submit job, you need a %s proxy." % self.usergroup,
      self.log.error("Could not determine group, you do not have the right proxy.")       
      return self._reportError("Could not determine group, you do not have the right proxy.")

    res = self._addToWorkflow()
    if not res['OK']:
      return res
    self.oktosubmit = True
    if not diracinstance:
      self.diracinstance = DiracILC()
      self.diracinstance = diracinstance
    return self.diracinstance.submit(self, mode)
  def setInputData( self, lfns ):
    """Specify input data by Logical File Name (LFN).

    Input files specified via this function will be automatically staged if necessary.

    Example usage:

    >>> job = UserJob()
    >>> job.setInputData(['/ilc/prod/whizard/processlist.whiz'])

    :param lfns: Logical File Names
    :type lfns: Single LFN string or list of LFNs
    if type( lfns ) == list and len( lfns ):
      for i in xrange( len( lfns ) ):
        lfns[i] = lfns[i].replace( 'LFN:', '' )
      #inputData = map( lambda x: 'LFN:' + x, lfns )
      inputData = lfns #because we don't need the LFN: for inputData, and it breaks the 
      #resolution of the metadata in the InputFilesUtilities
      inputDataStr = ';'.join( inputData )
      description = 'List of input data specified by LFNs'
      self._addParameter( self.workflow, 'InputData', 'JDL', inputDataStr, description )
    elif type( lfns ) == type( ' ' ):  #single LFN
      description = 'Input data specified by LFN'
      self._addParameter( self.workflow, 'InputData', 'JDL', lfns, description )
      kwargs = {'lfns':lfns}
      return self._reportError( 'Expected lfn string or list of lfns for input data', **kwargs )

    return S_OK()
  def setInputSandbox(self, flist):
    """ Add files to the input sandbox, can be on the local machine or on the grid

    >>> job = UserJob()
    >>> job.setInputSandbox( ['LFN:/ilc/user/u/username/libraries.tar.gz',
    >>>                       'mySteeringFile.xml'] )

    :param flist: Files for the inputsandbox
    :type flist: list or string
    if type(flist) == type(""):
      flist = [flist]
    if not type(flist) == type([]) :
      return self._reportError("File passed must be either single file or list of files.") 
    return S_OK()

  def setOutputData(self, lfns, OutputPath = '', OutputSE = ''):
    """For specifying output data to be registered in Grid storage.  If a list
    of OutputSEs are specified the job wrapper will try each in turn until

    Example usage:

    >>> job = UserJob()
    >>> job.setOutputData(['Ntuple.root'])

    :param lfns: Output data file or files
    :type lfns: Single string or list of strings ['','']
    :param string OutputPath: Optional parameter to specify the Path in the Storage, postpended to /ilc/user/u/username/
    :param OutputSE: Optional parameter to specify the Storage Element to store data or files, e.g. CERN-SRM
    :type OutputSE: string or list
    kwargs = {'lfns' : lfns, 'OutputSE' : OutputSE, 'OutputPath' : OutputPath}
    if type(lfns) == list and len(lfns):
      outputDataStr = ';'.join(lfns)
      description = 'List of output data files'
      self._addParameter(self.workflow, 'UserOutputData', 'JDL', outputDataStr, description)
    elif type(lfns) == type(" "):
      description = 'Output data file'
      self._addParameter(self.workflow, 'UserOutputData', 'JDL', lfns, description)
      return self._reportError('Expected file name string or list of file names for output data', **kwargs)

    if OutputSE:
      description = 'User specified Output SE'
      if type(OutputSE) in types.StringTypes:
        OutputSE = [OutputSE]
      elif type(OutputSE) != types.ListType:
        return self._reportError('Expected string or list for OutputSE', **kwargs)
      OutputSE = ';'.join(OutputSE)
      self._addParameter(self.workflow, 'UserOutputSE', 'JDL', OutputSE, description)

    if OutputPath:
      description = 'User specified Output Path'
      if not type(OutputPath) in types.StringTypes:
        return self._reportError('Expected string for OutputPath', **kwargs)
      # Remove leading "/" that might cause problems with os.path.join
      while OutputPath[0] == '/': 
        OutputPath = OutputPath[1:]
      if OutputPath.count("ilc/user"):
        return self._reportError('Output path contains /ilc/user/ which is not what you want', **kwargs)
      self._addParameter(self.workflow, 'UserOutputPath', 'JDL', OutputPath, description)

    return S_OK()
  def setOutputSandbox( self, files ):
    """Specify output sandbox files.  If specified files are over 10MB, these
    may be uploaded to Grid storage with a notification returned in the
    output sandbox.

    .. Note ::
       Sandbox files are removed after 2 weeks.

    Example usage:

    >>> job = UserJob()
    >>> job.setOutputSandbox(['*.log','*.sh', 'myfile.txt'])

    Use the output sandbox only for small files. Larger files should be stored
    on the grid and downloaded later if necessary. See :func:`setOutputData`

    :param files: Output sandbox files
    :type files: Single string or list of strings ['','']

    if type( files ) == list and len( files ):
      fileList = ";".join( files )
      description = 'Output sandbox file list'
      self._addParameter( self.workflow, 'OutputSandbox', 'JDL', fileList, description )
    elif type( files ) == type( " " ):
      description = 'Output sandbox file'
      self._addParameter( self.workflow, 'OutputSandbox', 'JDL', files, description )
      kwargs = {'files' : files}
      return self._reportError( 'Expected file string or list of files for output sandbox contents', **kwargs )

    return S_OK()
  def setILDConfig(self,version):
    """ Define the Configuration package to obtain
    appName = 'ILDConfig'
    self._addSoftware(appName.lower(), version)
    self._addParameter( self.workflow, 'ILDConfigPackage', 'JDL', appName+version, 'ILDConfig package' )
    return S_OK()