Beispiel #1
def main():

    # Load the UAVO xml files in the workspace
    import taulabs
    uavo_defs = taulabs.uavo_collection.UAVOCollection()

    # Build a new module that will make up the global namespace for the
    # interactive shell.  This allows us to restrict what the ipython shell sees.
    import imp
    user_module = imp.new_module('taulabs_env')
            'operator'  : __import__('operator'),

    # Extend the shell environment to include all of the uavo.UAVO_* classes that were
    # auto-created when the uavo xml files were processed.
    uavo_classes = [(t[0], t[1]) for t in taulabs.uavo.__dict__.iteritems() if 'UAVO_' in t[0]]

    # Build the "user" (ie. local) namespace that the interactive shell
    # will see.  These variables show up in the output of "%whos" in the shell.
    user_ns = {
        'uavo_defs' : uavo_defs,

    import IPython
    from IPython.frontend.terminal.embed import InteractiveShellEmbed
    e = InteractiveShellEmbed(user_ns = user_ns, user_module = user_module)
    e.enable_pylab(import_all = True)
    e("Have a look around.  Your UAVO definitions are in 'uavo_defs'.")
Beispiel #2
def main():
    uavo_list = telemetry.get_telemetry_by_args()

    # retrieve the time from the first object.. also guarantees we can parse
    base_time = next(iter(uavo_list)).time

    # Build a new module that will make up the global namespace for the
    # interactive shell.  This allows us to restrict what the ipython shell sees.
    import imp
    user_module = imp.new_module('dronin_env')
        'operator': __import__('operator'),
        'base_time': base_time,

    # Build the "user" (ie. local) namespace that the interactive shell
    # will see.  These variables show up in the output of "%whos" in the shell.
    user_ns = {
        'base_time': base_time,
        'log_file': uavo_list.filename,
        'githash': uavo_list.githash,
        'uavo_defs': uavo_list.uavo_defs,
        'uavo_list': uavo_list,

    # Extend the shell environment to include all of the uavo.UAVO_* classes that were
    # auto-created when the uavo xml files were processed.
    uavo_classes = [(t[0], t[1]) for t in uavo.__dict__.iteritems()
                    if 'UAVO_' in t[0]]

    # Instantiate an ipython shell to interact with the log data.
    import IPython
    from IPython.frontend.terminal.embed import InteractiveShellEmbed
    e = InteractiveShellEmbed(user_ns=user_ns, user_module=user_module)
    e("Analyzing log file: %s" % uavo_list.filename)
Beispiel #3
def main():
    uavo_list = telemetry.get_telemetry_by_args()

    # retrieve the time from the first object.. also guarantees we can parse
    base_time = next(iter(uavo_list)).time

    # Build a new module that will make up the global namespace for the
    # interactive shell.  This allows us to restrict what the ipython shell sees.
    import imp
    user_module = imp.new_module('dronin_env')
            'operator'  : __import__('operator'),
            'base_time' : base_time,

    # Build the "user" (ie. local) namespace that the interactive shell
    # will see.  These variables show up in the output of "%whos" in the shell.
    user_ns = {
        'base_time' : base_time,
        'log_file'  : uavo_list.filename,
        'githash'   : uavo_list.githash,
        'uavo_defs' : uavo_list.uavo_defs,
        'uavo_list' : uavo_list,

    # Extend the shell environment to include all of the uavo.UAVO_* classes that were
    # auto-created when the uavo xml files were processed.
    uavo_classes = [(t[0], t[1]) for t in uavo.__dict__.iteritems() if 'UAVO_' in t[0]]

    # Instantiate an ipython shell to interact with the log data.
    import IPython
    from IPython.frontend.terminal.embed import InteractiveShellEmbed
    e = InteractiveShellEmbed(user_ns = user_ns, user_module = user_module)
    e.enable_pylab(import_all = True)
    e("Analyzing log file: %s" % uavo_list.filename)
Beispiel #4
def main():
    # Setup the command line arguments.
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(usage = USAGE, description = DESC)

    # Log format indicates this log is using the old file format which
    # embeds the timestamping information between the UAVTalk packet 
    # instead of as part of the packet
    parser.add_argument("-t", "--timestamped",
                        action  = 'store_false',
                        default = True,
                        help    = "indicate that this is an overo log file or some format that has timestamps")

    parser.add_argument("-g", "--githash",
                        action  = "store",
                        dest    = "githash",
                        help    = "override githash for UAVO XML definitions")

    parser.add_argument("-v", "--viewer",
                        action  = 'store_true',
                        default = False,
                        dest    = "viewer",
                        help    = "launch the log viewer gui")

                        nargs = "+",
                        help  = "list of log files for processing")

    # Parse the command-line.
    args = parser.parse_args()

    # Process the source files.
    for src in args.sources:
        print "Reading Log file: %s" % src

        # Open the log file
        src = normalize_path(src)
        import cPickle as pickle
            pickle_name = src + '.pickle'
            pickle_fd = open(pickle_name, 'rb')
            githash = pickle.load(pickle_fd)
            uavo_parsed = pickle.load(pickle_fd)
            print "Recovered %d log entries from git hash '%s' pickled log file '%s'" % (len(uavo_parsed), githash, pickle_name)
            pickle_data_loaded = True
            pickle_data_loaded = False

        if not pickle_data_loaded:
            fd  = open(src, "rb")

            if args.githash is not None:
                githash = args.githash
                # If we specify the log header no need to attempt to parse it

                # Check the header signature
                #    First line is "Tau Labs git hash:"
                #    Second line is the actual git hash
                #    Third line is the UAVO hash
                #    Fourth line is "##"
                sig = fd.readline()
                if sig != 'Tau Labs git hash:\n':
                    print "Source file does not have a recognized header signature"
                    print '|' + sig + '|'
                # Determine the git hash that this log file is based on
                githash = fd.readline()[:-1]
                if githash.find(':') != -1:
                    import re
                    githash =':(\w*)\W', githash).group(1)

                print "Log file is based on git hash: %s" % githash

                uavohash = fd.readline()
                divider = fd.readline()

        print "Exporting UAVO XML files from git repo"

        import taulabs
        uavo_defs = taulabs.uavo_collection.UAVOCollection()

        print "Found %d unique UAVO definitions" % len(uavo_defs)
        parser = taulabs.uavtalk.UavTalk(uavo_defs)

        base_time = None

        if not pickle_data_loaded:
            print "Parsing using the LogFormat: " + `args.timestamped`
            print "Reading log file..."
            uavo_parsed = []
            while fd:
                    if args.timestamped and parser.state == taulabs.uavtalk.UavTalk.STATE_COMPLETE:
                        # This logging format is somewhat of a hack and simply prepends additional
                        # information in front of each UAVTalk packet.  We look for this information
                        # whenever the parser has completed a packet. Note that there is no checksum
                        # applied to this information so it can be totally messed up, especially if 
                        # there is a frame shift error. The internal timestamping method of UAVTalk is
                        # a much better idea.

                        from collections import namedtuple
                        LogHeader = namedtuple('LogHeader', 'time size')

                        # Read the next log record header
                        log_hdr_fmt = "<IQ"
                        log_hdr_data =

                        # Check if we hit the end of the file
                        if len(log_hdr_data) == 0:
                            # Normal End of File (EOF) at a record boundary

                        # Got a log record header.  Unpack it.
                        log_hdr = LogHeader._make(struct.unpack(log_hdr_fmt, log_hdr_data))

                        # Set the baseline timestamp from the first record in the log file
                        if base_time is None:
                            base_time = log_hdr.time


                    if parser.state == taulabs.uavtalk.UavTalk.STATE_COMPLETE:
                        if args.timestamped:
                            u  = parser.getLastReceivedObject(timestamp=log_hdr.time)
                            u  = parser.getLastReceivedObject()
                        if u is not None:

                except TypeError:
                    print "End of file"


            print "Processed %d Log File Records" % len(uavo_parsed)

            print "Writing pickled log file to '%s'" % pickle_name
            import cPickle as pickle
            pickle_fd = open(pickle_name, 'wb')
            pickle.dump(githash, pickle_fd)
            pickle.dump(uavo_parsed, pickle_fd)

        print "Converting log records into python objects"
        uavo_list = taulabs.uavo_list.UAVOList(uavo_defs)
        for obj_id, data, timestamp in uavo_parsed:
            obj = uavo_defs[obj_id]
            u = obj.instance_from_bytes(data, timestamp)

        # We're done with this (potentially very large) variable, delete it.
        del uavo_parsed

        # Build a new module that will make up the global namespace for the
        # interactive shell.  This allows us to restrict what the ipython shell sees.
        import imp
        user_module = imp.new_module('taulabs_env')
                'operator'  : __import__('operator'),
                'base_time' : base_time,

        # Build the "user" (ie. local) namespace that the interactive shell
        # will see.  These variables show up in the output of "%whos" in the shell.
        user_ns = {
            'base_time' : base_time,
            'log_file'  : src,
            'githash'   : githash,
            'uavo_defs' : uavo_defs,
            'uavo_list' : uavo_list,

        # Extend the shell environment to include all of the uavo.UAVO_* classes that were
        # auto-created when the uavo xml files were processed.
        uavo_classes = [(t[0], t[1]) for t in taulabs.uavo.__dict__.iteritems() if 'UAVO_' in t[0]]

        if args.viewer:
            # Start the log viwer app
            from PyQt4 import QtGui
            from logviewer.gui import Window
            app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv)
            main = Window()
            main.plot(uavo_list, uavo_defs)
            # Instantiate an ipython shell to interact with the log data.
            import IPython
            from IPython.frontend.terminal.embed import InteractiveShellEmbed
            e = InteractiveShellEmbed(user_ns = user_ns, user_module = user_module)
            e.enable_pylab(import_all = True)
            e("Analyzing log file: %s" % src)
Beispiel #5
def main():
    # Setup the command line arguments.
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(usage=USAGE, description=DESC)

    # Log format indicates this log is using the old file format which
    # embeds the timestamping information between the UAVTalk packet
    # instead of as part of the packet
        "indicate that this is an overo log file or some format that has timestamps"

                        help="override githash for UAVO XML definitions")

                        help="launch the log viewer gui")

                        help="list of log files for processing")

    # Parse the command-line.
    args = parser.parse_args()

    # Process the source files.
    for src in args.sources:
        print "Reading Log file: %s" % src

        # Open the log file
        src = normalize_path(src)
        import cPickle as pickle
            pickle_name = src + '.pickle'
            pickle_fd = open(pickle_name, 'rb')
            githash = pickle.load(pickle_fd)
            uavo_parsed = pickle.load(pickle_fd)
            print "Recovered %d log entries from git hash '%s' pickled log file '%s'" % (
                len(uavo_parsed), githash, pickle_name)
            pickle_data_loaded = True
            pickle_data_loaded = False

        if not pickle_data_loaded:
            fd = open(src, "rb")

            if args.githash is not None:
                githash = args.githash
                # If we specify the log header no need to attempt to parse it

                # Check the header signature
                #    First line is "Tau Labs git hash:"
                #    Second line is the actual git hash
                #    Third line is the UAVO hash
                #    Fourth line is "##"
                sig = fd.readline()
                if sig != 'Tau Labs git hash:\n':
                    print "Source file does not have a recognized header signature"
                    print '|' + sig + '|'
                # Determine the git hash that this log file is based on
                githash = fd.readline()[:-1]
                if githash.find(':') != -1:
                    import re
                    githash =':(\w*)\W', githash).group(1)

                print "Log file is based on git hash: %s" % githash

                uavohash = fd.readline()
                divider = fd.readline()

        print "Exporting UAVO XML files from git repo"

        import taulabs
        uavo_defs = taulabs.uavo_collection.UAVOCollection()

        print "Found %d unique UAVO definitions" % len(uavo_defs)
        parser = taulabs.uavtalk.UavTalk(uavo_defs)

        base_time = None

        if not pickle_data_loaded:
            print "Parsing using the LogFormat: " + ` args.timestamped `
            print "Reading log file..."
            uavo_parsed = []
            while fd:
                    if args.timestamped and parser.state == taulabs.uavtalk.UavTalk.STATE_COMPLETE:
                        # This logging format is somewhat of a hack and simply prepends additional
                        # information in front of each UAVTalk packet.  We look for this information
                        # whenever the parser has completed a packet. Note that there is no checksum
                        # applied to this information so it can be totally messed up, especially if
                        # there is a frame shift error. The internal timestamping method of UAVTalk is
                        # a much better idea.

                        from collections import namedtuple
                        LogHeader = namedtuple('LogHeader', 'time size')

                        # Read the next log record header
                        log_hdr_fmt = "<IQ"
                        log_hdr_data =

                        # Check if we hit the end of the file
                        if len(log_hdr_data) == 0:
                            # Normal End of File (EOF) at a record boundary

                        # Got a log record header.  Unpack it.
                        log_hdr = LogHeader._make(
                            struct.unpack(log_hdr_fmt, log_hdr_data))

                        # Set the baseline timestamp from the first record in the log file
                        if base_time is None:
                            base_time = log_hdr.time


                    if parser.state == taulabs.uavtalk.UavTalk.STATE_COMPLETE:
                        if args.timestamped:
                            u = parser.getLastReceivedObject(
                            u = parser.getLastReceivedObject()
                        if u is not None:

                except TypeError:
                    print "End of file"


            print "Processed %d Log File Records" % len(uavo_parsed)

            print "Writing pickled log file to '%s'" % pickle_name
            import cPickle as pickle
            pickle_fd = open(pickle_name, 'wb')
            pickle.dump(githash, pickle_fd)
            pickle.dump(uavo_parsed, pickle_fd)

        print "Converting log records into python objects"
        uavo_list = taulabs.uavo_list.UAVOList(uavo_defs)
        for obj_id, data, timestamp in uavo_parsed:
            obj = uavo_defs[obj_id]
            u = obj.instance_from_bytes(data, timestamp)

        # We're done with this (potentially very large) variable, delete it.
        del uavo_parsed

        # Build a new module that will make up the global namespace for the
        # interactive shell.  This allows us to restrict what the ipython shell sees.
        import imp
        user_module = imp.new_module('taulabs_env')
            'operator': __import__('operator'),
            'base_time': base_time,

        # Build the "user" (ie. local) namespace that the interactive shell
        # will see.  These variables show up in the output of "%whos" in the shell.
        user_ns = {
            'base_time': base_time,
            'log_file': src,
            'githash': githash,
            'uavo_defs': uavo_defs,
            'uavo_list': uavo_list,

        # Extend the shell environment to include all of the uavo.UAVO_* classes that were
        # auto-created when the uavo xml files were processed.
        uavo_classes = [(t[0], t[1])
                        for t in taulabs.uavo.__dict__.iteritems()
                        if 'UAVO_' in t[0]]

        if args.viewer:
            # Start the log viwer app
            from PyQt4 import QtGui
            from logviewer.gui import Window
            app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv)
            main = Window()
            main.plot(uavo_list, uavo_defs)
            # Instantiate an ipython shell to interact with the log data.
            import IPython
            from IPython.frontend.terminal.embed import InteractiveShellEmbed
            e = InteractiveShellEmbed(user_ns=user_ns, user_module=user_module)
            e("Analyzing log file: %s" % src)